![Everyday Struggle but Joe Budden is a Ghost Writer](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/sG9o4FeNCck/maxresdefault.jpg)
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Original Video -
Is the Cardi B Love Fake? Reaction to New Chance Track, For the Dick Challenge | Everyday Struggle
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- Sherane: ๐๐๐
- GrrandSmack: S T A P L E GU N
- GodzaRt: WOAH W O A H W H O AAAA *tap* *tap* *tap*
- Michael J: *I N S E R T P H R A S E F R O M T H E V I D E O*
- xKx: *_C_* *_L_* *_A_* *_P_*
- Old is Gold: What does this girl say at 1:09?
- Matt Staib: STAPLEGUN made me cough dam
- Demilade Olaleye: 1:15 BRUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHH๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
- Dre Flows: That part got me ๐๐
- Carlos Hernรกndez: ๐๐๐ lost it at 0.37
- GeeLawjik: 10 outta 10 the staple gun joke gets me every time.
- Ikano: no no no
- Ish YaBoi: *staple gun*
- Precum: Staple gun
- The Lorax: Yaint got none ;)
- Lil Uzi Verts' Staple Gun: This nigga is obsessed wit me
- Culig: LMAO yo i love this channel
- Southside 609: J Victor LMFAOOOOOO
- Unorthodox Gaming: STAPLEGUN
- Joshua Martinez: LOL
- Brian Whitman: That ending was pure gold
- David Tay: Your genuis and imagination is one of a kind. Keep it up
- has lop: I despise nadeska
- Josh Howatd: “STAPLE GUN” ๐ฃ๐ฃ
- Aden: wHere's ThE LeAk, mA'am?
- Take Off: N O W A Y
- Focused Mindzz Family: 1:15 TO 1:18 is PURE GENIUS
- Simon Riley: 0:22
- Dillรธn: alright this shit was actually funny
- The ultimate nigga: *NEG-A-TIEEVE*
- Ayy Sleepy: The Budden laugh to the reverse to the gulp to the stare down is elite level comedy.
- Georg: Much Dank I feel your pain and I love you man thanks for making the dankest shit rn
- Jedi: *F U C K I T*
- Abyss Music: Thank you for what you do
- Ona Hunt: STAPLE GUN
- Austin Flavorland: YouTube poops are coming back. I guess 2017 isn’t all bad
- B.O.A Yang: *NE GA TIVE*
- JUSES CHIRST: why is joe's beard so nappy
- L-Dog The Great: STAPLE GUN!!!!!!!๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
- Toby Kinte: ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
- Peter Hawthorn: S T A P L E G U N
- Ilovemymom Mynigga: Jay2Gud word lol....im in tears
- Mr. G: I laughed too hard at this
- Bdot96: Kofi Wiafe-Annor hahaha
- Squidward The dabber: NEGA- *TIVE*
- Kudda: *STAPLE GUN*
- Aidan Grise: You can to for the Dicc and i can do for the dicc
- Lex: The thumbnails are cracking me up, and I just realized the videos would probably be 10 times better if they were also distorted like that
- Elijah McElroy: I miss Joe on complex. They took a major L
- Shannon Sharpe: N E G A T I V E
- Luchi: ๐๐
- mirandhah: k.
- XtraThankYou: You know, this was the best personality Nadeska had for the whole entire series lol. She was actually funny
- Don't know now you know: Watch this faded.
- Monk Killedababy: Yoy
- Dylan Harkins: *N E G A T I V E*
- Bald Eagle: ................STAPLEGUN
- El Santo: Realest dude in the room
- Bet My Name Spooked You: *YOY*
- Anthony McBride: Return of S T A P L E G U N
- Donavan Chapman: these fuckig edits are gonna kill me
- WhipParodyMusicVideos: This is how high conversations be lowkey
- suckycrap: The ones with joe budden are my favorite no homo
- Lord Silverback: these things are funny asf lol
- Jahseh Onfroy: *JOE BUDDEN HEADASS* ~ lil xan
- Gabriel Taylor: NEGATIVE
- Toby Kinte: Notification gang gang
- The Hartrix: that camera movement at the beginning
- Billie Dave Hart: ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ Funny as hell
- Goldenboyy _1: sandro what’s the anime name of the guy on ur profile picture?
- Thehintercast: 1:14-1:19 Pure...art.
- Nosa Izevbigie: Dude you’re hilarious
- tyclank: G S U T N A P L E S G T U A N P L E
- K C: *You can do for the dick,and I can do for the dick* *Joe :* Hmmmmm ๐
- Ashton Antoine: yo these are fucking great....lmao!!!!
- Craig Reeve: well made
- Divine Dream: Gold
- Murmaxy: w H a T h A v E u S e E n A g H o S t W r I t T e R ? !
- CHAD STOUT: Your everyday struggle vids are the best. love this shit
- xenophontiacicidationarionism: 1:15
- Professional YouTube Commenter: *S T A P L E G U N*
- Ben Dova: dafuc is this bullshit ?
- jaidsalgado: Ak is a pear pussy. Pear, pear pussy.
- hmm yes interesting.: Not uncomfortable enough. Needs more dick.
- Kaizen Kings: this was hilarious!
- MrBadAim: Doing God's work out here.
- SkiMask II: YOY
- J. P.: W O A H W O A H
- Chishado Games: youtube poop
- FUNKY3STYLA: Dank what u doin bro u ledgend
- Curtis DWKC: Made sure to bring my *STAPLEGUN* for this
- MusicValency: Only here for the STAPLEGUN
- JOHN WAYNE: That ending tho
- Christopher Longoria: Joe the type of nigga to chew water, and get angry about the fact he can’t. Then scream *”WHO GAVE HIM A STABLE GUN?”*
- TrapAlbums: For the *D I C K*
- Caleb Creighton: One of the best yet
- Keith Clough: So why do hmmm yes interesting always have top comment
- Khyeire Will: S T A P L E G U N
- TheFnasse: These are the best XD Love the "STAPLEGUN" xD
- Jared Emerson-Johnson: *W O A H* *AGGRESSIVELY SLAPS TABLE*
- 445 BoyZ: a a a A A A A A?
- Woosh Woosh: STAPLE GUN
- Kih L: I am dead asffff
- GodzaRt: N E G A T E E I V E
- Giannis Antetokounmpo: *LET ME TALK*
- bgt125: Things Nadeska has to do for this D in order to get it? Breathe.
- Haight the Great: I'm from Portland and I don't approve of Ak wearing a Blazer hat.
- Lucy De Veil: STAPLE GUN
- Ivan Gutierrez: You got 700k subscribers
- Ooh Khalif: 1:14 when someone makes a funny joke but you realize it's about you
- xScum Lordx: WHOA-WHOA๐คฃ๐คฃ
- rA9: see description
- Shro Productions: very creative comments down here im proud of you guys
- Dab Savage: ayyy 16 Shots at the end. Good song.
- K: This channel is so fire lmao.
- Donatello: This is real news
- Solitude In E-Minor: 1:15 When the squad roasting you and you gotta act like you ain't hurting
- PXBLO DIABLO: i love your channel ... never stop making videos
- .-°Kinky Inky°-.: *clap*
- Jumper: Theres a list for people who are assumed to have the sacred STAPLE GUN๐
- Drawl Ball Jamal: Whenever I see joe in the thumbnail I know that shit is gonna be good
- Kanyeki Ken: STAPLEGUN
- Tuna does youtube: STAPLE GUN I'M DYING
- Alex Fairgood: Everyday Struggle is a fucking goldmine for this type of content.
- Vroly: *clap!*
- Reuben Campbell: What is the end song
- w a v e y e s: Staple Gun
- Morgan Shakra: XXXEGGACION T H E O N L Y W A Y
- Jackson Butt: Yo Nadeska is so hot
- Just Gibb: Staple gun
- kingsilo: 0:54 instant like
- Da Plug: Joe Burdens are the funniest
- Cobra.mp4: MuchDank, ily <3
- Joey Ostrowski: STAPLE GUN
- Lord Dank: Props to you about to hit 100k
- Sir. Spook: Nadeska looks like a female Andrew 3000
- Deshawn: *whoa whoa*
- Mundhir Omar: I'm dying
- Sahdu Sow: G U N S T A P L E
- Josh Brvun: SWAG!
- Boston5.56: ๐ณ..๐ณ.....................STAPLE GUN!!! ๐คฃ
- BingBing BongBong: Joe can be my baby daddy.
- FSUFAN 2003: This shit funny asf
- JaylenTooWavy -: *NEGATIVE N E G A - T I V E*
- Quasmay Music: The claps ๐ I hate this video
- NO SLEEP: the fact you did another struggle vid and then the staple gun and claps, i feel like this is an omaฤe to fans, great one bro <3
- Silverback J: Staple gun
- Devon Sikes: MuchDank Yo bro do the snot thot video with Kodak staring at that chicks ass that would be hilarious
- Ap: W O O O W O O W O O O W
- nolacking specialist: I think joe budden name should be STAPLE GUN
- Elijah: S T A P L E G U N
- That Dude: 16 SHOTS
- ElevatedMindz: Staple gun
- LaMar Kennedy: 1:15 kills me every time
- Joe Budden’s Forehead Veins: WHO GAVE ERYKAH BADU A *STAPLEGUN*
- Jam Jam: N E G A T I V E
- Ihaira Zhang: hahaha this ones the fucking best . i be living for this channel i wake up and if i get a notification im clickin that shit fast as fuck
- Hold Up: ๐ ฑ️ *T A P L E* ๐ ฑ️ *U N*
- salman samdani: This shit was funny AF!!
- MilkIsDaBest: How do you get the video to follow his hand and what is it called
- Jose Romero: Joe Budden deadass sound like a velociraptor when he laughs ๐๐ญ
- Jeremy Johnston: This is art
- paul siro: STAPLE GUN
- Royhan: (H A N D G E S T U R E S)
- Nathan Avilez: do more of everyday struggle bruh ๐
- Lester the Molester: Staple Gun Dick
- Prod. Z: As soon as the "staple gun" clip came on I pressed LIKE ๐๐๐
- Jackson Wolfe: 0:23 I fucking can't
- Daniel: W O A H
- The unPHILtered Podcast: Fuck! This was some of your best work! ๐๐๐
- Young thugs #1 fan: Your everyday struggle vids are the fucking goats ma man
- Dardan13 G: *NE* *GA* *T I V E*
- deathxdishonor.: GOAT videos
- Thatkid251: WO WO WOOO WOOOO
- K C: *S T A P L E G U N*
- Adam Gil: *staplegun*
- Daniel: Muchdank is an OG for these videos
- from the 46: W*O*A*H
- Kyle McLaughlin: 0:28 gay af lmao
- xMvchaaael: *_N E G A T I I I V E_*
- Speedyy: what would you do for the staple gun
- A Pug With Kool-aid: *woah woah*
- Benny Tops: _BAKZ_ why beg for likes u weirdo
- Leon Deemi Jr.: akademiks would do the #forthedrakechallenge
- your boi Gaboi: S T A P L E G U N
- JiffyPopper1923: 0:22
- devan bagby: WHERE IS THE STAPLE GUN
- rxllout: 1:16 sounds like a horse
- punchline: I want muchdank version of every everyday struggle episode
- Haj519: Seriously underrated channel, needs clout boost
- King Alston Sr: Nadeska diking?
- Tayvion Hart: Bruh keep doing Everyday Struggle I love the show and when you make fun of it
- GH0STR3D RRR: I love the staple gun gag
- 1ManiOnly Mani: Lmao this is great
- Dank Meme: _You could for the dick, I could do for the dick"
- fifapro: I can't put my finger on why this shit is hilarious, just is
- A.S.K 69: That ending killed me
- Success Phage: 1:16 ๐๐๐๐๐๐
- yung mvhr: Nadeska the ugliest lil cute girl i ever seen. She ugly in a cute ass way
- Brian Luna: What would y’all do for the dick? Including straight men
- iq2992: i wish i could reverse laugh like that
- MenuMonster123: It's Mouthafucking Dan!!!
- Young Melo: S TAPLE GUN
- Nabil Lion: this was the funniest video that you ever made yet take this heart bitch ❤
- AZOH: "Huh"๐๐๐๐๐
- GodzaRt: Yeueh
- Jaia Bell: *y* *o* *y*
- dirt party: THAT REVERB AT 0:19 ENDED ME OH MY GOD
- Daniel McLaren: WTF ๐๐pure genius
- Xavier Palomo: Play it on playback speed .05 they sound high af lmaoooo
- AlexTheXblade Warrior: STAPLEGUN
- Jeremy Groves: neg-a-TIVE
- North Beatz: STAPLEGUN
- WavyFilms: You’re almost to 100k let’s get itttt
- gregathol: Vince STAPLEGUN
- zzzTop892: N E G A T I V E
- young in: C L A P
- Javal Forde: N E H - G E H -T I V E
- Spaceman68ok: Why Akademiks trying so hard to mimic Joe Budden
- Yungstar Millz: needs more S T A P L E G U N
- Swift Blox: please do a video on roadman shaq
- matt: dj akademiks maybe a little sad
- Squidward The dabber: wow WOW *WOW* *DONT INTRODUCE ME LIKE THAT NOO*
- Chaxerii C: S T A P L E G U N
- 205EVERYWHERE TM: Props for bumping that ๐ฅ๐ฅ Vic at the end though Oh, and by the way *S T A P L E G U N*
- djime sako: you gotta do one of these for the ''out of bounds show'' even tho it's trash there is a lot of montage potential, (UPLOAD IT ON PORNHUB)
- Paul Bossert: This channel is fucking amazing
- Mikey Futile: Song?
- rnakaveli: MuchDank this is fucking gold
- Dante Thorne: this channel reeks of autism
- GodzaRt: nadeska takin notes from joe budden i see lol
- wicked liquid: Budden loves dick
- Anthony Chikoti: Staple gun always makes me laugh
- Air Jordan 3 ́s 5LAB3: 1:18 LMAOOO!!!
- B: Amazing
- IcyGummyWorm: C L O S E I T
- stcrude: 6 stop
- Over X: 16 shots in the end sounded funny asf
- _BAKZ_: Drake is better than Kendrick Lamar. Like if you disagree
- C James: LOL @ how angrily he says it, look at his eyes
- Khalil Jones: WHERE DID HE FIND A
- Montega Stepped-On: this was the best MuchDank video i’ve seen so far.
- Filippo Romagnoli: You dont even know how fast i clicked the notification
- Murmaxy: *Big words*
- Focused Mindzz Family: "You can do for the dick, and I can do...FOR THE DICK." GOTEEEEEEM!!!
- Erv Noel: i hate how funny these are lmaooo
- cabello.mp4: *N E G A T I V E*
- Anti Riku: that ending was fucking gold my man
- luiOef: joe got me risking it all
- Oreo Mixtape: That reverse laugh had me dead ๐
- Cray May: ๐๐คฃ๐๐๐๐๐๐
- Jake Campbell: I'm fucking crying lmaooooo
- noelle stole joshs spherical: This is awful and I love it
- Ti Mo: joe budden the american detlef soost
- k d: _S T A P L E D I C K_
- Smash Star: *S T A P L E G U N*
- Pr0n Legacy: 1:15 got me weak af
- dezi: shoulda replaced their hand claps with trap snares
- bourbon legend: Toby Kinte o shit
- Aceboogzzz: Nadeska: “Yoy”
- Fish Ed: I thought the title said "Everyday Struggle but Joe Budden is a Ghost" with Joe Budden being constantly ignored. Make it happen pls.
- OsamaBinObama: Mr dank
- Young Sin: I love this channel so much
- Markie Marc: I love it. Everyday struggle is trash lmao
- awkward :/: *D I C K*
- Devaune Temple: *STAPLE GUN*
- JH vibes: I swear to god when you throw those random staple guns... It kills me. Where do you even find of of those anyways?
- Wonder Breed: Complex could really use you to make some funny content.
- AM:NH Media: Ne-ga-T I V E -
- Dutch Delight: *random quote from the video*
- Free E: I want somebody that looks at me like Joe Budden at 1:20 ๐๐
- Mo Hax: s t a p l e g u n
- Caden Nicholl: Write for the D * C C
- Alex Martinez: marvin gaye part got me dead
- Hagrid you fat oaf: N e g a t i v e
- Ananas: ๐๐๐ the fucked thumbnail of slutdeska never fails to make me laugh
- Gshift: 0:22 *Y U O Y E E*
- J Victor: Jamal B ๐ ฑe๐ ฑras๐ ฑa*
- Ultimate Shining: Yessss Cthu
- Lutfi Hasani: You are just a legend man
- Sideways Couch: Name of outro tho?
- TheEmeraldBeast135: MuchDank please dank up that madeintyo & 24hrs interview ๐๐ฟ ๐๐ฟ ๐๐ฟ
- Gc0rD: these are the best yo keep it up haha rofl
- Aaron RIO: NE GA *TIVE*
- Steban Pulido: *E R Y K A B A D U*
- omelette du fromage: Please make an edit of the "joji and Lil yachty have curious conversations" video
- treyden smith: Are you in every comment section
- por quรฉ: *StApLEGuN*
- Divine Battle: I shed a couple of tears ๐ข this is powerful
- ICantEvenSpell: Negative
- aaron flanagan: S T A P L E G U N
- Kody Sykora: This shit funny
- Gang eS: That fuckin laugh tho : o 1:15
- EVOL: where did he find a S T A P L E G U N
- D Rodriguez: erykah badu has a staple gun??
- Josh Blair: I A M S O R R Y I D O N T L I K E G A Y P E O P LE . A P O L O G I E S .
- Ray Bashore: Make a video on lil Xans genius lyrics and meaning video Like if you agree and so he can see
- Nano: 1234567891011fuk12
- GamerGee: 1:16 lmao
- Jboy J: Staple gun kills me every time!
- The Real American: *YES* *WALE* *YOU* My favorite meme to come from MuchDank
- Tarell Bellamy: Legendary content
- Madรฅra aj: ใ ษฌ∆ใ๏พ∑ ะฑใฉะธ
- this ain't it: Erykah badu is on the list of people assumed to have that *STAPLE GUN*
- Austin Smith: Bruuh this episode must have been lit
- Alex Miller: Staplegun plug kills me every time great video man
- jah: *STAPLE GUN*
- Morgan Freeman: I was waiting for that staplegun at the end and it was STILL fucking hilarious
- michael: *_S T A P L E G U N_*
- Ascidzz: Nadeska: "Right?" Joe: "uhH"
- Oliver Small: Pleeeassee make a 'they be my clones' remix of badnboojji
- Chandler Sherrill: that laugh at the end doe hahahaha.
- Ice Cube Sandwich: 1:15
- VideoFanatic13: NEG-A-TIVE
- Leonard Ney: these guys have to be hiding their homosexuality if they react like that. jesus. 0:06
- Uptown: N E G G A T E E F
- Lord Cripplus: I got an ad ๐
- 0verwith: *CLAP* Neg-I-*TIVE*
- Yolk Those Nuts: I love Joe.
- Jayoo Plays: _F O R T H E _*_S T A P L E G U N_*
- aUstin: Assumed to have a *STAPLE GUN*
- abcdefg1392: woah woAH
- pump fake: ..right? *a a a a h h*
- Tanya Kaufman: *ANGEL FUCKIN DIAZ*
- BuBu: SUS
- Adam s: S T A P L E G U N
- DatBalticBoi: What if Budden is so bitter with life because he ghostwrites for Migos
- Kay Scotia: moreeee of theseeee
- Aliel Vargas: i love u
- Chambers: the end had me dead
- 3 piece McNuGgeT: STAPLEGUN ๐
- Jstar: Yoy
- treesap: You give me *anxiety*
- Gerard Smith: C L A P N E G A T I V E
- Eye Closed: I gave Lil Uzi the *STAPLE GUN*
- Nathan 25: lolol. more everyday struggle videos bro.
- sleeplezzz: If course!
- Shariqwa Witwicky: *STAPLE GUN*
- Ahmed Ismail: *YU* *AY*
- lilpump: MuchDank dank you very much
- Im ded lol: * F O R T H E D I C K *
- No Need To Fear Your Friendly Neighborhood Negro Is Here: This channel keeps getting better
- Shrouded Chasm: Yo, watch this shit when you high, nigga this shit be trippin me the fuck out and shit taha
- BLACK Mon: more please ๐ it's too funny please do it for the culture we need this.
- Chibi: These are golden
- Hades: NiggaTIVE
- Bambawoz: dj akademiks looking like a fat frog
- Luca J. Weber: Fuck Joe Budden
- Sparks: 0:08 HELP
- Elijah Brand: *NEG-A-TIVE*
- VEX: ๐๐๐
- Matthew McCrary: Even the song after lmao
- S. J.: Yo shout outs to Much Dank
- asvpxtrxp: I fucking love this channel man
- Doge King: *NE DICK TIVE*
- Captain Kush559: Do that famous dex awkward interview
- Lil Glocko: Why this shit so funny thooo
- natebaz133: Commenting before I watch a single second, if there's no staple gun, I'm gonna be disappointed Edit: I was not disappointed
- J Noah: Staple gun
- Fuzzinator: Neg a t i v e
- thenewgoddamngambit: OMG i love the part where Ak swallows AT Joe! LOL
- Monk Killedababy: Oh my fucking god... I'm on shrooms why'd you do that to me with the staple gun.... hahaha this is easily one of your best videos
- KrimsonApoLLo: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, fuck 12!" Master-class lyricism right there...
- Anonymous Nobody: Fuck is this dumb shit?
- Clique Productions: You got me watching Everyday Struggle paying attention to their hand movements now. S T A P L E G U N
- amari leslie: lmfao joe budens are the funniest, muchdank, whoeveryouAR youre SpeciAl
- amir201233: I thought they were key and peele those two black from comedy central
- Nathan Avilez: 0:16 ๐
- crownmarley: “yoy”๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ
- Sam HansenTV: This is amazing
- Strawberry Bleach: *S T A P L E G U N*
- Omari Jordan: Not as funny cause you’re running out of funny edits
- Ricki.ProCS:GO: Make a video on the Eminem trump freestyle, so much potential
- ColdSteeze: "Woahhhh" "Where did he find a staple gun!?" - Joe Budden 2017
- Dat Persian King: Thumbnail got me fuckin dead ๐
- Chowder is dead: S T A P L E G U N
- MrBigT: yo my nigga. great stuff as always. Could you please start adding outro song credits on the description. Please and thank you
- Jay2Gud: 1:14 has me fuckinnnnn weakkkkkkkkkkk lmfaooooo
- Somali pirate who's actually somali: Instructions unclear. Dick got stuck in a staple gun.
- Izayah Spencer: 1:19 to 1:26 i was dying bru
- Holy Mecca: These scare me.
- Lilwalt: this video wasn’t funny until the swallow lmao
- Humbella: These thumbnails though.
- crus8r: Ne Ga *TIVE*
- Marbs: ur joe budden videos are hands down the best ones
- Valmer Livesmatter: POP OFFFFF OF ACK
- eazyfire145: These everyday struggle videos are the best
- a b o v e _: Legendairy!
- Kevin K: make more with more stuff budden repeats
- Old Head: Erykah Badu is on the list of people that are assumed to have that *STAPLE* *GUN!!!*
- RunningFromAdults: the thumbnail is sooooo uncomfortable
- 047mph: Fuck Class time for me to watch MuchDank
- Higetsu Namikawa: "Erikah Bahdou the kinda woman to have A STAPLE GUN" I'M ROLLING
- Ace lido: Slow down the content let people get hyped for each post put more time in each one brah just trynna help
- octotartine: ๐ ne ๐ ga ๐ TIVE
- D J G B: do one of these with lil uzi's new mtv interview
- MoarMakerz: w o a h w o a h
- Newtoschool: Just make a Everyday Struggle playlist this shit is gold.
- Saad S: this show is a cringe factory
- SoLoValid: Tell me why this Boutta get hella views ๐๐ฏ
- Flowzen: -V I N C E- S T A P L E -S- G U N
- BlueRyai2: Joe the type of nigga to write his lyrics in all caps
- SpaceCadetAtom: *STAPLE GUN*
- Kastro Hussein: Negative!!!๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ
- RiskyWarrior: He has to do the Rico reckless version
- Bobby Bancroft: STAPLE GUN
- Free Fluffy: trash
- Timmy Durden: Like if Joe is dad
- Cee Jay: Never fails to Disappoint.
- Mr.Spongeboi: she looks like woah vicky
- n guemar: Eryka Badu is on the list of people assumed to have a STAPLE GUN
- solo: i wasn’t expecting the “staple gun”
- XenonPhantom: ๏ผฆ๏ผฏ๏ผฒ๏ผด๏ผจ๏ผฅ๏ผณ๏ผด๏ผก๏ผฐ๏ผฌ๏ผฅ๏ผง๏ผต๏ผฎ
- The Odyssey: Never clicked soooo fast!!!!!!!!!!!
- blaccmass: bruh that gulp took me out yo
- Imdontais Son: Woah
- Trigger Happy School Shooter: LMFAOOOO consistently the best channel on youtube
- Slim7777: NE-GA-*TIVE*
- Cuan Meyer: Lol you fucked nadeska up in the thumbnail bruh
- jdub: BARS FOR THE *D I C K*
- Aryan Patel: *N E G A T I V E*
- Kie B: The table slaps and claps are fucking brilliant, oh and also S T A P L E G U N
- DaBeatSpecialist: LMAOOOO
- Angelo Cavagnaro: wtf is this?
- Liberty Prime: *N E G A T I V E*
- LightskinGod: S T A P L E G U N S T A P L E G U N S T A P L E G U N S T A P L E G U N S T A P L E G U N S T A P L E G U N S T A P L E G U N S T A P L E G U N S T A P L E G U N S T A P L E G U N S T A P L E G U N S T A P L E G U N S T A P L E G U N S T A P L E G U N S T A P L E G U N S T A P L E G U N S T A P L E G U N S T A P L E G U N S T A P L E G U N S T A P L E G U N S T A P L E G U N
- rivermana: lolllllllll, yo what episode was this?
- Prod. Lil Rudd: Shit got me dead asf s t a p l e g u n
- The Masked Twins: G E N I U S.
- Tom Smith: *S T A P L E G U N*
- VANILLADINGDONG 11111: Yes honey
- Groundys: S T A P L E G U N
- AkMarv: Lmaoooo this video is so weird. I wonder what kind of ganja the editor smoked before editing this.
- Yung Gurb: kanker mooi
- Luis Revollar: This channel keeps me alive
- GodzaRt: *stares...* S T A P L E G U N
- cooldog2678: Every muchdank comment section is things said by people in the video in bold or weird fonts
- king lead 079: Lmaooooo๐๐๐คฃ๐คฃ
- from the 46: 0:53 WHere did he find a ST A P L E G U N
- Jordan Hart: MuchDank <3
- Kerry Wilson: This channel is dope af and hilarious
- Ilovemymom Mynigga: cartiair jamal lmaooooooo
- o0poppei0o: Fire vidoes bruh keep up the good work!
- Mu6ter: Man PLEASE keep making Joe Budden videos cuz if u dont I’ll shoot u with a staple gun.
- okay stop: Wooowoo
- Wayne B: heheheheHeHEHEHEHehehehehe.....
- WizTheMc: 1:18
- Hips: this is the best one by FAR
- Butlcl001: "I CAN DO FOR THE DICK." -Akademics
- Khulud Ileye: *N EGATIVE*
- SoLoValid: What did I just watch ๐
- Michael Demeo: we need an everyday struggle but joe budden is a lizzard with that damn tongue shit he does
- I’m King: Lmaoo
- DaBeatSpecialist: MuchDank got a PHD in meme making
- denzoned: X?
- Majestic 12: MuchDank ๐๐๐๐
- Let me love your mom: *YOY*
- VentusMaster: Somali pirate who's actually somali that means instructions were very clear
- Weeniehut jr: S T A P L E G U N
- รลรธรธd: outro song?
- sandro: *GUN OF STAPLES*
- Joshua Park: These need to be longer๐๐
- daysof romance: that final stare down smoof af
- Kj Miles: Lol did he really just hit em wit that "staplegun" at the end ๐
- Sean Baller: "yu uy"
- TheAmazingSpiderNigga: "yoy"
- despheh heh: H U H? ๐ค
- Dan: These are always hreat but 1:16 till the end was especially gold. I'm really happy that you exist. Thank you
- Ollie Robinson: S T A P L E G U N
- jah: *Q U O T E F R O M T H E V I D E O*
- Wraithmeda Berry: Not enough staple guns.
- Dj VicEmmanuilll presents NaVi: Take that bull shit to adult swim
- Azu ra: Gecko Gaming/Reptos lol right I see him everywhere
- bruh,: that ending was phenomenal. I aint laughed that hard in a minute. ak's gulp of fear takes me out every single time
- SpongeBob SquarePantz: STAPLE GUN
- Randomins t: *N E G A T I V E*
- c: yo, that joe staple gun got me crying ๐ thanks muchdank for keepin that alive
- Bass Red: 0:52 WTF LMAO... spit juice all over my screen
- The Executioner: The end man hahahA
- Bobby: What have you done for the dick Joe? ๐ ๐
- Jeremiah Faison: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 *FUCK TWELVE*
- David Svenk: Y O Y
- Siphon: *Where did Vince Staples get a STAPLE GUN*
- Nick Bee: 1:14 put me in a coffin
- Fortnite Boi: shoulda ended it with a loud ass clap
- Boacedgar Rodriguez: You can do for the dick and i can do for the dick hummmmmmmm ๐
- Gabriel Jr Leo: L
- ralph: the thumbnail is something god tier ๐๐๐๐๐๐
- Lorenz S: *WOAH*
- Nia Iman: is this interview where the staple gun joke came from??
- Pener: Looks like Budden is gonna write bars for the *D I C K*
- zzzTop892: ๐
- Ollie: Woah woah
- MrBp954: Now he just a ghost gone from the show
- Buu Shishigami: *S T A P L E G U N*
- Zack Clyburn: ๐ญ๐ญ๐๐๐ญ๐๐ญ๐๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ 1:14
- BrazenBullXXX: Fuck man, these things are fire. I can't stop.
- Erkan Yesilyurt: Who is the employee that sold you the STAPLEGUN
- S.Fadairo: What just happened
- Antoine Contador: NEGATIVE
- this ain't it: *CLAPS* *STAPLE GUN*
- 94JAVS: this is duck as funk
- HausFilms: Best Everyday Strugg (with 2 g's) video on this channel to date, love hearts around Joe's head had me rofling
- Jordy Blackbourn: STAPLE GUN!!
- Bobby Bancroft: STAPLE GUN
- Chairdolf Sitler: S T A P L E G U U U N
- sethguy45: 0:40 gets me every fucking time bro! LMAO
- Everlost: Wtf is happening๐ญ๐
- xXL344zXx: What if everyone just sent staple guns to Joe
- Beats By Pak Da Kid: Stop
- bourbon legend: more everyday struggle
- Xquavius Ellison: KarlTheJester She had that chain in her mouth lol somewhere
- Turtle Monkeigh: Best one by far
- You Forget A 1000 Things A Day: The Clap is back!
- Tristin127: STAPLE GUN
- Richh T: lmaooo na this is jokesssss
- BAPE KING: hmm yes interesting I subbed to you can you sub back
- GeorgetheGreat: 16 shots so fire
- Dwayne Harris: You owe me a fade fam. This video is trash
- Deez Mixed Nutz: my nigga u should start doin sports interviews and actor interviews
- Cee Jay: "You can *do for the dick* and I can *do for the dick*
- The Dead Pixel: *W O A H*
- David Davidson: facts
- Cassius: Woman don’t have rights...
- LeBron James: Notification Gang *CLAp CLAP CLAP* where u at
- I Love Food: This cured my kidney cancer and gave me skin cancer. *<3*
- Brandon Gooding: *DON’T INTRODUCE IT LIKE T H A T*
- grvmir3z: Do a video on Joe Budden On The Therapist show
- • thosepupils •: honestly ill be back when im tripping on shrooms or acid.
- not ry: LMFAO
- The Fresh JC: Staple gun
- jah: *N E G A T I V E* *NEG A TIVE*
- BingBing BongBong: Lmao
- caci: Who in this office has seen a staple gun?
- Olivier Pointeau: *yoy*
- Fox Donze: I didnt think a show could be funnier while high than Eric Andre. This is fucking great
- Kevin Corkran: WHO GAVEEEE *ERYKA BADU* A *๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐*
- M48: 235th I made it guys.
- Zach Levy: the way you fucking focus on their hands
- Reginald Patrick: 1:16 awkward laugh gulp *awkward* *stare* *STAPLE* *GUN*
- Zeek: Hahahaahahahahaah
- Color Orange: Where did he find a S T A P L E G U N
- THE REAL AINT NOTHIN BUT A G THANG T-SHIRT: And now I'm not right here for you. Of course.
- SaggyJ: ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ
- testiclefatniggafarting: why the fat red shirt man don't stop yell
- Monte Alkanas: Bro you are a genius
- Michael Ford: Joe Budden is the Alex Jones of hip hop
- Nicxlvs BJJ: *NEH-GAY-TIVE*
- juan mart: W H E R E D I D H E F I N D A S T A P L E G U N
- Scottie Drippins: Ak look like king louie from the jungle book
- Puppy: S T A P L E G U N
- GodzaRt: Joe's STILL lookin for that S T A P L E G U N?!
- Lil Sushi Vert: N E G A TIVE
- Lamar Junior: This is the dankest
- Young 96: STAPLE GUN
- tegan: who gave uzi a S T A P L E G U N
- Jamal B: J Victor *Ne๐ ฑreska
- Cant Mew it like me: 1:16 LMAO, love this channel
- Jabbe Jab: I'm dead
- Graka Ganggang: Can't keep my dick in my staple gun
- Mikhail Govind: What editing software do you use?
- Mary Anne: Bro thats tom from tom&jerry
- CG sperry: 1:15 lmfao๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
- Oh Yeah yeah: Whats that song at the end omg i need it
- sophiexoxo: 0:18
- Majin Kaaz: You should make a video for every time Joe Buddens loud ass laugh causes everybody else to stop laughing lol
- Sal Leyva: STAPLEGUN!!!!
- Otto Nielsen: *S T A P L E G U N*
- tipology: that STAPLE GUN that shit killed me
- ZayYPC: Dammit the staple gun always gets me lol
- Blue: *NEGATIVE*
- Yun Bhristopher: STAPLEDEMIKS
- ฤฑllฤฑllฤฑ YoUng mOdd ฤฑllฤฑllฤฑ: That staple gun reference tho lmao
- ฤฑllฤฑllฤฑ YoUng mOdd ฤฑllฤฑllฤฑ: *NEG* *A* *TIVE*
- BragKnight: Ne-ga-T I V E
- DTown: Not gonna lie. This shit is funny.
- jah: stcrude no
- xBoozy: I need rehab. This is too muchdank.
- TommyTuckers GoldenCrown: Staple Gun!
- predzz: NE GA *TIVE*
- NolaBoy K.J: Somebody please giv joe a fuckin staple gun? PLEASE!
- michael: *_N E G A T I V E_*
- Brodi 22: Love these! Keep them coming bro!!XD
- Joshua Lewis: Staple gun ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐
- Andre Brown: HAHA... What did i just watch?????
- Jasper Alexandersson: *Yoy*
- batmansrighttoe: 1:15 lmaoooo
- DeQuawn DeBerry: I swear I anticipate the “staple gun” in every video and it kills me everytime ๐๐๐
- ThatPerson: 1:16 to the end was the funniest shit i've seen in my entire life.
- Kaioken_: Assumed to have that *S T A P L E G U N*
- rahul lakhanpal: 1:15 OMFG ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ
- ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ (๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ๏ฝ): Do it for the *_S T A P L E G U N_*
- CountLink: CLOSE IT.
- Roger Reyes: That Vic Mensa bass
- Leon Deemi Jr.: we need a #fortheSTAPLEGUNchallenge
- Quinten Warren: I KNEW YOU WERE GONNA END IT WITH "STAPLE GUN!" !!! hahahahaha
- Eddie Hyde: Staple Gun > Coffee Pot
- Silently Alone: Neg a TIVE
- Dre Manifest: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ
- DJ Akademiks Supreme Hoodie: O F C O U R S E
- Mamadou Sakho: do a second channel with just joe budden vids
- Edgar Martinez: *N E E D S M O R E C L A P S*
- Kimpoh: Edits on point as always my dude
- Roam: Editing is on ๐ ฑoint
- SaggyJ: *YOY* -Nadeska
- Rip Fuego: I fucking love this channel so much
- Bryan Trแบงn: I hate JOE BUDDEN
- Will: I hate Nadeska.
- Big Tuna: someone tweet this to them lmao
- Walter White: STAPLE GUN
- zamorak2109: @0:09 im dead
- Shotgun barrel nostrils: Bro every video Joe budden is funny I'm always keeping a big wide smile and replaying funny clips
- Jim Legxacy: *S T A P L E G U N*
- Panda_Eight_Six: *SLAPS TABLE*
- Noal: he HE *HE* HE he
- Beer Drank Shawty: bahahahahahahahahahhaa
- Chris Gary: Died at the staple gun part lmao
- THE REAL AINT NOTHIN BUT A G THANG T-SHIRT: That reverse laugh is so uncomfortable ๐๐๐
- Dolan DeDock: *STAPELEGUN*
- Rich Don: Dead
- crackhead savage: *S L A P*
- tricky: this is a good one
- Drew Dumas: this nigga much dank gotta be higher than alien nuts when he goes to make these videos.. ๐
- djdamage514: Who is the EMPLOYEE that sold Erykah Badu a STAPLE GUN
- Cant Mew it like me: Budden is the Buddha of 2017
- TeamSwagGod: Please only do everyday struggle
- Landon Martin: This is honestly one of the best ones yet. That part where you reversed joe laughing had me dead.
- Jimbo: Yeet
- Darren: 1:13 ๐ญ๐๐๐ ๐ ๐ฅ
- purrp De santa: STAPLE GUN
- Lord Dank: Woah.
- LETSxGETxFRISKY: Woah, woah
- Ace: i have never laughed at something to the point where im in tears until i checked out your channel. this shit is gold. never stop with these edits homie they are hilarious
- lilpump: Dank you very munch
- That’s Amiyah: *W O A H*
- Cortney Denson: Lol
- It's your Grandma: This is the best thing I've ever seen
- lil bloodynose: I would shoot my shot with S T A P L E G UN
- Cash Landon Sanchez: Rip Fredo Santana
- Brian: This is a good one ๐๐๐๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ
- Your Self: Y U H Y
- Jesky: YOY
- Robert Lopez: one of the best
- Tez E: I wanna fuck Crystina Rossi for the pussy.
- SirAver2k: these are great keep it up
- Young Hustlez Official: *S T A P L E G U N*
- Tizio A Caso: 1:17
- anonymous: God damn this was funny
- Agustin Miranda: O F C O U R S E
- Tristan Chuey: Give me C L O U T please
- neek: N E G A T I V E
- No_Camber: Gulp
- Evander Coop: The end lmao
- 5outho: Yes
- Salem Al-Baker: Yoee.
- Romo_know: That staple gun shit never fails๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ๐คฃ funny as hell I need some more Joe buddens videos ๐ฏ
- theawkward kameleon: More
- that guy with the ravioli: Nadeska: Right Joe: *_U H H H H H H ? ? ?_*
- Rick: Broh I died at1:16 ๐๐๐
- MuchDank: If you want Dj Akademiks, Joe Budden and Nadeska to see this trash, make sure you tweet this video to them using this link: https://ctt.ec/70dUW, will show love to those who do.
- Xmona X: S T A P L E G U N
- ILLYRIAN: Which episode was this? can someone provide a ninja wid a link?
- Jasper Alexandersson: Nadeska: *"Y O Y"*
- Og Swank: Nobody comment til I think of a joke that’ll get me a lot of likes ๐ค
- Young Bix-0: *STAPLE GUN*
- Khad: *_S T A P L E G U N_*
- Guillermo R56: NE GA TIVE
- FolkLaurr: This is funny, great editing.
- Jay West: STAPLE GUN
- Raisin: the quest continues for joe budden on his search for the staple gun
- C Kroikz: This is the first time all day i've really had a true laugh, the staple gun thing killed me. Keep up the good work Dank!
- Izzy MDP: My nigga you are a genius
- paul siro: Man I've been on a marathon on muchdank.Shits artistry.
- bobo42024: You have the best videos and editing on point bro I can't stop laughing.
- A Pug With Kool-aid: *s t A p l E g U n*
- JackyIsHere: try retro do fresh prince of bel-air ;)
- Dash K.: I think she got it from Lil Uzi vert
- Sparkie: I agree...
- winter: *NE-GA-TIVEEEE*
- Yassin Cmr: C L A P C L A P C L A P
- Javon Russell: *TUNASUB*
- Jerrel Courtney: Wat episode is this
- AceDion: My like just gave you 1K. Thank me hoe.
- Celestial Gaming: *negaTIVE*
- Hey Vsauce Micheal here: Damn I hate joe budden
- Mysterious Remnant: 0:41-0:44 ๐ค
- Bonzo 2119: Staple gun
- Mohammed Hossain: Joe still tripping over the staple gun smh
- pablo lantigua: I love Nebraska’s little transition lines she says after every convo they have is done
- ayy fam: *W O A H*
- l.d.1.8: yayayayayay
- Deen Quoi: Television just died
- Legion Beetz: Not enough claps 0/10
- Noel brian: This shit is so trippy when ur high asf ๐
- Hentai Senpai: I hate JOE BUDDEN.
- HeroTheHero: Right?...... *UH HUH*
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Everyday Struggle but Joe Budden is a Ghost Writer | |
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Entertainment | Upload TimePublished on 18 Oct 2017 |
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