![Post Malone's Most Awkward Interview](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1WI82LWMRVk/maxresdefault.jpg)
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Original Video - Wireless TV | Post Malone interview | 2017
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- SpongeBob SquarePantz: These have me rolling😂😂😂
- PowdaToastFace Killah: BREADTT
- Epsilon: B R E A D
- Travis Bates: Breeead
- KickGodBeats: im dead oml hahaha. *bread* *I Killed everyone*
- KustomGraphics206: *B R E A D*
- Nigga Tard: I was patient
- Jennifer Sunshine: he is a dirt ball
- JOLLY SPIDEY: Biscuits = Breads
- TehFinalBrick: "i was also trying to uh... *kill everybody* "
- some commentor: *BREADT*
- Ariana Munguia: *"BrEaD"*
- cre420: *B R E A D*
- marvelous expredator2: DJ Akademiks Supreme Hoodie okay....okay
- sandy_ milkshake: BREAT!!
- yohann dcruz: I was patient
- richard long: post Malone looks homeless
- Sranan Polak: AMISH
- ಠ_ಠ: This gives me anxiety
- blessed: This man does not possess the ability to make bad videos.
- alfonso perez: B r E a D
- horacechin1: I actually sing it with my eyes closed like I feel it *licks lips*
- Dark Star: *B R E T*
- Humbella: *W H E R E T H E B R E A K F A S T A T*
- suthern savage: It's like biscuits because I'm trying to kill everyone because it's my master plan
- boi: *lick* BREAD
- Dank Memes: Gud m8
- Barış01: the end did hurt
- A1 Karl 15: *BREAD*
- Capra Ibexx: These sounds remind me of ma dreams when I have high temperature xD
- Tony Wuffles: i was also trying to uuh .. K I L L E V E R Y B O D Y
- Javi D'mit: biscuits and gravy
- Christina C: KM I read this as she SHOUTED it hahahahhaha
- FresH Kluba: *Y A L L C A L L E M B I S C U I T S ?*
- Noir: 0:42 had me dying
- KR: *W A S T H I S R E C O R D E D?* *OH SHIT*
- Haley Monroe: I'm cringing so hard but can't look away
- dairan camch0: first. the memeestthe memeest
- Nymerrie: malone is living in my left ear now
- ObiDaSauceMan: *B I S C U I T S*
- Falkor YT: B r e a d
- Lil Bleach: *B R E A D*
- Yo Mama: The NOISES
- rag: *B* *R* *E* *A* *D*
- Excalibur's bane: Lil Savage Savage...
- cluTch0: How do u dat so well lmao
- Evan Callaway: *BREAD*
- Shro Productions: i can scream... *I W A S P A T I E N T*
- Erik Garcia: Oh I was patient now i can scream I was patient “
- LEATHER BLACK JEANS ON: My favorite part is when he said biscuits.
- lil reese buttercup: Did anyone bring B I S C U I T S
- Kaleb Fields: Bread
- Rami Hamzeh: *B R E A D*
- WetEmUp: I was also trying to uh... *K I L L E V E R Y B O D Y*
- Joel: *BREAD*
- MOB Raji: b r e a d
- Landon Martin: super early fam
- Nea T: *casually liking all ”bread” comments*
- RoBro: Rap it up den!
- Peppy Pal: The thumbnail makes him look like he could be the Smiling Titan’s brother
- Recklezzd: Us peasants don't deserve this much Dankness
- SimplieAngie: Bis cuts
- Kyuto: B R E A D
- Blasekage: Is it biscuit? BREAD
- Psychedelix: Im not exaggerating one bit when i say im fUCKING CRYING HOLDING BACK LAUGHTER FROM TRYING NOT TO LAUGH SO LOUD
- mekeal brown: No, this is HER most awkard interview
- pc taliban: bread
- Alfie Alton: BREAD
- JORDANIAN: I don't know what I just watched, but i liked it.
- Dylan Lovell: michael sanchez i
- AimTheJoke: COOKIES
- LīL Kām: You know she wanted the Malone Meat
- Fabiano Ravani Junior: B R E A D
- Mustang gang 5.0: Muchdank if you would please go do some classic interviews like Allen Iversons "practice" I swear this channel will take off like it should
- squadfam x: B R E A D
- jamie: Haha
- The Stupid Mario Bros: *B R E A D*
- hot fella: 0:48 Why did she say "bread" out of no where? Wut
- Šhåÿ ‘: *BiScUiTs*
- Jo Nathan: I know this was edited but damn he made this so cringe lmao
- Vaquines family: Dropping like fly's "licks lips" OOF
- Jay: I laughed so hard watching this
- steve arison: Im from the *BAY*
- matthew tran: Where can I get a long version of post Malone’s congratulation with him just saying I was patient
- Brashies: B I S C U T S
- Emma Oof: biscuitssssss🍞🍶
- Electric Shedd: B R E A D R E A D
- idonteatcheetos: he looks like grimes with that stupid ass haircut
- DontWorryBeHappy: dude: Is congratulations about yourself? Post: It's like BISCUITS- I bought a lot
- Thee Greg: Can Post even get mad? 😂
- MARTEL WEBBER: These two are so shit..
- Reinaldo Gonzalez: He looks like a caveman that smells like Campbell chicken soup.. And vinegar
- Marshaa Brady: Post Malone looking like a homeless meth head I can't 😂
- ladahtay 12™: IT's BISCUITS
- Gavin’s Friend: *B I S C U T Z*
- BAPE KING: Do annoying orange awkward gameplay!
- Popcorn Butter: Oh nooo
- TAB: B R E A D
- John Smith: *BREAD*
- Tyler Da Tree: 🅱️READ
- shrek wazowski: This nigga ugly asf
- Blake Steenrod: Is Post half Irish
- Spork: *BREAD.*
- Gustavo Cantellano: Biscuits.
- s7robe: Imo this is your best vid.
- Yoboics: I also tried to kill everybody
- antisocial potato: *BREAD*
- Yoav: 🅱 U I S C I T S
- Crystal Fuller Lewis: BREAD
- Anthony Doyle: I was trying to like kill people hahah
- SMXLE: These be on point👌👌👌
- Extra Account: Smacks lips 😗😗😗
- edits: Hahaha
- King Dededinkleberg: _biscui-_ *BREAD*
- Maddy maddnesss: Wthhh😂😂😂😂
- Gullible Productions: randomly show this to someone they might believe it for a second
- GeneralGh0st: *B R E A D*
- Unknown 666: *D R O P P I N G L I K E F L I ES*
- Jessie James: michael sanchez why are people liking a guy writing bread. I like dank but the fanbase are retards
- Amanda Campos: LMFAO YO I love post malone
- GIRTHquake: That thumbnail is amazing.
- Margie: *BREAD*
- Amar hunter: 🅱READ
- Sam Bailey: i just don't like that people only know him for white Iverson and congratulations. :/
- Pablo J.: *B R E A D*
- I am Ebony lotus: “ I was also tryna kill everybody”
- Murph& MerryJ: it was good until you destroyed my eardrums with the word 'Bread"
- Tori: *like I F E E L I T*
- U 221E: b r e a d
- OutJaded: Is this recording...?
- irelan m: *d o y a l l c a l l e m b i s c u i t s*
- Latoyah Henry: B r e a d
- MyFavoriteMusic: This is one of my favorites that youve made so far
- Myko DZN: I need to scroll dwon the cringe man :|||||
- Hecatrice: when playing call of duty
- speckalou: B R E A D
- xxxTae LøveSīn: If you gave some girl post malones hair then she would rock
- Ada: I DIED 😂😂
- jsraiders9: BREAD
- Tyler Da Tree: I was also trying to.. umm... *kill everybody*
- michael: 🅱️ *i s c u i t s*
- Giannis Antetokounmpo: I T S B R E E E E D S
- bobby gots a Bill: BREAD AND BISCUIT
- Geometric: What a rockstar
- Jaito Gaming: I was also trying to kill everybody
- yung mvhr: soulja boy's draco 2nd this
- Arjan Jassal: damn 😂 damn 😂 damn 😂
- Victoria Jarrett: First vid I watched on this channel and I'm in FUCKING stitches. Subscribed
- legit legit: *BREADS*
- Michael J: *B R E A D*
- badgal: “Bread”
- Senpai: BREAD!!!
- Everything Motors: These are epic AF
- tobito the producer: C R A Z E
- Tammy Do: B R E A D .
- Patchy Trackz: BREAD
- Austin Velazquez: B R E A D
- Casey Cook: -BREAD-
- el.: Drrraaaagegegege gege
- smilinq jah: How did I get here
- inK StyL: BREAD
- Pa Blo: Sarah ! Ayee I was looking for someone who feels the same way right! Like damn it just makes me feel so uncomfortable
- justinjacquez766: That british accent can make any girl sexy
- Jesse Wentworth: "Oh shit"
- Daniel Phaze: https://youtu.be/JcI8yn7xQWo Neil deGrasse new video, you can do your thing on it
- Nicholas Ulumenfo: *B R E A D*
- Dizzy Redd: There wasn't a clap with hands but you managed to do it with the cups at the end 😂
- Jaytoven: I was also trying to K I L L everybody
- Salad: Its Like BISCUITS
- charlizzle feezy: FUCK I CANNOT BREATHE
- Shukky: *B R E A D*
- creeper creslyn: B r e a t s c h
- WCS We Can't Stop Zola: *B R E A D*
- Weed doodie: I was patient
- Spirit Edge™: B i S c U i T s
- Omaris Noel: This is a masterpiece lmao
- Mikael Kaikkonen: Post malone look like he got t all babyteeth or something
- Emmanuel Tuyishime: I need some biscuits
- Shilonious Monk: Because he can’t write...has no idea what was written for him....
- x o t w o d: *i was patient.*
- OKAGE: 1:54
- killhaylee: *B I S C U I T S*
- Kimora Wallace: I was also trying to KILL EVERYBODY
- moonlightbabylove: I read ur comment right when he said that 😂
- Its Johnny: I was also tryna like... Kill everybody
- Profit: B R E A T
- Tutan Daniel: SpongeBob SquarePantz how d fuck do you roll
- Mike 767: Post Malone looks like he smells like shit
- ItsStill Mya: Do yall call them biscuits
- Christopher Thompson: these are awful; but I keep watching them
- Aussie: The close ups of him smiling are so great
- Lady Riju: Its his dirty sweaty ass hair
- Freeky Speecies: *B R E A D*
- Siblings Reviews: B I S C U I T S
- Xeon.-: That thumbnail lol
- T Lynn: So funny lolb
- Snoopiest Olive: 🅱️R E 🅰️ 🅱️
- spacecreeper kun 42 ちわ炎: what the h!@l
- A1 Ricoo: Muchdank is the type of nigga to fill up those paper cups from McDonald's with soda.
- BoiNegro: *N O W I C A N S C R E A M I W A S P A T I E N T*
- Morgan Hobson: nigga
- Jajiloves Asmr: My mind is fucked rn
- James Field: So you didn't edit this at all?
- EzenJetGamer: My songs is like biscuits 😂
- Sam M.: These videos are amazing
- I Don’t Mean To Be Annoying Sorry: *A* *R* *T*
- BetterButera: BOOOSCETS
- winter: this is the happiest nigga of all time
- Josiah Fondren: 😂😂😂
- Jayoo Plays: *_B r e a d_*
- Beans Beans: For a second there.. I’d get into the interview expecting a real answer then he cuts to some bullshit 😂😂😂
- Biscuits Without Gravy: This poor fucking guy 😂
- Varun B: how the comments saying the same thing they say in the video with the Bold font gets to the top ?
- Eliseo Vargas: *B R E A D*
- Its Aquatii: 0:32 ITS BREAD.
- Thirty Way Tre: LIL B DESTROYED POST 😔
- Loveleen Kaur: BISCUITS BREAD?
- Garrett Grima: This was one of the best ones yet
- Teeth1000: M A S T E R P L A N
- Logan J: Post Malone is going to kill everybody with his biscuits
- Kaushik Karmakar: I will defy all comments by saying B I S C U I T S
- eldjen vlogs: Is bread😂
- Nicole Higgins: *_B R E A D_*
- Magjan Ker: Where is my bread MUCHDANK?!
- Semi Mad: god damnit i cant watch these when im smoking, im dying of laughing and coughing.
- aVØ1D: B I S C U I T S
- X I S T: Zach Digital -1 thats BREAD QUICK MAFSS
- Tıαnα ιѕ Aωєѕoмє: *🅱️ I S C U I T S*
- JOHN GRIGORAKOS: -Are you congratulating yourself at the song? -It's like biscuits
- Anthony: Laila Coaxum that's the point ye dummy
- PsychoRabbitGaming: BREAD
- weasel: 🅱️ISCUITS
- Cad Chamberlain: make a video on ski mask the slump god only talking about how he met xxxtentacion
- error 404: B R E T
- Br M: *B R E A D*
- Kidd. Splah: Wireless 😂
- disconnect crab: B R E A D S ok
- Onyeukwu: You a master
- Disembodied: Biscuits
- Becca M: "It's just like.. biscuits."
- kingjames lit005: F U MEAN 🅱 ITS 🅱READ
- Jeff Dunham: BREAD
- tyrell dragonneck: BREAD !!!!
- Shaun Khosa: Bruh that thumbnail! That's a crackhead looking ass nigga lol
- Christian Majid: ? B-)
- ItsHannah: *B I S C U I T S*
- Coroutines: Jarrod
- figger naggot: B I S CU I T S
- Ariana B.: His smile makes him look like a Dr. Seuss character
- prod. by messina: I was tryna...kill everybody.... ...OKAY
- Jayoo Plays: _Who the fuck gave _*_Uzi_*_ a _*_Staplegun_*
- ExPeRTxNiNJA _342: *BREAD*
- KC Benge: *B R E A D S*
- Lust Bear: 🅱READ
- Dat Boi: Des biscuits is OOOOHHH!!
- Eli Low: He is way too high for this
- Andrew J: Chiclet teeth
- Nautia Kay'Lee: bReAd *awkward stare*
- Joe Budden’s Forehead Veins: Logic is biracial.
- Vade: Payshant
- ROBBIE REGAL: Nigga post look like a sperm
- nö: lmao these videos make me bark in my seat.
- Hugo Möller: It’s like biscuits
- Ihfhfhththrh Djdjwjwjjjf: biscuits right? -bread- smiles awkwardly
- Trey Scott: B r e a d
- Robert Chancellor: I pick up the rock it was patient
- Lil Uzi Vert: O K A Y
- Melviin: Patient.
- Honestly Jordy: FART!!!!!
- Seth Mixson: This shit so fuckin funny while high I am laughing so damn hard
- Neilly Laura: These be making me cringe
- Ugly God: Make one for Fetty wap
- Valppp: B R E A D S
- Deejay Ulysse: *Biscuits*
- Danda Sranda: 🅱 R E A D S
- Itzjustmelody: I pick up the rock it was patient
- DarthVadorDawg: Thumbnail on fleek
- Spinning Shit: dude would get NO pussy or props where im from if he did not have mad talent..he would literally get beat up and his coat took...then we would all point and laugh
- dotdot dot: *BREAD*
- G_Boy: ok
- 水tey: eggs & pancakes 1:27
- Alexis B: No it’s BREAD
- G r a n t: I love the *bread*
- Anthony Miles: I was trying to kill everyone-post Malone
- Panos 8911: 🅱ISCUITS
- Gilyuro Werla: What kind of half assed asmr is this
- Mr. RaweeYT: 🅱ISKOTS
- ShxtPost: B REA D
- ol' sexy man: Song at the end?
- S Rashid: Life < these videos
- Joseph Mariscal: Biscuits
- Just a regular guy: BREAD 😂😂😂😂😂
- Sydronie Hayles: Bread 😂😂
- HeyItsRae: 10/10
- Alissa chuugoerry: Wtf
- CLG Supercars: Ontari i
- SergKnight: its like biscuits
- Deachelo !: How the hell do you do this, whenever I watch vids like this from you I get secondhand embarrassment
- Azu ra: *Biscuits*
- Owen The porg: *B* *R* *E* *A* *D*
- Coroutines: *aha wtf* *B R E A D !*
- Carter Money: Thee Greg lol
- Eclipse: dat thumbnail tho
- Cinthia Valdez: DANK ASFFF
- Zeus - Mobile Gaming: agree
- are you happy now ms porter: You gotta do beyond scared straight the Charlie one please make magic with that video 😂😂😂
- cutie: i was also trying to uh kill everybody
- Larry Knicks: I can't stahp watching these...
- Matt Thompson: Breascits.
- Nairo: bread
- ANDY: *Bread*
- Y0LOM1D: Kill everybody with biscuits
- Raj Doshi: “You know there’s just so much talent” haha he doesn’t know shit about English artists
- All Things Daily: BREAD *low pitched queef*
- o0LoveLove0o: Lmfaooo wtf.
- Helixious HD: *B R E A D*
- Nika: I love the bread
- Roro Naynay: *BReAd*
- SidewaysTM: Those damn biscuits and that smile from Post Malone have me laughing 😆
- loveless bastard: I can't pass on the first one god damn🔥🔥🔥
- Dark Project: *DE BISCUITS*
- Im Øk: *B r E a D*
- Bigboomny Isb2: While watching this I knew there were gunna be so many comments in bold saying *BREAD* or *BISCUITS*
- Kaos Solar: 🍞
- leipä: *bread*
- idonteatcheetos: he looks like grimes lol
- GodzaRt: You already know deez A W K W A R D interviews iz errday B R O
- frootloops: BREAD
- s hitposter: I bet he smells so bad....look at his fucking hair!
- Moneycountermachine: Much dank is the king of rap memes no one can fuck with his shit..
- cliqxe: im - *BREAD* imbread imbred shit
- p: Dis is fuckin *quality*
- Blue Ryai: *The Lip licking is A1*
- Eschaton Zenith: Blacks are stupid.
- Barnett Davila: Thank you for this channel.
- The Legend: Jesus
- SLITWRXST: Cringe everywhere 😂😂
- S T F u: i love the BREAD
- Andy Lee: B U S C U I T S or B R E A D
- morgan xo: T H A T B U I S C I T S O U N D S R U B B I S H
- Niyaz Meah: *bread*
- abby salcido: i was also trying to -uh- *kill e v e r y b o d y*
- p0: Post Malone: "Trying to kill everybody" Interviewer: "Okay" 💀
- Ampeire Bridgette: I sure aint getting her bread
- ThisGamer: This shit so fucking funny
- Destined Leverette: omg!!!!!!!!!!
- nicolas collins: BREAD
- RedRage29800: The way he kept looking at them got me dying😂😄
- Fadul: B R E A D
- GodzaRt: "B R E A D.... Y E A H" my everyday conversation lol
- Vulpes Dolosus: "So your song Congratulations, is that all about congratulating yourself now that you made it?" *long pause.......* "It's like.... Biscuits. So I ordered alot of biscuits and I was also trying to kill every body. *long pause.........* HAHAHAHAHAHA
- Charlotte Ryan: I THINK HE'S HIGH
- KRAZe4KiCKS: Why he look like a caveman
- reeq: i cant stop laughing
- DankDubs: *B R E A D*
- Angus Thermopyle: as the legendary Kool Keith once said: HAVE SOME BREAD
- Summer: you should do michael mccruddens
- Royal: *“If you keep heating them biscuits then everybody’s dropping like flies, it’s part of my master plan don’t tell anybody”* *_Everybody laughs_*
- San R: okay.
- Xbox Guy: 🅱 r e a d
- SaturNDay Zorak: that licking sound always sounds familiar😂😂😂
- Yoboics: He fucked up his hair
- Thornsaw: This explains Vegas..... . ...yeah that happened
- jordyn: “i was also trying to kill everybody” “okay”
- Cassie Fargo: *Biscuits* 😂😂😂👏🏽
- The Lorax: What’s up
- YUNGPRPHT: bread.
- NeonOasis DashaG: "I was also trying to kill everybody..." *"o k a y"*
- DJ Akademiks Supreme Hoodie: B R E A D
- Brendan Hill: P A T I E N T
- yohann dcruz: BREAD
- Wayneda Wakeup: wtf bread dog
- Jihad Elrafih: So your song uh, Congratulations, uh, so is that like your way of congratulating yourself now that you've *soft voice* made it? This guy is a merit scholar
- Deyniel: He looks like Thing 3 in the thumbnail 😂
- Tudor Popescu: B R E A D
- DoctorGigabyte: interviewer - So is the song congratulating yourself? malone - No I JuSt BoUgHT A LoT of BIScuItS
- Jeremy Lopez: I was patient
- a random frog: why does his hair always look like that though, it looks like the guy doesn't shower.. gross
- TIMPI: Post Malone you've been great. I love the *BREAD*
- Zero Sucks: mom: what do we need from the grocery store me: *B R E A D*
- F A B: *BREAD*
- Keith Clough: If I don’t get at least one like on this comment in 24 hours I swear to God I will kill myself
- Tom Hodgson: BREAD
- hassan: *I WUZ PAYSHUNT*
- danified: im dead
- filódoxos: Extremely ugly looking homeless cat Oh.... Nah that's just Mr.Malone
- MLGProsForever: *B I S C U I T S*
- Garbage can: BrEaD
- Cloudy: *biscuits* :D *B R E A D*
- A1 Ricoo: Kenneth Wright The ketchup one
- Leago Nhlapo: Bread
- The Cousin Colony: What video editor do you use?
- James lee: Trying to K I L L E V E R Y B O D Y
- James green: BREADS
- Benji TLW: It's like... biscuits.. heating all the biscuits
- Don Cheeto: smd whEEEEZE
- Corinne: Is this recorded Yes this is recorded S###
- an96lina: I died when she kept saying BREAD
- King 51: Why does he have trailer park girl hair
- Captain Dex: yo this nigga muchdank the best at this kind of shit u be havin me dyin over here my nigga
- Leemireon Grace: IT'S BREAD BICTH
- ULT chimera: The question is why he didnt bring ANY biscuits
- hoyt: do a little meme of kendricks be humble where hes obsessed with stretch marks
- Anonymous AS HELL!!!: Auh! I was patient, Now I can scream "I W A S P A T I E N T"😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Sameip Sss: B R E A D S
- Lifetime Lazer: Warning:Ear Irritation
- NinjaCloud: TotalBiscuit!
- シロᵏᵒᵗᵗᵒᶰˡᵒᵛᵉʳ: is biscuits
- Isa: Oh
- OfficialFrayro: Bis cits
- PokeyMeansBusiness: why he drinkin piss
- TheFnasse: 1:03 had me dying
- Mika Lindh: Not even edited
- m aloha: BISTHCUITHS
- Chowdhury Faqid: I was also trying to K I L L E V E R Y B O D Y
- SaggyJ: Fuck these are so awesome
- Dxxdy.Stewi: This was the funniest thing ever😂
- Dank Lord: B R E A D
- Andreas Grønmo: B R E A D
- Jeffzx: BREAD
- Nick Waterhose: Do "i tell all my hoes, break it up, break it down, back it up. Fuck it up fuck it up, fuck it up fuck it up, fuck it up fuck it up"
- Ferragamo Dude: The thumbnail looks like my guinea pig
- SloppyMakeOut: *BREAD*
- Reyes Bros: Wtf the cringe
- Shariqwa Witwicky: *BREADT*
- Lil Gravy: These thumb nails are amazing
- bri: how can a video be so short but feel so long
- Rejack: This shit has me dead
- Ayy Sleepy: B R E A D
- Elliot Ives: Please give me the song at the end either that or make a full version it had me dying
- Ilovechocolate: the end
- SLATT! 16*29*061**: *"BREAD"*
- addisons vinegar: bred bred bred
- Emmanuel Alagbala: Wrong video
- zakan: *B R E A D*
- Auntie Dontai: You are a god of editing 💀😂
- Nicholas Bennett: Y’all got me weak with this girl screaming bread
- KaitJustAte: “I was also trying to kill everybody” 😂
- Latettaja: It's *Bread.*
- Jake Alexander: I was also trying to kill everybody. You know out in the heat eating biscuits while everybody is dropping like flies.
- SmokeyFilms Dubstep: Biscuits
- h: *biscuit*
- Zane Hamilton: “BREAD!”
- clt fan: *_B I S C U I T S_*
- ls7orBust: nope
- Ontari: Its like he has an inside joke with himself
- Tsm hamlinz Is the goat: B R. E. A. D
- cuzwhynot: im dead
- Margie: *B I S K E T S*
- Lassegotdasauce: *🅱️iscuits*
- Efrain Entrertainment: This is pretty much the whole entire dialogue for the office
- Passi0ne: I'm early pin me dank
- Mya Thompson: Wtf
- Patrick Alzona: BIZKITZ
- TUDO: I also tried to kill *E V E R Y B O D Y*
- Katie Payne: i felt so much tension while watching this .
- alex metzger: H E L L A B R E A D
- Can't We All Get Along?: All my friends are b r e a d
- Armin Ibisevic: Post malone thanks i liked the BREAD
- Evan: Bread😂😂
- ew im ugly: T H A T B I S C U I T S O U N D S R U B B I S H
- Jackson_FB: B R E A D B I S C U I T S
- Nani Bubbles: buISCEt
- Victor Valadez: I live in coachella
- Travis Senior: J P you better keep that rock it's rare to find a patient rock nowadays
- Alexandra The Tacooo: *BREAD*
- Matus Dubrava: yeæ.
- Hector Solis: 🍞
- Billy Ray Cyrus: I was also trying to.. kill everybody *okay*
- i had kim jongins kids: HAHAHA
- Tye Bragg: Where did he find a biscuit gun!
- RedRyGaming: *BISCUITS*
- Karma Sherif: Oh my God. Iam sure that he was the weird one on highschool😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- MicmacGames: i watch this everyday
- Biggie Cheese: *L I K E F L I E S
- mr yeet master: * I S B R E A D S *
- Toby Milo: I was also trying to aaaaa *KILL EVERYBODY*
- Z1MMY: The more he talked about biscuits the more I got uncomfortable lmfao
- Chubbz x: I am so sorry but why does this nigga look like an abnormal titan when he smiles?
- Morty Smith: How did bolbi from jimmy neutron become a rapper?🤔
- Chris: I was also trying to kill everybody... *B R E A D*
- FTO Santana: *STAPLEGUN*
- TheEverythingKing85: B R E A D
- Vilgo BE: - MUCH BISCUIT -
- Danya Rohr: "I LOVED THE BREADS"
- Kenneth Wright: A1 Ricoo lol nah u buy the large cup n keep that joint bruh. Walk in the next day straight to the fountain off the casual
- Sex God: This is recorded!! 😳
- PizzaCake: Bread
- DaddyCurlyFry: *🅱️READ*
- prod. robwavecap: *okay okay *
- Schweyer Tom: Duuude, i'm in my bed at 4am and and i'm dying ! That was perfecr
- Stinkah Bell: BREAD
- || Co-Kane ||: Haha I love this. Never seen your vids before but reminds me of Youtube Poops except with newer shit.
- DNL: Man this is my favorite video now 😂😂😂
- Shikukanokushi 死: Everytime they say Breads I get a biscuit
- God: B R Ë Æ D
- Jayden Hassan: *BB RR EE AA DD*
- Michael J: why does he look like sid from ice age 😂
- Shots: *F A N K Y O U*
- Shiny Melody: *B R E A D*
- Aloof Obsessions: B R E A D
- eatmymoise TV: bread
- malnedott: B U T T H A T B I S C U I T
- lil obesosa: BREAD
- When she pregnant: Dank can u be my dad
- kianna: B R E A D
- Rhenukia: B R E A D
- Louis: The song at the end killed me hahha
- Celestial Gaming: *B R E A T*
- Kimora Wallace: I die when post keeps looking back and forth
- Kirk Espeland: whats up with his teeth
- 𝔼𝕝𝕝𝕖: bReAdS
- Prince Mikey: 🅱️R3️⃣AD
- AwesomeNarwhal: B R E A D
- King K. Rool: This is like the revenge of the siff video😂
- Dinkle Waddle: -BREAD-
- jes mcCoy: 🅱 I S C U I T S
- Slorqs: 😭😭😭
- Toby Kinte: You don’t get nearly enough credit for these
- Edward CASSIDY: Your making me sweat from the cringiness
- c m: BRET
- szechuan sauce: *B**R*EAD
- z0ry :*: BISCUITS
- Andy Pecina: watch these videos when you’re high. it’s the most funniest thing ever 😂
- Daria Constantin: *biscuits* MMMMA BISH
- plato92: god what a fucking awkward guy
- ignaucio witherspoon: *BRED*
- laurentaj ♡: you’re growing so much
- Wdw. Duuh.: bread
- Mokujin: *saliva noises*
- Curtis Cater: BREEADDT
- Mysticalillusions: omg im rolllllinggg
- Gshift: *_S T A Y W O K E_*
- chill music: Thumbnail pic he looks like a Titan from AOT
- Aloof Obsessions: Glorry I read that when it played
- danielsame: *heheheheheh*
- Anthony Betancourt: B R E A D
- Saphtou: BREAD
- Lil Flame: if you wanna see guys do funny shit look here
- Nadhif Fawwaz: the whole point of the interview is about a fucking BISCUIT
- Gil Monteverde: lel he's clearly not high on weed
- Venom: damn poor quavo he was really passionte -fuck english- Xo
- GLB xx: Bread s da new Brad
- Vikesh Sitpura: Too dank
- lani: im deadddd
- AyySyndrome: *B U S C U I T S*
- teamsesh †: *BREAT*
- GT's Performance: Bruh, I can always rely on your vids to make my day!! Good edits. 🔥🔥
- The Goldenflame: Now I what a biscuit on some bread
- Kevin Guan: B R E A D
- Bet My Name Spooked You: I was also trying to kill everybody
- Excalibur's bane: 🅱️ I S C U T 🅱️ R E A D 🅱️O S T 🅱️ A L O N E
- Aida M.: Bruhhhh 😭😂 what in the biscuits is going on!??
- Devonte Lupo: I'm Biracial
- Skunk: Also tried to *Kill EveryBody*
- James: 10,000 bReAd
- Toastyy: 0:48
- Some body: Outdone yourself with this one
- Re Animated: Dude these rappers have to chill with these drugs.
- SKC VISUALS: Where can I find the oh shit sound ?!?!
- Savannah DEE: B I S C U I T S & B R E A D
- Big T Daddy: *B* *R* *E* *A* *D*
- Dan: 🅱️iscuits
- jakob johannsson: holy shit this is gold
- GodzaRt: gotta love dem bisccits B
- Mohamed FAOUZ: So awkward
- Jimmy Calan: Nah nah don’t fuck with my broski toast Malone 😭💀
- Will Hung: She's cute, the black girls alright too
- Jacob Foxworthy: Elliot Ives I fucking loved it
- Sub-Genre Films: ITS LIKE BISCUITS
- give me ur nut baby: NOOO
- Brittny Burkett: I fucking liiiive for the mouth sounds omg yess 😂😂😂
- James V.: Yeah lol
- I want to die: *BREAD*
- KM: *B R E A D*
- Jackson Wolfe: How does this channel not have 1m+ subs?
- DxAxMxExSx - Xoknath - Herbstrens: 1:18 Is one of the most menacing frames in a video I've had to experience while fucked up with the volume all the way up.
- Pener: What if we ran out of *biscuts*
- GeorgeCelery: I choked on my bread
- Mypon Drop / Beat //: His style
- ethan: .
- Mat Rzsk: BREAD
- Ward Walter Warend: BREADS
- chill music: This nigga post Malone lookin like a Titan from attack on titan
- Mr. 1'NDone: Wow you really waste your time making these videos and just being a hater. Well done.
- Brittney Peoples: I would love to know what the fuck was with the bangs
- Crptycial And Typical GamingHD: Post Malone:I was trying to kill everbody... black dude:😱😱😱
- AkadeProductions: It's like... *biscuits*
- SOE SOMA: Im trying so hard not to laugh im in class rn 😂😂😂
- ralph: *B R E A D*
- Typical Player: *c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s*
- Faith: FOR FUCKS SAKE 😂😂😂😂😂
- Alex Lawyer: It’s like biscuits so I ordered a lot of biscuits FUCK SAKE 😂
- quantum defiance 144k: THE ANSWER IS BREAD....and BISCUITS.
- Prod. Jack Stotland: Here before all of the B R E A D comments
- Kappas !!: BREAD!!!
- Can I Have Some Suga In My Tae: BrEaDs
- Ocean man take me By the hand: BREAD
- LoveIsaLosingGame: This is me at a family function
- Luke's Dead Trim Man: Dawg 😭😭😭😭
- EDGAR LAZCANO: Bruh this is funny asf FR
- Racha ُ: I love the *BREADS*
- Paper Doll: *Lip licks awkwardly* BREAD! Me with my crush when I try to say something to him.
- lil foreskin: *B I S C U I T S*
- Olly PK: BREAD
- misty: So I was also tryna kill everybody
- chungus: *Y E A H*
- BloxWatch Hackers: So your song congratulations is it about now you made it. I'm biscuits
- mikro poppari: B I S C U I T S
- Jamar M.: I was also trying too.. kill everybody.. ..OK
- The Hokage乖耕斥: *bread*
- Dodge Viper: Let's take this channel to 1 million subscribers!!!
- Jimmy Kyles: Edit the convo on everyday struggle about how much pussy ak gets
- Coroutines: MORE BREADS
- Bilal Shaikh: Niggu trippin
- JΛMΛ: You're dumb as fuck how old are you?
- Michael Dove: Idk. But that lipstick looks like you've been eating ass until it bleeds.
- Scamps: b r e A d
- Artyom -: Xd
- Mewthreee: *BREAD*
- Tilt: Something that got me smiling on a shitty day
- Otay: Explain this atheist
- Gabriel Blessed: 😂😂😂😂
- bork gork: yeah.... do y'all call em biscuits
- Buurgi -: 🅱iscuits
- b o n e l e s s s h r i m p: b r e a d
- Chaxerii C: B R E A D
- Omerkxm: beds
- Keith Clough: Don’t worry I saved myself assholes.
- o0LoveLove0o: aero wtf lmao
- PurposelyPernicious: Aida Amore He's high as fuck!
- PisauceProductions: what a rock star
- strmkd 11: This is actually scary
- Steph •: I think English people need grasp the fact we don't enjoy your artistry. And just enjoy Drake shouting you out as his second home (he does that for every city).
- plato92: BREAD
- Mc BuLLeTZz: *🅱️R E A D*
- Tootafloot: B I S C U I T S A R E G O O D
- Tronci: Bread?
- Julian: _HELLA_ *B R E A D*
- DJ THRilla: biscuits lol.
- snowyy: " i didnt bring any biscuits here " *truck pulls up with 10,000 biscuits*
- ConTrollYourself: What a fucking Neanderthal looking Jew. No homo
- Tautotogo Tagata: fuck yu
- TheMeganWho: And why do YOU have three top comments?
- Prohn: *Licks lips *BREAD*
- Sixk: "Y'all call them biscuits?" omfg rip this man
- spilled tea: b r e a d? yes *B I S C U I T S*
- Saika: 🅱️READ
- Soulja Flame: *B I S C U I T S*
- The Alien: Best
- MFDØØM: My pussy hard
- Pig Shitse: B R E A D
- Margie: bread
- xXNeko xX: Random guy: “ your song ‘congratulations’ is that all about congratulating yourself now you’ve made it?” Post malone: *” its like... BISCUITS”* Had me dying!!😂😂😂 0:59
- 0verwith: I know Nothing *O* *K*
- William Pham: mmm
- Frankie G: Why am I watching this shit
- Timothy CHANDLER: 😂😂😂😂
- aimbotflare: *biscuits*
- Stefani: 🍞
- pinhead: im dying😂😂
- Shad Osa: *BREADD!!!*
- Mister clean: B R E H T
- lunchfohusben: post malone lookin like a whole orangutan
- Divyesh Harit: BREAD
- Ella Barrow: It’s like......BISCUITS
- Mikayla Lucas: The way he looks around he looks like he’s paranoid like calm down dude BREAD
- I hate looking at feet: Did anyone else get that weird dolphin ad too???
- Coroutines: Chris Quizhpe
- Firre Games: B R E T
- zzz.carlos: lmao with the fucking bread LMAO
- KoOzie_ 777: hmm yes interesting 0.0
- Kip Kont: why do these videos raise my anxiety????
- mememachine matt: *THAT BISCUIT SOUNDS REAL RICH*
- Ashton Nicholas: StawrHudson lmaoooooooo
- Flawless Baguettes: Full version of patient
- JJDobby 33: *true comedy*
- Swizzy Clips: The loud ass “Bread!” Part killed me lmfaoo
- A Baguette: *BISCUITS*
- NBYxvEn: why PostMalone is look like a homless
- sadie m: trying to *kill everybody*
- ideal: LMAO
- william Scharnhorst: KRAZe4KiCKS he dosent
- Arc: "I was also trying to uhh KILL EVERYBODY" *OK*
- Clarkii _: Everybody's dropping like flies, thats part of my master plan but don't tell nobody.
- Źøbiie x R: BISCUITS
- King K. Rool: *okay*
- Rendi Tio: The ending song
- Nairda: im dead hahahahahahaha
- Communist Kanna: post malone is such a joke to the rap industry..
- ITS A DIO: Treu dat
- Unicorn Workhorse: My ears
- JoelDavies1986: Fuck, this is some just straight up dumb editing.. If you are a 'real' person you know Post Malone's is a fucking g and super talented musician.. Shouldn't of wasted his time
- Pedro Smith: bread.
- Greyson Todd: B i s k i t s
- Cad Chamberlain: 10,000 Biscuits!
- Mochii: *BREAD*
- imperial: He looks homeless
- OkAlright: 🅱 R E A D
- Burberry Fruit!: Do Kanye West lmao
- Nicxlvs BJJ: why is *biscuit* a number?
- King Haki: Who's got the biscuits?
- Lol Central: I'm getting biscuits now
- Johan serna: I was patient,now i can scream i was patient,now everywhere i go they say i was patient,i pick up the rock it was patient
- Its Voodoo: I want MuchDank to be inside me right now.
- Skraight Shooter: Bare bangers
- x o t w o d: *bread.*
- J P: i p i c k u p t h e r o c k i t w a s p a t i e n t
- xxx xxx: bread
- Sivert Buhaug Tveråen: Fuccin bread
- Bad Bunny342: What’s the song about , Biscuits .... Bread
- Error: God he’s ugly. Lol.
- Dalir Kosimov: *b r e d d*
- Rwkt: L I C K I N G
- what a weirdo: 🅱 R E 🅰 D
- Dylan Lovell: michael sanchez o
- Vee Pizza Pie: *1 0 , 0 0 0 b i s c u i t s*
- Legnar Castle: Biscuits
- Authr: aha wtf
- Yuri: 🅱️iscuit
- Josiah Masinas: biskit
- SlavicSun: Aha wtf
- eSeMeSe: That's becaus-Biscuits, BREAD! *looks back and forth*
- edits: BREAD
- Jaoued Daouki: *BISKITS*
- k: BREAD
- heh _: bReAd
- Low Rider463: why dis boi look like garfield
- Walking On Water Wow Wow: B I S C U I T S
- x- Turbo: *B* *R* *E* *A* *D*
- Prod. Hxrford: It's like... biscuits
- Bruno Standen: *B R E A D*
- dale515100: Post Malone is a ugly motherfucker
- Noah Meanix: *o k a y*
- Basically Heco: remmember Kick Buttowski: *"AH BISCUITS"*
- ElizaB2004: He must be just a little bit high.
- Legendary reaper kadaver: It's like biscu.. Breads
- Swe clasher: you got a new subscriber hahah
- X Trodium: *oh shit!*
- Ahmed Mehaisi: more bread
- Jakob Michon: you should be the editor for the eric andre show
- Alowishus Devadander Abercrombie: As a metal head, he's the only hip hop artist I listen to occasionally. Much respect, he's really humble and talented
- Chelsy Pearo: vic burger
- Thicc Roach: *BUISCUTS*
- Big Shaq: I always wondered why Americans name the bread “Biscuits”,those are not Biscuits nigga!
- Joel Lopez: He looks like Lassie the dog
- Laila Coaxum: Wrong video my manz
- Derrick Makara: BREAD
- ayesha ahmed: He's so high
- ψ mind ψ: You gotta do one on the complex interview with g herbo 😂
- Time For Cube: i feel so harassed
- Boogie Man: ... *B R E A D S*
- Vimal Vivegananda: B I S C U I T S
- Jared: dude i literally laughed and drooled on my 100$ keyboard because i was laughin so hard
- A.SLegend: BREAD
- lmfaooo: *B R E A D*
- Oliwier Kowalczyk: She said it like "BREATT"
- FLAME _: Whaaaaaaaaaaatt!!!!!!!
- ZSTRODE.: Why r these so funny
- Taylor Moring: Y E A H 😀 do y'all call them B I S C U I T S ? 😀
- SulTiPra: Thats how u look when ure braindead
- Crptycial And Typical GamingHD: Post Malone licked his lips like iam going to hit That Sh*t tonight...
- Xxxtentacion i miss you: *B R E A D*
- Hannah Baker: his teeth look interesting
- Big Smoke: *gOOta get thAT bREad*
- Dylan: jesus christ i’ve never seen someone try to bite superdeluxe so hard and be so much worse
- Blue Ryai: *I T S B I S C U I T S*
- Bass Ace: 😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Scum Gang: 𝐵𝒾𝓈𝒸𝓊𝒾𝓉𝓈
- Manu Traas: I can scream i was patience
- illwill 52: "Post Malone fank you I love the BREAD"
- Jay Christy: This nigga post got hella 🅱️rea🅱️
- berit: i was also ... trying to.. kill everybody?
- Mysterious Remnant: Dude look like a wolfman
- Veroosh Tarot Astrology Horoscope: lol
- ignaucio witherspoon: *BREAD*
- B O I *: K F C
- naptownkid 317: This is edited lol
- Freezestyler: I’m bready to die
- Blocked !: okay....okay
- Bass Ace: *BREAD*
- .-°Kinky Inky°-.: *licks lips* .... *licks lips* *🅱READ*
- Dr. Slump: *D R E A 🅱*
- Grutz Z33: Post Malone got the meanest mullet
- Ricardo Ramirez: song in the end pls
- livy: *B R E A D*
- Liam :p: bold Slant Strike
- Social Jetlag: *B r e a d*
- Vetti: Why he pause like that after the Evil Laugh lmaoo
- ItzPro: Nigga I'm fuckin dead
- Isuzu Slider: Eric Andre styled fever dream
- Rosa _: Breadt
- Rümeysa: His hair looks like mine........ wow
- Foras: That x in the back is getting big yo
- Salmon Fish: I S B R E A D
- MR. NO NAME: Dead
- Ye ooo: i was also trying to kill everybody
- Arron MCFC: The "favourite UK artist" question should of been "biscuits"... This had me nearly crying BREAD
- datboi Tdog: biscuits get u hella bitches
- 13Wayz: Lol
- Alex_BlueFlamez: you know what?.... *BREAD*
- Ostrix: first xd
- hi SHISTARS: *i didn't bring any biscuits* *unForunately*
- Tom Worthington: *B R E A D*
- Ramen Trash: *b i s c u i t s*
- Dick Tingeler x Helmut schmaker x Willi Wakker: *BREAD¡*
- Olly Fenn: I pick up the rock and was P A T I E N T
- Jonah Mull: "They were all dropping like flies, it was all part of my master plan."
- Rëågåñ: *BREAD*
- ItGetsBetter: *B R E A D* _S c r a t c h S c r a t c h_
- Jack N: These remind me so much of space ghost coast to coast
- laiza murati: B R E A D S
- C: *B R E A D*
- Oggeage: BreaTT
- Zetery Zei: B I S C U I T S
- Josie Smith: I'm crying
- skye: I can't watch this...
- Grey Matters: dumbing down the youth one fake rapper at a time
- Lena Xox: Girl “BREAD” Swallows profusely
- Manic: He looks like he smells
- Sara B: *_B R E A D_*
- BOCO: I'm sure his a gay
- Why Is My Face So Ashy: *BISCUITS*
- Raw Sauce: michael sanchez no ketchup,just sauce
- Maddie Rachel: “It’s like... biscuits”
- Itzsuperr: 🅱️ℹ️5️⃣CUℹ️t
- Jòsef Valur: B I S C U I T S
- Nick Haverlock: Bread
- Dennis Cohoon: *BREAAD*
- Sister Sage: “I’m also trying to kill everybody”
- Abeer Siddiqi: This is *RECORDED*
- ESTE D: Sup wit the mullet
- exenon 404 _not found: *b r e a d*
- GoldenJam_ 01: "Like I sing that with my eyes closed."
- Mancala Board: Love that goon
- Thicc Roach: *ITS LIKE BUISCUTS*
- the main man: Leave some room for comments for the rest of us
- Hi 465546: hahaahahahahahahahahahahhsofunny
- Stan Brown: 🍞
- Mya Thompson: Lol
- guikatinskas: C L A P
- BadNewsBizzle: lmfao
- King Crook: BREAD
- Tyler: nigga ugly af 😂
- XXX: You srsly need more subs!😂😂
- Creator Linkz: The song at the end was lit asf
- TheHappyPanda23: *B R E A D*
- Ryan: Did he have munchies? LMFAOO.
- Chris 414: These too funny man 😂😂
- PutrIsCool: BREADS
- TrapLord: MuchDank the GOAT
- elias hægeland: I love the "BREAD"
- Kaitlyn Talo: B R E D D
- im miata mike: I'M SO DOME 😂😂😂
- Jonah Redfern: BREAD
- Pierrettoma: Boosting like, subs, and views give u fake fame ahah rip
- alyx g: my boy got some bangs
- madi m: *licks lips*
- Xquavius Ellison: It's like... *Biscuits*
- Brandonmac245555: You know for a fact he baked out of his mind lmfao
- A salt with a deadly weapon: *B r E a D*
- Ocean man take me By the hand: BREAD
- vmbo: You deserve to get rich off these brillant dumb ass videos
- no one: *SCRATCH* *SCRATCH*
- Morgan Hobson: What
- Abeer Siddiqi: ***NOT ENOUGH BREAD***
- YJ Beatz: Pleaseeee do one from the partynextdoor and zane lowe interview
- Zach Digital: 2+2 is biscuits.
- beam john: Sup mate ?
- DP: The edit is too much man haha great stuff
- ?nite owlz?: vread
- Hes Ryzee: *B R E A D*
- MoonlitTrev: Send this to Posty lol he would love this meme
- Aellias ,: Dem legs tho
- johnny: *B* *R* *E* *A* *D*
- • Kat •: can someone give me the audio of b r e a d. I only want the bread sound
- Hao Kiet Son 2024: b r e a d s
- Lovely Tigress: unedited footage
- Certified Robo Ken: _who's your favorite English artist?_ -they all fucking suck- *There's just so much talent*
- abood weow: Bread
- Brianna T: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- YAFAY: *b r e a d*
- Earl Thomas: B R E A D
- Carlson Darlson: me too!
- Jack Sully: Much Dank, a God among men
- mercy emma: 🅱️READ
- Aheadalec Thebeast: I love i was patient part in outro
- wno eli: D A N K B I S C U I T S
- Michael J: *H E L L A B I S C U I T S*
- Daniel Crisostomo: I S C U T
- Rusti Shackleford: Who is this ugly mother?
- J M: Zach Digital Minus 1 that’s bread
- GUCCI MYTH: hey look a biscuit nah im just kidding its bread wait... no its a biscuit wait no no i was right the second time its bread. EDIT: i corrected the way on how to spell biscuit i spelled it biskut first😂😂😂
- Samuel R: 🅱️ *I S C U I T S*
- MuchDank's Son: Heheeee boi
- noah luecker: e v e r y o n e s d r o p p i n l i k e f l y s
- Cheah Yeah: B R EA D
- ali fdhgsi: *🅱iscuits*
- Jonna Harris: LOOOL
- CASSO BLVCK: Biscuits
- Martin Alves: B I S C U I T S
- hot fella: What is this bread thing, someone just explain?!??
- harlem: "I was also trying to kill everybody."
- ıllıllı YoUng mOdd ıllıllı: *ClaP nOiSE*
- Ivo Donkov: Biscuits-I sleep BREAD-ascended
- Not Daisha lol: 🅱️iscuits
- Pokekrusher 89: B I S C U T S
- Kamphet: I was also trying to... ugh... *kill everybody*
- Dxvid: Im ded
- Scruby Gamer GAX: it's like... biscuits
- Hakeem Arman: B R E A D
- ice age heat wave: :( bread
- Ally Deen: *B I S C U I T S*
- Significant Obunga: This is my favorite of your videos for sure.
- 8th Hokage: Do Lil Herb
- Foras: In on lsd snd wtf us going on
- Jamie Lighty: I dont understand thos biscuit shit😂😂
- Livvi: do yall call em' *🅱️ I S C U I T S*
- el stupido: 0:41 😂
- Blïtz Krïeg: 🅱🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠
- dankdeity: *B I S C U I T*
- Sumo Trinker: Bruh u need to do something to that terry Crews Hot ones interview
- Liam Lind Palmer: **BREAD**
- speyesea: *B R E T*
- hmm yes interesting.: *_That smile. That damned smile._* *congratulations*
- atomicdawg100: Is this post guy the same dude who took his parents to court for making him move out??
- Yoav: *:D*
- Phil: *b i s c u i t*
- Bums: Yo dis da best video evrrrr dood
- I was on yiay once: Does Post live in Whoville?
- EastonBurke: Pure gold dude. All of your videos are fuckin hilarious
- Killa A: LMFAOOO
- tHIS IS SICKENING: I kent watch dis it hurt
- Idroppedaxanax: 1:16-1:22
- Adam Gil: *BREAD*
- poizon //: B R E A D
- Coroutines: Seb.
- Royhan: Q U A L I T Y
- JT Explore: Breads
- dimitri delafield: Post is a joke
- danny senpaiへんたい: *n U g G e t I N a b I s cuIt*
- NOT Ryan Gosling: *B R E A D*
- TheBlackGhost: The lip smacking kills me holy shit its great, I don't really vibe with his music but his interviews he seems like the type of dude to fuck with these videos and that's fantastic!
- Demarii _: BIG FAT BISCUIT
- Smacked Bagelz: it’s like, BISCUITS.
- Angel Rai: B R E A D
- Low Budget Stand: The male interviewer looked like he wanted to butter Post Malone's *BISCUIT.*
- Josh Sinclair: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂OMG
- Canes Fan: Upvote for bread
- Ihfhfhththrh Djdjwjwjjjf: it's like -bread- biscuits
- Lukasias: Lmao wtf dankk
- cliqxe: I love the *BREAD*
- Ronnie W: It's like biscuits, so I ordered a lot of biscuits. BRRRREEEAAAADDD
- Akarui Hobi: I was also trying to kill everybody. . . . Okay.
- Tait: "Is that song like congratulating yourself because you made it?" Post - it's like... BISCUITS"
- Hey pass the cheesecake!!!: *Poo Pies*
- Uxly Gxd: ragii I love these fucking videos bruv
- nassim zway: The internets.
- Chrispy: *BISCUT*
- Carmen Isabel Merritt-S: I found this video so fucking funny, my eyes were squished together and squeezed a couple tears out, I was choking from laughing, to be honest I was practically howling.
- kølizeum: BREAD
- maso: ughhhhhhh
- James V.: Nah, he'll fill up the KFC bucket
- Sirbrams: Dude I love you muchdank! My recent video was inspired by you
- Veronica: B R E A D
- James Flood: Post malone looks like a damn mutated possum!!
- # crying club: Jake Alexander BREADS
- Kyro: *B R E A D*
- mikro poppari: post malone only eats B I S C U I T S
- Anxietitty: lmfao the bread part has me dying
- Leax: *BRÆD*
- Rina: I watch this at least 3 times a week
- Anil Bojaj: ahahahahgahhahh
- Potato Clan: post is just looking at them like they are gonna laugh😂
- Tes: We know now what the meaning off Congratulations biscuits
- candidXmoos: i like much dank cus he actually links to the original unlike most people
- Anonymous AS HELL!!!: Auh! I was patient, Now I can scream "I W A S P A T I E N T"😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Nurbanu Gündüz: *H E L L A B R E A D* and 17 cents
- Nice Guy: Most Malone's Post Awkward Interview
- Anonymous: IT's BREAD
- big/ uzi horizontal: Damn this akward
- Hao Kiet Son 2024: B R E A D S
- CuduCane: Bread
- Prod. By ImHerDad: B I S C U I T S
- Doggo: *IT'S BREAD*
- Elephant: Biscuits is bread is biscuits is bread
- Florida_Boy _941: HE LOOK LIKE A HAMSTER😂😂😂
- turkish smurf: *BrEAd*
- crying bean: bReAd
- Life Hacks: *licks lips intensely*
- Aniss Zemri: *B R E A D*
- Cowabunga Time: I love the *B R E A D*
- Hi I'm Simo: this is like that girl with tirets (idk how to spell it lmao) who always says biscuits and hits her chest
- Datasnok: +rep
- mim: 2 dogs kissing
- Felipe Carrasco: He ddnt know any british artist lmao
- ItsBiscuit: Its Biscuits
- Hisoka Sensai: 0:51 best part
- Light Yagami: #ITSBREAD
- xTobeh: That Lex Luger clap never gets old. 😂😂
- MuffinSama: i love this shit
- tricko1231: why does post malone keep talking into my left ear
- metacafekid: B R E A D
- Soft Scrotum69: B R E A D S
- Freshgaming Ftw: _🅱️READ_ Edit: Idk 😐
- Miguel Guzman: I hate this (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Ocean man take me By the hand: BREAD
- Toxic: *BREAD*
- Sara: biscuit or bread? *IM CONFUSION AMERIGA EXBLAIN*
- theuglyblob: Its like... biscuits
- Connor Whitt: French Toast Post Malone
- xSmokey: he's ugly as hell
- Crazy Uncle Hank: ARTHXR how many breads have you eaten in your life?
- some loser: it's bread.
- Moody: IT’S BREADS
- dʒeɪms: is there anything at all going on inside his head? he probably has turned his brain into mush with all the drugs and alcohol he consumes.
- LungTied: did anyone notice he used ITS LIKE from the congratulations rofl ITS LIKE BISCUITs
- DJ DA VINCI: Post Malone's moustache looks like two dogs kissin.
- elfoxy: beat me to it, fuck...
- Joshua Mckinney: Aside from the videos it's self bein funny as hell the thumbnails be Killin me☠️☠️
- Gvbo☽: you art
- landerin: That lady has tourettes syndrom with the word bread
- doomguy: ”I was also trying to kill everybody” ... “Okay”
- buffalo john: Does anyone know what the outro song was called?
- Lord Dank: Post Malone look like Joe Budden
- Mike Pisacreta: BISCUITS
- Burberry Fruit!: That biscuit sounds rubbish
- Noke: BREAD
- Chad: the outro song has me rolling
- honestly who: -BREAD- *BREAD*
- Jesus Sarmiento: OH SHIT 💀💀💀💀
- Haroun Ben: Post Malone looks like a fat bearded Jessica Biel.
- Alowishus Devadander Abercrombie: justinjacquez766 Because he's a nice person and I prefer his music. I myself aren't white so it's funny that you assumed I only like him because he's white
- Beamerboy: Funniest thing I seen..btw,nice edit
- CetchCS: i love you
- jayymayyne: *Do yall call em biscuits?*
- Deez Nuts: Lmao
- TheNotSoGood Vocalist: BREAD ok
- Rob: He looks like a female with bangs and a beard
- McMacWaffle: B R E A D
- rahul lakhanpal: Zach Digital MANS NOT HOT
- Coroutines: Pig Dussy! XD
- Nani Bubbles: Biscuit?
- Samuel Caraballo: Most Palone
- Nicole Higgins: T- this is recorded?Person:Yes *_O H S H I T_*
- Lil Green Thumbs: biscuits
- xd: B I S C U I T S
- Dat Boi: B R E A D
- TheQueenAriel: Is he high
- Renux Music: BISCUITS
- Michael loves you: B R E A T
- chii: *🅱️RE🅰️D*
- HealPlz: I was also, uh tryna kill everyone
- Mr. Mussels: BREAD.
- Mariah Calves: BISCUITS BREADS
- I have to wait 90 days to change my name: *b* *R* *e* *A* *d*
- bobo42024: I'm so high this was fucking intense so goooooood
- Lil Fat Albert: *b i s c u t s .*
- StawrHudson: Past Melon: "I was also tryna... Uh... To kill everybody" Guy interviewing him: "Okay"
- Swag-monster2k05 Delgado: What’s with the bread
- bluekeet: Is this lilbored
- death stroke: Biscuits
- Jim Jones: I cringed so hard at this
- Carnage X: OK. OK.
- Rice Head: "I was also trying to, uh, kill everybody."
- Freeky Speecies: *B R E A D*
- Shrug: *BREAD*
- Matt Ab: AMAZING
- Daniel Lucas: my nipples got hard legit
- Panos 8911: 🅱READ
- Breach: It's like Biscuits.....-*B R E A D*
- Spiro: *B R E A D*
- uncultured swine: why you gotta do my boy in the thumbnail like that? LMAO
- ShiftGaming: *B R E A D*
- cakie: He's drinking pee
- Erik Kru: Bread
- Nikolina L: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
- Theory Crackheados: Lmfaoooooo
- Fobs Empire: This made me respect Mr post man even more!!!
- Natasha Gomes: this channel trash, you keep skipping making random retarded loud sounds; keep it up even if it's your hobby but it's see through your just a hater.All these rappers you list are trash too, so I'm not d riding; just saying your bias and taking random video bits and smashing them into a video with no context.
- ramonce09's stash: But can he find Joe Budden's *S T A P L E G U N* ?
- Daniel James: Lol wtf
- MyUnoriginalUsername: Jesus hasn't washed in a while in a while
- Noah Lam: B R E A D
- michaela: (Quavo) " now i can scream *I WAS PATIENT* "
- minyoongigenious jjangjangmanpoongpoong: Post: i was also, uh, trying to kill every body. Interviewer: *...ok*
- Black And Gold City: leave hi-malone
- im a pet cow: it's part of my masterplan but don't tell anybody *EVIL LAUGHTER*
- P S: *B R E A D*
- Siofy: 2 much bread
- Justin Mersan: *BREAD*
- Aesthetic: *Yeh*
- CoolJoe55 !: B R E A D S
- Daniel Edwards: Post malone is the most annoying fucking artist out rn
- Chris Kogos: "comment about biscuits"
- Jamie Riley: Its part of my master plan but don't tell anybody
- Kuba Witalis: ahmed that was the best line here
- Suh Dude: more veiw's than the original.... *b r e a d*
- L O V E L Y: Cringeyyyy
- Oliver Veltmann: hahahhaha
- Sashow: *BREAD*
- Addicted to Lil pump: S O R R Y G U Y S I D I D I N T B R I N G A N Y B I S C U I T S
- suthern savage: BREAD
- Casual D: it's *BREAD*
- Lord Bunt: yeh boi
- SibaNL: 🍞
- tea TM: You don't understand how hard I fucking died 😂
- symbolsarenotreality: wtf
- Maverickgirl06: B R E A D !
- Andrew McClarken: Its like biscuits
- Davi Pereira: YOu are a king XDDDD
- 79M views: Eat all the biscuits
- Dan Lurch: Fucking BREAD
- John Doe: what is a program/app to make videos like this ? please
- MR. Nobody: Im weak
- Sergeant Dark: you know, its like, B I S C U I T S
- PIckeljuice: B R I S C U I T S
- -q-: I like the thumbnail
- Raphael VAN BREEMEN: *B*R*E*A*D*
- Life Hacks: ITS BREAD
- Evil Morty: 69k views
- Lemon swindling nymphomaniac: So did he buy biscuits or bread?...
- Dota 2 Immortal: Breads!
- lol bag: goddamn post malone is uglier than a motherfucker but his music is fuckin lit
- Sarah !: i’m so uncomfortable and very unsettled
- Mango: No the most awkward interview was when Jake Paul went to his door.
- your dad: B I S C U T S
- GeekyGamer 7767: *BISCUITS*
- EyeSeeツ Uzi: T H A T S T O U G H
- Nan Shanker: Sweet jesus 5k likes
- Prod Justus: 🅱UISCITS
- Yazzie Mah: -breads-
- desiree !: lmaooo
- Warken: Quick maths
- ew im ugly: *b r e a d*
- This guy: TheMeganWho ikr
- Oscar Favela: it’s BREAD
- Jada Butler: I was also trying to kill everybody..... Okay
- A sadist eating a sausage: Its like biscuits
- DCMurphy: You've earned my dedicated S U B S C R I B T I O N
- amora: ITS. B R E A D
- JJDobby 33: *B R E A D*
- Petestaaa: bread!
- Kenny: I love the BREADS
- Patrik Brummer: BRED
- ezra sloth: bread.
- Buildbanner: 1:32 Ok. Ok.
- Eymard Ward: What?
- Yung Disable: *its part of my master plan but don't tell anybody*
- Stan Brown: It's 🍞!
- beatrice siaw: Post Malone is a poser
- THE FBI IS WATCHING: Ricky Sanchez
- Vicky: It’s like B i s c u i t s
- Bryan Trần: is B r E a D
- Matthew Stratman: *yeah biscuits sounds really british*
- Xmona X: *BISCUITS*
- Trevor Thompson: What the Fuck it's this videos
- Java the Nutt: do you plan on releasing a full version of "I was Patient" by Post?
- Im Øk: 259th
- GUCCI MYTH: Glorry can u pass the rubba mate
- Nevaeh: b r e a d
- Water Snake: BREDT
- BirdmAn Dskrts: Hello
- James Drake: hahahahahhahahahahhaahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahahahha
- Alexa Blanco: BEADS!😂😂😂💀☠️
- kayla osborne: *BREAT*/*BREAD*
- GOODGOON: i didnt bring any biscuits unfortunately
- BootyGang Goku Black: B r e a d.
- Saint LaFlo: B I S C U I T S
- Shahzad I.: BREADDD 🍞!!
- Codenamed Asap: 😂😂
- Burberry Fruit!: ol' sexy man congratulations by post malone and Quavo
- Ervina Hokic: BBRREEAADD
- SupaSuccSuit: Best thing I’ve seen all day
- Haroon Idrees: "These biscuits Yeeaaaaarrrgh"
- por qué: Your videos are so damn hilarious. You're my favorite yOuTUbEr
- savannah.: *B R E A D*
- Handsome Doggz: 1:18
- ignaucio witherspoon: I WAS ALSO TRYNA *KILL EVERYBODY*
- Exploding Detonator: B R E A D! Okay okay
- Ocean man take me By the hand: BREAD
- Geno: Lmao this was prolly my favorite vid from u
- Latoyah Henry: michael sanchez 😂😂😂
- Shadyshadie: he's cute lol
- Naoise Corrigan: 🅱️R E A D
- Most Palone: Yeeee
- anya: 🅱️ I S C U I T S
- Capturethe Matrix: hella biscuits with dank lol
- Dude Dank: ITS 🅱 R E D S
- ItsGabyyy: LMAO
- Johayn: this channel reminds me on boneless pizsa lol
- Tarell Bellamy: That clap sound effect always kills me
- ignaucio witherspoon: I know Nothing ok
- Kerenza Merritt: biscuits
- joanna k: the second time she said breads 😂😂😂😂😭😭😭
- Eddie _sksk: *N* *I* 🅱 🅱 *A*
- Shariqwa Witwicky: *BREADT!!*
- Memester96: B R E A D
- dill posh: BREAD
- Krispy A: Glorry I was dead
- LAVAR BIG BALLER BRAND: Do a lavar ball interveiw
- SlavicSun: funniest one yet
- Turbect: *H E L L A B R E A D*
- Sahara Sahara: Post Malone always out to kill people
- Hannah: *BREAD* ok
- elijah pink: Your cutting up and re-editing to exaggerate the cringe !
- JustTrampIt: I’m biracial
- TheAmazingSpiderNigga: B R E A D S
- Elodyne: Post Malone sucks. He looks like a retarded jew
- v6 Pump: I love tis video Bread
- Atomic Waffle: BISKIT
- Adrianna Liller: I can’t stop laughing 😂😂😂😂
- Netkyou: Wow I just fucking hate how every interviewer talks about his hit songs, like holy shit its getting annoying, its like when people think g-eazy's best song is me myself and I...
- James: bread
- justinjacquez766: Because he's white?
- Jahsiah E: SpongeBob SquarePantz Dead
- Thicc: LMAOO
- GV Games: I have White Iverson hooked up to my burgler alarm. Works a treat, they left with their hands over their ears vowing to never return!
- Spork: *Y E A H*
- fsfer: a biscuit is like a little scone
- Spilled the tea: 0:28 B R E E D
- abby rooms: b r e a d
- 2DannyTheBananaBoy6: *B r e a d*
- YIGGS: *I N A B I S C U I T*
- lil greasyjuicysaggyflaps: b i s c u i t
- Dannyツ: Where can I find the outro song
- Cynx: The most cringy video I've seen in my life
- Bianka M Edouard: 🅱️read
- G K: b r e a d
- ıllıllı YoUng mOdd ıllıllı: *Im biracial*
- Hoe Man: It’s Biscuits
- 2DannyTheBananaBoy6: *B I S C U I T S*
- Leo 1337: BREAD
- Valachi Vert: Brooo
- bob junior: *B R E A D*
- PussyDestroyer 69: B R E A D
- maria lopes: I'm dying
- Dick Wallace: fanks
- charlie kelly: I HATE THIS
- aaron neeley: that lady loves bread
- Perkys ✓: Bruh, these videos are soo much better when you haven't watched the real interviews 😂
- Sabrina Neely: now i can scream i was patient.
- Kaleigh Martin: DATS MY BABY 😻
- quantum defiance 144k: BREAD.
- j e d: haHAA
- NorthLyfeHollywood: I let out the biggest W H E E Z E of my life cause of 0:32 - 0:37
- Knight fish: Bread
- G Tacoliño: These biscuits *AAAAAAAHHH*
- MattMc: *B R E A D*
- KinneyA32: B R E A D
- TeakySnee: Not enough staple gun
- Time is Reality: Santan Dave
- ObsessiveMatt: *licks lips* BREAD
- Alexander Majuri: who's post Malone?
- Genga Artist: Sasquatch Malone
- ••• GothBoiClique ••• Long Live Peep •••: 🅱️IS©️UTS
- Taylor Lindman: Beautiful mouth movement
- Exiled Entity: I fucking love this shit haahahah
- Aya Odeh: Florida_Boy _941 more like a drenched rat
- dREAMzz: a boogie wit tha hoodie - drowning but all he says is bust down
- rev: bread.
- Serena Killingham: bro. this is funnnyyy!!
- Gunnar Hanson: "I was also trying to kill everybody" *"Oh. Kay"*
- moonuve kid: my favorite muchdank video
- - Mikeg.lifts -: BREASS
- William Whatmore: That outro though🔥🔥
- Georgy Labzin: B R E A D S
- Jay Of The Dead: I was also trying to uh... *KILL EVERYBODY*
- Blitzgang: "Its BrEaD"
- EmmaBridgeman: Omg
- Losmi: B I S K I T
- Scrotum Monster: Post Malone studied very hard for this session.
- xFrohty Duh Goat: What is this
- Jinny Lee: I can never say 'bread' without the British accent anymore
- sk8erace1 bg: bread
- poke gogo: Why did he kill everybody tho
- nik: Thata part of my master plan -HAHAHAHHA-
- Cordelia Ashley: *I didn’t bring any biscuits here* *bread* *it’s like biscuits* *i was also trying to kill everybody*
- Evan Meberg: BISCUITS
- Landon Fortner: H e l l a B r e a d .
- specialK: BREAD
- Flyers Fan: B R E A D
- Michael J: why does he look like sid from the ice age in the thumbnail 😂
- Ryan Regmi: 😂😂😂😂😂 my man
- spasti x_x unt: BREAD
- Catalyzt: Oh yeah yeah
- Rwkt: ok
- Aaron Armstrong: B R E A D
- Џарог Шаџе: B r. EA ddd
- lizbeth: *BREAD*
- Yeah Right: I think he's the kind of person to smile and laugh even when he's mad 😂
- Salman: Do a hot ones episode
- ObscureChan: I enjoy these types of videos
- Antonne W: I picked up the rock, it was *PATIENT*
- Brandon Gooding: It’s *B R E A D*
- Eb Trax: I love the BREAD
- Justin .Y hunter: *-BISCUTS-*
- Mrsubzero456: You know, there's just so much talent xD
- Robin Basista: Poor malone
- susy glam: fucking dead
- The German Reich: His real name is ‘After Melon’
- Charlie Settles: It's like, biscuit
- MF GTM: Post Cologne Post Stallone Home Malone
- david mckesey: this is like the hip hop super deluxe
- Famous D3x: "This is Recorded?" "oh shit"
- Carlos Aguirre: 🅱️READS
- Dylan Douglas: 🅱READ
- Sam HansenTV: Some of Your best work 😂
- Thicc Roach: 💀💀
- LiLisa Bush: biscuts
- XxbeastboltxX: *BREAD*
- Simon Dunlap: yeah these interviewers suck
- Brian: This is a masterpiece 🤣
- Just Paranormal: Watching these videos while your high is the f****** best!
- Nicxlez: b r e a d
- Chase c.: *Is this recorded **oh shit
- hailey lower: im cryin hahaaaa
- Realm: is this real
- bea: hmm yes interesting HENLO
- Joshua Lewis: 😂😂😂😂 Biscuits aaaaaaaah
- Lorenzo Hernandez: 1slice of lettuce 2 grams of tatziki
- lowkey shorte: what do you use to edit these? lmao
- Toshi Ezarik: It's Iike biscuits LMFAO
- Xio: *B R E A D*
- meme phd: biscuits.exe
- Gabby Mclaren: Almost peed myself
- Keroles Mansour: *B R E A D*
- Michael Previs: I thought biscuits was ass tho
- E N G L A N D I s M Y C I T Y: *B I S C U I T S H E L L A B R E A D*
- Pretentiious: 10,000 BREAD
- Coroutines: Pixelizate
- Skraight Shooter: Do g herbo on everyday struggle
- Super Genius: Post malone has awful hair
- Daniela: "i was also trying to kill everybody" "ok"
- Kaitlyn Gregg: BREAD
- l a m e: *B I S C U I T*
- HippoRazu: Bread killed me 😂😂
- Friedrich Wilhelm Viktor Albert: Post Malone’s plan: kill everyone and eat biscuits
- Chris Hourahan: Bread.
- ayy fam: *O K A Y*
- B Hall: I sInG tHaT wItH mY eYeS cLoSeD aNd I cAn FeEl It
- cris lopez: Does thY guy ever not drink beer lmao
- HowtoBasic 2.0: B i s c u i t s
- Pimp G King Of all Vegies: Ahah wtf
- BigREZ: Bro your thumbnails are the best. On my momma
- lauranotlora: *b r e a d*
- Kirka Durka: Make things louder for more funnies, amirite? This sucked
- MrStarfighter56 66: B R E A D
- AsahDude: *Licks lips*
- XXXRAGETENCION: I never thought something would beat the Charlemagne interview
- Michelle Jang: Guys this isnt edited
- LOSTATSOL: Logic's was more weirder
- Clorox Bleach: biscuits fresh biscuits dropping like flies apart of my master plan. but I'm gonna wait for my biscuits
- gang: B R E A D
- finessing edges: *b r e d t*
- wafa: r e a l s h i t
- Fuzzinator: Fr i be busting a fuck ton of nuts to this
- ouch: Bread
- ragii: BREAD
- handi man: Post Malone is a dirty hippie
- 1way: *B R E A D S*
- teren6ix: YEAH
- C4L1_ 4_ N1A: Lmao
- GenSo: Has reach 1000 like
- antisocial potato: Wait a minute is this recording? F broadcaster: yes *O SHIT*
- WAJU GNS: This nigga post Be fuckin w. So Content THATS TUFF!!!!!!!
- A Definitely Dead Meme: I t s b r e a d
- Katie: *BISCUITS*
- Ice Kold Killa: Now living in London I think the closest thing to a biscuit is a scone. Not exactly the same but as close as it gets. Google it.
- Mikhail Lyons: BISCUITS
- TheBoxer: Patient.
- Hyperactive: Simpson 101 don't do that
- cosmicvaleska: *B I S C U I T S*
- Sarah Stout: TOAST MALONE
- Andy A.M.: B R E T T
- suck your nan: BREAD
- jobo: I'm still dying because of the thumbnail. 🤣😂
- Alone Tyme: Biscuit neck ass
- The Troller: Hahahaha
- ParallelYT: That interview is so bad
- Zayer: I was also just tryin kill everybody...
- iros: BrEAd 🥖 🥐🍞🥖 BusCuITs🍪
- sᴘᴀᴄᴇᴘᴜɴᴋɢᴏᴅ: *BREAD*
- Liz Ayyye: Fuckin kill everybody!!! Lmao I love the editing
- Richard 0'shay: Why does shia look like a wet dog?
- EnvyOw: BREAD!
- Matt Bannasch: 1:20 made me start tripping
- lukonawesome: ARTHXR 1,000th like
- Masen Storm: BISCUITS
- emphatically: bREAd
- Seb.: Was 1000 like
- Beres David: I love the *B r e a d*
- May Cherif: Breads !
- Daniel Devilling: I hate all of the stupid editing in these videos!!
- Ada: *I didn’t bring any biscuits here*
- ROYAL L: Do jake Paul and 21 savage
- Dolan DeDock: Can i have some bread? *bread*
- ᴠɪ: *_bread._*
- hatred healthy: Dude this got me laughing out loud so hard I'm subscribing u deserve a fucking diamond play button this shit is amazing.
- lydia: *B R E A D*
- G r a n t: Bread...okay....okay
- Raymond Jackson: Why does post Malone look mentally retarded
- the obslater: Post malone is gay
- Icoxnic: butter my biscuits
- Danielle Hinkley Outdoors: It’s like biscuits
- Miguel Angel Ledo Hernandez: Todavía me cuesta creer que idiotas simplones como este marquen tendencia; el mundo se fue a la puta mierda.
- flower: where can i find the song at the end lmao
- PeeP SqueaK: Best shit on Earth
- RiCkY Leon: -B R E A D-
- Brianna T: LMFAOOOO
- Dolan DeDock: Muchdank always coming with the sauce
- SnS Assassin: Bread
- kingburrito17: “I also killed everybody” I died bruv
- Jerry Seinfeld: *homelessness intensifies*
- Jennifer Ortiz: Oh shit
- sara moe: tell me why he looks like he has shark teeth...
- omegakushhead: Post Malone reminds me of Slingblade
- holy succ: *🅱ISCUITS* or *🅱READS* ?
- Naomi: LMAOOOO
- Punished Yang: Congratulations but Quavo is really patient.
- unplug__: 1:25 why does he remind me of that black spiderman meme?
- Kendall Ozzle: B I S C U I T S
- ThisISETHANBRADBERRY!: this is the most awkward video editing.. wtf is this bullshit.
- Manu Traas: Play congratulations at slomo
- Riccardo Laurenzi: He said that biscuit sounds real British
- King K. Rool: 😂😂😂😂😂
- Aaron AltKid: B R E A D
- Lisa: Cheescake
- Jaspal Deora: Aha wtf
- white chocolate A.K.A sexy mudafuka: OHH No No Noo LOOK AT THIS DUDE
- Isaiah: B I S C U I T S
- The Lorax: I’ve found you once again.
- Potato Boy: He's so damn cute and this video had me laughing so hard xD
- Guy Farting: Bread????
- Somali pirate who's actually somali: *B R E A D*
- aaron: Haha amazing im dying.
- Hanzo Main 2113: esketit
- Denofu: 1:06 ''Kill everybody'' ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
- mikro poppari: issa biscuit
- Josh Dennis: Am I the only one who loved the outro music and would love for MunchDank to make the whole song like that?!
- Dylan Tompkins: Bread
- Cool Kid: He sounds higj or drunk
- Baby Casket: Post look like a poodle
- xCaMx: Very well done....
- Dolan Dank The Cocaine Hank: *BISCUIT BREAD*
- Pyro: i love the-*breat*
- GreenCoal: *LIP SHMACK*
- Lahautz: Bwed
- waulpall: he kind of looks like a muppet monster
- Nada Roguljić: /*B R E A D*\
- sunshine: *B R E A D*
- Princess Pumpkin: do you realize it's an edited video ?
- damarh: BBC: Oh a Rapper, send in 2 people from our diversity deptartment who understand the culture to interview him. BBC: OMG wait why the fuck no one told us he was a Hwite Rapper! Gosh darnit! 0:51 bitch what the fuck did he just ask ? did he even listen to the fucking song and understand the lyrics ?
- Jordan: *You know you just out in the heat eating the biscuits...everyone dropping like flies*
- Princess Taehyung: P O P E Y E B I S Q U I T S
- aron tapiador: Fuckin biscuits
- DontWorryBeHappy: BReAd
- Michael S: BREAD
- Claude: Mody You eat you're fans family Logic
- LeaF: Omg the fucking song at the end, ur gold dude
- Michael Dove: He looks like a middle aged woman!
- Jonathan Ruales: now this is the quality content i never asked for but am glad to subscribe and turn post notifications on for.
- Goat on Molly: *Wow much dank*
- Todd A: She was dtf post
- Tanya Kaufman: *What?! Only 1 CLAP??*
- brunaso: *b r e a d*
- Alexandre Gama: For heaven sake make an full version of the ending
- Lil Gill: *BREAD*
- Yasmin Smith: *B R E A D S*
- Chubbs _: *BREAD*
- Elysium Fields: Ilovethe BREAD
- Will Ettridge: bread
- a ten year old that is obsessed with the game: Thank you, I love the *BREAD*
- Leon 'Lonny' Alcock: Thought Andy peters stopped presenting the word like 20s ago
- Jose sanchez: LMAO
- Marvin Lopez: at 0:41 this shit had me dead like music
- comrade dog: *B R E A D*
- Arindam Chatterjee: No. BISCUITS 😑
- Ÿøgi Zøø: I was also trying to uh... Kill everybody Ok
- Biscuits Without Gravy: This poor mother fucker 😂
- Dad: B r E a D
- Saraya ;}: The way he says biscuits
- Yuri: BR EA D
- Eric Lomax: O K O K . . .
- RoseSlatt: Thumbnail looks like sid from ice age smiling.
- hope u all a good day: It's biscuits
- Nefarious Intent: "Post Malone Tells his Master Plan to End Humanity"
- Jarrod: You're the best at these types of videos
- BigREZ: B I S C U I T S
- A FF: *Post Malone smile*
- Boxoffice Brown: WHy do people make these fake ass things
- Stella Lee: *demonic laugh* *post malone gets scared*
- LunarAngel: Idk Hardee’s and Churches have really good biscuits.
- CarrionKind: Post one of the very few rappers/artists these days w actual musical talent. N I'm old af. So don't tell this cracka otherwise. I knows da talents.
- issa lover: bReAd
- edgy: AHAHA YO IM DONEEE 💀💀😭
- Giovanni Muciaccia: :D
- Filip Filips: B I S C U I T S
- Edgar Martinez: *B I S C U I T S*
- Thomas Barrette Bennington: This video makes me feel like im on ketamine
- Hamzah: So Akward😂😂😂
- ayy fam: *Y E A H*
- SaturNDay Zorak: I didnt even get past 40 secs I keep replaying 😂😂😂😂💀💀💀💀💀💀
- 神Avitals: *STAPLE GUN*
- Proud Boy: Hahaha took me a second to realize this was edited I was like wtf how dumb are these interviewers 😂
- Lydia McGowan: "its biscuits--" " *B R E A D* "
- Denzel Dickenson: I was also trying to kill everybody 🙃
- R T kl: I hate post Malone cuz he's a dirty balloon
- xRedBuLLETs _: *B R E A D*
- Jacob Foxworthy: That end with Quavo... that was hilarious
- Duga Motiv: alive
- PlumbobMillionaire: YTP but it's 2017
- Taiwo balogun: **wow**
- Darren: BREAD
- Its Gay Time: OkaY OKAY
- jon: *licks lips* *B R E A D*
- Divan George Romorosa: Toast malone
- Lil Broomstick: It's *BREAD* Lol
- Sam P: Wearing earphones and next second I hear THAT BISCUIT SOUNDS RUBBISH
- Zemphus: BREAD
- Mia Welch: this is beautiful
- 205EVERYWHERE TM: Biscuits
- BAD VIBES FOREVER: Post looks like he smells bad
- Giannis Antetokounmpo: you should make one on any hot ones vid lmao
- Bas_ Lightyear: I make bloody shoes
- SWOOPDIZZY #オオカミのギャング: When the interview is so awkward YOU a start feeling awkward 😂
- kingburrito17: Now I can say I was patient * i p I c k u p t h e r o c k a n d I m p a t I e n t*
- Royal_____ ___: Beer bongs and BREAD
- Chill Out: His fooking pissed.
- ELIJAH BRUNER: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post Malone's Most Awkward Interview | |
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Entertainment Post Malone - Congratulations ft. Quavo Congratulations Post Malone | Upload TimePublished on 6 Oct 2017 |
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