Lil Wayne & Travis Scott Get Weird with Jimmy Fallon - Starz launches

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Lil Wayne & Travis Scott Get Weird with Jimmy Fallon

  1. Popeyes Chicken: *PUMPKIN PEACHY PLEASURE*
  2. Mystic_Mayham: 0:16 it took me a while to figure out that muchdank edited the audio there..
  3. Yo Kai: This one was kinda wack
  4. ChickenPotStew: Why is Muchdank not the most popular channel on Youtube?
  5. craxy Dud3: Travis scott part is the best
  7. Grady Bowman: Pewdiepie probably owns this
  8. Nemanja NIkolic: Pumpkin peachy pleasure
  9. [LNKD]: god is dead, and we killed him. -Harambe
  10. 〽 Z: 😂
  11. Mitchell Roosevelt Sains: Haha made me spit my food out when Travis said his name 😂 good shit
  12. Maks Repsol: Spongebob
  13. Bj Fowler: Ok gonna try to watch this again I couldn't even get past the first minute n it's only like 3 I was laughing so hard I swear ......I'ma smoke after this time 🚬💨
  14. Holographic Marlon Brando: *QUOTE IN BOLD*
  15. Markus: hey bitch IT’S SO DISCUSTING
  16. Goro chuuu: Nope
  17. Jamie Taylor: I wish he put auto tune on Travis lol
  18. Lil boi Danish: *GET WIERD*
  19. Lord of the Milfs: Raraararaarrrara - lil Wayne 2018
  21. Blaine Burris: I can’t watch Much Dank in class no more... I be smiling so big trying to hold in my laugh I always end up having to force myself to turn it off so I don’t embarrass tf outta myself 😂😂😂 lmao smh. I just go home and let it all out as a rewind the video a million times 😂😂😂
  22. Somali pirate who's actually somali: Don't let this distract you from the fact that drake somehow caught an L at ufc 229.
  23. Alexander Telling: HAHAHHAHAAH LOVE IT!! IM SO DEAD X'D !!!!
  24. Orwell Jones Laeddis: Jimmy: The record's awesome Travis: *EHEHEH*
  25. ツ【sp6ce】: Best meme editor
  26. Livi Pozniak: guest: *breathes* jimmy: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂
  27. It's yer boi da mane: muchdank... u silly these videos are hilarious
  28. JUL·IΛN: Nice one , *ARIES*
  29. Pure Shinobi: much dank has grown so far
  30. Ian Turnbow: Top 5 from MuchDank for sure.
  31. C 84: *YEAH*
  32. Meexi: What's the song at the end?
  33. Jay Daniel: *_Pumpkin Peachy Pleasure_*
  34. Smoke: 0:49 - 0:58 holy fuck I swear MuchDank is the funniest channel on youtube
  35. Swifty: Poor Jimmy
  36. Wish I was sleeping: I'm high af right now and this video got me dying 😂😂😂
  37. PrimeEvanTV: Very uncash moneylike
  38. Spencer Cowan: "Pumpkin Peachy Pleasure"
  39. omarsfuneral: +Princess Pumpkin he said "u cant smell it on tv so I was like wtf
  40. Howlyy: I hate the clap sound efect
  41. Eleazar Moraru: heheeeBoyy
  42. SNGaming: What happened to Wayne’s voice
  43. Aidan Wirick: lmao wtf
  44. _ anibis_: A few minutes
  45. 133 80: Pumpkin peachy
  46. por qué: Why is Lil Wayne always so pathetic in these edits? 😂💀
  47. Benji: 😂
  48. HombGaming: Why travis scott look and laugh like a goat?...
  49. Spirzy: "my girl is actually Jamba Juice" lmao
  50. Sierra Savage: Is it weird that i bussed out laughing before the video even hit 10 seconds
  51. whitedeath 500: *Slurping intensifies*
  52. A person: This is too funny
  53. GATT ICA: This genre of videos died
  55. Giusti J: Eheheh
  56. IssaLiyah 234: I heard you were lesbian
  57. Stock: The clapping and snaps 😂😂😂
  58. Sam Alxr: Wtf Bro, isn’t uploading the original video copyright?
  59. f f d: sounds like bobby shmurda
  60. Choi Minyuk: That fart killed me
  61. Melly: His hair looks like a long ass turds
  62. universal love: Can you do Kanye in the White House pleaseeeee make it funny !!!!
  63. *-I I-*: Lmao the Whoopi Goldberg got me
  64. A W: Shit was sooofunny
  65. JOHN GRIGORAKOS: the intense sipping, breathing, licking are probably the best thing about these videos
  66. Viaa Visaa: pumpkin peachy pleasure
  68. spa get: I almost choked on my chocolate milk LMAOOOO 0:48
  69. BeachBoyJyo: if anyone is looking for new music I got some pretty good stuff on my channel.
  71. Weaboodestroyer: That juice was too juicy
  72. Lenny Summers: *hehehehheheeheh intensifies*
  73. Pink Floyd3: This is the best I've seen lmao
  74. James Flood: WTF Muchdank where the hell you been for 2 weeks man!? We need more Muchdank damnit!!!!
  75. Neel Waghmare: This is insanely funny.
  76. Arvind: Love your work, forever your fan.subscribed!
  77. Sakhile Makama: PEACHY PLEASURE
  78. Matt Roscoe: My two favorites: travis is my current, wayne is my all time
  79. Rosegold Beats: Sony Spherizein sony vegas pro
  80. Luciano Appiah: *TRAVIS SCOTT*
  81. joshnn: Masterpiece
  83. Prayceez: LMFAO
  84. The Fresh Press: Another masterpiece lol
  85. Neptune Atlas: SCUMMMMMM GANGGGGGG
  86. Moist Men Cheats: Steven Zepeda Flanger
  87. Adriel Mogollon: Turns psychotic after watching
  88. Big Thonks: Pumpkin peachy pleasure
  89. Bloach Croachens: dude your like dislike ratio is fucking golden
  90. rip lilbopeep: Yes ! A new video !!
  91. Émile Duchesne: I cried of laughter 8 seconds in
  92. Murtaza Aamir: Man, this was amazing.
  93. Spongebob SquarePants: I love getting weird 😏 Ha got em
  94. Owen Dawes: You didn't need to edit the Travis Scott interview. Awkward asf as it is.
  95. blckboy 71: Travis is a fake asap rocky He also sounds like a horse
  96. Jerome Harper: 0:16 is all i ever hear from him tbh
  97. Ya Boi: Not worth the wait shit not that funny come on much dank wtf !
  98. Uzair Ghauri: Where's the logic interview at? Especially the one where he mentions you
  99. Lama: кактус джек
  100. Zaheer Sarang: You know what's interesting. This video was not even edited. That is just what an interview with Lil Wayne is like.
  101. Chris Giraldo: My government name is Pumpkin Peachy Pleasure
  102. mkui cunt: *S*T*I*C*K* *T*O* *T*H*E* *S*U*B*J*E*C*T*
  103. The Pursuer: 0:18 fuck I can’t breathe lmao
  104. STON'd AF: *HERE BEFORE 100K!*
  105. james campbell: Pumpkin PEACHY pleasure
  106. Jack Daniel: 0:38 *WHEEZING*
  107. Tobino Powah: I always wonder what the original interview is like
  108. Emily: 0:20 what I hear in math class
  109. Tyrell Black: Wayne with the million-dollar smile that shit shines
  110. BoXeN34: Its Aries af
  111. Red: Yessss i was waiting on the Travis one 😂😂
  112. Osprey [OspreyBeats]: My uncle's name is piano
  113. BloodMist Assasin: *TRAVIS SCOTT*
  114. Soapy Banana: 0:09 when ur waiting for ur dad to whoop you
  115. Will: Pumpkin Peachy Pleasure Jr
  116. Greg: God I fucking hate Jimmy Fallon but this shit was funny
  117. Digobick: *ye*
  118. fasty: I like how he looks like a mudokon from Abe’s Oddysee and also sounds scarily similar
  119. Brave Cb: Really do em like dat
  120. Ashley Doughnuts: Heeyyyyy do you have a Spotify playlist I could follow
  121. Roland DuSon: I barely smiled. I suppose if you make ANY money from making this, it wasn't a total waste.
  122. Cray May: I couldn’t wait for this 😂😂😂 as soon as I heard Travis laugh I knew you’d be on it.
  123. Bobby Atlas: Pumpkin peachy pleasure
  124. dj Crockett: DYLAN MOCTEZUMA pactrick know your uncles 😂
  126. Nickypoo 92: *PUmpKin PEACHY PleAsUrE*
  127. Antweezy: almost look like the girl morphing assassin from attack of the clones
  128. Glorpinboopin: Nope
  129. Ben Davies: You edit Lil Wayne speak but he still sounds the same.
  130. Ravin James: Awesome the fart part had me dying......
  131. ATAJUGGKIDD: Inquiring about the outro song lemme cop that intsrumental😭😭
  132. Craftmasy: Don’t let this distract you from the fact
  133. Ed Bates: What is the song that muchdank plays at the end of the video??
  134. AYO G: Dude needs to cut them nasty ass dread off I’m sorry
  135. I am the real Bankskey: Wtf😭
  136. Jeremy sym: I had a friend name scott He is dead now
  137. Dormio Vibes: "Actually no its not.... HUgh"
  138. Humphrey Ainsworth: Never fails to disappoint
  139. InfamouS: 💀💀💀💀
  140. ROBBIE RECK-LESS: Lol the lil wayne voice mod is hilarious, then the STICK TO THE SUBJECT. Hands down best one yet! R.I.P STAPLE GUN 😪
  141. johnnycage: 1:03 OUTTA NOWHERE
  142. altoids 252: I Write A Song A Day dude I was laughing so much lol
  143. Maithreya Gowda: Thanks for putting Denzel in there at the end! 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
  144. Pimpa Licious: this is like a shitty version of super deluxes channel
  145. salah laraba ziane: Wtf is this i m dead
  146. Noyzz: * Licks lips aggressively*
  147. Jackie Slack: Nah, Muah Government Name Is.... Like The Government Named Him....
  148. Darkbuzz: 13th :\
  149. Michael Ungaro: somebody get him some water damn
  150. Oscar Morales: *straw sipping intensifies*
  152. SystemRichie: I literally died when he pulled out Whoppie Goldburg
  153. omarsfuneral: 0:49 did he actually fart
  154. FL_Studio: R.I.P 2 R.I.P at the end. nice. denzelcurryisawesome
  155. I am in Jin’s heart: So uh I know these are rappers can you do bts
  156. M M: 0:16 to 0:34 almost killed me
  157. Newsome Productions: This channel is awesome
  158. Raul Pina: I was waiting on you and you out do yourself every time.
  159. BLZRD Designs: Piano
  160. Keyhole: He speaking Alien
  161. 50 Cent: LOOOOOOOLLL
  162. odinio damessi: nononononononono
  163. Kevätkääryle: Quality.
  164. JJ Ortiz: The way Fallon flinched in the end
  165. Cant Mew it like me: 0:16 HAHAHAHAHAHA
  166. wtfdaniellaaa: bro his voice has 10 different melodies
  167. PABŁØ 23F: Pumpkin Peachy Pleasure
  168. El Moreno: JAJAJAJA claveee
  169. Paula Hernández: LOL
  170. kristers Vilnis: What program do you use? Btw I love your vids
  171. Dennis4Videos: _snap_ _snap_ _snap_ *clap* _snap_ _snap_
  173. connor ellis: 1:44 is my favorite part.
  174. Neftoodles: I hate that no one finds this funny but me
  175. Dylan Hanlon: Absolute legend
  176. Benedikte No hate, just watching: Take the sub on😉Who can understand what he saying?
  177. Red Kujo: PumPKIN P E A C H YplEasUrE
  178. Noel Fernandez: Bro you are phenomenal with editing this shit has me dying every time I watch your videos good shit man keep up the hard work.
  179. Rixt: I’m crying bro
  180. Chi: 👏👏👏👏👏👏 👏👏👏👏💥👌💥👌👏👏💥👌👏👏
  181. Mario Martinez: Y’all please tell me someone dressing this man lil Wayne, cuz if he dressing himself he a god damn foool 😂 Still a legend tho ☝🏽
  182. Absurd Lifestyle: Much funny Much entertainment Much Wayne Much Fallon Much awkward Much Scott Much Dank
  183. Kaydimens: Lil Wayne voice though
  184. I don't know: *Breathes*
  185. Daniel Gomez: Lil Wayne part was so good!
  186. The Spaceman: Pumpkin Peachy Pleasure, I’m named after my dad
  188. DB FUTURE: Travis is a goat literally
  189. Jared Emerson-Johnson: *Pumpkin Peachy Pleasure*
  190. Borys Krynicki: That's what I live for.
  191. Fred: aries your new song goes crazy
  192. K R A L L I: 😂😂😂😂
  193. HH: lmaoooooooooooooooooo
  194. Sathu: How long do these take to edit
  195. AWDproductions: Slaves didn't know how to write. Lil Wayne doesn't know how to write down his own lyrics.
  196. ULTIMATE BEAST GAMING: You need to do lean wit me by juice wrld
  197. Skauge: Masterpiece
  198. Euqirneh M.: Why didn't you edit Lil Waynes voice ?
  199. Dead _Vvibes: Denzel curry
  200. Francwha: I have reason to believe that lil wayne isn’t actually edited
  201. Idk my name: 0:50 IM SCREAMING HELP
  202. Shinobi Bliss: I'm dead
  203. FallenOut Diverge: This is a goat video especially waynes part
  204. Patrick Hare: WTF is Travis wearing omg
  205. Dominic Melendez: Pusha T Joe Budden up next commin
  206. King Chris: Bro when Travis threw the cup omg it was hilarious 😂
  207. Azoo Cola: Comedy and commentary are protected under fair use.
  208. Jenny Babe: Travis laughs like a sheep.
  209. unfried: I am laughing
  210. medaman15able: I ain’t ever seen a YTP page get this popular
  211. Official_Instrumentals: Please do Judge Judy
  212. XXForgetXX: 💀
  213. Real relationships: hey bitch pussy
  214. a whole nugget: *p u m k i n p e a c h y p l e a s u r e*
  215. KishHero: What that whoopi goldberg?
  216. Jay Ali: Travis seems like he's brain washed.
  217. jazmyne: Lil Wayne sound like a radio tryna get a signal
  218. D1N0 ALG: This video was funny as fuck man
  219. MCA Cassey: my government name is.. *PUMPKIN PEACHY PLEASURE*
  220. Replay: *Nardwuar vs. Denzel Curry next. please*
  221. Potato Boy: Did he really show woopie Goldberg on the real show?
  222. ExtraordinaryTV: Fax
  223. Nate Nodelle: my girl is actually jamba juice
  224. Diego Jimenez: 2:19 wow he made cup 1 and 2 disappear. whata fucking magician
  225. Benji lööps: Yeet
  226. ıllıllı кєиωσятн ıllıllı: *P U M P K I N P E A C H Y P L E A S U R E*
  227. Israge: whats song at the end called
  228. SpyroYTE: PUMPKIN PEACHIE PLEASURE! hehehehehewhwhwhw
  229. Arwa Naji: This edit dude😂😂
  230. phuc Phạm: Real funny SHIT
  231. Lunarstate: u got so much better wit the edit, keep up the good work
  232. D F: lil wayne is so fucking dumb
  233. Mohamed Rifi: LilWayne look like homeless woman
  234. Siduel: *slurping intensifies*
  235. fabulous: How tf do you come with these ideas you a genius 👏
  236. Mr Weeb: Fuck this nibba asap rocky he fucked up Navs verse on YOSEMITE...
  237. Tarek Rahou: oh man you're a genius
  238. Dale Munson: Trolling what?
  239. Dun Ouchea: Ive said this once and ill say it once again...this aint even edited bruh😪
  240. Justin Archer: Wayne is fucked up man.
  241. Adore Word: Lil Wayne’s hair looks like a long turd
  242. RaZoRFoX 396: My real name is pumpkin peachy pleasure haha
  243. Haseeb Jutt: Pumpkin peache pleasure
  244. I AM DANNY EL: *you were like a lesbian*
  245. Thaison Tower: i knew after seeing your comment on R.I.P. that you'd use that song on your next vid
  246. ? ¿: Too much wrong with this. Lil Wayne looks and sounds like an Alien. Travis looks and sounds like a goat. But he's the GOAT!
  247. Leo Swan: Do kanye and lil pump snl performance
  248. UFO: duuuude I got the "male heavy breathing" sound effect from your channel for a beat of mine also :') thanks
  249. Magnus: you got Kendrick Lamar and Travis Scott TRAVIS SCOTT EVERYBODY
  250. Andrew: *muhahaha*
  251. Shinklenuggz: PumpkinPeachyPleasure
  252. J: Do McGregor v Khabib press conference
  253. Cat playing guitar On a guitar: Thiwowowowawaw
  254. Ace god blayt: My uncle name piano 😂
  255. Jewulz: lil wayne an actual martian
  256. Formatted Miusu: +Moose boonk gang did his job for him xd, lil Wayne's voice in this is too good
  257. Chitralal Arambam: Man
  259. I'm Zekk: S t I c K t O t H e S u B j E c T
  260. Mike Dion: he's a true artist but this is hilarious lol
  261. Subviper007: Yo Muchdank you inspired my latest video with Mo Bamba (Sheck Wes’s Genius lyrics video) and it’s funny as fuck so thanks for doing what you do and inspiring me to do some wack shit 😂😂
  262. Bejo37 Xx: how do you make that effect at 0:06 or at least what is it called?
  263. Narayan Shanker: Junior
  264. Goten_Black 55: Where that Logic interview
  265. fisherfriend11: I would pay for this quality of *D A N K*
  266. Xan: The Best Video Made by Humans
  267. AnonymOusFK: U so awesome!!!!!
  268. Loud Tumpy: ur videos are fucking art
  270. camera man for Different shows: Im a real musician
  271. farhan khan: Y’all too funnyyyy😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  272. Lennart Muijres: Can't tell if edited or not
  273. Lil Nocturno: Pumpkin peachy pleasure, I’m named after my dad
  274. Angelina: Yo wtf why am I even subscibed when you don't even edit the videos. smh man this was the literal interview 😔
  275. leni ruklic: Lil waynes voice is so satisfying i wish he rapped like that
  276. Ace god blayt: How do I edit like that
  277. Deadpool: Best one
  278. B Levels: When Lil Wayne started talking I lost it 😂😂
  279. Too Tru: *S T I C K T O T H E S U B J E C T*
  280. Lit Bars: I love Wayne and this had me dying 😂😂😩
  281. WtF ArE U tAlKiNg AbOuT nIgGa: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  282. Demxan: I see u putting that lowkey Denzel outro, u aint slick bruh
  283. The Random Hub!: Chloé J lol
  284. Reggie Muhfuggin Regg: Perfect editing bruh 🤣🤣🤣
  285. Ben Goldberg: my government name is *Pumpkin PEAchy PleASure* Im named after my dad
  286. Kushagra Tomar: Are all nigga such stupid????
  287. Kelis Daniel: Travis Scott has the laugh of a goat
  288. Живко Попов: Real muchdank fans knew this was coming 😂😂😂💀
  289. Epik Zebras: Jimmy fallon is already a fucking clown
  290. Yugvijay: 😂😂🤣
  291. Mathis Vogelmann: He's the goat xD
  292. akaJeriah: Hey Aries👀
  293. xd SkillzBoii: be gone THOT 😂😂👌🏾👌🏿👌🏻👌🏽👌👌🏼
  295. Brodzzzzz: When Lil Wayne’s voice went into Phaser Mode... I came close to death from laughing so fucking hard 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  296. Kraze Animations: 0:15 xD
  297. jparker-23: He has to do the Kanye and Trump meeting next lmao
  298. Verquinn: that's the dude kylie jenner fucking? lmao
  299. Peachy Daniel: *pumkin peachy pleasure*
  300. Gabe river: You’re alive!
  301. Remsak Remsak: 🐐
  302. Martin McMayer: "my girl, my girl, is actually dumb" Accurate
  303. TheHidalgo99: God bless you this is comedy gold lol
  304. DormaniAvenue: how do ppl make these videos
  305. räkänokkakarvaperse: Why have you stopped editing your videos man? Is something wrong?
  306. Alberto Del Corral: Omg HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
  307. BEDCORN: 2:20
  308. therealdmtri: maybe if we get him to a million subscribers he'll actually reveal that he is aries
  310. quintan bacchus: Thumb nail makes me ashamed to be a past sub
  311. LIL SCAR: This Editing Is at Whole Another Level
  312. Ainsley Harriott: “My girl is actually Jamba Juice”
  313. CHEESEBURGGA GAMING: He need to make an album about the *STAPLEGUN*
  314. MsMozymozart: Lil Wayne sound demonic af
  315. Z4G: Pumpkin peachy flavour.
  316. Anthony B: 0:16 *_I’M FUCKING DEADDDD!!_* 🤣 *_AAAHHHHHH!!_* 😂
  317. deadgirl1o4: Pumpkin peachy pleasure
  318. Maximilian Sus: Vocal effect at 0:21?
  319. A: I saw your comment on rip 2 rip right away bruhhh you the goat
  320. Narcis: Almost forgot to watch this today
  322. puurps: Yooo what happened to the new video Out like a light ??
  323. gothic lemons: Travis laugh sound like spongebob slowed down
  324. hope u all a good day: MuchDank make every interview a bit weird and so funny😂😂😂
  325. Harzo: Do MGK interview ffs
  326. Ink 29: Lil Wayne talking got me dying 😂😂😂😂😂
  327. Guy Fieri: my name is *PUMPKIN PEACHY PLEASURE*
  328. Usaid Talha: 😂😂😂😂😂
  329. MUIZILLASAURUS REX: Vuxvux watched dis
  330. Lael Hansen Toe Sucker: I think Lil Wayne having another seizure....
  331. Lee Diamonds: “They araratahadasub theyararahavedasubject” - Lil Wayne
  332. Joey Killah: Carti murdered that beat
  333. gol.D jirayia: I died from laughter 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
  334. Captain MacMillan: 0:56 caption this
  335. Bhishek Thakur: That clap tho. 🤣🤣🤣
  336. tobs25: Wtf i m trippin
  337. justin: Different ties
  338. David James-Cameron: 0:38 Why ya gotta do Whoopi like that??? 😂😂😂😂
  339. George Asamoah-Awuah: *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Sip* *Clap* *JAMBA JUICE*
  340. Harsimran Kohli: 2:22 never thought he could do that...
  341. RhythmicLab: 😂 awesome video I enjoyed this
  342. Auntie Dontai: *SIPPING INTENSIFIES*
  343. Voltage HD Panda: I Stop Watching his Video's in school After I got in Trouble In Spanish Class for Laughing out loud.
  344. Bofa Boy: 0:50 😂
  345. TayTheWhatAndWho: Travis laughed like dash when he found out he could run on water
  346. aye its kavencci: 😂😂😂
  347. cynthia green: lol
  348. Willie WMS: Please Please Please Please Please Please do Kanye Trump White House Visit!!!!!!!!!!!!
  349. Infamous J-H00ĶŻ: Lil wayne Breathing deep anxiety " you cant even talk about it "
  350. RT TV: This might be your best video yet, the way you transitioned Travis in there was epic bro, here’s your medal 🥇🙌🏽
  351. _*FlamingGOAToB*_: *yeah*
  352. Enki Merlin: Loli had to rewind to realise that Wayne's voice was changed
  354. Sonal J: This is probs my fav vid by you
  355. dude that's here: I wish I could type travis laugh to make a cool comment
  356. Aduir Aduir: Oh lawd 😅😅😅😅
  357. Nabi Sonyeo: MCA Cassey i was named after my dad
  358. ELYSHA: fuck this is so funny
  359. Eric G: Wtf lol
  360. Carlos Guerrero: *HEHHEHEHEHHEHEH*
  361. MrCheeseman217: The thumbnails are killing me 😂
  362. Bruce Wayne: You should do a video of mgk on the Breakfast Club
  363. Action Cat: 😭😂😂😂😂😂😂
  364. Ethan Foster: *PUMPKIN PEACHY PLEASURE*
  365. Fight me.: Pumpkin peachy pleasure the second
  366. Tarek Rahou: mASTERPIECE
  367. totes: somebody enter this into the cannes film festival
  368. Shane W: THE OUTROOOOO Denzel the god
  369. stop screaming ok ?: "uhhhhhh" travis scott #2018-2019
  370. CHROME NINJA: +Kanye’s LeftLeg SHIT IM SORRY
  371. qwerty Stanislaus: I’m named after my dad...
  372. LordKlek: please tell me you guys are working on the kanye/trump meeting!!!
  373. Champagne davy: Travis sounds like a autotuned trap horse
  374. Aerochalklate: No, rocky slips on semen
  375. Madåra aj: *Nehehehehehehe*
  376. 1985s k: That fart caught me off guard 😂😂😂
  377. Niakate Sonnuke: 😸
  378. Randomtheboy 12: *goat laugh intensifies*
  379. (Peace) Year 👏 Review 👏, b i t c h 👏.: I legit thought this shit was real for a sec 😂😂😂
  380. IcyLife: 😂😂😂😂the weird voice
  381. Fentti: *Travis dyed his hair?* 🔥
  382. Javi del Val: *that's just fantastic*
  383. Akira Williams: I seen wat u did there also I'm 6 foot 7😏
  384. Dionysius: Scott ugly af
  385. Alex Errday: ok i watched this video aaaaaaaaaand you know what? imma just say it. ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ my beats hard af.
  386. AMVAP: Wayne's voice is slowly giving up on him
  387. 4PAC: 1:45 deeeeezzz nuts
  388. Agents Old Towel: *P U M P K I N P E A C H Y P L E A S U R E*
  389. _ OllieTEE _: Denzel curry is my dad
  390. Sophie likesramen: Thank u much dank
  391. EliCinco9: Make that Travis Scott song extended
  392. Sahir: Uhh yeah my girl actually is J A M B A J U I C E Eehehehehehehehee
  393. PUNANI_SLAYER420: *hehe*
  394. GamerNerd FTW: Damn sucks I didn’t catch these episodes
  395. ketan singh: My god
  396. fgab TO: MEH MEH MEEEh
  397. —JR—: This is art
  398. onari: lil wayne looks like E.T fr
  399. tominosawyer420: my government name is pumpkin peachy
  400. random guy: Outro beat is by Playboi Carti songs called R.I.P
  401. TK’s Bass boosts: Lmao
  402. Adam Barkham: 00:16 tbh it took me a few seconds to realise that lil Wayne's voice was changed
  403. Lord Chosen: +Afro Guy Sick dude! Please tell me you don't use head and shoulders
  404. El famous Jime: 😂😂yo dead ass me when i wake up in da morning
  405. Jose Luis Lopera Martinez: 00:50 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  406. MurpaeBoii: So your pewdiepie.. &FlyingKitty
  407. BoxProd: You are actually a genius
  408. Gavin Dozer: funny ash
  409. Hiramo Ch: best one yet
  410. Rudy Straight: Lil wayne looks like a frequency wave
  411. lil RAF: You gotta edit the interview where asap rocky told the story where he was slippin on semen😂😂
  412. Olivia Grace Wilkin: pumpkin peachy pleasure
  413. Carter Wright: +Ryan Price same thing
  414. Austin Xavier: Muchdank fills the void of Eric Andre style interviews
  416. MarvFIT: Muchdank this is incredible work, keep it up
  417. White: You need a new clap sound. Everything else sounds good and funny, but the clapping sounds like somthing from my old SonyEricsson.
  418. Sadaf Sekandarpoor: Was waiting for this
  419. Luke Sivad: Outro song fire
  420. Lalaa ILand95: Childish boe 😭😭
  421. HairyGrenade: 0:06 Bro im high af and this had me dying LOL
  422. LUNΛ is watching: i saw this coming, and i am not disappointed.
  423. destini mitchell: 0:07 that smile u make when u know u lying 😂😂😂😂😂
  424. Stock: Hilarious
  425. yuvv: *wtf* 0_o
  426. Tesh Tesh: Lmao
  427. Diego Delgado: Ammm WTF
  428. CardiUno: *Sipping Through Straw Intensifies*
  430. Aniss Zemri: My uncle's name is... . . . . . . *P I A N O* mehehehheeh
  431. Walid Ukt: Lmfaaooooo
  432. Connor McKeen: The outro tracks are always fire
  433. Yungsleepy ixi: Stick to the subject *gulp* YEAH
  434. Thomas Cogger: Its amazing how many people think this is real unedited footage
  435. Ramy Hamouda: KishHero He just looks like Whoopi Goldberg and a gremlin had a kid
  436. djdamage514: Haha i was waiting on this one 🔥🔥🔥
  437. Lee Diamonds: This one is classic
  438. TheFunFantasy: why does travis look like a 12 year old boi wearing his fathers suit💀
  440. Scotty Beast: Everyone always says this on every dank video and for whatever reason people still laugh about it lol most outplayed joke on this channels comments sections
  441. Christopher Colwell: Isn’t Lil Wayne a host on The View? Edit: oh yeah the Whoopi Goldberg joke
  442. Jaylon Harrison: Travis Scott look like a vampire
  443. Jays adventures: I’m so high and I’m laughing my ass off outdloud at every second of this
  444. Stephanie Codd: Lol
  445. Nathan: Watch this s tone
  446. Kqhyen: Are you Lil Bored's B I G Brother?
  447. J DoritoHead: Aries?
  448. arsenal4thew: *The thumbnails*
  449. JR Smith: We need a longer version of this
  450. Questioning Everything: This was disappointing to be honest , your quality has been going down lately please get your shit together
  451. Kawber: This isn't even edited man wtf
  452. RKPCH Reactions!: that ending had me LMAO
  453. Poser: Izak Ashley Carrillos Gutierrez hey guys I’m dropping some fire bangers in 2023 🎵🔥🔥and 21 Savage and Lil skies might feature in it!! So make make sure you subscribe to my channel because you don’t wanna miss it!! ☺️❤️
  454. DARK SHADOW9032: Your video is SO FUNNY but im french and my english level is medium 😂😑 , so please Can you make french subtitles 🙏 for the french community .
  455. meme thot: _pumpkin peachy pleasure_
  456. Anthony Lopez: your sound effects are so fucking dope men
  457. Gabriela Sanchez: This is too funny 😂😂
  458. BrokeN: I cant stand lil Wayne, His voice burns my inside, Terrible rapper. FUCK WAYNE
  459. Retro 88: Auto tune is the best😂😂
  460. gunky peep: no its pumpkin peachy pleasure, dont you know anything about hip hop
  461. Daniel Dizon: Very good muchdank, or should I say *ARIES*
  462. Joe- Joel: 0:08 that scary movie breathing 😂🤣😂
  463. ISIS Member: If I sucked my own dick, that makes me gay???
  464. bigsnap11: The sentence mixing is hilarious!
  465. darin_ the_loser: Sans
  466. Eric Daniel: The ending was hilarious 😂
  467. Slowed audios: Kawber dedass
  468. SADepression: Video 2 min Wrote this in 1 min This ayn't it chief
  469. k: Travis look like spongebob at that dance with pearl
  471. Sergio Lucas: Congrats you got a Kendrick Lamar on your Travis Scott.
  472. Swapnil Kakoty: Your name should be Dr. Dank
  473. UNKNOWN HOSTILE: Uhhhh my uncles name is PIANO
  474. Kelis Daniel: Almost @ 1 Mil
  475. Mr. Lawson: Denzel in the outro 🔥
  476. Rayditz: That lil wayne pic tho
  477. BlackCat107: Idk why but I just yelled out laughing and woke up my brother but overall this is so fucking funny I don’t know why🤨
  478. TUDO: Bro at least edit something, this is straight up stolen content...
  479. Instagram Models: Somali pirate who's actually somali because he edit Wayne voice
  480. Legal Screens: Much dank falling off....
  481. 40BANDS UZUMAKi: pumpkin peachy pleasure
  482. aly rodriguez: i love travis but his laugh really sounds like a goat
  483. sorrowsuperstar10: 0:16 Deep ass Lean Voice kicks in !
  484. cannot pr0cess: Chloé J 😂
  485. Octavio Aguirre: That Travis transition was smooth asf
  486. Joan Olga Keine: this is funny asf 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
  487. Clyde Frogg: Wtf is wrong with asap great value laughing like a damn goat that got butt raped by a hiyena
  489. Dewan M Durnto: Eli Flash 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  490. Albert Phan: So are you Aries?
  491. KickStarrs: RIP 2 RIP | R1P 2 R1P
  492. EW NIKO: RT TV he don’t give af about ur lame ass opinion
  493. QUARIUSA A: Much dank you're a legend
  494. vanessa ace: he sounds like those people on comercials talking about how they started smoking young and they have a tube in they throat wich makes them talk weird lmao
  495. Bradles McGee: MuchDank has leveled up
  496. Everything4405: 0:25 it’s so funny how he leans like wtf is he saying??
  497. Jaylin Allen: "My uncle is a piano." Please tell me that was inspired by that Rae Sremmurd interview where they said their parents were instruments. That's one of my favorite interviews of all time, up there with "my balls was hot"
  498. WokeUp LikeThis: Travis was high no edit
  499. no name: Your videos make me happy.
  500. Akira Williams: Stop stALkiNG me
  501. Earl Swift: This kid has been robbed of his childhood😭🤖
  502. BabyCakes: 0:16 I died because of the voice xD
  503. Arkhitektz: he says he doesnt "write" AS IF its something to be proud of or wear as a badge of honor...yeah,jerkoff you dont write...and it fuckin shows!been spewing nothing but elementary school level GARBAGE for the last 20 years.
  504. Nick Cabrera: "My government name is pumpkin peachy pleasure" 😂💀
  505. Vipul Phadkule: *THE* *clapping* *when *Travis *Scott* *gets* *in* 😂
  506. predzz: Aehahaha
  507. snowrida1: I don't know what I would do without muchdank
  508. Amanda Medina: LMFAOOO
  509. bossman local: Lil Wayne voice got built in Autotune
  510. God: *pumpkin peachy pleasure*
  511. Caring: When Travis started clapping I lost it
  512. Young Breezy: Look like shit coming out his head
  513. Gang Shit: Is this the real *interview?*
  514. Anwar Abro: I want to see the real episode now. This was pretty funny tho
  515. Guissippie // lil sip: 😭
  516. Cheeky Dragon Sounds: 😂😂😂 Muchdank Thanks for the laughs!!!
  517. Cielo Villarroel Soriano: 0:09 Me on Tuesdays....
  518. Jeremie Mickens: Do another Joe Budden one
  519. itachi uchiha: Fucking wtf this shit got !e laughing hard asf and i ain't even high
  520. Diarmid Thomson: I'm named after my dad
  521. Tropical99: TRIPLE P
  522. G3LO tv: Why no Gucci mane yet??.....
  523. ItG Ma: I never knew that Travis Scott was a lesbian?????!!!!?!
  524. Bre Angel: Why do I feel like this is not editted
  525. AI Goalies: This guy made this high
  526. chris: 😭
  527. Spo N: tHiS iSnt eVEn edItED
  528. Zax: lmaoooooo man
  530. Monarch Magic: Help me get to 1k guys hit that bell Yall see the eminem one
  531. AlexFPS: That black guy is fucking strange.
  532. MarbRed Fred: Even this video makes me HATE jimmy Fallon even more 😂😂😂
  533. Tom Schaum: Lil Wayne: _werwewfjaidfjisdjweradskasjkjasdwdawdasfkjaer_ Jimmy Fallon: *_that's just fantastic_*
  534. MARION NUGGETS: Yooo this got mt stomach hurting laughing to hard
  535. Lazar Slave: HAHAHA😂😂😂😂😂😂
  536. Abstrakt Ak: I was reading this while Travis was fake laughing
  538. TwentyTWO: The goat (Travis Scott) laughs like a goat
  539. VALMER LYNN: 1:15 Takes me back to travis scotts longggggggggg dick comment the kylie jen.......ass slapping motion
  540. XxsavagedinoxX: Gf: so what we gonna be doing tonight? Me: 1:11
  541. Lincoln Ornelas: we luv MuchDank.
  542. Lord Farquaad TV: MayhemGoingHam my girl is jamba juice
  543. Oz: Why don't you add the air horn while you're at it
  544. Jordan Brown: Eli Manning disliked this video 11 times
  545. Jamal Jaydon: *something unfunny in bold text*
  546. lildux_: Lil Wayne in a Chinatown market shirt wow
  547. Gregoose 75009: Much dank will remain in history
  548. Marcus Carcus: Make a vid of Travis Scott licking his lips.
  549. DubStepina: 1:37 black sheep that was totally not racist
  550. Paul Morrison: 😂 the Wayne part took me out
  551. Ryan Price: It pumpkin peachy pleasure😂
  552. Samantha Guillen: 1:26 I ALMOST PEED MY PANTS 😂😂
  553. FlameWave: Please, I need more videos to cure my depression
  554. Lil Fishy: Lil wayne be sounding like pac man
  555. Stefano Vanni: hahahahahahhahahaahah
  556. ROHAM anims: are u pew die pie comming from flying kitty face reveal vid
  557. CapoDella Mafia: travis' interview is pretty much the same
  558. jnsz ua: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  559. LIL SCAR: Waiting for Notification
  560. Spediegaming: Face reveal at 1m ???????????
  561. Squidward tentacles: I LAUGHED SO HARD I SHIT MY pants
  562. Zenith: These fucking comments man. Now I can't hear Travis laugh without seeing Spongebob or a goat. 😂
  563. im dat nigga: Cole Hone its a record scratcher effect like what DJ’s have on there sound board. That “er-wih er-wih er-wih” effect
  564. Herofreddy: 1:12 Mooooooonika!
  567. Tyler Trujillo: On a bus fuck a bussdown I rather buss a nut
  568. Will: *Guest says anything* Fallon: 😂😂😂😩😩😩😂😂😂
  569. QUICKSILVER500: Can you do Shark Tank
  570. nicholas adams: Best vid in a min
  571. Bleach: *S t i c k t o t h e s u b j e c t*
  572. Duck Ass: I heard that it used to be you were like a *LESBIAN*
  573. Random guy: Don't ever leave YouTube, man.
  574. Not A Troll I promise: YESSS <3 Love you and your videos
  575. Ceci Loo: This is the funniest shit ever
  577. Jay Ali: 😂 😂 😂
  578. Shn.: Will pretty much.😂😂😂
  579. SoundEffectsFactory: Thanks for sampling my "sipping drink from straw" and "male heavy breathing" sound effects in here! (:
  580. dumbtune: +Bruce Pardo epic troll
  581. Kaneki Ken: Cant believe this guy put the wrong name in the title 😂
  582. Torres: this channel is getting boring, where is the edits ?
  583. CeeR4: This is your best video definitely. This shit is perfect.
  584. The Ca$h: T R A V I S S C O T T ! ! !
  585. Steven Zepeda: Moist Men Cheats Thx
  586. Flamz _YT: Anyone from Flying Kitty
  587. AJI V: I found flyingkittys brother!
  588. Ichiro Takahashi: Travis interview isn’t edited
  589. 쩌리짱: PUMPKIN
  590. Eli Flash: YUNG RESTAAR I was waiting for that response
  591. Je Tj: He speaks like a alien
  592. Paul Jesus: Fucking dead
  593. HurricaneStarang: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 yooooo this is the best yet
  594. Konrad Cieślak: Your montage with Travis Scott is pure art.
  595. bdpchamp: *NYE EH EH EH EH EH EH EH EH EH EHEH*
  596. QuarterAsianPersuasion: 0:09 - 0:32 had me dying 😂
  597. Aragmon: Jo is this already considered talkin in cursive?
  598. 5th Kinsman: It bumps hard 🔥🔥🔥
  599. Calvin Reid: even without the voice mod lil wayne really sound like that
  600. Laerma Monsta jam: Son😂😂😂
  601. Johnmichael Martinez: Pumpkin. Peachy. Pleasure
  602. Badboy DCX: Wtf😂
  603. SIDDY BIDDY: Lil Wayne looks like the original predator alien
  604. Hitsige Helga: bruh that editing of wayne's voice had me crying of laughter🤣🤣🤣
  605. GXD: id watch jimmy fallon if you were the editor
  606. vv Seb: Bro you are funny asl
  607. ACID ETERNITY: can't wait to have my own muchdank video one day, thats truly what im working towards
  608. Hailey the Swimmer & swiftie: Afro Guy *my uncles name is piano*
  609. Why Is My Face So Ashy: My boy Trav laugh like a goat....and a goat he is
  610. Patrick Hare: WTF is Travis wearing omg 😂
  611. Leonardo Sousa: please do nardwuar and denzel curry interview
  612. Randy Bobandy: Wayne looks sick. Drugs got him good.
  613. Lacey Holmes: Travis Scott sounds so high
  614. ShiftingGear OTP: Yeah he got me that too lmao 😂
  615. Samir: coolphilip10 Who’s that
  616. Lazy Perfection: Ahaha, I was listening to Mrs officer today actually.
  617. Michael Swavely: I keep laugh at this vids
  618. Potato Boy: Haha love this shit
  619. dis boi: Watch this with captions
  620. Isaac Camara: Travis Scott laughs like a goat 😂
  621. Markiii: why does this not have 1 mil views
  622. Melly: Evan Denis pasta will always be the best one
  623. Revo Pat: Rosegold Beats thx
  624. Noah Marsh: Who doesn’t get weird with Jimmy Fallon
  625. Xym Nix: funniest one so far 😂😂😂
  626. Nash Natera: Hi welcome to Mc Donald’s how may I help you Can I get Lil Wayne’s hair Nice choice of 🍟
  627. wayzwayz hara: ItsRycon Was
  628. Amazing Wonderer: I guess you can say he is not the same, he is a Martian.
  629. genesis obscura: 😭😭😭
  630. Vapor Sludge: My government name
  631. Zyrad3: You finally hear what lil Wayne without autotune sounds like
  632. Hank Yarbo: every much dank vid is better than the last
  633. Coyote Dead: I promise u I’m crying at this comment rn 😭
  634. RAIN: god jimmy fallon is the fakest person on the planet.
  635. It's Rohan: 1:22 aha aha
  636. ihsan gene: 1:53 😂🤫💀
  637. SlimVeggie: Named after his dad
  638. katie x: His hair looks like tarantulas
  639. Captanic Noobie: Pls do tom hardy and riz ahmed respond to venom comments
  640. Mrio: 0:16 why autotune? I mean yea autotune.
  641. Precious Paula: Me:
  642. ethan: 0:56-1:00 Intimidation 100
  643. Vnz DC: wtf im dying😂😂
  644. bravetoasterrr: “\€]££~’]>*|*{%{^*~+~£{€|^\*+#+}+]^” - Lil Wayne
  645. løst inthedarkness: 0:20 teacher explaining something to me
  646. LionHeart Airsoft: my government name is *PUMPKIN peachy P L E A S U R E*
  647. Shn.: You didn’t use Aries new song. Disappointed.
  648. Vg Talent: Lmao yooo the fart killed me
  649. Olcd Cheese: I don't really like when people say "my government name".. Your parents gave you that name..
  650. xHege _: sexy af
  651. sonny lee: Now do kid buu!
  652. Bill Greene: @muchdank you should make a video from the James brown '88 interview
  653. Crazze: Face reveal at 1 mil! I need to see who is behind these haha
  654. Vernon: u soft
  655. MarvFIT: I already knew this was gonna be GREAT
  656. Daniel Scurlock: Do the new Kanye and Trump meeting!
  657. tok tube: No auto tune this how Lil Wayne sounds in real😂
  658. AilmondJoy: damn already
  659. Moises Hernandez: This ain’t even trolling, have you never heard of YTP’s
  660. 🔥Miguel🔥: So the Denzel freestyle at the end is saying your gonna make a Nardwuar Vs Denzel curry video ? 🔥
  661. travthelegend: “My uncle is named Piano,” *audience roars with laughter*
  662. Automised 98: Travis finished that first jamba juice like a boss!
  663. tom: *QUOTE FROM VIDEO*
  664. Tory Lanez: He pulled out a picture of Whoopi Goldberg😂 (I cant spell)
  665. Nicolai Hjerpe: How du you do that alien voice effect
  667. No User: Yo videos lame now bro
  668. Infinite Loop: *I'M NAMED AFTER MY DAD!*
  669. Sophie likesramen: Muchdank saved my life
  670. Siduel: lil wayne looks like jarjar binks
  671. Young Gsef: i *can not* get thru this whole video, i keep replaying wayne talking like that
  672. I’mtheprophacy: I know you’ve edited the video but without edit I still can’t understand anything lil Wayne says😂
  673. Bryan Cunningham: You can leave the Travis interview uncut, and it would work in this.
  674. B-Series: *Lesbian Jamba Juice*
  675. Luke: *pumpkin peachy pleasure*
  676. Daniel Dawasi: Savage of you putting up a picture of Whoopi Goldberg 😂
  677. Trevor Brubaker: "My uncle is named piano"
  678. LXVE: Travis Scott is Spongebob Confirmed
  679. Blood Rain: Wow didn't know lil wayne speaks autotune
  680. JR Smith: Please do a video about ASAP Rocky “no homo but we slippin on semen”
  681. always vlone _: Remember guys Travis real name is Pumpkin Peachy Pleasure 😂😂
  682. Razvan Costea: You are a genius!
  683. giannis stamoulis: Lmaoooooooooo
  684. Alonna Grace: Lil Wayne's hair is more tragic than Jojo siwa's
  686. Sara Iris: 2:19 Bruh😂
  687. CPLM4TT Designs: This is fucking weak 😂😂😂😂😂
  688. Big Chungus: Bruh yall realise that Travis Scott real name is Pumpkin Peachy Pleasure, right?
  689. eneseus M4: Fuckin lil Wayne needs enlightenment because he looks messed up and shit
  690. Big Chungus: how the fuck were you able to upload raw, unedited footage from Jimmy Fallon's show and not get copystriked?
  691. Mikey Earle: My uncles name is PIANO
  692. Box Comet: *_stick to the subject_*
  693. iisadragonborn: rip 2 rip is fire
  694. Cerbuis: That wavy voice effect is my weakness.
  695. Positive Pushover: Jimmy’s clapping and Travis’ clicking killed me XD
  698. Hayder Zulfiqar: Definitely not 😂😂 you stoopid
  699. Rexaur: When is muchdank going to post content that’s edited?
  700. Austin Martin: S T I C K T O T H E S U B J E C T
  701. JOHN GRIGORAKOS: lmao that was gold! I need to use it
  702. Sweet Jones III: Travis Scott laughs like Kawai Leonard
  703. vanaeit: Jimmy saw the kylie interview and knew travis likes clapping
  704. k13 br: Can't stop watching this
  705. BlackCat107: when I heard Pumkin Peachy Pleasure I wheezed
  706. CardiUno: *”T h A t ‘ S H o W i T G o O e S”*
  707. Azhr: how you edit that thumbnail?
  708. Sůprëmë Tæ: You are so wrong for making this......🤪😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  709. Devant Smith: The clapping and snapping 😭😭
  710. Saul Romo: Best one to be made
  711. EL Boy Gamer: This was funny
  712. Spyros R.: You are so good at editing 😂 and you make funny videos , you are just awesome!
  713. DoggoDoesThings: *”My grandma name is pumpkin peachy pleasure”* *_nAmEd aFtEr mY dAd_*
  714. Travis Scott: Your back
  715. gall: Is no one gonna talk about the repeated wailing at 1:11 lmao
  716. Ying Ting: *cough* fantastic
  717. Francesca Paola: This gave me anxiety
  718. Doe-Z: Gucci Mane Boosie Webbie Quavo Blac Youngsta DC Young Fly Kodak Kevin Gates NBA Youngboy
  719. My face mask is cracking tEa: Could you do male moaning effects?
  720. Deshaun Haag: Umm mister lord dank we were wondering if you could bless us with a video from joe buddens new podcast with chance the rapper. It would make us very happy 😊😊
  721. Eidjf Sidjd: Sounds like the Google voice
  722. sorrowsuperstar10: 0:28 I AM NOT A HUMAN BEING . I AM A MARTIAN
  723. lil reese buttercup: This is the bee's knees buzz buzz 🐝🐝
  724. Pink Floyd3: Whoopi lmaoooo
  725. JJFX-MULTIMEDIA: Had me dying haha
  726. Sharctic: takk jesus
  728. mrgreen42: @Mojo clov3 he just mad he ain’t get to post it first 😂😂
  729. Michelle Paul: Pumpkin Peachy Pleasure
  730. Bea Chermeat: is that zel on the outro?
  731. dat boi: ReRRerrErrreRrrR *Fantastic*
  732. 3D Tutorials In HD: fake fallon intensifies.
  733. Rosegold Beats: Sony Spherizein sony vegas pro
  734. Carlos Gutierrez: "pumpkin peachy pleasure" LMFAOOOOO
  735. Afro Guy: My actual government name is *PUMPKIN PEACHY PLEASURE*
  736. FMF Pittsburgh Music: LOL 😂 Whoopi Goldberg thoo
  737. Leon Coombes: Ok, so quick story, I'm at my girlfriends house and it's a pretty sombre environment as her mothers cat just died so naturally I'm bored as fuck sat in the living room while she comforts her mum (much sad) so i pull out my phone and watch this (big mistake) -well, I'm containing my laughter until *BOOM* whoopie Goldberg appears and i fucking explode in laughter! Dude I was crying and couldn't breath because I was laughing so hard! I couldn't even stop when my girlfriend and her mother walked in and just stood there looking at me.....I'm amazed I wasn't dumped! Although I'm still in the doghouse
  738. Abdullah A: L
  739. Eli Flash: Travis Scott laugh like Spongebob
  740. Khannan Little: lil wayne really sound like a snapchat filter 💀
  741. steezyhana: my girlz JAMBA JUICE
  742. gio: -YeeArHhh-
  743. XXX Redeemer6: Hahahahahahah I almost died laughing the way you edited wayne’s voice 😂😂😂😂
  744. Logan Long: i swear to god these fucking tik tok ads are giving me a new type of cancer
  745. YUNG RESTAAR: +Eli Flash i know i was like wtf why did no one comment that already
  746. An Apple: 2:16 *slurping intensifies*
  747. NewsEntertainment: MuchDank battle royal
  748. City Morgue: I need more MuchDank in my life.
  749. Tejas C: Swear Wayne naturally has autotune in his fuckin voice 😂😂😂
  750. Somali pirate who's actually somali: I would make a comment from the video. But I couldn't understand a single word from lil Wayne's mouth
  751. kensyre: *we CLAPPING again fellas*
  752. UrbanProPlayer TM: How did you do this with the voice.
  753. Kanye’s LeftLeg: +CHROME NINJA *gulps* ye
  754. Success Phage: 20 seconds into it and I am already dying 😂😂😂😂😂
  755. Lathan Morse: Pumpkin *PEACHY* pleasure
  756. aidank: Why does lil wayne look like beetle juice
  757. Dennis4Videos: Jared Emerson-Johnson hello i always c u in de comment section my man
  758. DRAGON FIRE: Maaaaaa
  759. CandymanSEHTx713: Huffs, licks lips. Lmfao
  760. Mike Sousa: This might be the best one yet holy fuck hahahaha
  761. Meexi: Nevermind
  762. Hap Phantom: I turned on captions when Lil Wayne was mumbling lol
  763. Annie Fahd: My government named me pumpkin peachy pleasure *so ur not Travis Scott* THE GOAT IS REAL
  764. Vitthal Singh: I loved it..😂😂 Got my fake teeth out just by watching it..
  765. whitedeath 500: Lil wayne be sounding like q-bert
  766. NeptuneGuy78: This video wasn't edited at all.
  767. Slava Dikinov: My uncle's name is piano 😂
  768. kremit the frog: The title sounds like some really niche porno
  769. Jennifer Self: (You, a normie) MuchDank (Me, a potato) *mUcH tHaNk*
  770. Kyden C: lol
  771. MarkTere: 0:16 i cant stop laughing at this part
  772. TMRRW: travis scott laughs like a sheep
  773. Garçon de CHÈVRE: “Congratulations on your new record” Travis: meheheheheheheheheheheheh
  775. gaebe: 0:35 got me dying LMFAOOOOO
  776. Haze Beats: Maybe do the one with the Kanye and trump interview next, think it could be funny
  777. Jaime Perez: PowahSlap Entertainmint already my guy?
  778. Notorious DOOM: 0:25 *Chair leans*
  779. Shane Arbeau: Conan o'brien is a better show host
  780. Piquelito Jr: *heavy breathing*
  781. YT Deepzyxt: Next time edit the video bro. How can you repost unedited footage?
  782. MrFlipperInvader792: Wayne: imma real musician Fallon: *fake laugh* Wayne: *WARPED DEMON FACE*
  783. Jazzy G: I cant tell if theres a filter on his voice !! 😂😂
  785. dmart63: Creative carti killed that beat, I still appreciate Denzel tho
  786. wildish Gambino: Travis laugh like a mf goat. Love his music tho
  787. Captain Overpants: Jimmy's claps at 1:10 - 1:20 had me DYING!!!
  788. Daniel Casttillo: Best one yet
  789. coolphilip10: You’re here for 1:04. your welcome.
  790. JumpPe Que: Lil Wayne’s face scares me
  791. Rotores 14: Ik you were going to put that song since I see u in the comments
  792. Nickolas’s Channel Of Stuff: Pumpkin....peachy......pleasure
  793. u wot M8?!: Lil Wayne looks like fuckin homeless dude needs to do some work with that dreadlocks cuz they look like shit hanging out of his hair
  794. Ky Mcky: This is basically just the eric andre show
  795. Kareem Hunt Kicking Yo Hoe #GOAT KICKER: *J A M B A J U I C E*
  796. Stubby Brewer: When lil Wayne started talking 😭😭😭
  797. casey Ri: My girl is actually a JAMBA JUICE
  798. Aidzwolf: I thought a tree grew when he got out of the seat jfc he is tall
  799. cornyvinesnek: Travis scott is best man i swear
  800. Sam M.: i shit myself
  801. WagWan: brooo do khabib vs McGregor
  802. Skiii mask: *clapping levels increase*
  803. Louis F: Someone needs to get weezy to say destroy the child
  804. Rexaur: Mojo Clov3 Also how do I sound retarded? Can you hear me?
  805. Doofer Duo: Sockona Doucoure he sounded like a fucking dying horse haha
  806. jaap ten dijk: Did Wayne really fart tho?😂😂
  807. Mike F: Would you like fries with that? 1:44
  808. david do: spent all his profit on that pendant
  809. Feffito Tevez: Anyone know th name of the outro
  810. e m ø t i ø n s: Lil Wayne sound like some body grandpa tho 😂
  811. quincy257: i give a like before watching when it´s MuchDank
  812. Daniel: Travis tall af
  813. Bea Chermeat: NO EDITING HERE PAL
  814. LIL SCAR: 0:15 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 .. Hahahahahahahahhaha .. The Best Ever .. Can't stop laughing
  815. Mac Muffin: Sorry MuchDank, I had to report you. This is NOT fair use, you literally just reposted a video from Jimmy Kimmel‘s channel. Absolutely despicable behavior, smdh.
  816. Aday Madaday: Please add h3h3 cough
  817. A Haunter: holy shit my face is literally so streched from laughed so damn hard at 0:20 - 0:30 oh my god
  818. Chloé J: 1:37 damn Travis really is the goat
  819. VantaBlacked: 1 like = 1 Jamba
  820. Ed Bates: Can n e one answer my question?
  821. Samu TT: That transition from Wayne to Travis was better than the beat switch on Sicko Mode.
  822. Ghetto News TV: Whoopi Goldberg 😂
  823. brent marcovitch: Wayne’s hair actually looks like long poop
  824. Abnovelists: that heavy breathing in the beginning lol
  825. Jordan Balboa: I almost died when Travis jumped up and threw the cup😂
  826. Garçon de CHÈVRE: Here before 100 views
  827. ZinnyXP: My girl actually is Jamba Juice.
  828. richard TeQo: that travis donkey horse laugh was golden
  829. LeFeï DaRager: Mehehehehehehehehe
  830. Ashley Ash: Hahahahahahaha
  831. nutgod64: Do the Ellen video that ninja was in
  832. PC tips and tricks: I died when he said “PUMKIN-PEACHY-PLEASURE”
  833. Django Freeman: Off a tab, this autoplayed on my tv... gave me an anxiety attack
  834. Leonardo Santana: Dank Wya!!!????
  835. ike: pumpkin peachy pleasure
  836. Chloroxe Bleach boi: *HEAVY BREATHING*
  837. Kanye’s LeftLeg: Travis Scott a lesbian confirmed by our *BOI* Jimmy Fallon Ik its Jimmy Kimmel, calm ur balls
  838. VAV SIX11: Best video on the internet
  839. ClickTikBoom Gaming: Lil Wayne was speaking in cursive
  840. DYLAN MOCTEZUMA: dj Crockett lol
  841. Steven Zepeda: Anybody know that vocal effect on Lil Wayne at 0:16
  842. Thoptimus Prime: YUH
  843. MDrummKid2: LMFAO
  844. ernest kaduya: This is too good LMAO
  845. not who you are: Holy shit 😂🤣💀💀💀💀💀
  846. be gone THOT: teacher: where is ur homework? me: 0:13
  847. Monique Pereira: LMAOOOOO
  848. Logan Scherer: I’m too high for this shit
  849. julian: my uncles name is *piano* nyehheh
  850. Solo Otto: 0:20 *Side effects of using autotune for way too long*
  851. Smug Puddle: Ha ha nice one ARIES
  852. Dj Swave On Em: Travis the GOAT... bahhhhh
  853. gothic lemons: lil wayne's voice freaked me the fuck out
  854. pro_gamer888 Gaming: Jamba Juice 😂 😂 😂
  855. Simulation Banks: 2:29 SHOUT OUT Denzel Curry!!! 🔥🔥🔥
  856. Versaucey: Wait that's not Travis Scott.. That's A$AP ROCKY!
  857. Orange Ant: You always make me laugh dude keep it up 👍👍👍
  858. AceYCC: Lmaaooo ikr
  859. Dustin Lee Hardwick Jr: 😂😂😂
  860. blah blah bkah blbllblblbl: *pumpking peachy pleasure*
  861. Joseph Kony: You know that whiteboy never heard his record, though.
  862. Khosta: 😂😂😂
  863. BeartheGhost11: Hahaha this is great
  864. 3333 Subs with no videos: Plot twist: This isnt edited
  865. Jared Emerson-Johnson: What up bro
  866. Tipsylife: u deserve more recognition bro
  867. Definitely Not Wicked Reaper: You hit nail right on the head with how it sounds listening to wayne talk
  868. KUJO: this the best
  869. RetardedNugget8: I read this wrong
  870. Itz.The_Knightro_13: LMAO im dying
  871. johnnycage: *slurping intensifies*
  872. NATEX G: The voice of lil wayne😂😂😂
  873. Jmore Anderson: Pumpkin 🎃 Peachy 🍑 pleasure😂
  874. Abdul: What's the outro song?
  875. Gummo Man: S t i c k t o t h e s u b j e c t
  876. Dulyn Thompson: PUMPKIN PEACHY PLEASURE
  877. K R A L L I: 2:20 im dying😂😂😂😂😂
  878. Sponsored by Colgate: CLAP INTENSIFIES
  879. JC Visuals: To the guy/team who does these 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘 TRAVIS SCOTT!!!!!
  880. KRPTNCS REVIEWS: So you were like a lesbian right? Hahahahahahaha yeah hahahahah
  881. Edward jakstas: lil wayne is su fucking ugly xDDD
  882. Couzzie: Lmao that unsteady breathing.
  883. Jadenh19ッ: Why have you stopped posting videos on songs repeating a word
  884. Mogan Jebidiah VanButthole: "pUmPkIn pEaChY pLeAsUrE"
  885. Big fat Yeet: 0:20 the best part of the video
  886. AXR: *Pumpkin Peachy Pleasure*
  887. Matija Bejuk: Lol why does everyone use photo and video footage of asap rocky but put travis scotts name
  888. ?G 0 0 D E V I B E Z¿: The part where Wayne talking turned into jibberish had me laughing so hard that I was making sounds I’ve never made before🗣😂
  889. Solomon Hamid: hilarious, keep it up
  890. man ofsteel: please do drake the shop thing he claps
  891. Backwood Brian ひ: thank u for the laugh muchdank
  892. Stav Miguel: 0:29 Probably some of the funniest shit I have seen in a hot minute. My guy speaking in Codiene. Lml
  893. Bobby Tarantino: Ayy good one
  894. FuZe- Alpha: Rerirerirewere know wat im saying
  895. Hope Jesus: Flamz _YT R me
  898. CODEMSTR: Pumkin peachy pleasure
  899. Julio Aguirre: What’s the outro song?
  900. Salted Egg: Surprised you didn’t play that new Aires at the end
  901. unclegramps: these are always way funnier when im tired
  904. genesis obscura: That's actually Lil Wayne's voice the WHOLE TIME. That was the only part that wasn't edited.
  905. Dylan Pourier: 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😉😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂
  906. Aleigha Price: This niggas retarded😂😂
  907. RICKn MORTY: Travis was like that bitch empty yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
  908. Linus Mumford: Do you love this shit? Are you high right now? Do you ever get nuhhrrvous?
  909. moonnlyy: 1:13 1:15 u a goat now
  910. Eze R: Lil Wayne's voice has me laughing all the time
  911. Yxnglame: 1:26 HUUEHHH
  912. Clyde Barrow: LOL
  913. Lilblunt Bigsak: Flanger
  914. Trey R: My name is Pimpkin Peachy Flavlr.
  915. FloodLyte: Julio Aguirre it’s in the description
  917. JXSVS: Hilarious
  919. WhoaNellyJake: Lmao
  920. Bianca Iris Yazzie: pumpkin *PEACHY* PLEASURE
  921. Oscar Cano: MuchDank much thanks I needed this.
  922. sep majdi: PuMPkin PEACHY P L E A S U R E
  923. Aniket Sarkar: Travis Scott laughs like a goat.
  924. Daniel Regalado: outro song anyone?
  925. WhoozyOMO: @MuchDank pleaaaase do Kanye in the Oval Office
  926. SonofLove 27: The Travis Scott part was creepy
  927. T. Stamp: I was wondering where you guys were
  928. J Javier: Bro that one was really very very high level
  929. Matthew C.: Pumkin peachy pleasure
  930. shady: Is this before edit yes?
  931. Anna G: 0:39 i'm dead😂
  932. Corey.JN: Quivering inhales
  933. John Barr: Peachy pumpkin pleasure
  934. YungAnt: i never laughed so hard in my entire life 😂😂😂😂
  935. Young Splice: This is you right?YEA-THAT'S FASCINATING 0:39
  936. Eli Flash: Lil Wayne voice sound like a jail call
  937. Mohawk Jagger101: Hol up Is lil waynes voice actually edited in this?😂😂😂😂
  938. _colewarner_: Kanye West in the Oval Office please x
  939. Hip-hop on the House: Subscribe to my channel for dope hip hop!
  940. Milo Early: Much dank is back
  941. Hailey the Swimmer & swiftie: I couldn’t stop laughing this whole video😂😂😂 you never disappoint
  942. sam: *meme*
  943. Sin: You were like a lesbian Travis Scott: mehehmehhe
  944. Jake Vaud: You actually used to be *LESBIAN*
  945. Scarlet Rose: So much auto tune that he’s auto tune
  946. MsMozymozart: Sound like a robot
  947. Destiny Rey: pumpkin peachy pleasure
  948. Bill Clinton: The amount of fake laughs just hurt me
  949. Bald head Vert: Would’ve been even funnier if you found a way to have something where Travis started talking or singing in auto tune during the interview lol
  950. Macc aroni: The more Wayne talked i kept getting more anxious.. Jesus Christ.. Lmao the editing is getting insane bro!!! Keep that shit up!! Flawless content!
  951. kapshow: Dude, how do you make your thumbnails?
  952. CJ BTWatmr_gooble: Must be the lean
  953. DrewDating: Lil Wayne talks in here like he is Link as a Duke Scrub from Majora's Mask
  954. ibpest: my uncles name is piano
  955. Dennis Dagasso: And I thought Jimmy Fallon was the master of fake laughter
  956. Boul Shyte: u obviously watch eric andre
  957. Me, Jonah: Please please please Edit 6ix9ines song "Stoopid" and loop it when he says "Dumbdedumbdumb" please
  958. BRUDDAH awe: @MUCHDANK Do a video on the most recent fight in UFC C vs K interviews and fight plzzz.#@MUCHDANK
  959. xystumpy: My government name is P U M P K I N
  960. 1slow 5.9: the drinking lol
  962. Poser: StickMaster500 Ashley Carrillos Gutierrez hey guys I’m dropping some fire bangers in 2023 🎵🔥🔥and 21 Savage and Lil skies might feature in it!! So make make sure you subscribe to my channel because you don’t wanna miss it!! ☺️❤️
  963. Vasvir: Is no one gonna talk about Travis called Kylie a Jamba juice 😂😂😂
  964. Carlos Vega: Wish this channel hit the million
  965. Justin Tarantino: Fallon: this is you (shows picture) Wayne: 🤷🏻‍♂️hehehe😉
  966. gameguru318: 0:22 Wayne sounds like the robot sounds you hear on the og Xbox when you on the main menu
  968. Mo Hax: TRACK 3???
  969. Retrograde Beats: Bruhhhh I never laughed so hard when wayne started talking
  970. Fahim Munayem: you need to make a muchdank movie
  971. Draco: Ifuckinglovedenzelcurry
  972. Always Kiting: God I love this channel
  973. Alloutmel CA: 😂😂😂
  974. Loli Major: shittoo
  975. Autumn Cureton: I like how his laugh sounds like a goat
  976. Mom: haHAA lol
  977. Not Seb: Kawber seen this comment on every video
  978. DevLxrdGaming: PUMPKIN PEACHY PLEASURE. Named after my dad.
  979. Chaz Evans: Sexy ass video, muchdank. Want to meet up and have hot sex?
  980. AlfieFilms: Wtf 😂😂😂
  981. kanye's MAGA hat: *YOUR NAME IS NOT TRAVIS SCOTT*
  982. Lil Uzi Vert FAN: Notification gang!
  983. Future’s retarded cousin: “So you like Jamba Juice?” “Yeah, my girl actually *IS JAMBA JUICE*
  984. Naxvi ϟ: 1:20 & 2:01
  985. A Haunter: jesus i died
  986. TheBlasianKing: QuarterAsianPersuasion bro fr 😂
  987. Cam Pimpy: The laughing tho😂😂😂
  988. Thomas Sullivan: Lil Wayne's voice is hilarious
  989. Gytis Dudėnas: i love him :DDD
  990. EenMagnetron: BEST ONE IN WEEKS
  991. FL_Studio: true, but they both did it better than carti ;)
  992. DJ Akademiks Supreme Hoodie: *Snap clap*
  993. video game freak VGF: Make ur 2018 rewind about ur channel video
  994. Mindfull: 2:20 that was the final blow for me lmao
  995. D Robinson: Real life funny af 😁
  996. Jensy Reyes: Both got grillz on her teeths.
  997. G squad: Theyy went in sicko mode at the end😁😁
  998. Eze R: Travis Scott's laugh makes me think he's actually the goat lmao
  999. Will Becker: "My uncle's name is Piano" * donkey laugh *
  1000. ROHAM LP01: how to make memes like this
  1001. GoBoyZ: This voice lame af it so lame that it has echo wtf
  1002. UnCreative Deconstructionism: 0:09 *Real Gs cry in silence like lasagna*
  1003. Josef Birish: Lil Wayne sounds like bobby shmurda’s verse on “stoopid”😂😂😂😂
  1004. Og Kidd: 😂😂😂😂Fuck around love this guys videos😂
  1005. swagin mayin: This is happening
  1006. Alberto Rynda: *This The Best One Yet*
  1007. Perk: Not really...better ones out there
  1008. Lakridrick Harris: Dank hit me up on discord I'm Roblox player
  1009. Peridot: Yo why does lil wayne sound like he got som steven hawking speakin for him
  1010. Lil Gill: i thought muchdank died
  1011. Damian Louden: No, it's Samuel Jackson.
  1012. Swaxi: My girlfriend is JAMBA JUICE
  1013. Horchata Reaction/Reviews: WHEN JIMMY STARTED CLAPPING 😂💀
  1014. Skittle Haus: I saw his comment on Denzels song and came here just because I knew he'd use it in the outro.
  1015. youngsoldier93: Lmaoooo this shit is ridiculous 😂😂😂😂😂
  1016. Akira Williams: He have a built in auto tune
  1017. Yugvijay: Lol first time getting to know Travis. Good laugh.
  1018. Sun Ray: lol...,..I'm going to start watching more of these:-)...........
  1019. Brandon Hines: quit posting fucking everywhere
  1020. Real Mexican Food Shouldn't Give You Diarrhea: [Smacks his desk]
  1021. Leonardo Rezende: no it's not HUH
  1022. Sc: lil.lc6: He looks more homeless than yung thug and post malone combined
  1023. Tesco Stig: Here from fastlane gaming
  1024. No Love Division: kremit the frog go Kermit not alive
  1025. rabid: You need to get a differential sound affect for the claps in your videos in my opinion, they sound like digital instruments rather than clapping for some reason.
  1026. IsThisHarold: When he showed the picture of whoopie goldberg I died 😂
  1027. Elroy The Gad: Pumpkin peachy *PLEASURE*
  1028. devilmaycry7760: That Denzel curry outro though 🔥🔥🔥
  1029. Philip L.: The travis part had me dying
  1030. Kiing Josh: *My girl actually is jamba juice* 😂😂😂😂
  1031. dad8mum: I can watch this a thousand times and it’ll still be funny
  1032. Jack Dixon: 1:40
  1033. Rex Villa: “My name is Pumpkin Peachy Pleasure I’m named after my Dad”
  1034. CHROME NINJA: +Kanye’s LeftLeg *dabs*
  1035. Nick Sylla: Why Travis laughs like sponge bob😭😭
  1036. Blaine Burris: Boogity Hoo I got 2 friends and family I had a girlfriend for a few months she was my first but she turnt out to be a hoe so I’m not interested in relationships no more for a long while and I’ve never been super outgoing or social anyways I could care less if I got friends anyways bc too many ppl lie and use you so I stay quiet and keep to myself.
  1037. Logan Brown: Y'all improve with every video and that's really saying something cause you're old shit kills me still
  1038. bryne maphosa: MuchDank you are talented brother ,keep it up..😂😂😂
  1039. Sleeper: Crazy how every video on this channel is unedited how do you get away with this
  1040. MrBerns42: these videos are brutal
  1041. Misael Marcial: 2:21 Lmao why Jimmy Fallon so scared? 😂
  1042. Domcreator: R.I.P
  1043. A Real One.: Yo this is the best comment section I've read in a long time!
  1044. Simmetric Vocabulary: Its like MuchDank records a different dimension where everybody is either stupid, anxious or on drugs.
  1045. Angel R: Lil wayne😂😂😂 Lmao
  1046. Bree Nun: Wtf is with Lil Wayne voice 😂😂😂😂
  1047. Abdelhak Khalfi: BRRRRRRRT
  1048. Zebo8000: Thats his regular voice
  1049. Tito Tio: 0:49 that unexpected fart
  1050. Nazi Hulk: Imposter of Clorox Bleach And when he laughs hard he laughs like Spongebob
  1051. NIGHTMARE-NIGHTMARE NIGHTMARE-NIGHTMARE: Did anybody else applaude at 0:39? No? Just me?
  1052. Lola Green: Pumpkin Peachy Pleasure will be my new catfish name on Tinder. Jk who tf uses Tinder now?
  1053. Luke Laurie: Denzel go hard
  1054. Couch Potato: Travis laughs like that cuz he tha Goat. 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐
  1055. ANCIENT_VADRR: Make a video from using Cody Ko and Noel Miller from Tiny meat gang
  1056. Eric Thompson: Aries drop the album
  1057. Adam Edward: Mehehehehe
  1058. WaRy Or: My girl is dumb
  1059. dolphinmeat: I’m dying this was too funny
  1060. HoodNaruto: Pls do the Kanye and trump interview plSS
  1061. oraf: Wassup Pewds !
  1062. MJ Applehead gang: WHERE MY MICHEAL JACKSON MEMES AT???
  1063. Lee Factor: 0:16 - 0:30 I died so much 😭😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂
  1064. M. SHVRP: We have 3 different flavours of Jumba Juice
  1065. wesley gray: i gotta watch this one on LSD 🤣
  1066. Anthony Avila: Wayne's voice got me dying😂😂😂
  1067. Jacalamlam: Solo Otto yerp
  1068. Margono Naresworo: So u Aries huh?
  1069. Muhammad Zubair: Good work but still not as good as dj Khaled losing his mind
  1070. Only Berry Juice: *kylie jenner has left the chat*
  1071. U 221E: GOAT
  1072. Keane Sanders: What’s the outro song?
  1073. EMDAFOO: Why is Travis dressed like Dennis Rodman?
  1074. Alfonz: U shoulda put mad auto tune on Travis’s vocals
  1075. Imani Jones: Ok but lil Wayne talks like those people in those "no smoking" commercials with the hole in their throat... Ok bye I'm going to hell lmao..
  1076. KillmongersHyper: TrAvIS ScOOt
  1077. RACE: That clap tho
  1078. Blakk Fero: classic dank
  1079. Xanman: Yo do the Tyson fury vs Deontay wilder face off, that shits a goldmine😂
  1080. Nathan Meyer: This is genius.
  1081. Lolllboi: U got travis scott, TRAVIS SCOTT. Transition was the best part
  1082. Phil Patch: Why are these so good
  1083. Иван Федорович: that voice makes me laugh not from emotion but from soul ( I'm about wayne)
  1084. Ampeire Bridgette: I am stuck on you tube because of you
  1085. Jordin Santamaria: Lol
  1086. F.R Beats: *THANK'S BRUH* ✌🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  1087. Oriane: gimme the outro song pls
  1088. Janelle {Daughter of god\angel\wolf\}: 0:39 beautiful
  1089. LLusion: dawg when Wayne farted I threw my phone
  1090. Issa wxlf: Asap Rocky and Wayne?
  1091. george luckaas: most underrated comment ever
  1092. R Daley: Damn Lil Wayne somehow look better in the thumbnail than real life
  1093. We are Max and Justin: Laferrari to jumba juice
  1094. bruh,: Wayne turned into an orangutan in the thumbnail
  1095. Pablo Eskybruh: *MY UNCLES NAME IS PIANO*
  1096. Lasha Aten: Best videos on the internet 😂
  1097. Waffle house: That's what shrooms are like.
  1098. Lina Tejajaja: im dead asf 😂😂😂😂
  1099. predzz: Travis Scott’s laugh is like a mini AK that got stuck
  1100. León: The way Travis laughs makes me lose it lmao
  1101. ThatOneWhiteDude P: Oh y’all did Wayne dirty😂
  1102. MOREIMIUS: Oh that transition though
  1103. Kinginamo: *NYEHAHAHA*
  1104. Product: 0:09 when you crush hugs you for the first time.
  1105. RCW Gaming: Travis Scott laughs like Elmer Fudd
  1106. Slowpoke Rodriguez: Travis Scott laughing like Woken Matt Hardy haha
  1107. Cle Sys: G E N U I S !
  1108. Nigga: Kganya Buthelezi *licks lips* mehehehehe
  1109. Bhris Crown: Wats the song at the end?
  1110. capri Tristan: Bro this is genius asf, hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂
  1111. Destiny Rey: my girl is actually jamba juice 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
  1112. 2kTre: R.I.P 2 R.1.P
  1113. Zay Ray The rapper: 0:06 Me stareing at her after I Nutted in her
  1114. Jean-De-Foi: 😂😂😂
  1115. derrick tha legend: Wayne do look like whoppie Goldberg 😂😂
  1116. Princess Pumpkin: the whole video is an edit
  1117. mellow m: bruh do the kanye and trump meeting😂
  1118. KB Gaming: *You used to be- You were like a lesbian*
  1119. lilcrustyrazin :3: U can't smell it on TV 😂😂
  1120. •unspok3n •: 0:10 *breathing intensifies*
  1121. Maelkenstein X: 0:17 Yo sometimes i be hearin wayne like that fr
  1122. Gnome Beard: You should make a video about Joe Budden talking about Vic Mensa dissing X
  1123. raymondo lance: I recommend this channel to stoners
  1124. Cameron Summers: 😂😂😂
  1125. Don Cheadle: my girl actually is jamba juice
  1126. ReedyZulu: "EeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEe"
  1127. bloody lovepuddle: Hearing that denzel at the end made my day
  1128. Person Loa: Revive Minecraft
  1129. S3P: make on vid on Bigger Than You sup
  1130. -_Noble_-: >My nuts hang<
  1131. ghostface: Kanye has finally got to Lil Wayne.. f
  1132. Revo Pat: 0:06 whats the effect plz
  1133. COB: What you did with Lil Wayne speaking is so fkin hilarious :')
  1134. Feelings Are Pointless: BREATHING
  1135. Davood: she said i hate my day job i dont feel it i need racecar
  1136. Prashant Kastury: 1:45
  1137. Cyb0rg Nitro: Mojo Clov3 stop being such a negative cunt
  1138. t4zi: Pumpkin Peachy Pleasure
  1139. Afro Guy: Lord Chosen yeee boiii
  1140. Rosegold Beats: Travis scotts laugh is hilarious😂😂😂
  1141. Noel Bronx The Nellow Yigga: You know it's kind of absurd that Muchdank has Ainsley Harriott as it's profile photo but they never made one YTP of Ainsley.
  1142. Sprite_Cranberry: Bro at 0:16 i had tried to trun up the sound just to try and hear him
  1143. Daz 187: is this life?
  1146. Dime: My gf name PUMPKIN PEACHY PLEASURE 1:29 Named after my dad
  1147. Grill wearing MARSHIAN: Muchdank never fails
  1148. Regular Apple: much danks channel is dying slowly
  1149. InfinityGoku: *SLAMS*
  1150. Leon Coombes: Sounds like when you and a friend try to tune a walkie talkie and start talking to each other on the wrong frequency.....
  1151. SwoonY: Please do an edit on nardward doing an interview with Lil pump
  1152. extahsee: FUCK YEAH THAT OUTRO
  1153. Diego Padilla: 1:12 They should make that a real song tho
  1154. A E S T H E T I C: Legendary !
  1155. KAB No Mxrcy: 😂
  1156. vlonely: dis nigga funny frfr 😂😂
  1157. Legendary Brando: That’s when it changed.
  1158. DjKaiba: I heard you were like a lesbian? Travis: *yeahhhhahahahahah goat laugh*
  1159. Jayme Pedone: you're not appreciated enough for what you do.
  1160. joeshouse50 mayo: I HEARD U WERE LIKE A LESBIAN
  1161. ToXiC Rager: Whoopi Goldberg’s
  1162. Felix Lauzon: " my government name 's PUMPKIN PEACHY PLEASURE!!!"😂😂😂
  1163. Badboy DCX: Slurping intensifies
  1164. Zane Harris: Mmmmmmmyeah
  1165. Adrian G: Whoopie had me DEAD 💀🤣😂
  1166. Juan Galvan: Wasssss gooooooood
  1168. tabz47: Man the voice edit at 0:15 is genius, I thought I was going crazy for a sec
  1169. Manuel Alves: This guy might be the funniest human in the world
  1170. grundy XLR: Wish I could clap like that
  1171. sinfielddub: best one to date
  1172. RapidPants: Pumpkin Peachy Pleasure out with a new 🔥 album
  1173. RYAN PEVOTO: I, no joke, seriously think that muchdank will go down in history as like one of the most creative youtubers
  1174. 6Frame: War Lord was here
  1175. easy money meezy: You did Wayne so dirty 😂😂😂😂
  1176. I lost No Nut November on the first day but: +Voltage HD Panda next time laugh in Spanish
  1177. Micah Kenneth8: Lil Weezy did sound like that.., . lol 🤣 whoopie lol
  1178. myob2dac: that alien voice got me 💀
  1179. cdbsk: MuchDank = Hip-Hop's Vic Berger
  1180. King Ech: whoopsie has no eyebrows
  1181. General Grievous: *huh*
  1182. The Spaceman: Pumpkin Peachy Pleasure, I’m named after my dad
  1183. chief pot: That voice caught m off guard
  1184. NoahArc Production: Make one on Bizarre turnt even tho it already looks like a meme
  1185. richard TeQo: sucking intensifies
  1187. RockinDbop: Where u been bro??
  1188. AJ Freeney: How does this guy make those caricatures
  1189. extra girl: *my girl is uhhhh Jamba juice*
  1190. Nathan Young: yo u make my day
  1191. A Person: *pumpkin peachy pleasure*
  1192. Daniel Puig: That lean turning weezys voice box into a slinky ☠️👀
  1193. Omari.y: Naah not whoopie goldberg😂😂😂😂
  1194. monster3bod: What the heck 😀
  1195. Nathan Johnston: STAPLE GUN
  1196. Joseph Schaffer: *SLURPS*
  1197. BROfficial TV: What's your sign, MuchDank? You seem like an Aries...
  1198. Jordan Co: LMFAOOO 😂😂💀
  1199. ToxicTheProducer: My Government Name Is *Pumpkin Peachy Pleasure*
  1200. xKing966: Is this even edited?
  1201. Logan Welty: Holy shit I'm in tears, this is one of your best yet
  1202. Hades: Heheheheheheh
  1203. xFromTheInsideOut: I’m on edibles lol odayumn
  1204. Tobi: Bro Lil wayne voice got me rolling😂😂
  1205. SupremeXGAmeZ: M y u n c l e I s c a l l e d p I a n o
  1206. shawntana1: Song at the end please?
  1207. Notorious DOOM: 0:50 *farts* You can't smell it on TV *stick to the subject* LMFAO
  1208. BlackJohnnyCage: Lil Wayne really mumble like that.
  1209. Jonathan schadenfreude: Nasty mothefuker
  1210. Paulo Sousa: I think Travis is high
  1211. Official_Instrumentals: Judge Judy!!!!! Please do a video of her
  1212. AKEMI Films: you’re getting so much better at these with every upload lmaoooooo
  1213. Nick Katzfey: LOL FUCK
  1214. Harshwardhan Gautam: AYYY R. I. P
  1215. Sellf Wealth: I wonder if I could send you an actual music video and pay you to do the edits. Would love an original "MuchDank" official video
  1216. moonnlyy: He’s a goat
  1217. Not an Russian bot: Love it
  1218. xd Lonely Boi: Why am I watching this at 2 AM
  1219. Coco Loco: XD SO FUNNY
  1220. Carrel Bickham: 0:28 😭
  1221. Khamani Johnson: My girl actually is jamba juice 😂
  1222. Heisen Perv: Perfect credit song bro lol
  1223. Lil CESSE: Travis literally sounds like a goat
  1224. zakan: What a great fucking video, great content, keep it up!!
  1225. 25lxghters: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  1226. Grace: Love it
  1227. Rashid Ibrahim: I almost spit out my drink when that Whoopi Goldberg picture came out lmao
  1228. Joe Limbus: When auto tune uses you
  1229. emotionally Retarded: Sipping Codeine with out straws ain’t no fun
  1230. Young Dagger Dick: His dreads look so disgusting 😷🤢🤮
  1231. Will F: That transition go harder than 90210
  1232. DYLAN MOCTEZUMA: My name is Pumpkin peachy pleasure , My uncles name is PIANO
  1233. Maul: YeeeaAAAhh my girl actually is Jamba juice. Could'nt have said it better myself
  1234. Kamil Kapica: Hehe
  1235. Crestorize Se: 1:37 when u hit a sheep in minecraft
  1236. Zack WhoAmI: I don't know what the fuck's happening lmfaoo.
  1237. BlaZe: Lmfao
  1238. The Video Critic: Make a video about an interview except it's awkward. Wait you already do that
  1239. Tajon Stewart: DENZEL!!! 🔥🐐
  1240. CWM- ASSASSIN: SoundEffectsFactory don't expose him like that
  1241. Carlisle Beach: I'd Rather Bust a Nut | 1'd Rath3r Bust a Nut
  1242. Bobby Tarantino: More like a sheep, if you ask me.
  1243. whatever plus: I LOVE YOU
  1244. Nicolas Lomo: My government name is pumpkin peachy pleasure
  1245. Tuna ÖZEN: I swear to god, travis' laugh sounds like a goat
  1246. Yxnglame: 1:59 hehehehehahahahahah
  1247. Carlisle Beach: +5th Kinsman rip2rip by denzel curry
  1248. nfvy: “My girl actually is *jamba juice.* “
  1249. julian rehn: this is art
  1251. xd SkillzBoii: *_PuMpKiN_*
  1253. rahmat mousavi: Take a shot everytime you see a Pumpkin peachy pleasure comment
  1254. Noah Ben Haddou: 1:12 dem fruity loops 😍😂
  1255. E Calle: R1P2R1P at the end shoutout Zeltron!
  1256. kay •: my girl actually is *jamba juice*
  1257. Sp00ky: He did bro, it's called "Asap Rocky bullies asap Ferg".
  1258. CLEFTO: Sooo where is the next video
  1259. Yugvijay: Wayne has good unique voice
  1260. Alex Karadsheh: Ayeee R.I.P. 2 R.I.P.
  1261. GimR's Lab: If I get one more Tik-Tok ad...
  1262. Gucci Mane: Bruhh you got to do one of the kanye trump meeting
  1263. nightcrawler •: I like the way la flame laughs "NIYAHUNHUNHUNHUNHUNH"
  1264. David Lee: Who’s watching this high?
  1265. kanye's MAGA hat: *i am a real musician* *THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE*
  1266. ツgeorgie: His voice 🤣🤣🤣
  1267. GeorgetheGreat: RIP 2 RIP I seeee u
  1268. LAMEthepopulation: New Denzel freestyle outro ULT
  1269. Hi I'm Lucy: Oh nooo
  1270. Gay for Blackpink: Your editing skills are getting too powerful
  1271. Instagram Models: Carter V album is one the beast album of this year
  1272. Johnny Lariat: 0:17 wTF was THAT SHIT... HA! Im glad michigan legalized weed so i can try these videos smoked out
  1273. Sockona Doucoure: Travis's laugh had me crying 😂 😂😂 😂
  1274. KUJO: *mumbles incoherently*
  1275. Kha TSMswag: Is it just me or since muchdank poppin now he got lazy on da edits
  1276. dominic sanders: Hobo Bobo lmfao
  1277. Kanye’s LeftLeg: Never clicked off of YouTube so fast to get to porn
  1278. issareanna: *slurping intensifies*
  1279. Pedro Skrt: Muchdank is the best hahaha
  1280. Pixonic Inc.: Yeah no it’s not my government name is *PUMPKIN PEACHY PLEASURE*
  1281. MoeMentum Beats: pumpkin peachy pleasure
  1282. DR Hall: I watch the ads for you MuchDank (most of the time).
  1283. CHROME NINJA: Actually its jimmy neutron
  1284. Give me the memes and no one gets hurt: Epic interview 😎
  1285. Daft Punk Legacy: Lil Wayne looks like the younger rapper version of Nile Rodgers 😂
  1286. Aline Pforr Ramirez: i was laughing trough the entire video like straight
  1287. Dia Dragon: U everywhere
  1288. ByJDog0811: Those are basic ass sound effects lmao they’re not yours, you didn’t come up with them
  1289. Corban Ahir: Drinks Jamba Juice, * DRINKING INTENSIFIES *
  1290. Hobo Bobo: My son Pumpkin Peachy Pleasure Jr.
  1291. Devyn Wiggins: when he pulled the album out an slammed it down I was done
  1292. Mvrl: Travis pants is despicable cousin
  1293. Wells O'Neill: Wayne ain't a fucking musician! This nigga can't even sing! He doesnt play a single instrument or even make beats, at the most he just guides a producer who DOES know how to make music. So many of these rappers fucking delusional wtff
  1294. Alex Thwonk: Gotta get more Jimmy falcon. Not a typo
  1295. Giannis Antetokounmpo: quality over quantity
  1296. Ryan Co: That new Denzel Curry in the outro I see
  1297. bep: What effect?
  1298. legendary Mike: on god
  1299. Patrick Chang: I feel like this would have been a better interview than the actual interview
  1301. AwesomeAlpacaLol: *pumpkin peachy pleasure*
  1302. Fiasco: *S T A P L E G U N*
  1303. Phila Mlaba: F is for fascinating
  1304. Isha Shelare: Travis part XD
  1305. Omari.y: This was one of your best ones😂😂😂 ps. Pin this bitch
  1306. SlizzerOpDrops: Skreeeeeeets maneeee
  1307. IAmMelloYellow: T R A V I S *S C O T T*
  1308. king: One thing i would have added to this one is have Travis keep pulling down on his hat after everything he says. He kept fuckin with it in the interview
  1309. Behymer's Bar: *CONGRATS*
  1310. YOUTUBE STOP DELETING MY ACCOUNT: Your loosing me.....
  1311. samuel cole: Travis Scott - "mmMehEHeHeHh"
  1312. Balenciaga Brenda: 0:30 *talks in auto tune*
  1313. theVilllain: U always make me laugh bruh
  1314. Ravin James: Awesome the fart part had me dying......
  1315. StylishhGamingz.: *A- h u H* *hAh-* *Ehhuhhuhuhuuhuhuhuhhuuhuhuhuuhuh* *l i p s m a c c* *uHhhHhHhHhHhHhHhhhHHHHHH* ... *yeeeeeEEEAAAAAAaaaaHHHHHH*
  1316. Plomb Kénaël: aboné vou <3 je ran
  1317. Nicola Bevacqua: you put denzel curry r1p at the end
  1318. Buppie01: Lil Wayne’s voice is just like so... idek
  1319. Conspiracy Theories: Travis sounds like a sheep XD
  1320. jimbo6969: i heard you were a *LESBIAN*
  1321. NBY- SAVAGE: Travis Scott use to be lesbian
  1322. Ryan Francis: Shit sound like a Snapchat filter
  1323. AnimalsLoveAliens: Thank u 🤣😂
  1324. Everything4405: I’m dead yo they got Wayne ohhhb lord I just saw a picture of woopie Goldberg 💀💀💀💀
  1326. PowahSlap Entertainmint: _(Laughs in Jimmy Fallon)_
  1327. Jimmy Neutrons big head: When MuchDank makes a video I click ASAP😂
  1328. BlastUm Giro: 2:08 i died 😂😂
  1329. Gshift: *_sluurrrrrrrrrpppp_*
  1330. NamFlow [CZ/SK]: *Travis,* why you laughing like a horse.
  1331. Donald Pump: You are a genius
  1332. Mathias Koonce: These were the real interviews
  1333. Mimiyo: Did Lil Wayne transform into Travis?
  1334. Lloyd Nix: You made him actually kinda funny.
  1335. João Rodrigues: yooo denzel at the end of the video ily so much
  1336. Joshua T: everyone’s a bad picture of Woopie Goldberg
  1337. Kayiose: BRO THIS SHIT IS GOLD
  1338. Leafy is One!!: Goopblin
  1339. Kenneth Pinlac: lol
  1340. Hyperactive: Btw that's not his voice chill!!
  1341. Jennnny BEagle: Thank you for letting me live in the same universe as MuchDank and Jimmy Fallon
  1342. Swagsin: Funniest shit ive seen in a while
  1343. U 221E: Ye e e e e e e e e e aaaaa a aa hh
  1344. dank vanguard: *_F A R T S_* You cant smell that on TV
  1345. Darryl Williams: That nigga breathing killed me
  1346. Lightningzz: Hello YouTube
  1347. Jalen Yang: You better do the Kanye and Trump interview
  1348. My Leg: More joebudden
  1349. Cheap Ass Lamp: Do that Stoopid song and make that dumb du dumb dumb dumb part loop glooks
  1350. Ferroth: nehhehehehh
  1352. Skiii mask: *breathing intesifies* *face deforms*
  1353. Dankest Media: Lil Wayne:I'm a real musician Jimmy Fallon:haha, c'mon Lil Wayne: *_Triggered_*
  1354. jean bradley: I feel like I missed something
  1356. Ho Lee Fuk: 2:20 this bitch is empty! Yeet!
  1357. Lor Bitewho Instrumentals: Nigga your hair tho
  1358. Marcus Gaulin: genius
  1359. Luis Angel: Rip 2 Rip
  1360. saroop sandhu: Love what you did with lil waynes voice
  1361. Ally Bear: I am *notttt* sober enough
  1362. Palesa Twala: Lil Wayne looks like trush🤷🏾
  1363. Corey Moyer: How do kids find this funny? It wasn't even close to funny.
  1364. Malisk 2020: Why you gotta do Weezy like that? 😂😂
  1365. Rup Tratin: Wayne really is an alien
  1366. NaruHoe sama: Astroworld was not rap album... it sounded like something else
  1367. Luka Hays: Lil Wayne looks like a homeless crackhead wtf.
  1368. Justin L: 1:12
  1369. StickMaster500: *_fake laughing intensifies_*
  1370. Jonah Simpson: lol sooo good
  1371. Lord Chosen: Do you have an afro my dude?
  1373. Lincoln Ornelas: MuchDank is so underrated , Like if you agree
  1374. Abenezer Kaleab Yemane: I will never look at people from these videos the same way I used to do, I'm done
  1375. Giovanni Muciaccia: Kick kick kick slap kick
  1376. The Culture: When the cop asks, "You know why I pulled you over?" Me: 1:57
  1377. Anthony Hayes: lol
  1378. Mario Torres: *slurping intensifies*
  1379. Ashaad Morton: That chair squeaking is hilarious asf 😂😂😂
  1380. Hades: I'm happy you used lil Waynes real voice
  1381. school jobs: We want Joe budden
  1382. VertexSwarm: My government name is pumpkin peachy pleasure😂😂
  1384. i have seen hell: I swear to god when he said I can’t smell it on tv I smelt it
  1385. Sherbert The destroyer: 2:04 I died at this part lmao they gave him a little Moan 😂
  1386. Blaze Studios: Travis sounds like a sheep when laughing😂😂
  1387. LUCKY: 🤣🤣🤣💀
  1388. redrum: New Orleans niggas be like:
  1390. • Delphinium •: What’s the outro song?
  1391. Diegø Riøs: yall did whoopi worng
  1392. Jerome Harper: Then people be like “C5 was heatttt🔥 lil Wayne a legend🙏🏼”
  1393. Guillermo Morales: This totally looks and feels like an eric andre interview
  1394. Love Marquez: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  1395. Baby Kermit: **INTESIVLY SLURPING**
  1396. billy jones: do not i repeat do not watch while trippin
  1398. por qué: That spongebob/alien sound effect is the funniest shit EVERR 💀💀
  1399. Evan Denis: This is the best one yet.
  1400. Big Ranch: Bro RIP 2 RIP needs to get on spotify asap tbh
  1401. Bison: Weezy'ing
  1402. Joe Hater: How has this NOT gotten over a million views yet! The lil Wayne part is reason enough to watch this over a million times
  1403. Bald head Vert: Goat
  1404. arcticridge: cookie
  1405. Dom Squaaa: Aye, it’s good but quality not quantity
  1406. somar mohammad: 00:49 couldn't tell if that's lil wayne's voice or a fart at first
  1407. Lil’ Tic PROOF: zorpio nah fam it’s the imposter, like Michael Jackson, they hired a person to act as him to continue his career.
  1408. HELEN XUE: Travis getting uncomfortable *uuuuuuuhhh yeaaaaah*
  1409. Lil V: *J A M B A J U I C E*
  1410. Lucky Mtg Finds: follow my famous meme page on instagram @Clout_footage.. SFS
  1411. KID-X: LMAO this my fav one from u so far
  1412. Gaming Central: I didnt hear anything that lil Wayne said lowkey I need help figuring out what he said.
  1413. 50 Gs Baby: Isn’t he fucking awesome !!!
  1415. Malik: When he pulled out the whoopi pic🤣🤣🤣
  1416. Oh Yeeeah !: Tha Carter V Album of the Year 🐏🔥
  1417. maxreaper25: Died when lik Wayne voice started tweaking
  1418. Lobbo 301: You know, Logic personally mentioned you in an interview with HardKnockTV. You should make a video titled "Logic loves MuchDank" or some shit
  1419. Faze Mancat: If you get it you get it 😄😄😄😄😄
  1420. Adam Edward: Clap clap slap
  1421. CptJumper: +hyle loooool
  1422. WaRxHaM 1st: This guy who made this you r the best
  1423. 5th Kinsman: Name of the song please
  1424. Shn.: Lightningzz was poppin
  1425. best youb: bruhhhh
  1426. One-Eyed Ghoul: Oww!! I was laughing so hard that I accidentally slap my balls. Travis:
  1427. Matt Underwood: And he is in that hallways! *WESTSIDE!*
  1428. Skulltorgeist: my uncles name is PIANO
  1429. Kachigga: trav's laugh is proof hes the goat
  1430. Beatz 01: 0:22 alien exposed
  1431. Buckboyking: Mojo Clov3 r/woooooosh
  1432. Jaydin Dorsey: When Travis started snapping 😂😂
  1433. skyyzz: *AHAH*
  1434. Swan Jayo: Imagine Lil Wayne using the Snapchat voice changer.
  1435. KOROTA: *when you flex too hard with glue*
  1436. Young Neeko: the legendary laugh
  1437. Ihaira Zhang: Flanger effect
  1438. Andi Goldberger: What happened to lil wayne
  1439. FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation: I bet this is pewdiepie
  1440. Che Che: Does wayne age?? Is weed some kind of slow aging miracle drug and no one told me?
  1441. Cole Hone: Anybody know how to make that audio effect at 0:16?
  1443. skenei black: My government name is Pumpkin Peachy Pleasure I’m ded😂😂😂
  1444. bigdick wonkerwanker: Pumpkin peachy pleasure😂
  1445. Kiwi Kat: Screw drugs he got the Jamba Juice
  1446. Don't drink the koolaid: I loved pumpkin peachy pleasures latest album
  1447. Spiny: Logic said he loves you on hardknock
  1448. Blake: These remakes are starting to get too real. Its like you didnt even have to edit travis scott. He does it himself!
  1449. Nicholas Karnes: Deadass I'm using that as an excuse in school 😂
  1450. hey bitch: *Lil Wayne's hair scares me.*
  1451. Avery Seager: Aries?
  1452. 1999: Bro I fucking cried when Wayne started talking like a robot 😂😂😂
  1453. Love Life: This comment was a troll. Video was edited. Kind of funny. Getting old.
  1454. Anthony Hayes: Man this got me rolling. Loooolll
  1455. James Osborne: 0:16 I need to know how to do this audio effect
  1456. Derek MANN: This is God-tier
  1457. T-ink: "Kendrick Lamar Travis scoot *TRAVIS SCOOT*
  1458. zorpio: Yes I’m first hahahahaha 2pacs alive yoooo
  1459. Fuck Jay: Travis would have been savage if he threw the drink in the real clip
  1460. Payton Vineyard: Pumpkin peachy pleasure I'm named after my dad... Best part
  1461. AmCoolDude Yeah: P U M P K I N P E A C H Y P L E A S U R E
  1462. stuffnthings: Pumpkin peachy pleasure
  1463. Potato: Damnit man I wanted to comment this 😂😂
  1464. Sweatyman: Rip 2 Rip outro is fire
  1465. Devant Smith: The perfect timing came when Travis threw the cup 😭 genius
  1466. mistere: this is the funniest one yet
  1467. Lil V: Why aren't you editing the video
  1468. ijsPod: Best video tbh
  1469. SIDDY BIDDY: Lil Wayne spit some fire alien bars at 0:15 then dipped
  1470. B-Rai87: Lil Wayne is an alien
  1471. Langi Beats: The lip licking sound always kills me 😅
  1472. senseiii space: MuchGod
  1473. TVkob: This nigga Travis can barely talk
  1474. Speedster7889: EW NIKO kys
  1475. david mckesey: What?
  1476. Akimoto Kaito: Ligma
  1477. Tony Johansson: I thought this day would never come. I actually laughed while watching Jimmy Fallon
  1478. Imposter of Clorox Bleach: Travis Scott laughs like a goat 🐐 hehehehe
  1479. Drip Squad: 0:16-0:19 just going the way I was feeling that day,how ya doing,😂😤😂
  1480. Mystic_Mayham: 1:11 Travis sounds like a horse neighing
  1481. Cer0 S: Jamba JUICE
  1482. løst inthedarkness: travis scott trying to hold in his inner goat
  1483. HYPETIZE10: 1:58 got my ass ☠️
  1484. Patrik Frroku: Loved your new music video bro. Wait I'm wrong, wrong YouTuber. Or am I?
  1485. Jose EstaBom: That last bit was the one that won me over
  1486. Jaydin Dorsey: Whoopi 😂😂😂😂😂
  1487. Mediazzzzzz: Lil wayne and lil bang bang
  1488. A Louis: As soon as I saw the cups I said “Much Dank is gonna make this count. Watch” lmao
  1489. Ken Matharoo: 0:15 Wayne speaking cursive
  1490. Big Climax: Wayne out here ayy lmaoing like a mf
  1491. Panashe Mhende: the voice
  1492. Shout out to Sean Ranklin: Waiting for Dat to comment
  1493. fern: That transition to Travis Scott was too good
  1494. Audrey: Wrong rapper, it's 2chainz who looks like Whoopi Goldberg lol
  1495. Chante Bacon: Them jimmy claps tho 😂
  1496. RL Suha: This guy is so good at editing
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Lil Wayne & Travis Scott Get Weird with Jimmy Fallon

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Entertainment Upload TimePublished on 10 Oct 2018

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