![Logic Loses His BIRACIAL Mind in This Interview](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/WsaMxiOmW1s/maxresdefault.jpg)
(also rattpack, chill, this is a joke)
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Original Videos -
Logic Breaks Down Everybody, Talks Biracial Identity, Racism, White Privilege
Logic "Take It Back" Breakdown and Inspiration, Talks Playing It For J Cole
Logic talks Killing Spree, Ansel Elgort, Social Media, BLM, New Tattoo
Logic Calls Out Kanye, Trump, Talks America, Public Enemy, Black Thought, No ID, Big Lenbo
Logic talks New Album, Evolution of Title from God to Africaryan to Everybody, Neil deGrasse Tyson
Outro song -
Logic - Indica Badu ft. Wiz Khalifa (Official Audio) - Visionary Music Group
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- Aesthetic Legacy: I’m *EMOTIONAL*
- OmNi Blaze: Ligma Balzaccian correction sir, he’s the whitest biracial guy ever
- Dr.Mantis Toboggan: He's annoying
- M. Schilder: This is gold
- Kevin Schulze: im blacker than logic. fuck this guy
- oiTzWarZoneo: This is FUCKING hilarious
- tieteaofficial: Ok his dad looks biracial he might be a quarter black
- Petty Duck?: Wait ... is he biracial
- Trandon 99: My world is retarded
- Yuno Gasai: Jonah Sandoval13 I *will* keep myself safe
- camelvids10: Did you know he's biracial
- Slimmy Jimmy: He's *B I R A C I A L*
- Matthew Kendall: Big Smoke, dead meme He comments on all these videos
- Lego kid100: It was edited
- Skylar Hanna: Biracial just means ur a mut like all of us
- por qué: *"I'm veRY FUcking BLAck"*
- okay 0: *C O M M E N T*
- MightyFrankieGamer: *I'M BIRACIAL*
- Jenna Feliciano: this is amazing
- Veronica Baron: He’s mocking people lol he’s not purposefully saying all that
- Mike Traum & The Shooters: john doe no. He has a talent. And is mixed. And doesn't act like something he's not.
- Fransisco H: This seems like the way it went💀
- Mr. your videos help my depression jk lol kys: i genuinely think what he does is a talent
- ConnorPB: i am blind, deaf and a S T A P L E G U N
- Gigi Armstead: nigga sounding like woah vicky
- BingBing BongBong: Take a 23 and me test.
- Mochaton: did you know logic is biracial
- Dat Biracial dude: I'm biracial too....no one probably cares😭
- Chloe Nicole: He is as bad as the vegans
- Aggressive Grandma: Brock Lee so sad how comments like this get so much likes
- Damian: I was challenging myself not to laugh but I fucking lost it in the beginning. 😂
- Sophie Roccanova: LMFOAOAOAOAOA
- Ari Cx: Bahahahahahahahaha!
- COSMIC: *Staple Gun*
- Teddy Bear: “Hi Rob how are y-“ “IM B I R A C I A L”
- 312vandal: LMFAOOOOOFF......this guy is one dumb fuck
- Malachi Deason: I M B I R A C I A L
- Michael s: You're white bitch
- Laqueese Dashawn: Oml logic stop please, how can you be this worried about your race
- Calder Kraince: Logic is white
- Elite_ P: He’s mixed but just looks more white than black. Who cares people makes the biggest deal out of the smallest things
- tfue: this is gold
- Emunah Evonne: New favorite
- darraghoco: Your best work to date
- I Mig I: Yes
- Butlcl001: "I'M ALSO NOT FULLY EDUCATED.... "
- Devonte powell: This was so funny 😂
- Aaron18Cvx: Auto Reeko 😐😂😂💀
- Godson Alvarado: But is Logic... *_BIRACIAL?_*
- Ugnaught: smh you thought
- Sarang Saranghae: I've never heard of this kid. Is this a good thing, or nah?
- Jacob: I love logic but this was pretty funny
- Greasy RatTM: I now cry myself to sleep to this
- Jaspal Deora: LMAOOOOOO
- Ricardo Trevino: This guy wishes he was black.
- K3D91: i love u man
- D Ramos: I h A v E A d R E a M
- gianna's radical youtube channel: *I ‘ M B I R A C I A L*
- DJ Akademiks Supreme Hoodie: *IM NOT WHITE*
- forever & always: Cameron Boyce 💀
- miss 305dale: Why is the speech he gave jessica before divorcing her
- how many words before YouTube says fuck: Prime Time Gamer nobody cares
- Yohann: Imma be dead as shit the day rappers retweet’s the videos their in from you
- 13Wayz: black btw lol
- Mrs. Puff: Logic looks white as fuck. As far as society is concerned, he's white.
- Melanie Jade: As a fan of Bobby, I'm laughing too fucking hard....
- SlackerTV: Wait...is Logic biracial? I never knew that! He's never mentioned it before. Seems like something you'd bring up in literally every conversation you have ever.
- Sylvester F: Something about logic makes me suspect he might be biracial
- BEATS BYMANOLO: he is white it doesn't matter who your mommy or your daddy is your skin is white so you ARE white!!! I want this guy to shut up
- Sunngrade: I saw this right when he said that LOL
- Heartbreak Bandit: *_The great thing about the black side of my family..._* ...
- Imani Jones: *I'm not fully educated*
- Swouvz Thompson: Me: hi Logic: iM biRaCiaL
- Young Nriicks: I didnt realize it until later that i was *B L A C K*
- Lil' GarlicBread Vert: Logic makes no sense, he looks completely white but claims to be biracial, which means his black parent must also have some white genes which enables Logic to get none of the passive black genes
- NumbCorns: Just say the n word if you want too logic..
- dasco597: Yea but did you know he’s B L A K
- Jfrow ッ: He called me and I was like: *Video distorts as Logic makes a biracial face*
- Vlad Mihai: Notif squad
- blackanimatrix: I'm biracial and hearing problems bro
- Aesthetic Noyeli: I love how Logic sounds like Spongebob when he laughs 🤣 Love you Bobby ❤️
- chase campbell: Logics skin color is white.
- cheese master: didnt go hard enough .. but its ighit as usual
- Tanner: Dude logic you’re 1/4th black shut the hell up
- Malik: Wtf lol
- amelas: Omg im fucking dieing I swear I'mma hang myself with a extension cord
- Shaba Laba Ding Dong: Him and Halsey are so damn delusional. 🙄 you can be biracial, but there’s always a dominant gene. And theirs happen to be their Caucasian gene, therefore they ARE WHITE. I’m so over these Rachel Dolazol clones.
- Lol im not giving you my real name: Jaskey consider how much he talks about it hard to tell (^:
- Ayyy Lmao: Did he mention that he's *B I R A C I A L*
- STG Productions: I'm quadracial
- Amir Shair: i’m laughing so hard
- Warren Kepke: He's all about helping people, yet he's so conceited its ironic.
- Not A Cop.: Charlotte Hankins In Hip Hop culture it's kind of embarrassing to white. you don't really fit in as much.
- Anande: He’s literally black though
- Isauro Banuelos: BI RACIAL
- 111hitmeup: Ohh shit Joyner Lucas is fucking right...lmfaooo...
- Micah Montague: He's not going to tell a cop he's black
- French Toast: Wait guys, I have a feeling he's biracial. I dunno its just a hunch.
- Mike Traum & The Shooters: To everyone in the comments: HAHAHA! SOO CRAZYYYY FUNNYYY! Thats EXACTLY what Logic says in the video!!!! Mind. BLOWN. Y'all should pursue careers in transcribing. Or captions.
- DV8: Im black and white
- el: i am-- *B L I N D D E A F A N D M U T E*
- kefkapalazzo1: shut up
- Nathan Belay: woah Vicky on steroids headass
- RallyCar08: If Im a *bipolar* *biped* who likes to ride *Bicycles* on a *biweekly* basis, does that make me *bisexual* ?
- Bullitthiphop: ..wait..Logic is bi-racial... Wow never knew, maybe he should mention it some more...
- Jamaal E: Man. You learn something new everyday
- Ryan Ramos: KamikazeThe13th He was about to call the album "AfricAryan" so that actually wouldn't have been too far from the original title.
- Shieldlin: aaand F U C K Y O U 💀💀💀💀💀
- abez: Why does he think he's black??? He's obviously white.. What did the other interviewer think about this
- WerewolfofEpicness: this is me as a white passing mixed person
- Ramit Inmah asol: I’m butter chicken
- Will Becker: I'm also not fully educated.
- Sardothiencrown 00: Is he woah Vicky’s brother tf??
- That's right My type: R u guys sure he is biracial
- Rittix: Yo I actually fucks with logic a lot so that made this shit 100x funnier
- Blake Go Wavy: 😫
- El Pathetico123: This split up really got to him didn't it?
- Homeless Potato: Logic is my favourite much dank videos
- an attempt to make content: Black people are beautiful Wonder-*speaker shuts itself off cause full volume mods*
- Isaac Samples: I’m a logic fan and this hilarious 😂
- V4Vanquish: this made me fucking die of laughter vro
- HattrixBG: Is that WoahVicky's father?
- brown boxer: I really didn't know he was biracial
- Young Gohan: This shit is funny as hell 😂 meme was almost dead
- Shag504: Mike Traum was that sarcasm? If so I laughed so good job
- thersten: this nigga dated Elaine Benice
- Shane Cunningham: I m n o t w h I t e
- Joe Boehler: Woahvicky looking ass
- BadHiVal: Lol Logic is the biggest racist I’ve ever seen.
- ohboy girly777: Omg
- SIOUAN X_X_X: Somali pirate who's actually somali I stop whiteboy
- Willy Boy: I look at myself in the mirror and say "What the fuck is that"
- Shariqwa Witwicky: *"I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS WHITE"* *"I DIDN'T KNOW I WAS BLACK"*
- Licorice Laces: Ayy logic shouted you out in an interview
- Hecatrice: *Q U A D R A C E A L*
- Jack Holland: i'm sorry but his new album just feels like a flex that he smokes weed now like dude stfu i dont care
- Sleezy Kowalski: *I am the first black man... 🌝*
- oWayWard -: *I am the first White Person*
- Blxtz Face: V E R Y F U C K I N G B L A C K
- Laz Beats: I support asian women.
- Don Tristan: *ASIAN WOMEN*
- Samantha g: 1:28 that breath 😂💀
- Marvin the Martian: is Logic biracial?
- Elliot Back: *ME BLACK AND WHITE*
- RƎVƎNGƎ: Fun Fact about Logic: He's Biracial
- erthtoGRAND: I'm also not *f u l l y e d u c a t e d*
- Aaron Kay: I wonder what Corey Taylor thinks?
- Big Stripper dilly: Logic is trash
- F L A M E XO: why are being lazy, u just reuploaded the original thing
- Cristian Oliveira: I support *AsIAn wOmEn*
- K6IX Shark: I like how hella people are getting butthurt 😂😂😂. I don’t get why people get so defensive about it like people always do this type of shit all the time and it’s nothing new lol and btw I love Logic but y’all need to chill out 😂. Read the description btw
- Matthew Vidales: Another *BIRACIAL* video. This is going to be good
- c: i honestly laughed when he said "im AM the first BLACK MAN" 😂😂😂
- Herdannu Febrian: specialy japanese woman
- Asvitha Sivathasan: F u c K Y o U
- Super Nova: Here is what I don’t understand: you want biracial people to be proud of their heritage because being biracial is most times shamed. Now you go and make a meme of him being proud of it? I don’t understand why this is a thing.
- Slow Ninja 23: As much as I hate this meme it was fucking hilarious.
- Kyleena: Some of y’all dumb this is hella edited
- shogun6746: Logic is a whiter steph curry
- Edgar Martinez: He has such a way with words
- CRGundy: What if Logic was adopted and he never knew it
- user 59802: Is he like 2 races or something?
- Taonga Chunga: Black people are beautiful, inCredIblE, AMAZING BLACK PEOPLE
- Name Name: As soon as I seen the picture ik much dank was behind it
- Leverage: point is no one likes logic
- xystumpy: "and also birACIAL people”
- The 6 God: I’m also not fully educated
- Ryan Kelly: Modern ytper except not poop this is qaulity
- TGEE: *I'm very black*
- Detox: Mf you Biracial
- Jacob Caulder: So Are you white or Black?
- BriBri: I support A S I A N W O M E N
- Def G: 🅱obby 🅱arintino 2
- bebe bibbes: Lolol I was waiting for this
- Shivam Wadhia: Power of LSD
- Just another ARMY goat: His hands are fuckin huge
- Liberian average man: BIRACIAL
- John Ivan Dizon: He looks like a more retarded idubbbz
- Ethan Jones: The male version of woahvickie
- Aesthetic: I'm STAPLEGUN
- connor grice: God this is why I hate him
- Tariq Jackson: The funniest part about these videos is they are all cannon asf LMAOOOO
- TuNaa: white ass
- ìkkí: He don't need muchdank to be a joke
- Angus Thermopyle: Who is this gguy edit: I am old and dont like anyting
- sof honey: muchdank please bless us with: "migos perform stir fry on snl except there's no music just breathing" thank you
- Don B: hes like 5% black
- Andrew Bardo: I like how everyone hates on logic cuz he says he’s biracial and he is but no one says shit about 6ix9ine dumbass being Mexican and saying nigga
- J Victor: Is Logic biracial?
- lady bambi: *this comment section is so fucking biracial*
- Avocado Tea: So Is he biracial?
- Nicholas Whyman: He looks like Michael rosen. PLUMS
- TheDocc: We found woahvicky's brother
- blasé: Nah stfu
- Victor Morales: Logic is the wackest rapper alive .
- DAT_ BOY: I'm... *B I R A C I A L*
- JDMC Music Aus: Logic shouted you out on a new interview
- Sam Centeno: When the best part of your new album is wiz’s verse
- Noah Culbreth: IM BIRACIAL
- Ulfric Gaming: F u c k y o u u u u u
- cxxsome: wait logic is biracial?
- Silkyizsik: This man doesn’t have an ounce of black in his body there is no way lol
- Nick Rocci: I M N A K E D
- Dog Is Not Amused: Charlie Digital Right??? There is not “black blood”. Also, I’ve had intercourse with a black person once. Does this mean I’m screwed? Ever since I had intercourse with this person everything changed and I have more black friends and weird shit started happening around me. I’m not sure if I opened some kind of door to another realm or some shit.
- Courage the Cowardly Dog: I A M B I R A C I A L
- 1,000 SUBSCRIBERS WITHOUT ANY VIDEOS CHALLENGE: First of all I haven't seen a staplegun in 30 years.
- Tim Meadows: Beautiful
- rocket 7: -LIFE IS GREAT-
- Yoking Hereson: And the best part of my black side ......
- Yoan Yordanov: male woah vicky
- EternalYT ಠ_ಠ: Octracial*
- Cap N Bread: Pure gold!
- Piemeowchive: My perception of this man is litterly from much dank. Hilarious
- Itzjustmelody: *iM biRaCiaL*
- B Ra: He a colwn
- MK Ultra: I think he's Biracial
- Emaan Ahmed: Chicken little?
- 彼の目を盗む: *BLACK*
- THIRDMR333: This bitch is white!!!
- onioncookie: why would someone worry so much about a skin color
- cookymunster: Logic the whitest black man on the plannet
- xd Yxmeen: Woah vicky went transgender?
- ConTrollYourself: Quality Trolling..its a fucking art not and Insult..
- Light Moe: Woahlogic
- Sahil Tesfaye: My man lookin like Michael Rosen in the thumbnail
- Carter Ward: mellotron in the back lol
- Kevin Meijer: S T A P L E G U N
- Moist Memes: Im also not fully educated
- Bread: it says highlighted comment only for you because you posted it muchdank didn't highlight your comment
- Gabriel Baker: *I support Asian woman*
- Kimi Medina: *im also not fully educated*
- DizFatt Bich: This is that one white kid who wants to be black so badly, or keeps claiming he's "mixed" And even though logic is half black, you can tell he wants to be fully black so badly, he never stops talking about it lol
- Joana Marques: He says he isn’t white??? But says he’s black??? What the fuck
- RoyalxBanks: EZ k
- Trey Lee: Quits Poem logic cool tho vicky shouldn't have been born tho
- Deadass B: Logic more like Bilogic
- mhfuXmonsta: worst rapper
- Gatling Hill: He's white
- Lyric Please: Don't disrespect him like that 😂
- Henry Lotas-Sherratt: 83rd comment
- dr donday: brian messalti _using this word with that word?_
- Adrian Ross: The thumbnail got me fucked up 😂😂
- Holographic Gotlome: I have been waiting for this for so long
- Overwatch: These videos make my die but seriously who the fuck are all of these people?
- boombox boy: Dxvid that part had me dead 💀
- Ankhommon Supreme: I am deaf, blind and... *B I R A C I A L*
- John West: If he is so black why doesn’t he say N I G G A
- I am milan: Shut your jiminy cricket looking ass up
- dick hassing: Why does logic bring up being bi-racial in literally ever interview ever
- Cece Ruben: He calls me and was like *loses 10,000 brain cells*
- hi buddy waz sup: I'm biracial, I'm white, I'm not white, I got a lot more money than you, and I have to let the world know; I'm blind, deaf and mute.
- 功夫肯尼: *”I’m also not fully educated-“*
- BABY JAMES II: Fuck the world....this mf never got harassed by the PD for the way he looks...the genetics must of skipped a generation....do you see whats wrong with having the imaginary crayon "black" disposition. This honky and a half gets white privilege with a ignorant "gangsta" personality....he is diiiiiieeeeeing to say nigga...sorry buddy even carlton dont sound right acting "gangsta" maybe a graceful nigga here or there...but not you pinky
- AngryDemonBowser: i love logic but this shit fucking killed my sides
- JM-1993: ᴀʟʟ ɪ ᴅᴏ ɪs ɢʀɪɴᴅ: oN the LoW, wHaT's uP wiTH yOu hOe
- SV 22: Your editing skills are dangerous
- Mike Traum & The Shooters: Shaunice HAHAHA! SOO CRAZYYYY FUNNYYY! Thats EXACTLY what Logic says in the video!!!! Mind. BLOWN.
- MaD Shine: i fucking adore your videos man pleaaaaase keep it up !! these kind of videos especialy please bro !
- gg12345ification: Dont matter if you are biracial lol, if you got white skin you are white if you got black skin you are black etc.
- ItsMxmo: really great one.
- Ian Stuart: This is the best shit since the Eric Andre show
- ダンテDante: GOUSTO 36 Logic
- viper Gonzalez: Man fuck logic
- Justus Levesque: Shaunice idiot
- Dysphoric Beats: DO RICH THE KID PLEASE
- rap monster not dance monster: "FUCK YOU" "That's what I said to J Cole"
- idk idk: I love logic but this is hilarious 😂
- Josh Oliver: Lmao fuckin logic😂😂
- Stevogaming TH: H
- Svjetlana: Beautiful
- !めぐみ: I fucking can’t with these comments 😂
- Daily Videos: * I m n o t w h i t e*
- Hernán: Logic is biracial *DEBUNKED*
- Slingading: literally choked on my food @ 1:04
- Lil Aspirations: It takes loveing black people to the next level........LOVE IT😂😋❤😙
- Marcus Sean Hale: Fake
- 6349 256: Did you know that Logic is a *S T A P L E G U N?*
- Omar Hernandez: BLack & WHite- LIGOC sorry logically dumb okay
- Bailey Forler: Thee Greg dumbass
- ashaji: *"bLaCk PeOplE ArE bEaUtIFUl, InCREdiBle, AMAZING! BLACk pEoPLE-"*
- s hitposter: He's half white...half black...half autistic.
- ABC Cubing: im also *n o t f u l l y e d u c a t e d*
- CaptainFlesh100: Proud to be black, ashamed to be white = Biracial
- Why you want my name pussy: Lmao this is too funny, now make jake paul on the breakfast club, please shit will be too funny
- ozzietheassassin: Logic is white as fuck and needs to stop pretending to be black
- GuyWhoCouldnt: Take a shot every time Logic says white, black, or biracial
- My Name is: Ur a legend bro 💀💀💀💀
- Subscribe to Tyler Cassidy & Pewds: hate this shit
- lol: black peopLE ARE BEAUTIFUL *INCREDIBLE* *_AMAZING_* *_B L A C K P E O P L E_*
- jimbo6969: i support *asian women*
- Hēwø Kim: To back to back to back to back to back to back to back *TO BACK TO BACK TO BACK TO BACK*
- lily hernandez: Your not white?? Then how does one be biracial?
- lily hernandez: "I'm not white so stfu" yea yea you are tho. You can't be a lightskin without being white and black
- sultry: omg hahahaha logic needs to see this he'd totally love it lmfao
- littlewimp: I’m also not fully educated!
- daria: Biracial excellence
- Houndoom: On that day God made the first black man: Logic
- Caity Wylie: If we're going by skin colour here, he's white
- Kitchener Leslie: Mud baby
- Master's Sword: Make another song that will get copyrighted or ima have to pull up on your GARAGE with my STAPLE GUN
- Kevin Woods: Amazing.
- sugah Baby: Me Black And White...... heaaaa heaaaa hea heaaawwww *breathing heavily*
- FearTheXI: Wait, did he say he was Mexican?
- Velahcity: I like pineapples. Therefore I am hawaiian. *PINEAPPLES*
- Cyka Blyat: you do realise this is edited right?
- William Schaeffer: logic a jew
- yung acid tav: *IM TRIRACIAL*
- BallOut: logic is white
- coasta: @Logic yeah we don't claim you so like.....
- LIEU: Your videos are jokes, aleast someone out here pointing out all the fakeness
- Help me: Me: *breathes* Logic: IM HALF BLACK!!
- ScareBF: *hes quadrcial*
- Sascarena De culo: is he looking for an excuse to say nigga?
- BrightBulb Photography: J_ Roc in the Hiizzzouse KnomewhaI'msajin
- ItsUltimate: The great thing about the black side of my family is.....
- cermak cassidy: This is funny
- Emly: i love love logic and this shit funny af
- j hugs4books: and black
- Ayy Lmao: im also not fully educated.
- DR Hall: It breaks my heart that the word "biracial" isn't distorted in real life. 😥
- Nudah Not Verified: TONIX he grew up with his mother so that makes no sense lol
- Lachlan Sidak: And if you don't know by now.. IM BIRACIAL
- SV: did i mention im B I R A C I A L
- Ari Cx: Then you ain't Black! lol
- John Bauer: This is gold
- Luciano Carballo: the end is always so funny in the videos, best part ever
- Yaotl: i can watch this over and over again and its still funny!
- Nour Khouri: Hahaha bobby
- Embis: lmao did u get lost or something b?
- Francisco Sousa: This channel profits of black content while disrespecting it unsubscribe from this colonizer channel
- MKU Watch This: And it's all chit
- Sesame: Wtf is this doodoo holy black Buddha shit on a stick what the actual fuck
- FBI: Fun fact:logic is biracial
- Xhair: Black People are beautiful, incredible, amazing ,Black people.
- Hannah Empie: He's deadass biracial?
- JeffRealDeal: Black people Are *Beautiful. Incredible. AMAZING. BLACK PEOPLE* ✊🏾
- Chroniic i: Don't let this distract you from the fact that logic is biracial.
- from the 46: I'm eating a pepper my dudes
- Joan: Im sure but is logic biracial ? He just look extremely black
- andrea: *WHAT THE FUCK IS T H A T*
- J Byrne: This guy is the biggest retard I think I've ever seen, honestly I'd love to knock him out
- sosweetbaby4: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
- Jay M: he’s half
- Art Of Life: when is that waDANKa edit coming?
- Izzy Coile: godamn
- sal kay: i support.... i support... i support... AsIaNNNNNN WoMeN
- Khaotic: J O Y C O N B O Y Z
- The Fresh JC: J cole is more black than logic period.🤣👌👌
- mistaken: black people are BEAUTIFUL INCREDIBLE AMAZING *B L A C K P E O P L E*
- Matthew Guillory: If you don’t know by now, *I SMOKE WEED*
- Hayley Williams and friends: He's so hot though
- Lavapinky: probly 10% black
- EZJC: I think he’s biracial
- dumb niBBa: Somali pirate who's actually somali lying*
- Ariyyy: The most confusing interview ever.
- clorox bleach: Ur white
- MLG 420 360 n0sc0p33zzz: D Ramos you got me, i actually thought that was a strand of hair on my screen
- pablo lantigua: G eazy is blacker than logic
- Not Really: *Very Fucking* Black
- jamieuhh: im black n white
- Corrigendas: He is definitely white
- Andrew Sikes: Lmao I’m a huge logic fan n this shit hilarious. It’s a JOKE
- Angel Araujo: WOAH VICKY'S BROTHER!!!!!
- Voltt: I can't believe I used to listen to this woahvicky sounding ass he actually makes cringe
- Sadin 792: Can someone count how many time he said the word black
- Not A Cop.: EZJC Are you sure about that?
- Anakin Zenkai: Woah Logic
- Izzy Aricci: omg!! Hahahahahahahaha
- Tripz: U white nerdo
- JamieDodger: b
- Person B: He should just kill I'm self like his song
- Yoav: i just love these so damn much
- LawandHijinks: He’s Grey.
- polk: *H* *E* *C* *A* *L* *L* *E* *D* *M* *E* *A* *N* *D* *W* *A* *S* *L* *I* *K* *E* *.* *.* *.* *.*
- yung pipe cleaner: *A M A Z I N G B L A C K P E O P L E*
- LRD TAYGø: funny part is this isn’t even edited
- SergeantCoby: *I'm not white, so shut the fuck up*
- steve urioste: This shit got me so dead😂
- first name: here we go
- Darragh Copeland: Logic is hip hops woahvicky
- lewis gilliney: wait is he biracial?
- Random Entity: He gets white privilege. A whole white bi-racial person. He is white to the eye so.
- On Froy: Wth
- Mahesa Anabrang: The fukin thumbnail dude
- usagi tsukino: I didn't know Steve from Sex and The City was *B I R A C I A L*
- David Minogue: youre everywhere
- Jacob Anderson: Lolol and at the end the most cheese line ever rapped in rap ever.
- Mike Traum & The Shooters: Dysphoric Beats who's that
- Grand Oblivion: J.cole called me and went😳 *video distorts* 😂😂😂🤣😂😂
- mikefreakinhart: Very Dank
- Antonio: "im also not fully educated"
- Hu1 7ran: What the hell
- For Cause: Lmaooooo
- Justin Allen: This is my new favorite channel😂
- Skorpion: Me! Black and White *orgasms*
- Mista Man: this fucking funny
- Hendrix Mane: Logic- the first black man
- Shariqwa Witwicky: So is Logic half black and white or half white and black?
- Gang Gang Nibba: Nah he *B I R A C I A L*
- Nick Hewitt: That guy doesn't look black at all..... not one smidgen or iota of that man looks black...
- Matthew Vidales: I support I support I support *a s i a n w o m a n*
- Michael White: is this a hate channel?
- s a b r i n a: I support *AsIAn WoMEn*
- marcus kukla: One of the best edits lmao
- Joel Lopez: I swear he Was white ,Must be my phone that broke
- Lewis Hayes: Logic is not *BIRACIAL* I AM *BIRACIAL*
- Droppin Bass: Somebody run up on this fool with the STAPLE GUN
- S.e.x.? [Blob]: *A S I A N W O M E N*
- Red: I love Logic but he really does talk about this way too much 😂😂😂 the editing had me fucken dying btw
- QuarterAsianPersuasion: Jay M no he’s not, his dad is not 100% Black, he’s 50% at the most, making logic 25% Black at the most
- jungle bungalow: 😂🤣
- That Weird Guy: 🅱️iracial
- Mrniceguy 818: Logic is racist
- Love Star: haha
- beeneylord: One of muchdanks masterpieces I didn’t get famous because I’m white I got famous because I’m very BLACK
- rachel durling: An icon
- Wulfzz: He is white as fuck
- Nysus: I forgot this man actually had hair before lmfao
- l ZzVxfnkzZ l: The man version of woah vicky
- emo rubbish: Black people are *beautiful* *inCREDIBLE* *AMAZING*
- Lauren Salamone: the woah vicky of music
- MysteriousGaming: Hey Vsoos Mikale heer Yeah retarded niggas bump logic in the car
- David Fox: Which one is his mom and dad lol smh
- Mitchellthe senpai: what race is Logic?
- Rodney Hill: Lmao this made me laugh 😂 we know he isn’t really like that so why pay it any attention
- Geno: So is he black or white?
- jetzy: I LOok WhItEEEEEE
- ItsUltimate: This title killed me off start
- Holographic Gotlome: Knowing Logic, I bet this is literally the whole interview
- its yourmom: *First black rapper*💯
- Samuel R: No it was *BI-racist* I will show myself out
- igo0di: 0:48 i died
- Coptah: AND THIS IS MY PO!NT!!!!!
- Why Is My Face So Ashy: *FUCK* this made him more annoying than he already is
- Hods Father: BLACK
- Mohammed Belghith: I bet Joyner Lucas made this. LOL
- Milyinz Moran: Much dank at it again😂😂😂
- Nia C: 1:18 I’m weak 💀🤦🏻♀️
- Retro Jaime: Will Work For Dank Memes or Latino Asian or brown
- Zeon Hydro: Tooktoomuchmolly yep. Logic is what you’d call SUPER SUPER SUPER lightskin
- B Rad: The end though😂😂😂😂
- Vex Vex: black,red and white thats the market with furnitures
- Randy Flores: Logic kinda ruined the last part of indica badu
- Toad Tip, mane: one of the best yet
- Ryan Kelly: He's white
- im white: RattPack
- LemonOVA: WoahVicky in male form
- Robbie: He’s biracial btw guys, just in case you were wondering
- Pea Cea: I want to see a dna test mawfakka
- Allan Appiah: No he is a duck
- SevenYearIsh: Oh shit I didn't know he was biracial
- kelvin cabrera: So logic is black inside a white’s body...
- M Z: i live for your videos dude
- Chuche: Logic is more like ritz not oreo 💀
- George Asamoah-Awuah: *Did you know Logic went twice BIRACIAL with no features*
- TROLL: Thats on some woah vicky shit type shit
- LunarAngel: Idk why but reading these bars made me hungry.
- Dayvid Swims: this is incredible🏳🏴
- Gypsyblood777: I'm not white so....fuck you.
- Khalid: This guy is black and white ? Nigga you looks like a Jew
- Don: logic swaer he dont talk about race alot
- Tootafloot: *F r i C K yOu*
- Rick Sanchez Jr.: I haven't laughed this much in a while hahahahah xD
- Anthony Betancourt: W H A T T H E F U C K I S T H A T
- Jack Hennessy: Love videos like this lmao good shit
- Ella C: Wwhhhaaaattttt
- soupish: logic= *woah vicky*
- 훈 Chris Ahn안 경: I support A S I A N W O M E N
- Jah Freezy: I’m not fully educated
- spliff02: +dr donday I'm also not fully educated
- mistaken: amen
- Jarib Pastene: Me Black and White 😂😂😂😂
- The Names JoJo: He’s white
- dynamix_ 956: LemonOVA kys weaboo
- [-] [-]: Mike Traum yes I onow
- Azik Lander: “I am also not fully educated..” LMAO
- Elitist88: Hits blunt..
- AstralShaman 710: I love when the interviewer gets muffled and logic just zones out into his mind
- austin price: Somebody get this guy a 23andme test, so he finds out he's like 8% black
- Emerson Fallin: If you are biracial. THEN YOU ARE STILL WHITE DUMBASS.
- Liam D: Logic trash, this video is better than anything he's ever done
- Finesse: Beautiful,Incredible,Amazing BLACK PEOPLE
- Heavy Chevy: Charlotte Hankins You're right he should pretend like his dad is white
- Stephen: Not one edit made 😁
- Kermit: *I'm Quadracial*
- Cinny: 😭😂😂
- Nudah Not Verified: I though he was actually *S T A P L E G U N*
- Huixtocihuatl: He's white
- Einveru: black people are beautiful incredible amazing
- Kermit Frog: Isn’t he Asian?
- Bropotkin’s Conquest of Beard: I didn't know he was actually that white
- Ser Davos Seaworth: These are the words of a man who’s LOST his mind
- Anais Camacho: Has anyone ever been able to watch through one of these videos entirely
- Allie Plante: “I am the first black man” -Logic 2018
- ?: When has he ever mentioned being bIrAcIaL???
- El Ed Em: Back again
- wasnteddie: do you think Logic watches these and looks angry clenches his fists and blows smoke out his nostrils while he exhales to show how mad he is
- aa aa: Elite_ P If you look white you're white if you look black you're black because normal people don't care what race you are and racist people base it on skin colour they're not gonna take time out of their day to ask what skin colour you are
- Emerson Herrera: His the first black man
- Colin Button: Woah Vicky as a guy
- memethan: nigga looks like a recruit from full metal jacket
- wig snatched: logic is white¿¿
- OryGo Crazy: _I S U P P O R T A S I A N C H I C K S_
- RHINOBOMBER: logic is my favorite rapper and this is so fucking funny
- alpha king: I didn't know I was black
- daniel cordell: *bLaCk PeOpLe*
- Ravy Singh: kudos to the funny editing
- Derek: I am the first black man
- Robbie Hicks: Shut up white ass up
- Turkish gypsy: I support asian women too logic😍
- VALMER LYNN: Hybrid......😭😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
- Hecatrice: Here before it hits 1 million/40k views
- RoBro: His dad don’t even looks full black. He looks like he could a mix of Spanish black and Native American.
- laiza murati: Hes like vicky
- Shelby Valencia: 🦓 <—Logic
- [-] [-]: Look at my and say WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT
- wishes: *the biracial community*
- Ventura the Ace: Dat • his father's a lightskin black dude
- Tuah Zayan: do nardwuar vs. higher brothers
- MonteRoseII Gaming: *STAPLE GU-* Nvm 😔
- tommy boi: *what the fuck is that*
- Ryan Barros: B I R A C I A L I S G A N G S T E R
- King ABF: ahhhh so good
- John Smith: Is he Asian?
- MalikOnMars: *B I R A C I A L*
- BitchChill: Let's not forget that he's Biracial
- STD Delivery: Who here after logic shouted out much dank
- TheresNoSuchThingAsLove ButIWishThereWas: im not as successful because im white im successful because im black as fuck. i didnt realize that i was white but i didn't realize till later that i was black im not wite so shut the fuck up what the fuck is t h a t? and f u c k y o u im black and white
- jam jam: he called me and he was like *face crumbles and starts to look like a biscuit*
- troublemakersatan: I like the part where logic is biracial
- Spencer Lyon: Nearly forgot to watch this today
- Ugh -: I’m sure the whole world knows by now that logic is clearly *B* *I* *R* *A* *C* *I* *A* *L*
- Oscar Garcia: This shit is unedited
- King James: I'm *BLACK* and W H I T E
- Gta5_prooo56789t: 😂😂😂
- FB I: Logic only has 1 good song, ballin
- Mike Traum & The Shooters: PJR smh
- Liz Ayyye: The great side of my black family .....”crickets....” Lmao jeeeez
- Lil Pump: Lord Tachanka Mac Miller didn't have that Problem..
- skin peelaa: 22nd
- VXCV: Is Logic going to be the first black president of the United States? I sure hope so.
- Marcus JYE: RIP b i r a c i a l m a r r i a g e
- LOW QUALITY MEME WATCHER: Very fucking black🤔
- Chris E: 👣👣👣☻🐱
- alex mack03: This too funny!!!😂😂😂
- Darren Lo: *I'm not white so shut the fuck up...*
- Tim Jordan: I fuck with logic but he gotta stop talkin bout race
- herpies: God i hate logic
- Eric Cosma: jeezus
- Swoozle: Kkk
- Diego Peña: Logic I thought you were smart not fuckin dumb as shit sayin your or calling you biracial isn't ignorant
- Seal: Quick Reminder: Logic is BIRACIAL
- Leon: *I'm birarara a a, o ma omama, gaga oo lala*
- Juan10: 😂😂
- Grill wearing MARSHIAN: biracial isnt black.. its biracial
- EdboyWins: just to think he actually said the things that you actually didnt chop up makes me shake my head. My face would've liquefied too if some dude told me some shit like that.
- alpha king: Biracial
- RichFMW :D: :v Woahh Vicky possessed Logic
- Unreel Skarekro: Anyone else tired of this “I’m biracial “ shit ....🤦🏾♂️you’re not black your white there’s no tan no melanin foh
- A Quaking Sister: I’m the twelfth comment yay
- ILIKE CMEN: Back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back
- Vair: What?! Do you even hear the ignorance coming out of your mouth??
- Skites Rage: Battle of the biracials
- Divine: I support *ASIAN HENTAI*
- Clarissa Parini: honestly does he have any other conversational topics
- Jacob Smith: Black + white = biracial. Logic says “I’m black and white”...
- P E T T Y: justinjacquez766 truuuueeeee
- King of The Youtubes: *i support*
- A R: I’m also not fully educated 😂
- Negronin: This wasn’t an exaggeration
- Dr. Slump: *V I C K Y L O G I C*
- Jesse93z: Nerd culture is wack as fuck
- Sir SooS: THIS. IS. THE. BEST.
- Mike Traum & The Shooters: Shaunice HAHAHA! SOO CRAZYYYY FUNNYYY! Thats EXACTLY what Logic says in the video!!!! Mind. BLOWN.
- da box: he forgot to say where he’s from
- Pedohan: do rich the kids interview with tmz plz 😂
- EPICCOMEDYGOD: The comments i read where people are actually triggered like wtf chiil, its a edited and comedy video holy shit yall freak out over nothing
- heroinfather xxx: F U C K Y O U !!!!!!!!
- Riaz Malec: Mental retardation
- Sçarlxrd: J.Cole be like ° - °
- Allen Dominguez: White
- 773 JoJoWorld: people acting like drakes mom isnt a white bitch
- Wright Law: Kennekins_ I'm fucking dying lmao
- Johnyp 301: Logic > joyner
- Yhug Yug: I love this im not mad like the 1800 fans
- hope katrina: You may have more money but at least they have a wife unlike you
- undercover zach: did you know that *“LoGiC iS bIrAcIaL”*
- golden: Whoah logic
- TheKeonz21: Wait if your white and biracial your ¼ black
- Blake Fowler: "Black people are beautiful.. incredible.. amazing" "im proud to be black" "Im not white so shut the fuck up" Just let it be known that the only reason why logic beats you over the head about being biracial. is only because he doesn't want you to think he's a hundred percent White.
- Xhair: ME! Black and White!
- Ari Cx: Yeah bi racial NOT Black!
- Epic Gamer: i a l s o a m n o t e d u c a t e d
- pinkcooky: You guys.....I think he's biracial. I'm not sure though
- Mj Sensab: The dead silence at the end killed me , idk maybe it's a whole front uhhh...
- Jonathan Jones: Why he keep talking about that shit though
- Kanye East: B i r a j ?
- Rohdizafa Blake: Biracial is the same as Bisexual.
- Kevin Kato: That’s not T R U E
- Steven Fair: Bro wanna be black soooooo bad
- d a d d y: im white im black im yellow im *B I R A C I A L*
- teejus101: this is art.
- Barely Awake: WHO CAN RELATE? (WOO)
- Mediazzzzzz: Logic is 90% white & 10% black, j Cole 45% black & 55% white...at least the way I see it realistically
- Yelena: Remember that logic is biracial
- Definitely Not Wicked Reaper: If he hurt himself does it count as a hate crime?
- Tim Gillam: Wait... Logic's biracial?!
- AmeriKKan Korruption: Logic looks like the guy from "honey I shrunk the kids"
- Mason Combs: I’m not white *So Shut the Fuck up*
- Young Kippur: Do you hear the ignorance coming out of your mouth right now?
- DaZe Classic: If woah Vicky was a boy
- alak hul: sounds like he don't like being white.
- lea da plug: I'm also not ..fully educated
- Baylien: STAPLEGUN
- Mitch Da Glitch Le: this funny a shit
- justinjacquez766: Lol why only 95%?
- Aly don’t like you•: *Woah Vicky who?*
- Rayvon Goodwin: A logic album in a nutshell still my dude tho.
- juan Vasquez: Autism.
- PattyBoy: *Interviewer* : So when's your next project? *Logic* : I'm the first biracial nigga in the game but no one wanna accept me.
- Ansh Malhotra: Much Dank doesnt like comments Change my mind.
- venom spitter: I actually he was sayings that but its editing
- Kaleb Boss: w h a t t h e f u c k i s t h a t
- Naseem328: Just why?? I feel so much cringe when i see people pretending like this LMAO! Just be yourself bro, ain't no shame in being whatever ethnic background hahahahahaha
- The Fresh JC: Logic must be stopped with his biracial debates. Its nothing but crap
- BillyBop: TheCosmicLad same
- Kelvin: Bye Rachel
- Kennekins_: okay?
- Kaylib Doughty: blind, deaf and *N O T B E A U T I F U L*
- J27: Didn’t realize Logic was as such a fucking weirdo what an ass
- D3R4NG3D G4M3R: White People: "You can have Logic Black people" lmaoo
- BittyThread: Woah Vicky's brother? :I
- Cole Phaire: Y’all be making fun of that man just for telling his story 😂😂 chill
- Ventura the Ace: What would those privileges be? Sorry I'm not American
- SophiasJourney: the sad thing is people are actually thinking its real...HE CHOPPED UP THE FOOTAGE TO MAKE HIM SAY THAT SHIT IDIOTS
- Dab Savage: And if you dont know by now...I SMOKE WEED *Wiz laugh*
- Robert Gonzalez: Im not white!.....soooshutthefuckup
- Caserpier WC: I white and logic whiter but his black?...
- alpha king: Nobody cares that your FUCKING BLACK
- oxysz: For real tho it’s so corny how logic always talking about how he is biracial . We get it bruh , no one cares . Every interview he talks about the shit
- PABŁØ 23F: I heard he's biracial.
- cocolexc: why is his name logic if he ain't got any????
- FSM FSM: this logic is biracial joke is getting lame
- Maddie Bricout: Me! Black and white!
- n o: Interviewer: So when did you get your shoes? Logic: I’m biracial. Interviewer: What’s your favorite color? Logic: I’m biracial.
- Reaper Chop: Bro if you do a nardwaur VS higher brothers that would be muchdank
- Ari Cx: I didn't know I was White
- ragnarox123: logic is hot dumpster trash
- PvCMAN forever: B I R A C I A L
- Kay: B I R A C I A L
- Troll Munchies: Hahahahaha boss up
- Brad Dorfler: B I R A C I A L
- Weird Flex But Ok: Logic next Woah Vicky ecks dee
- Jake Ulwick: black and white
- Andrew L: Logic wants you to think that he is insecure about his race due to suffering racism when in reality he is insecure about black people not accepting him as black. He is ashamed to be white because in his profession, "Blackness", is everything.
- dannyg: He makes russ look like drake
- Jaflux: But did you know he’s biracial?
- lilimoreno4: I’m also not fully eDUCATED
- David Fromhold: Not first
- xd daddy: I a black wht gai Fiht me dud
- teen trader: hes white
- Fruit: Logics momma was just low key a hoe and his daddy ain't even his daddy
- iiBxby Cookie: Woah vicky your ride is hErE
- Daniel Rosales: 0:49 "He called me and was like..." I LOST MY SHIT 😂
- the big skub: This is a terrible video, you've tainted me. You've ruined my life. You've broken me.
- super mega memes: *i m b i r a c i a l. t h i s o f f e n d s m e*
- Brandon: i fucking love these videos. the ending, "the great thing about the black side of my family is......idk its really beautiful" lmao rattpack
- Hallo: But I’m not high enough for this yet.
- 得: Brock Lee 😂😂😂
- MiDN1GHTSKY: I don't even call myself biracial anymore, I just call myself Logic
- DJ Collin: He's biracial?
- Endless Bummer: What if this dude got lied to his whole life and his momma just cheated on his black daddy ..
- John Wick: el trapo *BYE RAYCEAL*
- Manzano Productions: That title 😂😂
- Arubiix: Muchdank caused logics divorce on the low
- duve: is he the whitest black person or the blackest white person?
- UNKNOWN UNKNOWN: Another woahitsvicky
- Bathory McClemont: God i fucking hate logic
- Nicholas Benitez: this is great😂😂😂
- a i: like if you support asian women
- Divine Zeal: he Whyte
- Harish: *FUCK YOUU* UUuu
- NO LiMIT DAKODA: Hop off logic back
- This is Sparta: Hahaha this is hilarious
- ragii: This is your second best video. After *Staplegun*
- YoungDragon: Lol I'm glad I'm not the only one that was thinking about this lol
- Tumuli ]: *mUCHdANK*
- Auto Reeko: *The great thing about my black side of my family is..................*
- ThatManDezzy.: LMAO
- Deven Aldridge: Corny nigga, that's why you gonna get divorced
- nilinitta: You guys deserve millions of subscribers!! So fun to watch!!
- Tyler Lacroix: Awesome editing dude, you make this shit hilarious!
- beeschorger: i liked the end tho
- Aryex: *I'M BIRACIAL*
- Zano Lande: Honestly the best video on the channel
- Brad Kell: Skittles are black
- PROGANGU: Quantum Leap I support Asian women
- anastasia: *nO I'm nOt*
- Trolls IS THE BEST: *beutiful, increadable, amazing BLACK PEOPLE*
- king: "i also used to be not fully educated" ya..... that's why he thinks jesus is black lmao. as silly as white ppl thinking jesus is white.
- salah hbs: XD lol gud edit 👍
- Keith Clough: *IM BIRACIAL*
- JRoDaShoww: I bet MuchDank is BI RACIAL.
- John Smith: Wonderful timing
- MF lexter: when u got them interracial parents
- lil southkorea: *I am the first black man*
- Alannah: Despite his name, there isn’t much Logic present in what his saying.
- LLAMA LLAMA: shouldve been called no logic
- Luke W: White boy
- David: I didn't know that Chuck E. Cheese wore glasses. S T A Y W O K E
- MJR Schneider: He isn't white, he's just a very light shade of black.
- Mari SZN: I M B I R A C I A L
- Raimy Winter: Whoaaaa Logic..
- Chu_OW: Funny what you can make people say in a film when you mix their sentences together
- banana milk: BaconEggKing 😂That made me lose my shit
- MMX: And.... *FUCK YOU*
- Erik Dunkelberger: he doesn’t want people to grab his playstation
- IfShe13Im13: *B I R A C I A L*
- SamDaug1: Best one so far
- Erin W: Do one about woahvicky
- Will: Has Logic ascended into Russ-ism?
- cluTch0: Logic annoys me, bro you're white stfu
- Barron A: Dang this kid wants to be black so baaad!! 😂😂
- Matt Collins: "i am the first black man" - biracial man
- water4everybody: Logic has to be the Leader for the critical Whiteness people
- treesap: Its sad because him and his wife just split up
- Nate The Great: O much dank you always seem to amuse me
- Mike Hunt: Wait.... Is logic biracial
- Comme Des Garçons: *HE CALLED ME AND WAS LIKE* 🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝
- GrizzlyRizzy: This shit is actually amazing and I usually hate people who bring u on this topic about logic O.o
- Z: You not even close to black stfu
- Yoongi's Pout: I AM DONEEEEEE
- Kevin Martin: Black people are beautiful, Incredible, AMAZING, *BLACK PEOPLE*
- Josh Fontaine: I dont get the *biracial* meme.. Is it not a word or something?
- zoe 4real: Niice
- Da Citizen: I think this guy is part black
- Chris Boss: S e v e n d y n e g g a h
- AwesomeAlpacaLol: So then he called me and was like *strange staring*
- Leon: MuchDank, Acrylo and Sir Froge upload within an hour of eachother. *Starts sweating profusely* whats going on?
- MellowMumu: People are mad ? You realized logic tweeted a video like this saying it was funny right? Lmao
- Ocean Bacon: *Laughs in Biracial* Haha...Me too
- Tu Ch: Longulous Dongulous shut up
- Theseus: This was fucking amazing
- matteo sanchez: I support logic but this is funny af
- x o t w o d: *’loOk aT mE aNd gO: ‘wHaT tHe fUcK iS tHaT’ lmfao same.*
- Comme Des Garçons: Dono The Great ayeeeeee Dono!
- Angelo Alexandre: "OH SHIT" LMFAO
- UrH mUaG: wHy didN't I enD it aLL
- Self-love235: Lol I love your videos
- robyn roots: when drake said black people don't like me coz im too white and white people don't like me coz im too black logic ran with that logic and well he ran
- Kenny Shearer: I like to listen to hip hop to be motivated,like someday things are gonna be better, eat better live better. This guy is rapping cuz he's bored. What happened to rap and hip hop time to create a new name hobby rapper
- brenda vazquez: They look me and their like *what the fuck is that*
- BadHiVal: If you care about race and think it matters then your a racist. Period.
- Tiffany P: I have way more money than you, straight up! And... FUCK YOU!!!😂😂😂
- Kieron Edits: i love your vidds always so funny
- Gabriel Bizzlebop: Logic is whiter than a nazi.
- Harut Makyan: corny af
- 48laws Power: he's white
- Joey Barrows: We get it you are black
- Stanley Kinzinger: Logic is so annoying about this topic
- Felix H: Logic’s father ORANGE
- Mike Traum & The Shooters: Jfrow HAHAHA! SOO CRAZYYYY FUNNYYY! Thats EXACTLY what Logic says in the video!!!! Mind. BLOWN.
- A'Tianna Marie: John Michelle it's an edited video
- Emily J: WoahVickies brother
- mkk: Some ppl actually think that this is reallll ahhh
- nicholas adams: I AM THE FIRST BLACK PERSON
- c: i support asian woman too tho
- Marvin's World: Omg I laughed so hard
- Victor Trevino: This was funny asf
- Yo_Juls: Well shit
- icedragon2812: I'm pretty sure he's only like 1/4 black. His dad looks biracial also.
- michelle huizen: i support i support i support *ASIAN WOMEN*
- lilsip: i got way more money than you- straight up
- Camilo Sosa: N thats like fucked up ! u know ?
- Rest Easy: I’M NOT WHITE
- caleb thompson: Logic is white
- Vortex20035[BS]: True story
- Shrill_: I’m TRIracial, why don’t I get any interviews???
- ButtOnAStick: White n Black is social Structures but it's not a nationality, he's RACIST
- Carl Johnson: Abevian Preach!
- Zakari: Logic out of context, is by far the greatest thing to exist.
- mathnico1: His kid bout to be TriRacial once he has one with his beautiful mexican wife.
- Jasmine Gooden: This is sp old and i love logic but im still choking over this lmao
- Felix Uadiale: Am I the only The Who wants to what the interviewer would say😂😂😂
- Weyamusic: Fucking hilarious HAHAHAHA
- MISTER STRANG3R: Logic is dope.
- Jack Aiken: So fake
- Longulous Dongulous: Nigge- oh wait
- graco byrd: he dun lost his damn mind
- Goobe: It's woahvicky in disguise
- Legend: 😂😂😂😂😂
- Teal'c: 90% european 10% african
- REZTT: Woah vicky?
- Doge army 1001: B I R A C I A L If you make fun of a biracial manz you *double* racist
- Päpí Çāśśįė: black people arE BEAUTIFUL, *INCREDIBLE,* *_AMAZING,_* *BLACK PEOPLE*
- KoffGodd: BIRACIAL
- danielle: i support- i support- *asian women*
- Zathid: Wow this channel is so funny especially the logic ones. I’m dead 😵
- laiza murati: IM NOT WHITE IM BLACK 😂😂😂😂😂 wtf logic r u blind
- Liberty Prime: If you have to tell people your black again and again *YOUR NOT BLACK.*
- pepe tsekos: Im also not fully educated (Looks sad) .
- Fay Biel: He came up in Dallas with no hazel in his eyes
- smh my head: BIRACIAL.
- Long Live Jahseh: That's cool and all, but did you know that he's biracial?
- Michael Boatwright: *b i r a c i a l*
- Samuel Scioli: imagine virtue signaling on his level
- Mike Hunt: he looks like idubbz
- MIL: *bolded quote from video*
- Stark NYC: I support Asian women lol
- Coldpotatoesfromsaturn: So. He gets to call himself black but get all the privileges of looking 1000% white?
- burningsticks: he's whiter than most white people I know lol
- King Kai: I love Logic but this is funny asf
- What the FUCK is up Kyle?!?: This is edited *b e a u t i f u l l y*
- Angel Ramirez: I think i missed it, is he BIRACIAL?
- Mike Traum & The Shooters: lxrd jt HAHAHA! SOO CRAZYYYY FUNNYYY! Thats EXACTLY what Logic says in the video!!!! Mind. BLOWN.
- John Caetano: This is actually really funny
- Bazza: Half staple half gun
- H Z: The edit is gold
- Marui: aahahaha
- Ringing My Ass dogsTV: Jesus as a biracial person,he is way to blackwashed
- niaz kilam: I think about this all the time
- B Be: tittle
- Alpha Theta: Logic is actually annoying af
- Ya Boi Jakub Bala: Male Woahh Vicky
- Ndia Gaston: "The amazing thing about the black side of my family is*thinking of how shit his black fam is* idk its really beautiful"
- Mike Traum & The Shooters: My favorite anime is Cory in the House HAHAHA! SOO CRAZYYYY FUNNYYY! Thats EXACTLY what Logic says in the video!!!! Mind. BLOWN.
- emiliano lopez: Ahhh logic
- M Paul: im biracial and the only reason I think I can function as a human is because logic inspired me
- Jonathan Novelo Escalera: I support.....I support...I suport *ASIAN WOMEN*
- okalani Dabronzed Gypsy: Honestly who gives a fuck ? An sure it would make way more sense I don't always believe words anyway show me a dna test then I'll be a believer deadass everyone claims black now a days even that one drop rule bs? I ain't here for the hype although logic is dope
- Hey Charlie: Lmaoooo funniest sh*t ever!!!!!
- Neurotic Sos: Logic gay
- ChrisS: he white anyway
- eh canadian: And he was like ... o-O
- Tyler Baugh: My wife says if I dont get off the damn computer shes gonna smash my facsbsjoksjdheikosnsbs
- Daniel Garcia: He is so annoying.
- Hoy Dogge: I'm also not fully educated -but- *I'm BlAcK aNd WhItE*
- Sparks: did u fuckin kno: logic is biracial
- ben: logic is the second successful black man, (after michael jackson), to turn white.
- Bee Cott: 😂😭
- Sxpreme Sam: Nigga ur comments are everywhere stop clout chasing ur not cool
- Stan Wilhite: Need to learn to say "know what I'm sayin'?" more if you really want to be black.....oh......and say "axe"....and skreet.
- YoungSinatra: At least Logic is actually biracial lmao
- Platinum Hornet: I watch THAT PART everyday as encouragement ✊🏾😂😂😂
- Samuel R: *He protec* *He attac* *But most of all...* *He white and blac*
- this is it chief: why is this still a joke lmao
- Chris Kogos: 🅱IRACIAL
- peanutbutterrobot: he seems like a total douchbag, wonder if its the same unedited
- Bæby Boy: Lothric Knight Sword nerdy dude worth 25 mil
- Saheth Edupuganti: Why does he look like a wack ass Harry potter
- Ghostface Killah: Who tf is logic
- Ugandan Chungus: Logic actually thinks this is funny even tho we all know this is a joke 😂😂😂
- Lupe Mejia: Lmao
- YaGunnersYa: Give this man a gene test
- Bella. 301: I AM DYING I FUCKING LOVE THESE VIDEOS 🤣🤣🤣 and I love logic plp ❤️❤️
- HeidiJoy Monreal: Lol this is so funny
- Faith: *W H A T T H E F U C K I S T H A T*
- Dont worry bout that: My god u went ham on this one🙃
- Tyler Joseph's iRenew Bracelet: Did you guys know that logic is *b i r a c i a l?*
- RoyalxBanks: Logic is a imwoahvicky
- CamZoo: Yo they got him bad!....
- nwoexposing: This guy....WE GET IT 😩😹
- KamikazeThe13th: No it should've be called BiRacial
- Daiveon Mallery: You a biracial dude with two parents who probably met in college and the black dude prolly got assimilated and moved uptown and now lives in the suburbs and your weird ass and from that.
- KM: MuchDank you're a master at your work. Your videos brighten up my day, keep them coming :)
- Golden Scarlxrd: Male WoahVicky
- Mo 2k: Here’s some science for y’all: if you’re as light skin as logic you are way more than 50% white
- DaultonKline: This has me fucking GEEKING. Funny af hahahahah
- Paul Schultz: This man is confused
- DevsCringee: Are you ok?
- aaron withthehoodie: Rs
- Jeet Das: Syd C He has good rap ability, but he’s corny asf.
- Yuno Gasai: o j yeah he corny
- b r: He’s such a beautiful person I fucking love him so much
- jesus christ: Hhhhhh logic your fucking absolutly 100% white Where is the problem about that????????
- Yvonne ¿: I love you man
- Notorius OG: Lol key and peele refference
- Kurtis Stryker: Let the bold text video quote top comment contest begin.
- Samuel R: *He protec* *He attac* *But most of all...* *He white and blac*
- purplelove010: Lol
- Merle Therrien: I'm still confused. So is he *black* or is he *white* ???
- Loqi: *I have way more money than you, Like, straight up* Ded
- Alex Gærtner: I a m a l s o n o t f u l l y e d u c a t e d
- Macca z: He’s a biracial version of lele pons
- Andree Xo: LMAOOOO
- Perki set: This tittle is funny let alone 😂😂
- Patrick B: next video: waka flocka interview but it's just waka making strange noises?
- Eastok: to good hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa
- Curly Head Bitch: Mitchellthe senpai BIRACIAL lmao😂
- james ditty: Bruv don’t dis logic like dis
- Bubba Dubba: I feel like most of this wasn’t even edited lmao.
- David Johnson: You're black lol you don't have to be 100 percent black african to be black lol identity crisis much 😂
- SirMyaTheBee: * V E R Y F U C K I N G B L A C K*
- SWAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG: every time i click on one of ur vids i think its a real interview
- beatmachinist: 56%er
- polk: *_-all dem-_*
- My favorite anime is Cory in the House: *I'm Biracial*
- Violet #001: yeah but... Logic is ACTUALLY half black, so
- Greg Rodriguez: MuchDank....all I can say is MUCHLOVE!!! I mean I could be like doing stuff, accomplishing shit but I might miss a staple gun video and then where the fuck would I be? So thank you 🙏🏼
- santina lorite: HESTONMILK I hate myself for laughing at this
- Monotone: Logic is the first black man
- Raj Kandhari: Do one from 44 more where he is say “back to back” more or “ring” a ton more
- Film Buff: What in the hell?
- Mike Delaronde: I was just at SoundSet 2018 and logic turned up an impressive crowd. Why ya'll hating?
- Zane Pearson: That had to be the cringest cringe since 1995
- Andy Martinez: I fucking die when his voice echoes
- Donald Pump: Do a HOT ONES interview with joe budden
- Boorjoyce: “id rather label myself black rather than white because if youre white youre a racist and “un oppressed”.”
- Trolls IS THE BEST: *like straight up*
- Nobodeh DontNeedToKnow: Lol wow this guy really hates the white race eh?
- bitch who: *LiL ViCkEy WhO?¿!¡*
- DatNarutoFan: *bEAtiFuL, A M A Z I N G*
- Shaunice: Interviewer- Same thing as being biracial Logic- WhAt?! Do YoU hEaR tHe IgNoRaNcE cOmInG fRoM yOuR mOuTh?! Also Logic- IM BIRACIAL
- Pass Wifjreiguru: This is funny as hell lmao
- Sleepy Asheck: good title
- alpha king: This why your wife left you
- Super Fan: *MuchDank*
- Zenobio Oibonez: Like a game of CHESS.
- 96jnb: The editor tried to be too much like Super Deluxe but failed.
- Rap Central: he sits like a woman when he crosses his legs but no homo
- onlynoey: This shit be mad funny
- Sir SooS: I was just about to subscribe; but then, I realized I already did.
- JUSES CHIRST: i would like his music if his voice wasn't so fucking annoying and pretentious
- losershawty 666: *B L A C K P E O P L E*
- Justt_ Dane: Whose biracial.. I'm biracial. And also logic
- .:TheWalkerInmortal:.: *BLACK*
- Desmond DeJesus: Oh shit, Logic is mixed.
- Ryan Helsbrooke: who can relate woo
- Simon Dunlap: FuCK you!111 LOGIC is BLACKER than you!
- trOwtoM: Woah vickeys inspiration
- Thee Greg: Black and white, same thing as being biracial 😂
- jacksonian: *”me,,, BLACK AND WHITE”* **orgasm noises**
- Crumy Ghost: Where's the truth?
- Indominius: Can't tell if this comment is sarcastic, but this video isn't serious it's a joke video/meme
- Gulch BOi: Anyone know his ethnicity?
- Sanchit Dhingra: I support Asian women
- Clout Machine: *STAPLE GUN*
- justinjacquez766: Idubbz + Stephen Curry = Logic
- Sarri Hampton: Huh lol cool
- Uhm Ok Fuck You And Your Respect: Very Fucking Black
- Young Kippur: thanks man. I do get pretty creative some times.
- Kian: absolute weirdo
- Reese Williams: Elite_ P same with me i'm mixed but look white. My sister looks Even whiter.
- TheAmazingMrMcFlyy: Man I'm so tired of this fool, im glad you made this and that it's hilarious
- Lewis Hayes: -BIRACIAL PEOPLE-
- P E T T Y: Fun fact: logic isn't the only *BIRACIAL* dude to look white Cameron Boyce is also biracial but he looks white tho
- TotallyHateit: Idubs is saying some crazy shit
- anton1234: Woah wiki
- Keith Bardwell: I was like DAMN 🤣🤣🤣
- Savannah J: i dont think logic is cool
- anus: Logic is actually dunkey
- Kenny Bright: Lol who gave ET human clothes
- 48123: I wanna know who makes these videos these are hilarious...date me
- PreityBangz: I died for a second
- EZ: no he's biracial fucktard
- Dominu Castro: Lol team Joyner Lucas
- Kevin Durant 2017&2018 NBA Finals MVP: *_BIRACIAL_*
- Hailey the Swimmer & swiftie: *I have to let the world know I’m black and white I also don’t have a full education o.0*
- XXXOOO XIVVIX: this nigga don't got a logic like he is logic with no logic legit
- Justin Riley: *IM* *BLACK* *AS* *FUCK*
- predzz: *ASIAN WOMAN*
- Yawn Livingston, Esq.: Lolololol
- DOPE MARSHALL: He is...... uh
- 24oz pinesolcan: i am the first black man
- Jesse Luciano: huge L people are still stuck on this lmfao just enjoy the fuckin joke god you BIRACIAL people make me sick
- Łëbrøñ Jåmęš: WHO CAN RELATE *W O O*
- Brandon Slaven: *BLACK PEOPLE ARE B E A U T I F U L , I N C R E D I B L E, A M A Z I N G*
- Dou Ahou: The ending tho😂😂😂
- Troublez: The ending though lmao
- thismof0: lmao
- Shadxr: *Did you know he is biracial*
- art101412: Biracial. The new Vegan
- Bryan: I support ASIAN WOMEN
- Carlo Sanfilippo: Looks white to me. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!! BURNED!!!
- 1000 Subscribers Without Any Video Challenge: The end was racist.
- Shallow Memer: He is the next WoahVicky 😂
- Tony •: Yo fr fuck logic.
- Jada Butler: W H A T T H E F U C K I S THAT
- Jesse Reale: "I am the first black man" - Logic
- david mckesey: what the fuck is that
- Amaterasu Uchiha: He is whote asf
- EarlJay0.o: “I got way more money then you like straight the fuck up! “😂😂😂😂
- A'Tianna Marie: I'm so sorry... But I'm laughing SO FREAKING HARD RN!
- Jc Denis: First
- Jessie Portilo: hahahahahHAHAHAHAHAhahahahaHAHAHA great edit. Keep it up.
- Cole Hallman: Can I get uhhhhh... Show less?
- Robert Taft: Hahahaha this was a good one
- bebe bibbes: Tiffany P lmaoooooooo
- bbggnana: *ASIAN WOMEN*
- GZD: If Logic had a kid with his mexican wife he would have been T R I R A C I A L
- NoTrouserGaming: He’s like woah Vicky lmao
- nick gurs: This is not edited
- Polly Tha Don: I bet logic loves these
- pingu j: WhO cAn ReLaTe !?!?!
- TriL TV: LMAO!!!!
- ️ ️: well ya know who'd wanna be white *cough* LMFAOOOO
- Subtle Flex: Add this to your hall of fame
- Sammy Gunz: His mom cheated on a black dude with a Jewish guy. Logic was born and she claimed the black dude was the father. This is nonsensical "woah-vicky " type shit.
- GOUSTO 360: And.... FUCK YOU!!!
- RubyDaCherry: Quote from the video in bold text
- Cedric Gant: *WTF IS THAT*
- los pobrecitos: bruuuhhhhh😂😂😂😂😂😂
- Ace The Great: Alright that ending was funny as fuck! At first I was like wtf is this, but that ending got me.
- yo moms: LMFAOOOO
- Syneptic: Dude‘s really gotta stop making skin color a topic...
- UFCKO’s: He’s a jew
- ヾ亜為BENZDATE: Geazy, Logic and Macklemore can go crawl back up in they momma ass
- Sarah Knoll: INDICA BADU
- BxL0W: *I* support *A S I A N* women
- TJ3DDAR: Iam first black man
- Rëågåñ: How come you didn't edit this interview?
- ecast14: Fuck Haters
- Edward J. Kenway: He looks like 1% black
- Dwyer: hahahahahahahahabhahahaha
- balloon: V E R Y F U C K I N G B L A C K
- Jair Hahn: It's really sad how you edit this video just to make logic look bad
- Toro Joker: I support *A S I A N W O M A N*
- Queen Chelsea: _Im also not fully educated_
- MXRV: haha. well earned sub bruv
- Mike Traum & The Shooters: Ican’tYouTube VHS HAHAHA! SOO CRAZYYYY FUNNYYY! Thats EXACTLY what Logic says in the video!!!! Mind. BLOWN.
- Jacobthejewela: Read the comments for a free transcription of this video.
- Kuro: Like.... *STRAIGHT UP*
- King 51: But your dad is 1/4 Black...
- Thomas the Dank engine: If Jesus was reincarnated as a Utuber he would be MuchDank. No doubt about it.
- Tom Kruze: Why does he talk about being white when he's actually Jewish?
- [-] [-]: *know
- Zq: Omfg! 😂😭
- Slo An: Fuck logic and his gay ass music he should pull his tongue out
- DragonNomak: but wait i got a question is Logic Biracial???
- Bachei: I fucking love logic but this shit is so funny.
- Max Baynes: I support ASIAN WOMAN
- Mike Davis: Thought this was a CNN edit for second.
- M: :|
- Kaitlyn Lozano: Hey logic is *biracial*
- Jack Dyba: The “logic is biracial” meme is stale asf in my opinion but honestly this video was a masterpiece 😂😂
- f3: *just took a sip of Trader Joe’s organic melon juice now i’m breaking down popular rap music*
- The Pitch: Q U A D R A C I A L
- Lovely 111: Somali- he is part Black.
- Jonathan Gomez: *IM ALLRACIAL*
- ChronicRevelation: Context DOESNT matter lol
- Creative Moe: Another banger
- Samir Issa: I'm biracial
- Jfrow ッ: Are you okay, sir? I'm just pointing out what I thought was funny. Don't get butthurt.
- Jango Peppers: Logic prolly heard Eric Andre make the mulatto joke and now he’s tryna run w/it
- Conor Breakell: Yo this fuckin content is killing me lmao 😂 keep it up!
- Sirbrams: Like this if your black
- Blynde: WOW "same thing as being biracial "
- Ventura the Ace: Erik Perez lmao
- Live higher: Hes corny for really bringing it up just to get cool points lol other than that he cool person
- Shady: this nigga white why is there even a debate
- Samuel: Green George Studio Logic is racist
- The ultimate nigga: *Same thing as being biracial*
- Elise Ferguson: interviewer- when is your next album coming out? logic- FIRST OF ALL, im *B I R A C I A L*
- THE FUCK YOU SAY TO ME: logic is literally woahvickys dad
- Sheriff Buford T Gainzz: Woah vicky is blacker the Logic
- 3Eddie3: Unedited
- Gavin Mustard: You know this is edited right
- choni dreams: it’s woahvicky all over again
- Bet My Name Spooked You: *I M B I R A C I A L*
- Jeremiah Fyan: Logic is white tho
- Tara Bridget Pierre: mE bLaCk AnD wHiTe 😂😂😂
- YerDa SellsAvon: Sorry but he’s white
- Redikkulous Reviews: undercover zach wait freal? He shoulda said sumthin?????
- Tony, The Stark: I feel that Logic himself would love this!
- Thanos: Good evening or good morning to everybody Except the Persone who made this.
- David Thornton: dude is white
- kcirred htims: The fact that he has so much source material to pull from him talking about black, white, and race is a problem by itself.
- Good Sh!t Muzic: Jada Butler want sum fuc?
- Theworldsbiggestfailure: I'm pink
- Hamadoun Toure: His he black ?
- I AM DANNY EL: "I support Asian women" 😂😂
- 1800Beatz: HAHAHAH
- OryGo Crazy: *_I M B L A C K A N D W H I T E_*
- rushline: i support asian women
- HeatedFrost: wait, he has two races?!
- Allan Souza: Logic is biracial? He looks like your generic white nerd guy named Larry or smth
- OnHolyServiceBound: Yes, he's half white and half caucasian
- Bogs Binny: im also not fully educated
- Victoria Deassis: “it took me a while to learn i’m black” woahvicky???
- Daniel Mihalko: I honestly hate this dude hes so arrogant and pretentious.
- Comment Chan: *W h a t t h e f u c k i s t h a t ?*
- Cristian Gabuardi: I support asian women
- xudie: “i’m also not fully educated”
- TheRedRaccoon: 😂😂😂😂
- Mimiyo: *u kno I'm sayin?*
- Biraj: woah vicky's brother?
- Presi Plain Jane: *I'm BLACK*
- White Diamond: Oh shit
- Javier Lopez: Logic is the reverse Michael Jackson
- Nate M: he's whiter than my racist grandmother
- Jp Sp: wellow
- Biscuit Barbadensis: *i have WAY MORE MONEY THAN YOU* STr8 uP
- Charlie Zelenoff: "He has WAY more $ than you".....Yeah, he's black.
- HeatedFrost: im pretty sure hes black
- F L A M E XO: T R I - R A C I A L. BLACC WHIT3 annoying
- Adi: Woahvicky be like:
- TerrorBite1: i swear this made me piss myself laughing
- Jumper: He has to marry WoahVicky. She's black too. They're gonna be the purest black family in the world
- hann j. michaels: Teddy Duncan IM DUIGNBFNSSB
- UNITDW: Has he ever taken a test to see if his dad is actually his dad? Coz his mom's white, and his dad's black, and his brother looks biracial af, but Logic looks white af. I honestly think his mom could've cheated, like does nobody else think that?
- Thicc Roach: *FUCK YOUUU*
- pacheetah jason: “Do yOu eVeN heRE thE igNOranCe cOMing ouT oF yOur mOuTh?”
- Marlos Catos: same thing as being *BIRACIAL*
- caci: *Indica Badu*
- DramaAlert: I'm actually -black- biracial!
- dont betrippin: cringe af
- Mike Mo: This is fucking GOLD! Someone take Kevin Hart’s money away and give it to this man cus MuchDank should be the highest paid comedian on the planet right now.
- Toby Kinte: He’d be better off as a *STAPLE G U N*
- mvp Negro: harry potter very confused
- Dr. Chainsaw Handz: All praise due to muchdank ur a genius
- Logan Blood: Logics fanbase makes him look so bad like BITCH ITS A JOKE CALM THE FUCK DOWN PEOPLE DONT HATE LOGIC THEY HATE YOUGUYS
- Jose Hernandez: Arubiix highkey
- anak sunamoon: He isn't white? Gtfoh. my 3 year old is half black and will identify as biracial because she is. the one drop rule is outdated and stupid.
- erthtoGRAND: I support *A S I A N W O M E N*
- Fogell_Adventures: And the good Part of my black side is.........That............
- DC Heat: One of your best
- Dxvid: And... *F U C K Y O U!*
- Gang Shit: *WoahVicky has joined chat*
- Cydney Simmons: if you just close your eyes, it doesn't even sound edited.
- Alex: I think he is biracial
- Nathan Frazier: I’m white
- VALMER LYNN: Logic is the white women who was the ceo of the nnacp
- ADHD: Me: Hey Logic: *IM HALF BLACK*
- xotic: He sounds like woah vicky " I found out I was black " 😂
- YVNG SGARBI: And if you didn't know by know...*I'm biracial*
- The Sensual Prophet: This y’all favourite rapper?
- sE Flvffy!™: dayum dude, you just made the video i was looking for! hahahaha, best sh*t evur. I am black and white, not fully educated and biracial.
- Purple akis Dad: I fucking loved this title 😂😂
- Maximum Ven: Barely edited
- vickie g: he and halsey should have a beautiful black baby together
- After Affect: Sometimes I wish he was white so he didn’t talk about “I M B I R A C I A L” all the time
- OHH GOD: Lol !!!!! This guy has to get over himself being biracial when me myself am quad racial Mexican Spaniard Black and French and don't see me acting up, plus fuck you and the quantity of money you might have at least I'm a stable worker not having to deal with this strawberry shortcake typa shit
- Ollie Knauss: Lmaoooooo
- dill posh: He remains of woahvicky
- Maximus Decimus Meridius: i fucking hate this kid
- Big Tiddy Goth Gf: hey guys did you know logic is biracial?
- Filthy Connoisseur: Never heard of this nerd but all I will say is he looks white Jewish. Also, sick edit lol
- mamapeo 2: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂👌👌👌👌👌
- Dennis mob: +Gavin Mustard yes this was a joke as well
- MexicanDragon Playz: SOMEBODY COME GET WHOA VICKYS BROTHER. Cuz he said he was the first black white man
- Quits Poem: Male woahvicky
- Luminosity: Albinos.
- Low Budget Stand: "I'm also not educated" Sums up the major of artists now.
- Jack: this is dinoflask but logic and i love it
- john doe: is he WOAHVICKY
- Ethan: Just realised his name is ‘logic’
- The Filming Finn: *BI-STAPLEGUN*
- Arch: What?? Do u even hear the ignorance coming out your Mouth?? Logic has a very high iq(he prob rlly does) and is so smart that he know that being black and white is not biracial.Smh tell that to google 😉
- Adam G: He also lost his uniracial wife
- Dxvid: boombox boy Same 😂
- Jackson Catlett: This was so fucking painful to watch he’s white
- Ahmad: YCNHEB you ain't even seen the vid yet
- Daniel Flury: I think both white people AND BIRACIAL people will look at me and say... “WTF IS THAT” 😂😂🤣🤣
- Miguel Martinez: The last part is gold 😂
- ignaucio witherspoon: He called me and he was like* *NIGGA FACE* *
- Nike: Why the fuck does he have a toothpick in his mouth.
- Story & Spice: Cringe, but great album
- ori grace: But like idk is he biracial? Like I’ve never heard him speak on it so I’m just wondering
- NasCR7Bada$$: “talk about a lot of things” yup this album definitely did tht uh huh
- Daniel G: *Truth Is This isn't dat far from The actual Interview*
- Nicholas Michael: L
- Moist Patties: We get it already ... You’re Asian.
- DeathByDegrees10: Logic is unoriginal and boring as shit
- Ken Parker: He lowkey still has ptsd after he walked in on his white mom getting smashed by his black dad who finally came back from the store
- madLei: As the great Michael Jackson used to say "It don't matter if you're black or white"...
- Liam Jack: rattpack gang these videos are gas
- Dr.Dream: All he talks about
- Max Bournos: Easily one of your best videos
- Michael Van De Ven: envyyyyyy yall so jealouss i can taste it
- evyé: what so he’s biracial?
- FootballHype: he should say he's the first black man to look white XD
- Rob 2x: logic does look white so i can see why he needed to stress tht he was also black but he doesnt need to constantly bring it up in his songs my grandmas are white my grandpas are black but white ppl look at me as just black and black ppl look at me as too white or yellow and i really never gaf cause ppl can see im lightskin
- Mike Traum & The Shooters: What.
- Trevor Altonson: I feel like JonTron every time I hear him say he's biracial. "there is no fucking way. No, stop. There is no fucking way"
- Prometheus: Libtard moron
- gaara kazekage: *I ' m B I R I C I A L*
- Chaux.S.S: Wheres the another vídeo.. i that hes reat words
- spliff02: +Angelina Yo that happens to me all the time. Like if I'm watching a comp of funny live news screw ups I'll be reading some comment about a part as soon as it comes on
- Darlan Lima: This is too great
- Sammy og: Omg the end had me weak 😂
- Asia Hill: Cultrice the kid would still be triracial considering they're most likely now part native, in addition to being black and white.Most mexicans are a mix of european, native, and african blood. So yes, triracial.
- Weed doodie: I fucking love this channel
- Raoul Duke: Can someone please give the link to the original interview
- Mindikot1: Im BiRaCiAl
- Revem: This is your best one yet. So hilarious!
- Lemme hit dat dank zoink Scoob: Jelani Armstrong It’s hard to believe how many people get that mixed up, especially now.
- FiveSecReviews: I support Asian woman
- Tony, el sudakita, Bosca: *I SMOKE WEED HAHAHA*
- Adriel Cruz: Lol it’s funny how everyone sees logic as a biracial guy and that’s the only thing he talks about but nah
- Kai Duong: BIRACIAL
- Lukas Koch: He white
- Sicko Bot: Logic divorced his wife bc he’s biracial his wife is going to become biracial and they are going to get back together
- Not Noremac: Hmmmm y’all ever think logic is biracial 🤔
- lenbey: *I A M T H E F I R S T B L A C K M A N*
- Fusion Player: That edit must of been a pain in the dick
- BADD Wolf: Congrats on getting on xo trayvon verts story
- Buu Shishigami: Dank. Make a *BITCH* compilation by shek wes
- Schmiggy Schmoddler: what a fucking MD trash delusional faggot you are.
- Captain Hindsight: *Bi racial* people
- T. 22.6: BIRACIAL I R A C I A L
- El Ed Em: I watch this everyday
- Christian York: Jared Emerson-Johnson *blackpeopledontexist*
- GorillAh 96: Lmaooo
- AnotherChannelName: I think he is a man, a woman... *oh and an attack helicopter*
- Shalawam Yasharala: Somali pirate who's actually somali I Blackracial
- Yellur Bandana: He's white, and he has African American in him. Black is a skin color lmao
- Jack Davies: i thought this was idubz
- mike hawk: "I support asian woman" (insert anime girl) good shit
- Zev W: hes so corny
- Plebian Bargain: We wuz kings
- Brett Felty: "I'm not white, so shut the fuck up."
- Roug3_ Bro: yes😂
- death: He sounds sarcastic and also like he is trying to convince himself at the same time.
- KEEGANATOR GAMING: Woah Vickys dad
- Orlanda: I support ... I support ... *ASIAN WOMEN*
- thegrief_father: why is he talking 'bout race biology?
- Aniv Khawaunju: I think logic is Held back by the fact that he is insecure about his skin color. We all know you're half black dude
- Cedric Gant: the great part about the *BLACK SIDE OF MY FAMILY*
- HATE is a sign of ENVY: Edits on point 😂 you took your time with this one
- Northern Donkeys: nigga are your nipples pink or brown? No homo
- boi 123456: RKFCGSBGK I can't comprehend all the retardedness that's going off right now
- CrazyGemini: "I am the first black man"😂😂 I lost it.
- Alba -XTGX-: ...But did you know that Logic is *🅱️ I R R A C I A L* ?
- ani t: its a joke Nightingale Squad
- Savage AF: Ahahaha this is my second favorite one😂👏🏼👏🏼😝
- Samyueru: I dont get it
- Miguel Dominic: He's 🅱️👁RaCℹ🅰️L actually
- Riccardo Abdine: *F U C K Y O U*
- Chyleen Lopez: This video is HILARIOUS. Great job!
- Army of One: damn
- John .Terrible: But I thought Race doesn't exist :'(
- Ancient Architecture: Literally deaf white and black
- ThePhantomKing: Joyner Lucas was outside with a staple gun waiting for Logic to come out the room after the interview.
- JT Ramos: best one yet 10/10 melon stamp of approval
- BaN6k2: Logic has no logic.
- 훈 Chris Ahn안 경: Ans also B I R A C I A L people
- david aranda: I'm a biracial STAPLE gun
- A'Tianna Marie: THIS IS EDITED!
- Death Grips fans are biased: V E R Y F U C K I N G B L A C K
- k3k ig: ammar_1611: IM BIRACIAL
- YungBreadLord: M E. B L A C K A N D W H I T E
- Lovely 111: LOL
- Ethan Rudie: B I R A C I A L
- Kermit: Logic is the only white guy who can watch black panther
- ayo: Wait logic is Black and White? I just thought he was trash, my bad.
- Mike Traum & The Shooters: Comme Des Garçons HAHAHA! SOO CRAZYYYY FUNNYYY! Thats EXACTLY what Logic says in the video!!!! Mind. BLOWN.
- Rashed Elamin: idk its just really beautiful
- Bryan's Vlogs: I'm just as black as my aunt keesha
- Kanye Abloh: *biracial tho*
- MSneakz ✓: This video made me become *_BIRACIAL_*
- Coyne10: Omg this is so powerful I’m in tears...
- The Prideful Blackman: dunduhn69 😂
- lady bambi: *another fucking person who boldfaces every fucking every fucking word saying that this video is not even fucking edited*
- Fizzy Drizzy: I i licked Logic Because He Was Not White
- mikedabucify: What's Idubbz going on about?
- абвгдђежзијклљмнњопрстћуфхцчџш: Hahaha this is great
- lil southkorea: He didn’t know I looked *White*
- stx tango: Logic is bisexual and support aisin women
- Autie Richardson: B L A C K P E O P L E
- Specks bruddA: And........ F U C K Y O U
- Ninja Panda: BiRaSiAn
- Toby Kinte: I’m white *wait no* I look white but I’m *BLACK* and white which makes me *BI RACIAL* which I don’t really like *TALKING ABOUT* but I am *BI RACIAL*
- Zedrîck: I'm Triracial
- two toenail: Logic whiter than a white board
- Rogue Ninja: yo i fuck with Logic but this edit killed me... L M A O
- Happy Pancakes: Why is chicken little saying he’s biracial?
- StaightJoc: Do DJ Akademiks
- Cece Ruben: Lol I feel like my son will grow up to look like logic. Same skin color and hair color except my son has green eyes
- αληθινό κατακτητή: You believe that cheddar man bullshit ? LOL at you nigga
- Kyle Kamins: Logic was in a weird time during that album
- cameron fontenot: a george soros production lol
- jon deere: But this does sum up Logic and his whole catalog. JS
- John Doe hoe: OsamaBinObama Nigga what
- StateOfMortality: *i Am ThE fIrSt BlAcK mAn*
- The Real Danny Devito: That moment when you realizes logic is the male woviccy
- Jay Lethal: People are still using this joke?
- KiNG DaRkSkiN: That is a very *BIRACIAL* thumbnail
- LeBeautiful: i am blind, deaf, and mu- *B I R A C I A L*
- artillery: .. yea?
- MR.CHARLES 2789: This funny not even
- Coupe: Wakanda out here representing MuchDank (Wakanda backwards is aDANKaw)
- angela Jasmiine: What I don’t understand is why he puts his white side down so much like he hates it. Why not stand up for so many going through the same. He make it seem like he only has talent because he is “black”
- KaasBoi21 _: 🅱️ *racial*
- Sebastian: I see Caucasian only !
- Jaws Jaws Jaws: he whiter than Christmas
- Ben White: Logic is the new woah Vicky?
- contracide: I think much dank is a black dude. Also this made logic look soo fucked up
- Andy payton: I love the title and I hate logic...this Guy is also the most non BiRaCiAl nigga ever he is white as shit
- Fish Boy: "I'm also not fully educated"
- TheControllerFreak: The food thing about the black side of my family is ...........😂😂😂
- ₩asteful: I'm proud to be black, I support- I support- I support *ASIAN WOMEN*
- IPlugWalk AndTheyPayMe: This is what trying to watch black panther is like.
- Stativi: Logics mindset: Im not White! Im 51% black. Please black community recognize me.
- kidRetro \: His biracial fingers are so weird
- Mrniceguy 818: Logic is such a cornball LOL
- Heather Heron: “I have more money than you” lmao! What a lame😂
- KrIS: jesus
- Benileo Quijano: *GENERIC BOLD TEXT* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- Shotgun barrel nostrils: He making us biracial people look bad
- James Banks: -ASIAN WOMAN-
- sad girl: I hope you all realize that this or any of the videos on this channel are all a joke and the real interviews are different. It's the way the creator edited these which make them funnier and weirder. In case some didn't know.
- Violet #001: me when i found out i’m half Asian
- Dog Is Not Amused: Teal'c 64% African 15%European 4% Neanderthal 2% Argentinian 1.7 percent mulatto 1.3% Native American 1% Mexican .6 percent Scandinavian .4 percent Russian .3 percent Egyptian.1% Jewish -3 percent German -10 percent Chinese
- Bob13790: Woahvickey
- Hoax-ier: lol
- Brandon Do: Bald ass
- Jhopeu: what the fuck is *ThAt*
- Quantum Leap: *I ' m a l s o n o t f u l l y e d u c a t e d*
- Matthew St Pierre: He's gunna be so crushed when he finds out he's adopted
- Ivan Majić: So is he black or is he white?
- King Croft: +Mc buckshot_98 *caucasian.
- MYSTIX OFFICIAL: why is there a toothpick in his mouth
- Yvng Steve: 𝐁𝐈- 𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋
- Simon Niklasson: Heart this comment ples?
- trinidad leomaris: Much dank gonna ruin this mans career
- Angelina: J Victor biracial? do yOU HEAR THE IGNORANCE COMING OUT YOUR MOUTH
- benny aruba: Wow hahaha he look ultra conflicted.. Know what im good
- Andre000Lucas: Hell nah nigga u white as a bitch.
- !めぐみ: Herdannu Febrian well thank you ;)
- KrIS: This interview was funny as shit tho.
- The MOANtastic Hisoka: "I support *ASIAN WOMAN* "
- DSidewalk - Music: 😂😂😂😂 this is hilarious
- Beerus The destroyer: U need a mil XD
- Darren: why u put anthony fantano in thumbnail?
- The Illuminati: His mom cheated 🅱️
- Alondra Torres: Logic needs to sit his biracial ass down 😂😂
- Christian Cordova: "Its really disgusting" omg had me dieing? Lmfao
- Lil Gravy: Jada Butler *THOT*
- tabz47: The editing on this was 10/10
- Uncle Russell: what the fuck is *t h a t ?*
- Joseph Jesse: This should be titled: "Logic without context."
- UndeadGaming: IM BIRACIAL
- N.A.K.I: How to get likes: *BE BIRACIAL*
- JohnnyPB: crazy cuz this is just how the interview went
- Hey Vsoos Mikale heer: A lot of people like logic tho...
- Gabrielle James: nah ion think so
- keyla ·: woahvicky
- Jaishaun Leonard: LMAO
- NOVOICE: i like Logic
- r_i_p_a_l_e_x: I support *ASIAN WAMEN*
- ryan48888: The only black in him is that black cock he took last night. This guy is a Jew. 100%
- Andree Villacorta: Like really biracial...you know what I'm saying
- AD: I think he’s biracial.
- AUX ZILLA: easily one of the best ones.
- Dario da Silva: Is he Jewish? Would explain why he doesn't regard himself as white, but 'rich'.
- uuhh dink dink dink: I love logic and I think he would also think this is hilarious
- Saul🍥: “ OG Maco: G Easy is Blacker than Logic “
- rainz young Young: The thumbnail lmfao
- Starlatron: Definitely on drugs
- themadsucc: Joyner Lucas was here.
- APOLLO: I am the first black man😹
- Selim Tahir: This is the best one!!!!
- Santos Uzumaki: yall made him sound like a bitch lmao
- noelle stole joshs spherical: *i am first black man*
- Mr. CARMINE: Fun Fact: did you guys know that Logic is biracial?
- Justin Torrez: I fucking hate logic
- ur dad: *BiRaCiAl*
- Thespectre82: I wouldnt have known he was biracial if he didnt mention it every 3 seconds
- Swoozle: The kkk is growing
- Aidan Ryan: i’m glad logic got over his phase of eating people’s parents on tour
- littlewimp: I do in fact look at logic and go: WHAt ThE fUCk Is ThaT?
- jo jo: sounds like J to the r o c baby
- Mike Traum & The Shooters: TheCosmicLad HAHAHA! SOO CRAZYYYY FUNNYYY! Thats EXACTLY what Logic says in the video!!!! Mind. BLOWN.
- Bubble Beauty: Everyone keeps on copying woahvicky's trend where the credit damn
- Dono 2900: 🤘
- STAKBUNDLES18125: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀😂💀😂💀🤦🏽♂️
- Pika Power: You know, I don't think about my race at all. I don't apply my race in anything in my life or think of others as there race. I'm my mind I'm a person and they are people.
- Shaunice: Im blind, deaf, AND mute
- richard TeQo: Im black and white
- Jared Rundle: This is the funniest shit ever! 😂
- Swoozle: Biracial
- Somali pirate who's actually somali: I think he's lieing about being biracial. *He's TRIRACIAL*
- Wallo: they can also look at me and say *WHAT THE F U C K IS THAT*
- Not A Cop.: Holy Dank👌👌👌
- Ligma Balzaccian: Logic is the whitest black guy ever
- Valmer Livesmatter: But he a nigga right
- Sub to Pewds: Hes not black he is african american. Black is not a race. Also his music is hot garbage
- SMOrc: Damn he's not biracial no more he's black and white now ????
- Mandyyy_ _Lopez: Lmfao but he’s cute as fuck.
- want some cuppa?: My guess is that this young man might be BIRACIAL
- Dei Prophetiae: And the great thing about the black side of my family is............................. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
- Rolf Hunt: He's white. Your skin is white. Shut the fuck up.
- Adithya RoXoR: Modern hiphop is cancer
- Ramy Hamouda: He’s just probably better than those trash ass mumble rappers and possibly best rapper of our generation
- Josh Casillas: I M S U P E R B L A C K
- Matthew Colone: *I'm also not fully educated*
- Alara Koknar: This is Fucking hilarious
- Trashboi Ty 原始の: If he's biracial then does this mean that woahVicky is....
- Kūpono_ono: *HAAAH HAAH*
- ItsWpzy: "IM BIRACIAL"
- Mountain Man Gaming: Smarter woah Vicky?
- David J.: Staplegun
- Ike Name: Idiot.
- Bruce Lee: 11 dislikes. Must be bi racial logic fans
- CheezitsChrist: Ale Pineda But you aren’t the first black man, like Logic is. And you probably don’t support Asian women, either.
- ALBERTBOG10: This is why you dont go to an interview high
- Vector Rector: cool
- Chubbs _: *if he can't decide his race...is he even Logic*
- Mike Traum & The Shooters: Tariq Jackson what's cannon
- Upper Lip Earl: This is by far the best much dank video.
- Lauren Brock: oh so is he *biracial?*
- Anders Houmøller Eliasen: Haha whining - Ooh look at me im black! Im gangsta! Look at me! Black and white even more gangsta!!!
- oh yeah yeah: "*I Feel Like I'm Outta My Mind*"
- Tijuana SIX: You made logic sound smart in this video
- gtaguy2: *F U C K Y O U U U*
- Rum Ham: Logic is biracial
- Andrew Stephens: I’m so fucking sick of this biracial shit, why do you have to ruin being mixed? Just say your fucking mixed; also logic’s overwhelming obsession with acceptance to prove that he is both races is illogical and really fucking annoying.
- Wicked Scythe: “I’m just as successful as I am because I’m very fucking black!”
- Big Dad Dish: I’m also not fully educated
- theVilllain: Bruh he was just high lmao 😂😂
- Clorox Bleach Said Don't Trust Rahj: pablo lantigua he also said im not fully educated 😂
- stee lo: Funny for a light skin bitch made ass nigga
- Indominius: aRe yOu sErioUs
- Clorox Bleach: This video wasn’t even edited
- Nudah Not Verified: Sammy Gunz liar lol
- Autie Richardson: *im also not F U L L Y E D U C A T E D*
- Omar Ismail: B I R A C I A L
- WojtaStudios: Asian Women
- Rc Rl: L I K E S T R A I G H T U P
- YCNHEB: hahahahahahahah
- Dat: Does he not know that most of his fans are fucken white and Hispanic
- pls end racism: Next thing: Kodak Black is actuallu swedish
- Yoan Yordanov: you hate him cuz he's black
- J Q: Why do u have nudes of my waifu
- 훈 Chris Ahn안 경: I'm also not fully educ- B I R A C I A L
- AD1B: i support- ASIAN WOMEN
- N X E Y E S 何 も な い: I'm bllaaackkkkk!!!!!!
- Kris: He’s white...
- Jungkook’s Wife: Stop talking about your race nigga and just rap
- mackvnzie: Your biracial but you use your blackness to up your rep and you look white...
- Azula: He acts like it's 1312. Boi it's 2018, being mixed can't be your gimmick. He needs to find a reason to live beyond the blend of his mom and dad's DNA
- The New Domain: your best
- Once-Ler The Pimp Daddy: Dumb. 🤣😂
- Emmanuel Tuyishime: I’m weakkkk 😂😂😂
- perfectly sexy: Woah Vicky brother
- Ruger: so is Logic like Mexican or some shit
- K: dunduhn69 this was good lmao
- A. Cheri: *I thinks he's black*
- Jelani Armstrong: EZ I mean she’s 25% black. So she’s basically a quadroon. In the early 20th century, she’d be called black. One drop rule and all.
- Frank Umazor: He’s a male version on woah vicky
- Venenoso: I didn’t realize until later that I was *black*
- Corpral Real: ots chopped
- M.C: I think logic wishes he was one of those biracial guys that just look black ( j Cole drake Obama) but his white genes were strong as fuck 😂
- Zack Isaac: 10/10
- Lil pollo the tasty ass G: I might be mistaken but due to my lack of knowledge on this particular individual, he might JUST be biracial
- anak sunamoon: Logic? Your words make no sense. you are not black dude just because your ten percent black Idiot
- Ty'rell ller'yT: Much dank is the GOAT
- FANGZzz That Rapper That Really Sucks: I'm biracial
- Ogin: Logic is white
- Jay M: Don’t disrespect Bobby biracial
- Jilles Vens: Does this dude ever not mention the fact that he’s biracial?
- Eric Ahmed: blind, deaf, and b i r a c i a l
- Shaun Miller: I love logic n all that but this shit is funny.
- General Gaige: I wonder if he knows his mama was fuckin the mail main
- pelz789: Joe Budden would destroy this
- Luis Olortegui: Who ever made this is stupid. Shit like this makes people think stupidly
- Adeeb Fahim: WHO CAN RELATE??
- QuarterAsianPersuasion: His dad is not 100% Black, he’s 50% at the most, making logic 25% black at the most.
- josh zurek: Logic is a B i R a C i A l S t A p L e G u N
- Joshuas Smith: 😂🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
- Devrick Thomas: 😂😂😂
- Anthony Pravato: the squeakuel
- lakehouse: i support asian wimmin
- SSK: i'm also not FULLY EDUCATED
- Trashboi Ty 原始の: Im confused.
- College Uber Dropout driver: Sir how many hours of editing went inyo this . Bravo sir bravo 👏
- Kanye Abloh: The amazing thing about black people.... *nothing*
- Mike Traum & The Shooters: I don't understand the comments....... Explaining the video, repeating the dialogue. Like we ain't just watch the fucking video. Smh Millenials.
- MorbusCQ: i smoke weed XD
- Nudah Not Verified: Mitchellthe senpai he is *S T A P L E G U N*
- Nico: I don't think we can fully appreciate what a masterpiece this video is. Keep it up MuchDank!
- Giggles Bloody Murder: Love Logic
- Paige Mona: I have never seen someone so excited to talk about them being black and white.
- Rube Tube: Y u evey where
- lemonkissed201: W T F I S T H A T
- Monotone: Logic is actually a corn nut
- Lothric Knight Sword: nerdy lookin ass nigga
- Carl Johnson: Igtgaj and plus, I’m not calling him black because he has a black parent, but socially even though you see a biracial person you are most likely to affiliate them with the black community. It is what it is.
- Elena Davila: wait logic is biracial?
- P R E T T Y F L V C K O: pinkcooky 🤣😘😘
- Bill 40: This guys mannerisms are WHITE af
- Angelina: Unicorn Princess Deja I watched it while reading this lmaoo
- Rashed Elamin: what the fuck is * t h a t*
- DaSpaceJammer: 😂😂😂😂😂😂
- LeaksSoReal: 😂😂😂
- Joseph Taylor: I love logic but these videos make me crease
- Faith: Teal'c LMAO
- Street Spankerz: I’m 2018’s Race Draft Dave Chappell said the white people can keep logic lmao
- polk: Hi
- youtube user: This is fucking amazing bro i cant breath
- Joshua Lyden: He’s white tbh but *GREAT VIDEO MATE HOOOLY SHATTT*
- Jerry Seinfeld: Logic is the whitest nigga
- Saheth Edupuganti: What's the difference between him and woahvicky
- Sifiso Mpila: Can he please do the DNA test so we can put this to rest. He's probably like 20% African.
- Chanc3s: You make logic sound like woah Vicky.
- A'Tianna Marie: Black people are beautiful! Incredible! Amazing! BLACK PEOPLE!
- ArcheRz: Damn he makes WoahVicky look fucking smart
- Ash jones: Oreo
- brigsbeeboy: Much dank has fucking grinded
- MushKabob2.0: I’m blin deaf and mute 😂😂😂
- noth noth: Logic you're white, Maybe some of your families heritage is "black" but your skin is white which means you reap the social benefits that come with being a white man and you don't have to face serious prejudice on a weekly basis.
- Cutekitty 2003: most underrated comment
- Lil Broomstick: 🅱 *I R A C I A L*
- ABOVE 818: Amerimutt
- Murmaxy: Autism is strong with this one
- Wooderness: I know this video is a joke but logic thinking he’s actually black, by any means, is the real joke.
- GohanOXG: I support *_a s i a n w o m e n_*
- DelusionalX2: “I’m also not fully educated” ~gulp~
- Joseph Cocks: I’m also not fully educated
- Trap Addict: This is gold.
- Sauravotrons: Logic i love but this is too much
- hann j. michaels: WHY AM I WEAK
- Anton Mahoney: Why'd they crinkle-fry idubz forehead.
- Josh: This shit is hilarious, I hope Logic sees it hahaha
- TheGeekMemer: Biracial !!!
- breath fresh frebreeze _: *FUCK YOU*
- Shady P. Lemon Sr. III PhD: Logic is biracial?
- Ÿøgi Zøø: I believe he is black (not sarcasm)
- R H: The only thing black about him is hes hair. He so corny like your typical white rapper.
- Daniel Castillo: Cody Cook lmao
- canaisis: This is a masterpiece
- Saint Francis of TYT: Sum1 kill dis crakkka
- Morty Smith: He wants to be black SOOOOOOO bad🌚😂
- NickThaNoodle: Fucking Blac BIRACIAL
- wlf Cry: 😂I'm deaddd
- Gabe Elias: For someone who claims not to care about race he certainly raps about his race a lot
- drink thrust and die: Logic is literally j-rock
- DAT GUIZ GOT A MESSY FACE!!!!!: It's more like he pretend everybody is trying to hate on him cuz he's black. He doesn't realise very few whites have made it in the came compared to black.
- ani t: whenever i see him, i hear the word biracial and it hurts
- Emma :D: Woah vicky is taking over.
- Σοφοκλής Τόλε: Thats why black and white the american distinction sucks cause most asians look white af but theyre not european. Logic is white but hes not caucasian or at least not exclusively.
- Rafat Shareef: He is such a good rapper but he keeps talking about his biracial
- Snethemba Nkosi: I'm gonna take a wild guess here (bear with me) and say that Logic is biracial..idk
- cominroitover80: beige rage
- F u b u u u: Im not white stfu
- Just Some Aussie: My great, great, great grand uncle was 1/4 black, so i can say nigga.
- JMega007: Ugly Ass Mofo And if that kid had a kid with an Indian it would be SIXRACIAL
- - khushi: I'm not gonna believe that until he confirms it himself
- cliqxe: ‘I’m also not fully educated’ why did I find that funny The fact that it’s so random
- A salt with a deadly weapon: *_B I R A C I A L_* K now give me top comment
- Melanie Jade: ME, BLACK AND WHITE
- ped afk: Hes *quadriracial*
- SKD: _how wiz gon give me the verse he aint gon give me the laugh doe_
- OmNi Blaze: Luis Olortegui it’s a joke and obviously edited, if you believed this there was no helping your mind to begin with.
- 5 Mile Macc: Logic is black and white? Nahhh
- TheHeartyBanana: *I ‘ m B I ra CCIal*
- Ilidan Stormrage: He is so annoying, even in his normal interviews
- Blaktimus PRhyme: Are beautiful incredible AMAZING BLACK PEOP--
- JustMeElenaMarie: To the people saying that he’s making too big of a deal about being biracial, and that race doesn’t matter etc.. I know it seems excessive, and a lot of the times it is, but being someone who is also mixed (Black and Puerto Rican), your identity/existence gets invalidated so much that you feel the need to bring it up all the time. I’ve been told all my life that I’m not “black enough” because of my skin tone, or people just downright denying that part of me. It causes problems socially because if you don’t fit into a certain box, it confuses people. Because humans are so prone to categorizing each other, what we look like is what we are. But it becomes more personal when there is culture attached to it. You can say “you’re not black” physically, and it’ll be true, but if you say “you’re not a real black person”, that holds much more weight, because that is a lived cultural experience. I’m glad to see Logic talking about his struggles of being accepted, because it shows me and many others that we are not alone. Thanks for reading this far if you did, and I hope this gave you some sort of perspective. :)
- AFFE NOWU: I smoke *W E E D*
- Ryan Ramos: That would be gold.
- Manik Kreator: ☠
- Fgg Crazy Fan: --BLACK-- BIRACIAL
- Chris R: *whe found whoa vicky's brother*
- Bibbele Babbele Bubbele Bobbele Bebbele: Why does he still talk about being biracial like who the fuck actually cares about his ethnicity
- Lolo Man: Dee M Slash doesn’t look white at all, he looks mixed
- lightsandglass: Here for that bulge.
- Cashew Chestnut: antnee fantanee has lost it
- The last Goon: Ain’t the only thing he losing 😂😂😂
- UhOh-_- Casper: 🅱️-Series
- not usin: _im black and white which i think is even more _*_G A N G S T A_*
- Patrick Naves: *A S I A N S T A P L E G U N*
- LilBooskie: Bobby Tarantino 2 Biracial Boogaloo
- KhaDri .w: woahvicky - male virsion
- Kano IX: OsamaBinObama id pay you a huge sum of money to explain what this comment means.
- Midoriya Izuku ʙᴜᴛᴛ ɢᴏᴀᴛ: I support busting my nut so.....AGREED
- Shu Eso: Asian woman
- Stephen: He is the one constantly making a big deal about it
- Nicolas Lomo: I fucking hate logic
- thersten: That's racist!
- SHEEMBA: All my Dank
- Ayanna: These edits are crazy! Lol!
- They Call Me Pappy: It's sad cuz he mentioned it more in that interview than this video
- Seyfer: He’s annoying as fuck
- Ivy King: Here s how usa racism fucks with people.
- ivan.ivchev: I'm crying genuine tears
- Will Fishman: black people are beautiful , incredible, AMAZING BLACK PEOPLE!!
- William Schwerin: I got way more money than you and f### you
- agressive: *FUCK YOU*
- Vex Vex: Why this is so funny i dont even know why i loe it
- Prenna Bockman-Steinberg: oK wOaH vIcKy Jk
- leeder: he’s biracial
- vincent perez: I wouldn’t say he’s black because he’s white but he is African American
- Versaucey Bwoii: Everybody should've been called Black People tbh.
- Lucas Bicske: This video is beyond awesome.
- Potato Flopper: I'm 27% black........ I'm black
- myname isname: Could i make myself biracial like woavicky
- Red Man: The thumbnail is art
- Google User: Who is this *bastard*
- Elaf Parker: pablo lantigua Travis Scott is whiter than him
- Clorox Bleach Said Don't Trust Rahj: TheWaffle black is a ethnicity but the technical name isn't black what is it we'll never know.
- Kai Hiwatari: I support asian women aswell
- Karmaa: the male version of woah vicky smh lmao
- BalanceWorks: this is too much dank for me
- BearBear4: Fuck this guy is annoying
- Mike Traum & The Shooters: Young Kippur HAHAHA! SOO CRAZYYYY FUNNYYY! Thats EXACTLY what Logic says in the video!!!! Mind. BLOWN.
- jamieuhh: F U CK Y O U U U U U
- Tristan King: "And the great thing about the black side of my family tho is" *silence*
- yungboy J: What song is that at the end
- IvAAn Vélix: You mean
- Johnny Zone ジョニー ゾーン: This is your best video yet.
- XxCOOKEExxMONSTARxX: the title i just had to click😂
- J Love: When u hit a mill Subs u gotta reveal ur identity much dank deal?
- spliff02: That ending is hilarious
- PlusPlus: *WhOo* is the em *PlOyyEeE* .. that gave *HiM* a *StaPLeGuN ???*
- Nach0 xD: thx for making my day <3
- Salvador Espinoza: I'm assuming he's biracial
- lol xxx died: "Remember im black and white"
- Young Man Marcus: I can't tell if he edited this or not........... I think he did but i'm not sure
- Andrew Slater: This shit is amazing lmaooo
- smb tay: ayoo this legit funny g
- spliff02: Lol I like the name. Someone isn't racially confused 😂
- Trent B: hey did u know logic is biracial
- Shadow God: Stop caring so much about your race 😂 holy shit
- ahgajaye: his obsession with being black is kinda creepy 💀 but the ending was sweet lmao
- Sappyz: wow just like woahvicky
- Soul3ater: He's annoying
- Toxic Burns: Guys we are getting it twisted he aint black or white hes BIRACIAL!!!!!
- Grande Pene: I’m biracial
- kim peter: is this a real interview
- Chess TownKing: Logic is the best rapper alive lol
- crus8r: B I R A C I A L I R A C I A L
- Koji: Very fucking *BLACK*
- boastfuls: What the fuck is that!!
- Shariqwa Witwicky: "I sent this song to J.cole before it came out, and he didn't know i looked white, and then he called me and he was like" ' '_
- CreedGaming TM: That's tuff
- Charlotte Hankins: Idk why being white is so bad
- Carolyn s: Hah this is too funny
- TrinJeto: Lol the dankness of the biracial meme is so real. Logic provided so much content for this meme.
- shady. 4: It is really disgusting
- Nick Randall: I support, I support....... ASIAN WOMEN.
- Ricardo Hernandez: W H A T T H E F U C K I S T. H. A T
- lil doritozz: Wow Vicky's big bro😂😂
- Michael Weinberg: I’m a huge logic fan but this was fkin hilarious.
- Robert Alexander Quinn: What in the actual fuck is going on here.
- TheUglyCouple: ".....im also not fully educated" *dead*
- selina og: I did not know w o a h Vicky had a older brother
- Ahmed ally: Fuck logic
- Somali pirate who's actually somali: Wow he's so -black- *biracial.*
- okay sammy chill: Woah Vicky's long lost brother is affected too!?!?!?! Damn that "I'm black" juice is spreading fast...sooner or later instead of pocoyo I'm gonna be "poco.yo.yo.yo I'm pulling in yo crib busting on DAT doe doe doe... Imma be like boonk gang and come up there and steal yo stove. BITCH IM BLACK!"
- Hassan Shawan: my type of humour
- grace.: Woahvickys soulmate right here
- Daniel Dawasi: You really need to start editing these videos instead of just uploading unedited interviews smh...
- PeAches: wtf is this mess XD
- Daniel Watkins: LAUGHING the entire time!
- Jabari Lateef: Black people are B E A U T I F U L, I N C R E D I B L E, A M A Z I N G
- _créme_ _cween_: woah vicky as a boy tbh
- Kuumba Creations: Are we still on this shit? Really? Can a man live?
- jose castanon: this dude aint black hes barely even brown. he looks like mathew perry.
- Don Tristan: *BLACK PEOPLE*
- Nanacalabasas xX: This interview was cringe enough without the editing
- Trevor Fletcher: He’s 1/4 black for anyone wondering
- gaara kazekage: * I ' M B I R A C I A L*
- RattPackBobby: Being a Logic fan, love the video, it was funny as fuck. But some of the comments on this are so whack and, "nonsensical", as someone quoted. Opinions are opinions and I respect that, but I have plenty of black friends that fux with his music so to say he only raps about his race is ignorance. Maybe understand the message, meaning, sly-remarks he puts in his songs, and other subliminal shit before you make a bold claim with no facts.
- Marvel Fan: Samuel Richard Halgaklett Yeah that was fuckin horrible go and see yourself out the door sir. Just kidding.
- John Johnson: Okay, as a fan of the Arctic Monkeys and Logic, I don’t know how to feel about this comment.
- SMOrc: Damn he's biracial ? 🙈 he needs to accept the fact he's just black like woah vicky honestly
- Mike Wazowski: guiiiiis srsly im black, im supr seriosu guiiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........guuuuuiiiiiziizizzzz im BLLLLLAAAAAAASCCCCCCCCKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAA.......but guis srsly im BLACK
- Jay HM: Dude your editing is INCREDIBLE. This is your best one yet by far
- ugly meagan: I watched this shit like 20 times and it’s still so damn funny
- E Gallardo: The great thing about the B L A C K side of my family thoe. ..
- aweldof: WHO CAN RELATED?!?
- Cynthia Hernandez: Thought the thumbnail was pepper from American Horror Story
- grace.: Wait he’s blind??? Why he fuckin wear glasses
- Nanah Queen: Black people are B E A U T I F U L I N C R E D I B LE A M A Z I N G black people !!(+_+)(+_+)(+_+)!!!
- DoWerk Gaming: Watching this shit high is heaavvvyy bro.
- John Doe: guess it's just for fun but u cant edit interviews .
- S K G: Trill House @
- Franky Split: Wtf IS that, I can't fucking stand Logic because this is the way I assumed he would really be
- Patrick Severe: His wife divorced him..... she found out he was B I R A C I A L
- Rutger van Woerkom: This is so fucking funny I am actually dead
- JohnnyLaw0516: Hilarious
- colonel frogs: I know this is heavily edited obviously but logic kinda makes too big of a deal out of being mixed. Race shouldn't be a big deal, because neither race wants or accepts Logic as their own.
- CW Muldrow: Wakanda thing is this
- JTangy: *The great thing about my black side is-.....*
- A Better You: Wtf is thAAAAAT
- Isaac Guan: Logic legit going insane
- slim.g: i’m a little confused. could he be... biracial?
- Tattoo Teo: Me too wtf lmao
- Ernesto TheTypeOfNigga: Quits Poem dont compare them cunt, hes actually Biracial, whovicky is a fake ass who is white
- Michel Siles: Needs more PANINI
- Grant Thomsen: THE LYRICS TO EVERY LOGIC SONG EVER MADE: Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im black and im white and Im 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- robert jackson jr.: lol i’ve been sleeping on bro but i wanna check everything out from him now 💯📼🔥
- Mega Traum: "and I've never discussed my race, you know what I'm sayin? So uh.... Ya it's pretty cool."
- Shawn Humphrey II: When you’re not Married Ho
- Silentry1: I love logic but these biracial memes are so funny.
- brian messalti: “same thing as being biracial” *”WHAT DO YOU HEAR THE IGNORANCE COMING OUT OF YOUR MOUTH?”*
- Brown Sinatra: muchdank indeed
- Greasy RatTM: The first nine seconds caught me off guard so *fucking hard*
- Cutie 3.14: I support-I support- i support asian woman
- Joey Femia: This shit is cut so much
- Colbenstein: The beautiful part about my black family is...................
- Outdawayfool P: Idunno logic and I just seent his ass but he white wtf
- Mike Traum & The Shooters: Kristofer I-S it wasn't tho.
- The Creator Official: I literally cant breath XDD
- Green Gal: He doesn't want to be white lol. That's clear🙄
- William Unzueta: This is just.....great
- ItsYaBoiKingKev: Yr
- Joseph: That’s his whole thing all he talks about being biracial. Fucking loser.
- Saie safari: @00.07 You always make my day
- Lilly G: the logic videos are my favorite lmao
- Nicholas Lane: This isn't edited.
- Destroyer Mny: I don't know any more
- Alec Dalton: I didn’t really realize until later that I’m a *STAPLEGUN*
- Anthony Delorme: If no one can tell you're mixed, you can't call yourself Black...
- NFHtheboss: Biracial people look at me and say, W H A T T H E F U C K I S T H A T!
- AW onderChild: Maybe but G eazy is still not a rapper
- FavIfBae: needs more S T A P L E G U N
- James Rhymer: That's hilarious lol
- red ; roses`: -shit-
- No Coronation: I'm so fucking glad I found this channel - keep up the amazing work, you beautiful creation
- Da$hLife: ......
- Sab Esq: Fuck white people steal someone elses culture
- Lord Beerus: Im biracial :)
- ChattaboxTV: Aren't most people mixed race to some degree? You're not special, Logic
- Billy Badass: These videos make me laugh so hard bro I swear.😂
- Chris T: What the fuCk is tHAt
- Karate: *I’m very fucking black*
- Shook Human: This looks so real xD
- Frommyfrom: Early af boiii😩
- shidashi bammama: "what do you think about when you look in the mirror" "me black and white"
- too rad: fuck LOGIC
- ISB18910: putcy[fig o
- Emmanuel Webster: Muchdank and Logic end racism
- Stupid Soren: Male version of woah vicky
- Feed Gotchaaa: “ *THE GREAT THING ABOUT MY BLACK SIDE OF THE FAMILY IS* ” *Thinks for 10 secs* “ *I don’t know, it’s really beautiful* “ *GOLD*
- Equasi: "im also not fully educated"
- Jacob JacobJacob: same
- Fabricio VC: the biracial meme is getting kinda boring tbh
- Jordan Dixon: is he sure that his white parent didnt just cheat with another white person?
- polk: Lol 226 likes lol you sheckle shiner
- Marks: im also not *FULLY EDUCATED*
- Michelle: My ears
- SVEN123: Saying logic is black is a total disrepect to the color black
- Jeddy Rapper: Jared Emerson-Johnson lol
- Call Me Whatever: Bro your edits are amazing 😂😂😂💯
- Big Deo: He should say he's the first biracial boy to get poppin' just like Nav says he's the first brown boy to get poppin' 😂
- Erik Perez: “i’m black and white” “same thing as being biracial” “what? do you even hear the ignorance coming out of your mouth?”
- Mr. Fahrenheit: Do Freaky Friday
- Legal isso, cara: "And also biracial people can look at me and go: WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" As a bracial that's exactly what i do
- Nymerrie: So he is Biracial and no one noticed that he is no fully E D U C A T E D?
- 69 Cabbage: Did you guys know logic is bi
- Michael: Did i mention im biracial
- Sam Stein: I'm a huge logic fan and supporter, and I find this to be the funniest video I've seen in years
- ethan: What if it turns out logic doesn't even have any black in him
- cheeseburger: d
- Flares: i amolst spit my fucking coffee, this is so good!
- Tucker Bowman: Total douche lol
- NBA Sammy: That outdo got me dead😭😭😭
- Gabe Sadoski: muchdank can cure depression
- Acaiburr YT: Brock Lee the definition of woah Vicki
- MVP Pound: What the fuck is that😂
- Gshift: *I ' M R I B A C I A L !*
- 1,0000,0000,0000 with 2 videos: Im bLeCk
- Guillermo R56: *The great thing about my black side of my family though is ... idk it's really beautiful*
- Justyn Zaubitzer: Who tf chews on a piece of wood, he *white af.*
- Kian Riggan: "What would you think about when you look in the mirror?"....... *Breathes Very Hard* ME *B L A C K AND W H I T E*
- haakem: reminded me of J roc from tpb LOL
- Loreyji: omg really? I never heard him mention it
- Tyler Green: Black people are beautiful... incredible ....AMAZING! 😂😂😂
- Greasy RatTM: No he's black
- Calvin Gardner: 😭
- Tyrin Ramsey: I'm not super into his music, but he seems like cool ass dude..
- S H O E M A K E R: I support Asian women as well
- Lucid Angel: Logic is so fucking cringy. This video funny af tho lol
- diego freitas: Lol
- Phresh Plugs: FUCK YOU
- Manpreet Singh: There is a 8x8x8 Led cube the back.
- Nick Schultz: AMAZING
- Comme Des Garçons: *STFU*
- shortbuspodcast channel: *Bi* *Racial*
- iDillusionist: I am blind deaf and mute
- Zack Phelps: AND he supports Asian women
- latina[]VEGAN[]gal: VLONE Rackz @
- mrman guy: 50% 50%
- Benjamin Haymond: this is pure beauty
- Michael Koch: Henry Lotas-Sherratt 7
- Hans Kieckhefer: Woah vickey's long lost brother
- Jamega: And the great part of the black side of my family is......................... and that's beautiful
- Emyr Devon: *blACk and whiTe*
- SirLovesALott: *bold quote from video to get likes*
- Lily R: B l a c k p e o p l e
- Daniel Ramos: 😂😂😂
- Gabriel Steele: I can’t stop laughing. Now I’m reading the comments and dying
- d!mko: are you a L E G E N D bro?
- dunduhn69: Art Of Life wakanda edit you talking about
- Christopher Longoria: dunduhn69 I see what ya’ did there.
- juan gonzalez: That’s important that’s important
- Callie Blum: *IF YALL DIDNT ALREADY KNOW... I S M O K E W E E D !!!!!!!!!!*
- Kanye East: He is black unlike sid(woah vicky)
- Crazy Top10’s: Guys I made a similar video on my channel if you wanna peep it!👌🏼
- Christian Nopp: laicarib m'i
- lovelygirl may: It really is confusing tho, I'm a white black person too. My whole life is a joke b
- ヘンタイguccidelles: How the fuck do you tame a horse on minecraft
- Gabe Gallegos: Every fucking one has me dead 😂😂😂
- SlothySam: oh shit hes biracial
- Sockmother: BLACK PEOPLE
- Fiona Yazi: I support A S I A N W O M E N
- Thugger21: How is he considered biracial he looks just as white as can be
- Renegade5130: Mucho Danko
- E: I meant to put this but ok: 😎
- MarvelousMusic: Biracial Staplegun.
- Lil Screams777: 😂
- Shieldlin: “what would you think when you look into the mirror” “M E B L A C K A N D W H I T E”
- Joshua Navarro: Nothing wrong with logic being white anyway.
- Daniel Robertson: don't let this distract you from the fact that logic is black and white
- The Creator: This is why is stopped listening to your music you’re so self centered even tho you try to rap about the cause but the only cause is yourself
- Forssi: Logic is *BLACCC*
- JimmySyndrome182: Did u even edit this interview
- redrum: Is this Vicky...
- kh_entox: not dank
- 得: 😂😂😂
- Ted: The new Woah Vicky
- Exroz: This fuckin edit I can't breathe
- A Normal Robloxian: Next Stephen Hawking right here
- Psychedoutmike: My dad is Bisexual does that make me a quarter bi?
- Samuel R: Oh God!! We seem to have another WoahVicky situation
- garus: This man sure is not confident about himself
- Clayton Johnson: Kennekins_ this is the best comment on this video.
- White Diamond: He’s not full educated
- Lego kid100: Love logic but this shits funny af
- Frank Hollender: this is one of your best videos
- Oscar: im fucking dead LMAO
- Uhhh Dexterr: He acts 75% white and 25% black
- K PK: Logics on a downward spiral his music is so cheese nowadays
- GKWunder: I believe logic should take a DNA test to show the world how black he is lol
- Lynette G.: uhh woahhvicky's boy version? he keeps sayin he's black
- 0 . 0: *I'm the first black man*
- tfue: theres so much going on, i love this
- Why not?: Woahvicky but with talent
- Bryce N: I wonder if he knows literally no one gives two shits about his race
- (Peace) Year 👏 Review 👏, b i t c h 👏.: Thee Greg *but it's the same thing as being biracial.*
- Dream Gamez: *mE B L A C K A N D W H I T E*
- Colton Fromhart: I just turned 21 and IM B I R A C I A L
- Tre C: Rattpack thought this was hilarious
- ImDino: I got way more money than you like straight up, and..... FUCK YOUUUU
- Xertro: Dawg if you showed me this with out saying anything I’d believe this is what he said idk anymore
- Patchy Trackz: Has MuchDank stopped editing his videos? Seems he is just re-uploading raw interviews
- Fish Boy: This video is a masterpiece
- No User: Fuck me daddy
- caleb thompson: Logic is very very very stupid
- Dat •: This nigga ain’t even got black roots, look at the lips and that forehead and eyes, they all white shaped also his fingers, he’s prolly like Og Spanish with some white, with some Italian and French but this little bitch doesn’t have black roots😂😂
- quci: These Thumbnails killin me
- uwu boi: Your videos are the epitome of todays humour. Thank you
- Lemme hit dat dank zoink Scoob: Shaba Laba Ding Dong YES WTF IS SO HARD TO GET ABOUT THIS?!?? If someone looks white, they are white and if someone looks black, they are black. Black and white are colors, not ethnicities or whatever the fuck people think.
- ApoKek: My baby is trans biracial
- Devilsfoodcake69: jimmy neutron going hard
- ReZik Sieve: 0:48 STILL gets me lmao
- Kick Veldman: witch I think is even more gangster
- Irradiated: People hate hate you, people don't fucking love you, like *I H A V E W A Y M O R E M O N E Y T H A N Y O U* Like straight up, and *_F U C K Y O U_*
- Tayeb: It's funny because im not black and my skin is darker than a "black man"
- Dobre Valentin: I am *bleachracial*
- Violet.Surfer: This is the funniest shit 💀💀💀 especially the thought bubble 💀
- lil southkorea: What the fuck is *That*
- I need Therapy: Im done w him , like ur white. Done. Simple.
- Jamees Woodhouse: He’s he best asian rapper of all time
- Super Duper Gio: *so i am currently high AF and this shit amazng...*
- Amanda: The fucking title itself made me laugh.
- afg best: At least try to edit these videos
- Presten k: This guy is a dumbass
- Christina C: *wtf is that*
- Unknown XD: Kennekins_ 😂😂
- Emaleigh Coreyann: "I support Asian women"
- Bassarazzi ': This was way too good lmao
- Ligma Balls: Lol that was great !
- The Hippocampus On Mcdonalds: Biracial is the new Vegan
- Silentry1: Nightingale Squad he could've also been adopted at birth. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
- Hipster Potato: Woahvicky with glasses
- justinjacquez766: same with Vin Diesel and Derek Jeter
- Alan Gar: I couldnt stop fucking laughing this whole video
- SilentDeathTACO Taco: Woah Vicky Syndrome
- K entre nós: Im so confused
- rxAdam: wow such an original comment keep it up man
- __Lincoln__: rich the kid tmz ?
- Johnquavius Darius: M U. T T
- Antonio Melanin: He realized he was black when he dated his first obese white chick
- T w: I love all your videos 💀😂
- winst lindstrxm: WHEN IT ECHOES
- MXXMM: Logic is dumb and doesnt realize that everyone is mixed, there is no pure "race". Black and white are just skin colors. Hilarious video btw.
- Lyric Please: Omfg rachel is a full white women who pretend to be black. He have black heritage Rachel does not at all and she is a phony
- IvAAn Vélix: Logic loses his logic
- Tooktoomuchmolly: So biracial is the new term for lightskin ?
- 64INFINITE: And if you don’t know by now, I SMOKE W E E D
- bad content: I'm biracial!
- Tara Bridget Pierre: F U C K Y O U ! ! !
- Cash Montana: *Very Fucking BLACK*
- Dont Flex: This is the funniest shit ive seen today fuck this made my day
- RaspySquares: Wait. What?
- missagaga: *b i r a c i a l m i n d*
- GOUSTO 360: Logic: I didn't realize I was white Also Logic: I'm not white
- Trill House: Yo best vid yet...🤧 dont @ me
- Adan Villa: Oml i died😂😂😂
- DahknessDondre: I AM THE FIRST BLACK MAN.... **inhale**
- izzy s: This is the best video you’ve ever made
- The Great Googly Woogly: Maybe people don’t like this person because he surrounds himself with horrible people who are dead inside.
- THOTTIE: Race does not exist.
- Whitney2022: Wait what is happening here
- Peeks: did you know logic is biracial
- Justus Levesque: pablo lantigua idiot
- Buddah Da Old Soul: Muchdank caused logics divorce on the low
- Naseefah Chowdhury: I love him but what the actual fuck I am deaddd
- Nia Parris: I'm also not fully educated 😂😂😂
- Justus Levesque: LemonOVA fucking idiot please die
- Orlanda: This is so amazingly edited
- Leevi Mäki-Lohiluoma: Damn muchdank, keep up with the content, you're one of my favourite channels on youtube. Keep doing this shit it's hilarious😂
- ani t: oh really? he looks exactly like his father tho.... so wym
- Hopp Daddy: best one yet
- Dog Is Not Amused: Fuckahater yeah! Everybody always sides with the black man but what about is Latinos????
- Zane Pearson: Jada Butler ok i get hes mixed but that doesent make him a black man it makes him a mixed man lmao
- Dinosaur Nuggets: Wait a minute, is logic BIRACIAL
- Birdy lol: I support, I support- Asian Woman.
- Feed Gotchaaa: The good thing about my black side of the family is ............ 😂😂😂😂
- Barton B: Lol him going on over and over again about being black is ridiculous. No one cares what colour you are.
- Jared Emerson-Johnson: *I am the first black man*
- Robert: if you dont know by now *I S M O A K W E E D*
- Andrew P: Using that word with this word
- Savannah Sandelin: ??? logic is dumb n recc
- MJ Red: Bro Logic is about as black as milk like.
- Team Breezy: This man is annoying we don’t care what u are. Why can’t he be chill like Drake and J-Cole. I doubt he’s biracial I see him as 25% black
- AnonBroski: "Conceived as a white boi with the soul of black man" - Logic - Take it back
- Champagne davy: He might be mexican
- Sprat-Lane: *BUT I CAN HEAR HIM THO*
- EvilTim1911: *The great thing about the black side of my family though, is*
- Mike Hawk: B I C O S T A L
- VapeLord7000: In Straya we call them half casts
- Triscuit H: Does he ever talk about anything other than being biracial?
- Sth Lng: I find it unbelievable how so many of these are not actually edited.
- y0ung ADO: When your white
- Rey Galvan: Em is better
- Giselle Martinez: LMFAOO i love this so much
- Puxvi: woah vikky her dad lol
- Jimmy Kantstandyourbitz: These videos must take a long ass time to edit
- Tariq Jackson: Mike Traum the jokes from previous videos. They keep coming back in the funniest ways
- zachyy: do u like logic????
- Chris Knapp: I support asian women
- apricothot: yeah
- Steven Spassov: Video is so jokes, omg. Love the editing 🤣
- A'Tianna Marie: Interviewer: Same thing as being biracial. Logic: *Do you hear the ignorance coming out of your mouth?!* XD
- Showtime123: This is funny as shit
- Samantha Ewton: My brain just tied itself in a damn knot
- ` `: AMAZING
- Jace B: Lmfao, I love logic but this is clearly a joke and it’s pretty funny
- Kyla Diaz: He's high
- Instagram - Rip2BigLDaMvp: Yung Kash Redgi$ter AKA Lil Broomstick yuh Yuh Yuh OK
- Jamia Mpiana: Cant think of a name “wHaT lIke Do yOu eVen hEAr tHE IgNOrance coMiNg oUt of YouR mOuTh”
- Luke Brooks: Logic fucks me up sometimes
- Charlie Digital: Crackers are funny about this. Like they're the ones who invented the one drop rule that says if you have one drop of black blood you're black but now when it's convenient they want to say he's white or he's this or that. They do it with Obama, they do it with Halle Berry Etc
- Maolo Noggi: he is white passing like me but im not biracial either way it visably clear hes not black
- Christian Caves: wouldn’t be surprised if this interview wasn’t edited from the original
- It’s About The Food: As soon as I read this the exact line came on as I read these words
- V e r y R a r e: im still confused, is he biracial or??
- bebe bibbes: Lego kid100 true lmao
- CHRXNXNJA: Just so y’all know, he’s *B I R A C I A L*
- B Rad: That’s what I call commitment
- Leonardo V.: This is so funny but you're really framing these people what the fuck 😂😂 there are probably kids who think this is really the context within he said it...
- Dann Vixm: I smoke weeeed!!!
- Saul Romo: After all that i think hes asian
- Cristian Rosas: MuchDank why did you upload this video without editing it?
- Pierre The Hypebeast: I’m also not fully educated
- ImDontai's Weak Hairline: *what the fuck is T H A T*
- katie breighner: wait i’m confused i didn’t hear if he’s biracial or not... can someone clarify?!?
- Mtc Emtici: Lost Original Genetic In Colors = Logic Just a joke btw not serious
- zachyy: im a logic fan but its funny
- Triple E: *I'm BiRaCiAl*
- Mike Traum & The Shooters: Turbo Galaxy HAHAHA! SOO CRAZYYYY FUNNYYY! Thats EXACTLY what Logic says in the video!!!! Mind. BLOWN.
- Sandro xd: Im darker than logic altough im white
- Brian: Marry me muchdank
- S0mb3r: If you use the colour sampler tool on his skin the colour will be biracial
- GewoonRood: He’s white
- James Banks: *ASIAN WOMAN*
- Jose Hernandez: Thats racist!
- Osmany Reyes: Black and white are not a race. That’s why I have trouble when people make having parents with different ancestries such a big deal.
- a bby: Got me dead😂😂
- LaunchingWithLeo: -BLACK- -WHITE- *BIRACIAL*
- Axel Grinder: Mitchellthe senpai dodekaracial
- Kennekins_: *after seeing black panther* thanks for likes :)
- Pablo Moore: I N D I C A B A D U
- Adrumeen Arletoudo: I'm cryiiing that part came up as soon as I saw this comment.
- mya: i am *blind* *deaf* and *mute*
- Jadee: Ill never be as quality as muchdank but I try
- tabz47: I'm also not fully educated.
- Ogin: this video just makes me mad logic exists instead of laughing at his expense
- John Mullane: When are ya gonna learn that this man is black and white? Wake up people!
- Childish Bamboozle: the best part is that he is just as egotistical and condescending in real interviews
- Cappuccino The Australian Shepherd: Anyone ever see his goofy brother? YouTube Logic MCBlank Cypher 😂😂😂😂 so much cringe
- Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman: Im not fully educated lmao
- GLOBESQUARE LEGJUMP: He called me and was like *W H O I S T H E E M P L O Y E E*
- All Out Fallout: He needs to stop lying about being black
- Coupe: I ain't WHITE I'M -bIrAcIal-
- Lilly Qualls: I support... I support... I support *asian women*
- Lucaz Lopez: His father was black
- MunchingTdm: IM BIRACIAL
- Einveru: he's black as a tire
- Velflex: *i am very fucking black*
- Yaya 2018: Rotflmfao you made my life with this video! 😂🤣
- John Taylor: Fuckin retard
- OmNi Blaze: STD Delivery me but I lowkey wasn’t looking for it it just popped up.
- viet phuoc: cool. Now say the word. Do it.
- airhawaii23: When you have 8 different ethnicities in your background Holla at me
- E: I've watched this SO many times!! 💯💯💚
- FB I: Logic sucks
- SteezFilms: w o a h *v i c k y*
- PJR: Logic's biracial?
- Osnapitsmoi: I think he’s white
- Daddy: and if you don't know by now... *I'M B I R A C I A L*
- Cameron’s Clams: he looks darker on the album covers
- JM-1993: ᴀʟʟ ɪ ᴅᴏ ɪs ɢʀɪɴᴅ: BLACK PEOPLE ARE BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING, *_B L A C K P E O P L E_*
- Rilco P: I feel so much better for not liking this guy from the start, never saw an interview with him, even edited, he's a douche.
- Mike Traum & The Shooters: MunchingTdm HAHAHA! SOO CRAZYYYY FUNNYYY! Thats EXACTLY what Logic says in the video!!!! Mind. BLOWN.
- Wuk: You are the evolution of YTPs. Keep up the great work.
- Sachin Sharma: I smoke weed and feed the dogs and let
- Jacob JacobJacob: haha i almost cried watching this
- Hipster Potato: Eske-stfu
- Kevin Mervart: Im black too man, got some gypsy in my blood😱 lmao jk love logic but shut up about this please
- zzzTop892: Wat?
- Jvcko: logic is either 2.3% percent black, or was adopted by a black mother married to a white a family
- MrJakeJimmy: Looks white to me
- T Murp: These are so funny
- Xd Trunks: First
- cooldog2168: What the fuck is that?
- Aqua Vortex: im B I R A C I A L
- Kalicia Smith: I like logic but this was funny
- WetEmUp: Yo does anyone know if this guy is white or black? Could he be biracial? I wish he'd address this 😥
- zamted: That anime girl got me
- Deka Thomas: I’m black and white and I am cryingggggg 😂😂😂😂😂
- Justt_ Dane: I'm biracial
- Mike Traum & The Shooters: Lol...I can't even hate on your rebuttal, sir. Touche
- Ric Sims: His white genes must of lynched most of his black genes because damn he looks 95% white.
- Will Work For Dank Memes: Not Everything in life Is black and white... . . . . . Sometimes it's Biracial.
- Syd Ann: This shit makes no sense
- Zeon Hydro: Olivia Williams if that’s you in your profile pic and background pic you don’t look white at all 😂. You are sorely mistaken if you think your white passing
- SilentShadowzx: *I Support Asian Women Too* 😏
- ur mom: *what the fuck is that*
- AtLes: HWO SHI- 👃
- big guy with dog as his profile picture: The greatest Much Dank video
- ReeseyGotIt: “Loses his biracial mind”💀
- RHD Z33: *logic is white*
- Maison Margiela: This shit had me dead 😭😭
- Sifiso Mpila: I can't handle the corn in this video
- OmNi Blaze: Ric Sims this was fucking hilarious.
- Allan Appiah: Logic is a joke
- Logan Ramsey: I love how this interview is chopped an played to sound reworded ...
- 1 Richiey: Logic Loses His BIRACIAL Mind In This Interview TYPE BEAT
- Adolf Hitler: Logics music in a nutshell
- Sherif Saliman: This the greatest video of all time
- Cailin: th ey loo k at me a nd g o wH At tHE fU C k i S th AT
- MLM: Welcome to another Raygun recap
- Tanaya Talks: I don’t even want to see the original interview
- Barkz: this is hilarious 😂
- Dankest Media: Pretty *_FUCKING BLEK_*
- HESTONMILK: I didn't really realize until later im black *KNOWMSAYIN* ?
- lil southkorea: I support Asian women
- Rhythm: its not him
- Twister: you are making me a little emotional because *I'm not white*
- Rawww_Media: *I bet $20 yall never knew he was half black*
- viet phuoc: *anime girl appears
- Earl Of Lemongrab: much dank is my favorite rapper
- The Illuminati: Khaotic H O L U P H O L U P W E T H E M B O Y Z
- kimjay425: Why do you think that?
- Cameron Madden: the male woahvicki
- Cray May: Losing your biracial mind is crazy -*Mal voice*
- Delaesthetics: bruuu why you do my mans like that srs
- Gabe Miller: This isn’t even edited tho
- julian: wasn't he like this on the caterpillar remix?
- just mask: Esketit
- august_15 2004: J cole
- Mike Traum & The Shooters: Hey Charlie def isnt
- seannwidHD: I actually like Logic and his personality but I still like the video even though it’s mocking of him, I mean how can you not love his enthusiasm
- polk: This guy is a bellend
- gustavo rocque: he also lost his wife
- Lovely 111: Jaeboss- I can tell he has Black ancestry.
- n0vember: I am the first *BLACK MAN*
- Lexxie Wingo: *im also not fully educated*
- Forest Adamo: He always talking about the fact he is biracial its so boring
- EmYouLate: Logic is literal cancer
- TheCosmicLad: *IM BIRACIAL*
- Manny: Logic is whiter than me and im a real light skin mexican
- I am queer and im here to sister sing: He biracial
- Isobel Quinn: Feed Gotchaaa i don’t know it’s really beautiful
- DEDE 47: 😂😂😂😂
- JAEBOSS 12: he looks 6 percent black
- Ethan: this is one of my favorite videos of all time
- Tyler Blair: This guy wants to be black so much.
- Solah Ping: And if you dont know by now *IM BIRACIAL*
- 111hitmeup: What do u see when u look in the mirror? ME, black and white...😂😂😂😂
- XXX TensionCord: MuchDank I love you so much no homo but this shit is just way too funny much props to you 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
- Brian White: This is the first time he has ever talked about being biracial
- kevin gee: Wtf am I watching
- Vic c: I'm also not F U L L Y E D U C A T E D
- EnderMynx: This video had to be so simple for him with how many phrases logic said about being black and white lmaooo
- 99cham1: Lmaaaaaaaoooo
- Jacob Plante: BiracialGang
- lilsip: i swear the logic edits are the funniest SKSKSKSKSKSKSK
- an attempt to make content: Im white and puerto-rican
- Jaito Gaming: Seems like a *WoahVickky* situation , they cousins?
- Oscar Gomez: Dork!
- Envie -: Here’s a daily reminder that Logic is Biracial
- Justt_ Dane: Yayyy thank you for making me the highlight dank, been a fan since you first started much love mr dank
- Karifura: He is white
- SV 22: iM BiRAciAL
- B-Series: *i aM ThE fIRst bLACk maN*
- Sir Sardine: *I'M QUADRACIAL*
- King Haki: It's important to support Asian women. ☻
- Malovus: Logic is biracial?
- jarrett harris: You're literally f****** autistic you edited the interview to make it look like he's talking about how he's black hang yourself in the closet dumb b****
- Angelo Jaramillo: Lmaoooo
- $upreme!: pull up at your crib with a B I R A C I A L
- Ninja: *W H A T T H E F U C K I S T H A T*
- Clorox Bleach: How does he make these thumbnails 😂😂
- sample text: what if logic is adopted and his parents don't wanna ruin his life and are like "we've got this far,might as well keep this thing going"
- SAD MØØN: Logic loses his logic
- Chitwan Kasana: Comment something out the video in bold and caps, get hella likes :)
- Evaline Rosenthal: what the fuck
- The Marko Polo Program: I respect Logic and I'm RATTPACK, which means Real All The Time Pack, but I'm going to be real here and not be a fake fan. Logic claims he's half black but his skin color says otherwise. In other words, he uses his genes for clout but doesn't have to deal with the physical discrimination of his skin color.
- Stevogaming TH: I SUPPORT A S I A N W O M A N
- theVilllain: Honestly i love logic but this got me deaddd
- El Ed Em: Your best work yet😂😂😂
- Luis Zambrano: You cats edited this shit to make it sound how you want ur intent in your agenda to sound like ..😑
- Khaotic: I support *A S I A N W O M E N*
- Ŧom skates: You that shit was fucking funny😂😂
- Ivann the greatt: I’m not white so shut the fuck up
- fred: No disrespect to black people I'm black too but why the fuck does he want to be back so much
- P Flawless: He blacker than my left nut. My nut is yellow
- Kyoto Visuals: *BIRACIAL*
- Ninja: logic should date that girl that claims she’s black
- Rhythm: its idubbbz
- Faith: Arubiix he got divorced? lmao
- Jamil Boykin: Hes biracial literally has 0 african american features,he is dope and has flow like a mf, but its a flat out lie if he thinks the way he looks played no part of his success im not hating though
- cruzholland: He was great in Seinfeld
- Future Gaming: Best interview yet
- Yo Boy Webstar: Lol he wants to be black so bad but he just white
- SunKissed Rae: *F* *U* *C* *K* *Y* *O* *U* *!*
- Anna: WoahVickys long lost brother
- David Arce: DO Bartier Cardi but she won’t stop talking about offset
- Erik Hernandez: so is logic black or white?
- bahram fazel: The random asian woman got me hard
- Zain Chawdry: I support Asian woman
- Kingo Ninja: I love it😂😂😂 such good edit
- TheRealCarlos \: I bet he watches WoahVicky
- Joe Penrose: He's a fucking stain
- SkeletonMan84: Logic is from 15 minutes from me Maryland represent!
- Goobtown Climbing: "The best I've seen in a long time" -The New York Times
- Charles the dancer: That part had me dead asf
- AyoKay: and if you dont know by now... IM BIRACIAL
- the lightest phase of the moon: what's the SoNG aT tHe ENd?¿
- joe:20 vision: JE SUS WALKS
- Young Kippur: I support asian women.
- Waliul A.I: MuchDank back again showing the truth.
- stee lo: Mafucker you ain't black and white cut that crap you whiter than a cracker
- Xx 2ol7: K this shits getting old just let the dude do what he does. He’s not hurting anyone. This is practically bullying. Fucking lames.
- MarvelG 14: I’m biracial fuck I mean I’m logic
- Connor McKeen: Favorite much dank video for sure, besides *staple gun*
- Rami: So is he black?
- First Name Last Name: Did this white mans just say he’s black?! Is he colorblind?
- B I G N U T T: Wait he's biracial?
- Barack Obama: IM WHITE
- MadMaxThrax *: What the actual fuck....yes
- Unicorn Princess Deja: Black ppl✊ are beautiful✊, incredible✊, amazing✊! BLACK PPL✊...
- stardust: I support Asian women too
- Samir Issa: How to know someone is biracial... they tell you
- my borough: lmao
- シheidi: g a n g s t a
- Panzy: I love logic
- Moe ad: This looks like it was edited
- Hutch Wordsworth.: Nigga's a cornball con todo.
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Logic Loses His BIRACIAL Mind in This Interview | |
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Entertainment Indica Badu | Upload TimePublished on 16 Mar 2018 |
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