Post Malone makes the H3 Podcast Weird - Starz launches

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Post Malone makes the H3 Podcast Weird

  2. TheBerom: Is this even edited??
  3. N: Hila got me fucked up
  4. Jaizee: spoiler alert *THE DOG DIED*
  6. cheddar bob: it WAS weird
  7. Appie Widow: Ugly fat faced fuck that malone what a ugly jewish bastard He looks like a hobo fuck off
  8. An frendly spezmoid: This was one of the best ones
  9. Eelis Liimatta: Y O U G O T R E A L L Y N I C E F U C K I N G S K I N
  10. Machete Marv: looks like a legit interview
  11. Voriik: Masterpiece
  12. Steven x: *ARE U FUCCING KIDDING ME*
  13. Felipe Castilho: Spoiler alert: Scooby Doo died
  14. CardiUno: *REEAHHHHLEY*
  15. Four Ninety Five: DJ Khaled episode of "First We Feast"
  16. LazY BosS: CAN I GET A DUB
  17. back up in yo ass wit tha resurrection: Baldino Salvador he said publicly he doesn't use deodorant... And he straightup looks like he needs to shower... Prolly fuckin REEKS LIKE SHIT. But he's surrounded by all yes-men cause he's rich rn so nobody will tell him the truth.
  18. Calm Sauce: Spoiler alert: *THE DOG DIED*
  19. Simon B: This is soooooo fuckin random bro, but hilarious at the same time 👌👌
  20. Derrick -: MuchDank makes an H3H3 video... what a day at last
  21. why?: It's eleven o'clock and when they said the dog died I lost it
  22. Toastyflakes: H3 made it weird
  23. Zaire: Why do I try to make sense out of these videos ?
  24. Demerit FC: The dogs dead
  25. Auto Reeko: *WADDUP PiiIIIIiiiMPPZ* (dead silence)
  26. Jaxo_ 14: Please make more😂
  27. P͠e͠a͠n͠u͠t͠ H͠e͠a͠d͠: *ICONIC*
  28. Google User: It was already weird
  29. Monty: *this seminar is, FUCKIN shiiiiiiiiiiit*
  30. Guy Farting: Dogbeef *cough cough*
  31. Griffin Nadeau: Were so in love with our dog shredder he deserves only the best that’s why he’s in a better place
  32. Kaaam G: You got really nice fuckin skin
  33. Shn.: *HERE'S THE DEAL*
  34. hoodshit: 1:57 got my rolling
  35. cooldog2168: “Eheheheh. Eheheheh.” -Hila Klein
  36. Toad Tip, mane: Roman PG Imagine losing your wife to a guy who looks like Post Malone
  37. Bunkinstan Wutsnow: Fuckin reuplaod again as usual
  38. Villa xoxo: Hahahah
  39. Logan Hart: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  40. yung slug: you got some really nice S K I N
  41. S A Y C E: *STAPLE GUN*
  42. scaho: *tiddeeeees*
  43. Monty: *did anyBOdy like, CUM*
  44. Kevin Zavala Vega: *You got some really nice fohken semen*
  45. Brian Small: y’all gotta leave post malone 😭
  46. BONELESS PIZNA615: Lol hila
  47. Toruk Macto: 61 like
  48. Neegan McGee: F U C K T H E H U M A N O I D S
  49. Mike Dee412: Y This made me feel uncomfortable and cringey. Good job
  50. Elvira K: Spoiler alert, the dog died
  51. OldSchool HipHop: This is just purely legendary.
  52. JT: n o t e n o u g h f u n k y f a c e s
  53. Konsta Korhonen: *historical*
  54. LeGiannis Anteokjames Big dick: What do you knit? Dog food
  55. T Niggs: *claps*
  56. Dylan Baker: Lmao pre much
  58. FTO Santana: *RIGHTT* *awkward stare*
  59. TheRealCarlos \: This was a huge *_S H I T_*
  60. Dyskvd: "dog food?" "H O L Y S H I T"
  61. wishes: *”BOOBS”*
  62. Sc0peTF2: WADDUP PISS!
  63. The GOAT: Saw this comming
  64. Tsm hamlinz Is the goat: W H Ä T T H Ē F Ü Ç K
  65. OFS Productions: *R E A L L Y*
  66. Dylanhas nofriends: This seminar is fucking shiiiit
  67. Dont worry bout that: Wonder if I can make a "*" bold? *** Edit: u can't😖
  68. BONELESS PIZNA615: I've been subscribed to h3 h3 since 2013
  69. Hey Vsoos Mikale heer: Everybody here looks homeless
  70. Jo Jo: this shit is fucking hilarious
  71. lil southkorea: Tittys
  72. Kozeart: Congrats on the shout out
  73. breath fresh frebreeze _: *what up pimps*
  74. lil southkorea: I do have an erection
  75. Bread: sluRt
  76. Dog Is Not Amused: Chambers N I C E F U C K I N G S K I N!
  77. Sage: hahahahaha Post's face at the end 😂
  78. José Dias: This was a good one
  79. D Man5: W R E A L L Y ?
  80. Samurai Issac: This is amazing, I actually cried of both laughter and joy
  81. tarek regragui: *EVERYBODY FUCKS EACHOTHER*
  82. So guys We did it: BREATHE
  83. Tal: wwREEEEALLLYY?
  84. Jdork: “What do you knit?” “Dog food”
  85. Swank Gaming: *HOW DOES A GREEN PUMP DO 9 DAMAGE*
  86. Einveru: dear much dank, you're an absolute visionary and are contributing to the transcendence of the globe. no more world hunger!
  87. Scoobert O'Doobert: Im right here baby
  88. H U: Rattling hi hats
  89. Joseph Stalin: H U G E S H I T
  90. Dont Read My Profile Picture: *Die echo ist zu muchhhh*
  91. Leah Rezac: THIS SEMINAR IS FUCKIN.. shiiiiiiiittt
  92. Kyuujuuni: So fucking good
  93. Nate Leviyev: PAPA BLESS
  94. ChubbyBunny Rivera: The girl in the orange cap is sooo cringe 😞😞 like wtf
  95. DragonKing M: Best yet
  96. ohwioh: This is a huuuugee shhhiiiitttt
  97. Tanner Todd: Was hila baked lmao
  98. snotlout irontoe: That malnourished fucking jewish whore is so boring
  99. Sir Lucifer: Yoo having seen the original video first makes me appreciate what you do 100000000000000000x more
  100. cheese man: This is like having a panic attack in public while being high.
  101. Jonathan Gomez: I love your videos 😍👌
  102. Levi Verbeek: 50K IN JAPAN
  103. Erik Dunkelberger: i wanna knit dog food
  104. YO MAMA WHAT: I never heard Ethan and Hila swear so much lol
  105. Eli Flash: *REALLLLY?!*
  106. Keylan Bankston: Leave post malone alone 😂😂.
  107. Avve N: Baby girl whatchu doin where ya mans, I just popped a xan 50 thousand in Japan I ain't do no playin these red bottoms not no vans, and she tellin' all her friends I might put em on the gram
  108. Galaxied Out: Duuude a muchdank edit on h3 podcast? *snorts coke*
  109. Jose Olivo: 😂
  110. JoMiSa: Hugh Mungus.
  111. Î âM Dę WäĘ: S H I T
  112. Biggie V: Holy Fuckin Titworth Reeeeeaaaallly?!
  113. Mr. Mister: Wow MuchDank nice moves keep it up proud of you!
  114. louie galindo: pablo lantigua water jew??😂
  115. Or366 666: It’s like a conversation between three dank people
  116. ana: fucc yu
  117. zEEp: Did anybody like come ?
  118. Dwayne The Croc Johnson: Can someone tell me what editing program he uses?
  119. Cece Ruben: When this video hasn’t even been altered their just that weird
  120. Alex Frania: I actually wanna find... *T I D D I E S*
  121. João_Mb: He is disgusting. Don't take a bath since his birth.
  122. A salt with a deadly weapon: How does one knit dog food
  123. NothingButAmazing: Do a prank invasion one it would be hilarious. but good job keep up the work bro
  124. xxx: why is this so funny I'm not handling this shit well
  125. oliver sandberg: WeHeeeeeee
  126. Ertan Kaizen: This video is only 3 mins but when you watch it, you think this video doesn't have an end
  127. LucidDream: You're edited.
  128. Petestaaa: Whattup piss!
  129. coley1555: Joseph Stalin I thought your profile pic was a hair on my screen
  130. Sambina: WHADDUPP PISS?! HOAAAH
  131. lil southkorea: I’m hilarious *Heres the deal*
  132. Its Qbin: I cant stop blinking after this video
  133. George Asamoah-Awuah: All I can do is watch and be amazed with every MuchDank vid ♥️
  134. Equasi: "im hilarious"
  135. Chayse Lavender: *U GOT REALLY NICE FUCKIN SKIN*
  136. Syd Ann: I love them but sometimes I look at them and I’m like these sre just weird people from the internet
  137. Snazxy: I knit dog food as well post
  138. Nenkos: DogBeef isn't gonna happy about this
  139. Maestro: staplegun
  140. no m!nd: Always happy when a video of yours is up 😂🔥
  141. Night Raid: Hall Network are you cunted?
  142. Jay Christy: Fuck you
  143. Tod Tatney: post malone lokks like mick foley
  144. XscoreZ: TITTIES
  145. Gshift: *you got really NICE F U C K I N G S K I N*
  146. AUX ZILLA: Somali pirate who's actually somali I w h y a r e y o u r u n n i n g
  147. SaturNDay Zorak: Lmao this shit lit bro ! WHERE THE DAY 1 MUCH DANK FANS AT??? 🤘😂😂
  148. Zen: REALLLLLY
  149. PoIicy: *DID ANY BODY LIKE..... CUM?*
  150. • •: MuchDank is *HISTORICAL*
  152. 👌🏿: It looks like it's edited but nahhhhhhh
  153. Mick Gallagher: *i’M nOt ChEcKinG oUt YouR’e FuCkInG vAgInA*
  154. bigsmilie07: Post looks disgusting
  155. AidaN SangeR: this was painful
  156. Don Tristan: How to get a lot of likes on a muchdank vid: 1. Get a word or phrase that is iconic in the vid 2. Write that with the "* *" 3. Enjoy
  157. MrBdog200: F
  158. Lynxrow: Oh.
  159. Hatefullhector [HatefulGangForever]: NOWMa
  160. Slo It Down: I wanna ask you somethin': What do you knit? Dogfood. HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!
  161. Dweird Wizzle: Imagine watching h3h3 in 2018 LUL
  162. Autumn: Why you gotta do post like that lmao
  163. ZERO RSPS: lol wth is this
  164. MrR3WIND: Please chop up the new Nardwaur interview with YBN Nahmir. There are so many things that’d be perfect like holy shit please
  165. KiNG _: We are in love with the dog *SPOILER ALERT THE DOG DIED*
  166. Prod. Lil Rudd: B O O B S
  167. Toro Joker: Gimme that *S T A P L E G U N*
  168. Young Dirty Dick ?: *MuchDank for president*
  169. tricky: Not enough claps/10
  170. Yegroid: He really got the hi hat now
  171. Sunnydoe: Scritty wait.., muchdank is more than one person? *shook*
  172. GamingTutorialsHD: One of your best for sure
  173. Mike: Rooby Rooo
  174. CrazyGemini: You got really nice fuckin skin
  175. Fool on the Planet: "What are you doing for the black lives matter movement?"
  176. 666 gang: *REALLLYYY?*
  177. PersonGuy3000: hila is such an ugly fucking jew
  178. ptz94: Someone needs to tweet this to Ethan.
  179. kennynito 34: that thumbnail lmao
  180. Jared Emerson-Johnson: This guy is *S T A N K*
  181. Raul Barragan: REEAAALLLYYYYY
  182. Comme Des Garçons: [EDITED]
  184. young munchie: Jews are cringey af
  185. Google User: Smoking? *DISGUSTANG*
  186. Comme Des Garçons: *RUUUhhHLY*
  187. 60 subscribers without a video: What do you Knit Dog food
  188. Christina C: I’m crying
  189. Murmaxy: Everything on this channel is weird *Perfection*
  190. syd moore: *_i love this channel_*
  191. REX ENTERTAINMENT: historical
  192. JSON Bourne: *gays
  193. weaam daher: MuchDank is a national treasure . These videos need to be archived Immediately.
  194. controlla.: JAPAN🔥🔥🔥
  195. Trashboi Ty 原始の: Not your best work but ok.
  196. alexanderswisher: Lost it at hi hat cigarette ash
  197. Adrian Boomin: B O O B S (in bold text)
  198. Greg Rodriguez: Damn, that bitch look high as fuck!
  199. rvg: *HERES THE DEAL*
  200. Kevin Beckham H.: WHAT UP PISS
  201. Logan Morrill: What do you knit?.........................DOG FOOD
  202. Prince Dre: Once again muchdank has left me wondering if this is the original video
  203. Dwayne Kid: *Bold comment from the video*
  204. 21 Chromo: Plz make a pt2
  205. Somali pirate who's actually somali: Top 10 anime crossovers.
  206. PrplDave: well that was awkward
  207. Jconic: Top 10 Anime Crossovers
  208. Will: Congratulations on the Nardwuar shoutout!
  209. MakaveliThaSavage: Hila is cringe
  210. Chris Rodriguez: I want to fuck his wife and let him watch.
  211. Onnethox: That blinking sound effect tho 💀💀💀
  212. Dwayne Kid: *H I S T O R I C A L*
  213. Meexi: Is he drinking fucking Tooheys New??? 👌
  214. kaleel: Are you high? This videos reminds me of niggas high
  215. Don Tristan: *ReAlLY*
  216. Shaunice: ReAlLy?!
  217. lukas hammerle: gold
  218. Ryan Ducky: LMAOOOOO STOP
  219. nkean6: W H A T U P P I S S
  220. humelaja: REEEEEEEEAALLY?
  221. Machete Marv: what do you knit?... "Dog food".
  222. jasmine: call hila ugly again and ill fuck your ass
  223. bobo42024: Lol pub g commercial on post Malone video. He loves that game
  224. Legacii: Hila was lit af
  225. Abyss Music: *B O O B S*
  226. Gopnik: These hihats
  227. ignaucio witherspoon: *You got really fucking nice skin*
  228. YourRages Intern: *R E A L L Y*
  229. typedef: You should give me money. And everybody just fucks each other.
  230. Anderson Eugene: Your profile pic makes me uncomfortable
  231. Not Thomas: This is like an episode of Eric Andre fr
  233. TheSpyGamer: All you need is some beer and a cig for those r a t t l i n g trap hi-hats
  234. xXNeko xX: All Videos ikr
  235. armo: this guy is stank. fuck you
  237. Sizzzel: Best video to date
  238. AnakTheGrim: SPOILER ALERT THE DOG DIED cause of death .......STAPLE GUNS
  239. wrldunkwn: 0:38 posty be sounding like scooby lmao
  240. Venom SnakeTM: do more of these
  241. Masquinongy: I died at that😂
  242. leif. let: BAHAHHAHA
  243. Ansh Malhotra: *REAHLYYYYYY ?*
  244. A Person: well thats cute and weird
  245. Tyger Voods: *I ' M H I L A R I O U S*
  246. Zachary Zdanczewicz: I saw a homeless person that didnt brush or wash his hair in years and it looked way better than post Malone's hair.
  247. Ram R: Lol he’s on the other side of table cus he reeks
  248. Akwio: SHREDDER NOOOO
  249. kit fister: Ubafu the world that is the best way to get out of and I have been working on the internet so yeah writing hurts me a call from you can get a free shopping cart software and hardware and the sides and you are looking to buy it from can always say that you know everything you can know about You and your family are well and I liked a few days ago and I now have a good day to day life is a good time to take a look at the same time as a result of the world that I had to be a good time to take a look at the same time as a result of the world that I had to be a good time to take a look at the same time as yduuej jewelry and I will be posting things from music and the sea is one of the people who are over positive about everything does not help me or most of the time to take a look at the same time as a result of the world that I had to answer your questions and answers to the unidentified Sabagebu the same time as a result of the Globgogoabgalab YEAST OF TIME
  250. Landon Martin: WHAT'S THE D E A L
  251. Lt. Surok: Lol the sound effects were the cherry on top 😂
  252. jerry sarris: How is this the first time seeing this?
  253. robert sanchez: The dog *DIED*
  254. tabz47: - What do you knit? - *Dog* *food*
  255. Obey The Sun: Hila is the daughter of Beavis.
  256. vraretyler: 53 comment
  257. morg zolko: SPOILER ALERT THE DOG DIED
  258. Adem Zettl: H I S T O R I C A L
  259. Jeffrey Weaver: THE FIRST ONE WORKED FUCK
  261. Tinfoyle: 😂😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭
  262. notlengthy: spoiler alert
  263. oh look is that hair: *BOLD TEXT TO GET LIKES*
  264. Pro Live: WHAT UP PIMPS
  265. Yung Valentine: Theirs litterly shit falling out my ass rn
  266. Lil Monk E: Not the dankest but still much dank
  267. Moe Rahman: This was a good one
  268. Евгений Альбертович: Gold
  269. Kelvin: My Love of Dank
  270. Simba Leone: Dude your videos are fucking amazing you have to do a drake one tho he's like the only person I can think of who who haven't done lol
  271. Joe Sky: *V a g i n a*
  272. WhizTV: Hela has a crush on Post Malone
  273. 40Hurtz: someone send this to them
  274. aan pakker: With the quickness
  275. Dj XLT: Bike shop staple gun
  276. Baldino Salvador: Post look like he been missin some showers
  277. TG: This reminded me so much of the Eric Andre show
  278. Dude Dank: WHADDAP FISH
  279. Kreepy Pasta: PM looks nervous AF.
  280. Hunter Murphy: I overplayed Japan the day it came out and now I hate it 💀
  281. Joey Corrow: Greatest shit ever
  282. rachel durling: wAIt did shredder actually die? Great vid I love these guys
  283. Zo Beats - Producer Palace: Do desus & mero vs DJ envy
  284. Henrique Machado: *Cartoony Blink sound* *Cartoony Blink sound*
  285. JUSES CHIRST: when Hila swears i get a stomach cramp
  286. AreTrees: what do you knit?.. dog food... hollyy shit lmaoooo
  288. skrrt skrrt: God I hate hila and her retarded accent
  289. eberg8: His podcast sucks ass
  290. Caribbean Chris: A return to glory.
  291. yohann dcruz: This is the Eric Andre show
  292. Oggeage: *FAK YU*
  293. sailor saturn: *Wow Ethan! Great moves, keep it up, proud of you!*
  294. Young Slavici: Most Palone
  295. DJ Akademiks Supreme Hoodie: *HISTORICAL*
  296. Monty: *HELOooOoo*
  297. Alex Nae'Char: i want post malone to teach me how to knit dog food
  298. Christian Martinez: Now this was different! I liked it! But man his girlfriend always tryna act hard. We can see right through it, girl. Plz stop it's too much cringe.
  299. Lil Kek: WHAT UP PISS
  300. tiago prates cowan: I feel like half of this shit wasn’t even edited it’s just how h3 and Malone are
  301. December Disciple: U H W O A H D E X T E R
  302. Trippy Hippy: Dwayne Kid FUCKING SOLD
  303. Lili Nagy: Deadass the funniest channel on yt.
  304. Aidan O'Hara: @muchdank was mentioned in the Nardwar vs SmokePurpp
  305. Ryan Ramos: *H I S T O R I C A L !*
  306. ZONE: These videos are that much danker when you've seen the original versions of them
  307. RigoSuave: *H I S T O R I C A L*
  308. Silkyizsik: That breakfast club clip. Lmao so legend
  310. Hao Grand: watup bitch !
  311. Mark Z U C C: One of the best ones yet
  312. Demerit FC: SPOILER ALERT
  313. Klutch: I feel like this is how the podcast would probably look if they all just smoked weed beforehand
  314. Matrix or Creatrix: Needs more high hat
  315. Ghetto Lazzerbeam 2.0: He should do the Eric Andre Show.
  316. Somali pirate who's actually somali: Papa bless.
  317. Dont Read My Profile Picture: Hilaz laugh is the only reason why I watch these things
  318. Your Self: The dog died *Spoiler alert*
  319. boe judden: BISCUITS
  320. White Diamond: 💀💀💀💀
  321. Anuj Chauhan: The snare on the beer bottle tho😂😂😂
  322. Wigbe.: *SHOW LESS*
  323. Darren: I'M HILARIOUS
  324. Terrance Maulana: wtf was this though MUCHDANK!??
  325. Cartoon: DOG FOOD
  326. Kaz Kem: I don't smoke cigarettes or drink but I do smoke weed but is it really a thing to be dropping ash in ur drink like that?
  327. SlackerTV: *R E F E R E N C E 2 T H E V I D E O*
  328. Flightward: Nardwuar shouted you out in his smokepurrp interview
  329. Norman loves Memes: No
  330. back up in yo ass wit tha resurrection: THANK U FOR DOING THIS! I PRAYED TO THE GODS FOR THIS!!!
  331. iPlatinumb: yohann dcruz it’s a funny edit of a podcast... not even close
  332. Chris Holmes: *B O O B S* *O* *O* *B* *S*
  333. ıllıllı YoUng mOdd ıllıllı: (edited) [EDITED] *{ E D I T E D }*
  335. nebula: Shredder deserves only the best... S P O I L E R A L E R T : T H E D O G D I E D
  336. Im GRVTY: Best channel ever
  337. pazzthexans: How much in Japan?
  338. AZOH: Please do logic everydayayayayayayayayayay
  339. Tupac's Step Sister (1234locoman): much dank weenus reveal
  340. /:sus/: wat up with da sudden reverbs
  341. nox the cat: A victory for the TMNT
  342. JKE Andrew: With the amount of cigarettes and alcohol Post Malone consumes I'm about 98% positive he has ED.
  343. Arthur Conmy: This guy is *S T A N K*
  344. Alex G: I can’t fucking function I’m laughing that hard😂
  345. Vlad Mihai: 😂😂😂😂
  346. Dont worry bout that: Jeffrey Weaver *****
  347. grandeurlies: propf you can't meme a memer
  348. Neil McNair Jr.: MuchDank > MuchDank
  349. Jesus: Smokepurpp Nardwaur, only true fans would know what I mean
  350. zaboomafoo: wat uup pppiiiiiis
  351. young munchie: Masquinongy nigga sounded like Scooby doo
  352. kk2gaara: *”WHAT DO YOU KNIT?” “DOG FOOD”*
  353. Grant_: “Yeah”
  354. lil southkorea: What do you knit *Dog food*
  355. 42 Ballpark - The Vibe Club: Lmao Post 😂
  356. justkidding: Reeee staplegun... am i doing this correctly?
  357. Coonnor Brennan: all these videos like this remind me of eric andre for some reason
  358. hypro manyak: this was less akward than the actual podcast
  359. Will Becker: Boobs
  360. ROXKSTARR THE LONER: Nigga they were high asf
  361. Logan Whitcomb: Bottles moving more than Kubrick
  362. dnfariesgsa: I need you in my life.
  363. zoe 4real: I think this one is one of the best ive seen from Muchdank
  364. All Videos: His wife is weird af
  365. Lucas: Ditties
  366. sebastian: what do u knit? *dog food* *applause*
  367. Cian Watford: Dude this needs more views
  368. poper doper: Hila seems normal in this.
  369. Umar Nasir: Damn Post looks ugly as fuck.
  370. sydeFX 1988: Much dank is an American treasure and therefore must be protected at all cost..
  371. Gabriel Jr Leo: *SPOILER ALERT* *The Dog Died*
  372. lol bag: My god humanity isn’t ready for dankness of this proportion.
  373. LLJ: First dislike
  374. spooky da scary: vape naysh y'all
  376. Fox Donze: Best MuchDank piece to date
  377. Tyler Kersey: You're reaching 2016 election debate super deluxe levels of dank editing. Nice.
  378. ItzJordan: I’m gonna eat your ass muchdank
  379. Joyful Amoeba: where my boy DogBeef at?
  380. mememachine matt: WHAT UP PISS
  381. Colonel Kaleb: Here’s the deal
  382. Victor Kassabov: I love when they start thinking about things they did in the past
  383. David Cordova Santibañez: *H* P dat the strain got me quite citric
  384. Michael Philps: What is the name of the original vid ?
  385. Monty: *ARE U FOOKINKIDDINGMEH!!!!??*
  386. Nicxlez: *_hila has nice semen_*
  387. scubawithatuba: These are too good to be true, LMAO!
  388. david mckesey: dog food
  389. dirt party: what do you knit? dog food HOLY SHIT
  391. Nick Craw: DID ANYBODY LIKE *CUM* ?
  392. hi SHISTARS: *BOOBS*
  393. Lord Satan: Notification squad
  394. X: +oh look is that hair I like how you said the exact same thing as the other guy but slightly different. hoping to get likes
  395. Henny LeBeau: yohann dcruz facts
  396. Grammar M: Thanks for posting this bro, you and JohnTron are some of the last youtubes thatake me actually laugh like a fool, it really be helping my day when you post these
  397. (Peace) Year 👏 Review 👏, b i t c h 👏.: ik.
  398. aryzo: i'm hilarious a lot of people jus-*HERES THE DEAL*
  399. Aarin Amin: My God everytime you upload i feel like it's best video you have made yet
  400. Jeffrey Weaver: Dont worry bout that Wait, try.. *** or **
  401. Geno: HERES THE DEAL
  402. Niklas: Please do more of h3h3s interviews
  403. Creths: What do you knit? Dog food
  404. premium shitposting: This is a re-upload from dogbeef, y'all copying each other
  405. Flynis: This is 2 fuking much cringe I didn't die lmao
  406. Caddyboy55: 50k in Japan<3
  407. Revenge: Historical
  408. jesus mendez: Post need tk chill on the coke
  409. Father: Is H3's wife a tranny?
  410. SatanicJamnic: Hila made it weirder.
  412. Yeah Right: *H I S T O R I C A L*
  413. SamShady: i hope ethan has watched this
  414. alexx campos: I Have Achieved Greater Wisdom Inspecting This Formation Of Atoms .
  415. TWENTYSEVEN FTW: Das some hard 2 watch dank
  416. General Duck: Muchdank where the vid about the montreality postalone interview
  418. Curtis Nenbhard: R E A L L Y ! !
  419. Sweetmojo: *WHAT DO YOU KNIT*
  420. Smaguris: Like, you should give me money. And then everybody fucks. That's how you met, right?
  421. KranxMusic: The funniest part of all of these vids is when you use trap drum kits for sfx hahaha
  422. Petey 678: i M H i L a R i O u S !
  423. Michael&Jello: You sir are an artist
  424. Mike McClain: This guy is STANK
  425. Death Angel: Ethan would be proud
  426. young munchie: We need more ear cancer
  427. lizbeth: kk2gaara *claps*
  428. N O: I was thinking the same exact thing
  429. Chim Richolds M.D: I havent cringed in a while this was cringey af like omg. Salute muchdank lol
  430. Shan Tells: This was very cringing 😬
  431. JiggyLvL ¦ YunG $tacKz: i hate ur page fawk u
  432. Embis: The 29th
  433. Kai Hiwatari: *BOOBS*
  434. pablo lantigua: Water Jew doing for te blacc lives mattor movimiento
  435. Luis Revollar: *REEEEEEEEEAAAAALLLYYYY* ?
  436. Eric Florez: i couldn't even handle this
  437. Mary Anne: Please do one with the new vid of migos and drake
  438. Flocky: *HERE'S THE DEAL*
  439. tricia Toscano: SPOILER ALERT THE DOG DIED 🐕 R.I.P.
  440. THE SLOW DEATH HOOKS: that chick was the weird one lol
  441. James Flood: Rrreeeaaallyy?
  442. Tim Jordan: what do you knit? *d o g f o o d*
  443. Jungshook: Early
  444. MakinaDeMuerte: Sponsored by Bud Light!
  445. PlusPlus: Why are you reuploading? Isn't that illegal?
  446. boe judden: BREADSS
  447. Cibs H: early
  448. Scrotum Monster: Post Malone is a cabbage-patch fat face homeless ass lookin' mother fucker. He is shopping cart dwelling, dumpster-diving lifestyle appearance at its finest.
  449. Jessica jessica: DISGUSTANGG
  450. EdboyWins: im dying literally from the cringe, and figuratively from laughing. goodness. Fucking hightened whatever awkwardness there was haha
  451. Jeremy Nichols: This is so great
  453. FolkLaurr: You better and I mean better do one on the OJ hypothetically lol admitting to the murders.
  454. Sassy The Sasquatch: Also add in the _italics_ for *_full effect_*
  455. YVNG DRIIM: Bro nardwaur and smokepurpp shouted u out 🤘 lit asf fw ur channel heavy
  456. SEMETO: *that was amazing*
  457. Evan Schneider: i’m crying
  458. Stone: I’m crying
  459. I Don't Care: *Ethan comment.*
  460. Cheah Yeah: You could make a movie worth of this shit h3h3 has so much potential
  461. Kaby Blankson: *BOOBS*
  462. All Videos: BALINESE
  463. The ultimate nigga: *Most Palone*
  464. Nut Neutralizer: He has Tourette’s syndrome actually
  465. Bet My Name Spooked You: Why Post look homeless 😭
  466. darian franklin: Rrrreeaaaalllyy in my scooby voice
  467. Tyler: Ethan- “this guy is stank” Post- “ fuck you” LMAOOOOO
  468. Axodus: _"BOOBS!"_ *cough* Tough crowd huh..
  469. MVP Pound: Crying laughing emoji
  470. Just some nigba: Where they high
  471. grimsgrind: So fuckin Dank...keep em comin
  472. Brandon Partida: It says 83 likes but 33 views???
  473. MADDOH: H3 got one goofy lookin girl
  474. Why Is My Face So Ashy: *STAPLEGUN*
  475. Infamous Hacker: What up PISS!
  476. sad: This is some good editing.great job! Keep it up! Proud of ya!
  477. pau 666: *INTENSE EYE TWITCH*
  478. White_Minkey: T I T T I E S
  479. LeGiannis Anteokjames Big dick: “Nasty laugh in the background the whole time”
  480. Anttoni Kiuru: Spoiler alert: The dog died.... give it a round of applause
  481. Dark Project: i've seen you comemnt everywhere
  482. caterina ballerina: knits dog food
  483. Joshua T: I’ll need about a video a day from you
  484. AimbotJake: *Spoiler alert the dog died.*
  485. Docking: Jeez Ethan was weird why did he put so many jump cuts
  486. NickMaddox0: This is better than the podcast
  487. Francesca S.: H I S T O R I C A L
  488. lil southkorea: I don’t know what I’m doing
  489. Aniss Zemri: *- WHAT DO U KNIT* *-DOG FOOD*
  490. Jose Ortiz: Do Smokepurp Vs Nardwar
  492. Noah Isaac: When he had the cigarette in his mouth 💀 and when he went from smiling to straight face lmao
  493. Dani Derpasaurus: You should just give me money and everybody fuck each other
  494. Squidward: whatup piss
  495. moRRe :D: SeRious
  496. Tomás Jorquera: F
  497. Neytho: SONG AT THE END?!?
  498. Luke: Stop stealing from daddy dogbeef
  499. ZSTO: With MuchDank Comes MuchClout
  500. What am I Doing with My life: *BOOBS*
  501. Trunkz: WHATUP PISS
  502. Oh Yeah Yeah: Smokepurpp shouted you out in an interview with nardwuar
  503. Majin n: Did anybody, Like, Cum?
  504. black guanábana: pablo lantigua 😂😂😂
  505. I3umblebee X: This is one of, if not, the best video you’ve made so far
  506. Hosein Q: this is gold
  507. Vanessa Hld: Y O U G O T R E A L L Y N I C E F U C K I N G S K I N
  508. ur dad: Puppy shredder
  509. Andrew Nelson: Nah, the girl makes it weird, even if it’s not edited
  510. MusicValency: huuugeee shiit
  512. Uhhh: Scooby Doo Where R U?
  513. bkaspe00: Wow this actually feels cringe like it feels real for some reason
  514. Pedohan: H3H3 got them groovy eyebrows 😏
  515. back up in yo ass wit tha resurrection: Post publicly said he don't use deodorant... And he straightup looks like he needs to shower... Prolly fuckin REEKS LIKE SHIT. But he's surrounded by all yes-men cause he's rich rn so nobody will tell him the truth.
  516. Dankest Media: Post Malone looks like a dirty hobo hipster
  517. Sleepy: spoiler alert: the dog dies
  518. Curly Head Bitch: *posty*
  519. TUDO: H I S T O R I C A L E R E C T I O N
  520. Sassgay Coochiha: Post looks like Bob Ross in the thumbnail 💀
  521. Yolo Police: Wow MuchDank, great moves! Keep it up! Proud of you!
  522. The Swap Meet Flea NC9/GDP: *S O D A N K*
  523. Nanth noshizuka: Damn, even the Fupa Lord isn't safe
  524. Fruit of the loom: I can’t spell
  525. Aurteekay: Lol when Ethan blinks
  526. Damian: Did anyone like cum? *Crowd cheers* Wow this is insane. 😂😂😂
  527. dill posh: Bread
  528. FBI: *its actually fucking awkward lol*
  530. TokyoJedi: *eye twitching INTENSIFIES*
  531. Dwayne Kid: *R E A L L Y*
  532. Flux Skies: Post Malone makes everything weird.
  533. Random Things: Not even that much different from the original.
  534. Andrew: "did anybody like...cum?" *CROWD CHEERS*
  535. [ALEX]: im dead xd
  536. pattersonmorin32: 🅱️oobs
  537. Mercyre: DO 6IX9INE X MONTREALITY
  538. The Filmr: MuchDank you're amazing!! Papa bless.
  539. Brandon Bonilla: Finish the sentence You got some really nice [Word]
  540. shuno bre: death to h3h3. scumbag hacks
  541. Blaze GAMES: A masterpiece
  542. Alex Harding: I really want to get into making/editing meme videos just like this, but I literally have no idea where to start. What software should I use? Does it take a long ass time to be able to edit like this? Any help is appreciated
  543. Atreid3s: Never seen so many Jews in one room that wasn't a shower
  544. Art Martinez: Hila is FUCKING awkward... as she would say
  545. Michael Brooks: Ayyyy
  546. FrostyWolf: I really hope they interview other artists lol. I loved the original, but I wanna see more parodies like this :D
  547. Solomona Sooalo: Yes
  548. amora: *HISTORICAL*
  549. It Gon Be Otay: Nice Dexter outro <3 thenks rap caveira
  550. Gopher Don: On the next h3h3 podcast there going to react to this video MuchDank finna get tht clout 🤘🤘
  551. maximo aguirre: Do the Logic interview please (hardknocktv) ily (no homo)
  552. (Peace) Year 👏 Review 👏, b i t c h 👏.: *WHHHHHHHHADDUPP PIIIIIIMPS?!*
  554. sleeplezzz: REALLY!?😂
  555. Baako Jernigan: This has fulfilled something I didn't know I needed
  556. Leggo YourEgo: Sup shitface
  557. slicktalk: hila was high as hell lmao
  558. Pābľø: ethan always does some weird shit with his eyes
  559. Dxvid: Ryan Ramos *B O O B S*
  560. Tanner Hunt: Rip original content.
  561. Legacii: *Water Malone*
  562. James Banks: Yeeeeeee
  563. Julia_aaa: WHATTUP PIIISS
  564. Famous D3x: This Is porn
  565. Kato Sanchez: Get Mac DeMarco On The Podcast Buds Great Moves Keep It Up Proud Of You
  566. Lam Seen: The girl reminds me of my rapist.
  567. jecub Owo: ethon has gotten gross.
  568. your comment might not work so please: Post Malone,I felt like the other guy made it wierd,he was just high.
  569. KamikazeThe13th: 50,000 in Japan.
  570. moRRe :D: This SemAner is FUCking shit
  571. Leon: I really want to find *boobies*
  572. The Iron Giant: OOF
  573. Dominic Gregorio: New era of YTP
  574. Ka Hupi: DO 6IX9INE x MONTREALITY!!!!
  575. chocolatewheelchair: The dude in the middle
  576. Petestaaa: Boy that got real weird real fast
  577. lowgms: *ROIOEEALILY*
  578. LemonOVA: Rip Shredder
  579. Poopy: Posts music is dope but he always looks like he took a dump and didn't wipe
  580. Miguel Nunez: That cigarette snare 😂
  581. young munchie: Lmao Post Malone sound like Scooby doo
  582. Scooby Loober: You know it’s a much dank video when you’re dying just from the thumbnail 😂😂😂
  583. lil southkorea: You got some really nice *semen*
  584. alexis mendoza: Shia Labeouf?
  585. John Smith: Post looks like shit tbh
  586. NoizE: Oh my goodness the cigarette snare got me killed
  587. rdzlx: it’s hard to believe post malone was born in 1995, he’s out here looking like a 52 year old unemployed crackhead
  588. Mr. Super Fly: Lol that girl looked high as fuuuuck
  589. Maximillian Wulfsgang: This isn't even a parody, it's just raw footage from the video.
  590. IfShe13Im13: this is what i call quality content
  591. Jeremy Wullaert: please do a muchdank video for the jack black h3h3 podcast that just happened!! it'll be gold
  592. jaysun has a laptop: did anybody, like, *cum*
  593. Keydoor: You've made it when Much Dank makes a meme outta your podcast.
  594. Paul Jean: H3 is the one that made it weird lol
  595. Mystic_ 112: Fuck I wanna see them react to this lmaoo
  596. WhoozyOMO: Wtf is H3? Like are they married or...
  597. Trash: *We're just in love with our puppy shredder* :) *spoiler alert the dog died* :(
  598. Hoy Dogge: You should give me money
  599. Kaz Kem: Nvm. That was an empty bottle. I thought there was only one bottle
  600. Vic Vinegar: Hey bruh bruh.
  601. Radek: Let's get weird! 🤘
  602. MR MOTO MEME: H3H3 podcast were already weird 😁
  603. Tenqs: DuchMank
  604. playboipace: jjj uuu exactly
  605. Random NiBBa: Pubg be like : oh wanna watch some videos in peace? Lemme just bang 50 PUBG mobile ads on ya
  606. TheKuzzyOne: "What do you knit?" "Dogfood" *Claps*
  607. Russell Lamb: That's seriously one of your best♥
  608. bruh,: divorce is a bitch, trust me. RIGHT?? followed by weird cokehead movements
  609. ItsBeowulf: I felt awkward
  610. Rapist Spongebob: cringe
  611. Chambers: *really nice skin*
  612. lesur lately: im hilarious
  613. I am sock: Bro you’re slacking this wasn’t even edited
  614. So guys We did it: YALL ALREADY KNOW
  615. Gabriel Jr Leo: *REALYYY???*
  616. Ansh Malhotra: *MUCH DANK MAKES MY DAY*
  617. ↁЈ ЅЌІРFЦИЌ: "I do have an erection". Haha lmao
  618. Niggtendo: *Hila giggleling intensifies*
  619. Kelman: Who doesn't
  620. OdinOf Midgard: I cry laughing then start juggin
  622. Shannon Dunnells: IM DEAD
  623. JOHN GRIGORAKOS: - I have an erection - HISTORICAL!!
  624. des._.: ASS S S
  625. Salmaan Lambat: B O O B O O O O B O O B
  626. Macky Gee fanboy: Uhhh i H a V e a n e r E c t I o n
  627. unplugd: the blinking noises hahahaha
  628. Parallax: I actually want to find *TiTIeS*
  629. Robert: *C I G A R E T T E H I - H A T S*
  630. dead beat: Hila is such a cuck
  631. daniel is the best: sub 2 me
  632. Moedabro 22 AKA Moises Morales: Hila isnt innocent no mo
  633. Australia doesn’t exist.: Scritty “foreigners” niqqa you probably a alien
  634. Mr Meeseeks: Not shredder!
  635. CarolinaBaby _: *B* *O* *O* *B* *S*
  637. Elliot Back: i read this shit hella
  638. Darth Vader: Comedy gold
  639. daballer in here: sup
  640. Yeah Right: Jdork *ROUND OF APPLAUSE*
  641. error #404: *MuchDank* for *president*
  642. guccidex: slackin this wasnt funny
  643. D E X X I E: I feel like I'm in a fever dream
  644. Biancah Velasquez: ew the girl is fucking awkward asfk and acting special ed
  645. GDSPD YYY: Best one thus far🤣 by far
  646. Matt Carver: This video is *stank*
  647. Dat Persian King: Venenoso I love it
  648. yung acid tav: my skin cells just rotted
  649. Jay Y: Wtf, is wrong with those two bizarre people
  650. Tomas: This shit is a masterpiece. One of your best, u da youtube gawd🙏🏻
  652. HALCYON: the hi hats on the cigarette tap lmaoo
  653. Cactus: Post malone looks musty af
  656. edjalapeeeno: When that brockhampton video coming out
  657. HgihAsFcuk: *T I T T I E S*
  658. Jesse Preston: hahahaha I love H3 this is Fucking funny
  659. Dxvid: *I W A N N A F U C K Y O U R I G H T N O W !*
  660. S A Y C E: *BOLD COMMENT*
  661. Kelly Kayseas: Hahahahahaha wtf
  662. Handsome lad: Hela is hella cringy
  663. DogBeef: nah baby we just having fun making some memes
  664. Hall Network: H3H3 dude looks like he has some sorta syndrome. He barely blinks, his mouth moves all uncontrollably when he talks and just gives off a creepy vibe. Idk why he has so many subs he is boring af
  665. JUSES CHIRST: the h3 podcast is already the most awkward podcast on youtube anyway
  666. Levi Clarke: "HERES THE DEAL"
  667. Erica Green: Tay K the race but he don’t think you want no action.
  668. WYLIE: Not f e e l i n g this
  669. Dark Emperor Gamer: "Do anybody like cum?" *YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH*
  670. costa Ricardo: What are you doing for the black lives matter movement?
  671. Lil Grinch Dookie: Awk
  672. Keith Clough: *ORIGINAL BOLD TOP COMMENT*
  673. Easy Street: love this so much
  674. Freddy Gabriel: What do you.... knit? DOGFOOD
  675. Servay: man even tho this is edited, i felt uncomfortable watching it. keep up the good work!
  676. bossman local: What kinda lotion you using for that skin tho?
  677. Elisa: Dog food
  678. Peej -: *P I P S*
  679. jjj uuu: *BOOBS* *O* *O* *B* *S*
  680. Caity Wylie: I think this is my favourite one
  681. Sam Farley: Spoiler alert the dog died
  682. 7: FUCK post mellon
  683. not creative: *bold quote from video or reference to StApLe GuN*
  684. dill posh: Staple gun
  685. Big Boi: you forgot BIT CONEEEEEEEEEEECT
  686. nws void: Ethan trying to be funny and them making this a public event made it weird.
  687. Michael Lomeli: “HERES THE DEAL!!!! I actually want to find......TITTIES
  688. Esketit San: Aye you watch h3h3,another W to ur chart
  689. SlackerTV: Wait this isn't H3 highlights
  690. Hrishiraj Ray: The Dog Died soo round of applause
  691. Imani Jones: I love how Hila has finally come out her shell
  692. AJETT: Why has no one made a mashup of the h3h3 theme and congratulations yet?
  693. -Hopeless situation Warrior-: i came early
  694. quan gale: H I s t o r I c a l
  695. TheCosmicLad: I know Hela throws on the *STRAP ON* and pipes down Ethan
  696. LeaksSoReal: 😂😂😂
  697. Sçarlxrd: Find Malone's Semen on eBay now for 24.99
  698. lizbeth: Faaaavs
  699. Case Bros: H I S T O R I C A L
  700. Kay's Rsx: REALLY
  701. lSataNl: More like Hila talks more than usual
  702. hedungoofed _: Thumbnail hila.
  703. Bryan: I don’t see any difference between the actual H3H3 podcast and this
  704. Jakob Spencer: dogbeef
  705. Butlcl001: *BUT I DO HAVE AN ERECTION
  706. Austin Bennett: Cool
  707. Miles Omoruyi: *R E A L L Y*
  708. TheLegend27: Leans over to mic *b o o b s*
  709. a i t o r: *this seminar is FUCK* ing _sh i i i t_
  710. 耶ツ稣T W I N K I E: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  711. OGDecwan: *I just popped a xan 50,000 in Japan*
  712. Y Not Ninja: I knew Post Malone was a Stank
  713. TheCosmicLad: Post Malone looks like he sell old DVD’s out the back of his van😂
  714. HowtoBasic 2.0: Ahh when much dank uploads my heart beats💓
  715. Original: hila swearing makes me feel uncomfortable
  716. snotlout irontoe: third rate inferiors, this is so lame and garbage
  717. Kevin: F
  718. David B: pce out shredder
  719. Dovydas Vilkas: Austin Post Malone, this guy is *STANK*
  720. fat balls: Playback speed ×2 your welcome
  721. Daniel Soares: Amazing
  722. Anai Hernandez: I would truly appreciate like 6 minutes of this type of content
  723. eh canadian: *You got really nice fucking skin*
  724. KBG Cash2324: 😂😂😂
  725. Joshtopia J.: Song at the end tho?
  726. JH vibes: Bro i fucking love how you put 808 drum kit sounds on things being hit or touched, fucking hilarious to me
  727. MusicValency: *HERE IS THE DEAL*
  728. DarkDecoy: LemonOVA F
  729. CardiUno: Lmaoooooo the breakfast club clip
  730. Matthew F: "SPOILER ALERT THE DOG DIED" 😭😂
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Post Malone makes the H3 Podcast Weird

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Entertainment Upload TimePublished on 21 Mar 2018

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