MuchDank Juice WRLD Gets CREEPED OUT by Tim Westwood - Starz launches

Saturday, March 9, 2019

MuchDank Juice WRLD Gets CREEPED OUT by Tim Westwood

  1. Filthy Connoisseur: Thanks for that love man 👊...................😕
  2. Luke: This one is a modern day contemporary classic.
  3. Masturbinho: much dank snaped on this lmao
  4. Dying Hurt: anybody else think Juicy World would look better if he cut his hair
  5. myname isname: FIRST
  6. Jaden White: Lmfao
  7. Sounds Pretty Moist: *DANK WRLD*
  8. ItsShadow: I was waiting for this while watching the actual interview
  9. jbusom: The outro is so fucking cringy HAHAHA
  10. ahmed k: Juice wrld look like a fatter lil uzi
  11. BOLT.: 😭😭😭😭😭😭
  12. EDGAR LAZCANO: This guy is asss
  13. Robert Lester: blicky scum, dicky pretty sticky son
  14. Daniel Caspiani Adl: juices nose small af
  15. Xx-TH3Y CALL M3 A G0D -xX: Family family
  16. Bangaly: Lol nigga these videos here to stay 😂
  19. Markoblack: 😂😂😂😂
  20. Blacksytlegame: 🥤
  21. Shawn Wallace: HELL NAWWW
  23. Trashboi Ty 原始の: Dank Wrld
  24. Jayoo Plays: Westwood got thicker in the heart from last time I saw him 👀👀
  25. no one: "Best of midget wrestling"
  26. Julian Hoekman: Whooo
  27. Kevin Deegan: He looks like lil Uzi with the cheeks of ski mask
  28. Ada: The end got me 😂😂
  29. Obey97: *Slurp* 😂
  30. die nerd xd: *whoo*
  31. MissChxrlotte: yeah
  32. Jacob Olguin: Gwhwhat up
  33. Edgar Martinez: I liked when his shit was bad cuz it made it 3x more ironic
  34. Stop Stalking: If only he cleared his GALLO from his throat then he would be Lil Uzi WRLD 2.0
  35. Aj Felder: Blacky taz he can't take a joke
  36. Kaarel Trepp: wheres the lil pump one gone?
  37. Has M: The end LOOOL
  38. Daniel Teklemariam: *licks lips*
  39. Alyssa K.: midget wrestling... xD it’s killing meeeeee
  40. Yuh Yeet: Funniest shit ever 😂
  41. Charlie Odote: *HMMMMM*
  42. fr fr: 1.59 I tried to press the channel
  43. YouKnowIvan: 🐐
  44. Badboy DCX:
  46. Ada: I see he trying to be X now
  47. Toastyy: Make a meme with 6ix9ine running with Ak47
  48. Sean Medina: I can’t be the only one that tried to click the midget wrestling
  49. Not Teardrop: When I saw the interview I knew yall were gonna fuck it up
  50. pubg boi: I'm dead😂
  51. Eb Trax: +Matthew Let's see you freestyle for an hour straight
  53. PotentialBeChill: haha homie was fancy wit it said "quite fire"......... I do declare so that my companions and I might cherish this quality length of rhymes . it's essential to the Game that we partake in elevating our upcoming MC's ...
  54. r a m m i e: _What was the purpose of you making that song?_ *20 minutes*
  55. Xeon 369: I like how all the cups are almost empty
  56. Tamashī: Hmm.. yeah
  57. Jayden Realy: Honestly, Your being haunted by something
  58. odizzle15: Don’t watch this channel if your hi. 😎💯
  59. prod. fxck: Mmmm yea mmmmm yea mmmm dkslsks mmmmslurrrp EARRAPE
  60. Natsekoi Estish: Realistically, *you’ll die*
  61. mad mark: *Y E A H*
  62. Julius Batali: This is too good. Please make a video on how you edit
  63. jennifer nolley: i love you for making this
  64. Elizabeth Mange: " you're being hunted by something
  65. Russell Westbrook: *_AWKWARD_*
  67. tree jesus: so why didn't you add too much bass in the outro unlike every other video? hmmm
  68. Benedict Cumberbatch: *R E V E N G E ON MY BODY*
  69. Zeus' Olympus: When you enhance the sound of people licking their lips and zoom in on their lips has me dying 😂💀
  70. die nerd xd: ummm hi 👌 Gotcha ;)
  71. JMO 421: U know juice WRLD made it when he on much dank 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  72. Alien7ocat Arvid: Nine
  73. Cayden Lee: *slurping intensifies*
  74. momo gela: Hmmm yea
  75. Mercyskull90000: Sippin tea in yo studio
  76. FunnyBunnys Citadel: Tim Westwood: talking randomly Juice Wrld: Sssssssssllllllllllllllllrrrrrrrrrrrrrppppppppppppppppppppp
  77. ICEDEALER: *heavy slurping*
  78. Santino Anthonyz: Why doesn’t anybody love me
  79. ActivistM17: I love you 😂
  80. Sofie: YEAH
  81. Kevin Zavala Vega: *Slurp*
  82. Maadshayne: This nigga done sucked the soul outta that five guys cup
  83. Too Damn Kold: 13 views and 400 likes🤔 dam dank
  84. How Life: Yo clown ridin by yung bans
  85. Amazingboy8183: Lucid dreams bass booted
  86. Kanye Abloh: *sipping intensifies*
  87. Trey L: u the goat my g😂🤣🤣🤣
  88. W h i t e S e a: "What was the process of you making the song" *20 Minutes*
  89. yea datboi: Mmmm Tim Westwood licking mmmmm
  90. SoThick: 12 views and 138 likes. Good shit
  91. meankrandel: YouTube dot com slash *TIM WESTWOOD TV*
  92. Buhguul: youre being haunted by something
  93. Ilir: Love this Channel 😂😂😂🤙🏽
  94. Trey Stemley: 🤣😂
  95. Justin Y.: The sound effects make every one of these.
  96. Howard: Juice WRLD= * WRLD*
  97. Hey Hay: *Honestly, you're being haunted by something. Realistically, you'll die.*
  98. Maya Cdp: Arkane errwrrreerrqrwprewqrrrqperrrreerrr eerder rr errwrrreerrqrwprewqrrrqperrrreerrr rrrrewerwrerrrpreor Dr Dre r a fee
  99. Dray Way: y Westwood always calling ppl family like nigga u Arabian, we blak
  100. Mikolaj Jd: Best Midget Wrestling
  101. Coggy: Boy this quality content is 𝓥𝓮𝓻𝔂 𝓮𝓬𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓬
  102. Andrew: Who else is watching this video while high on crack?
  103. Lucky_NotSGG: Edit the song ridin
  104. King Druie Beatz: tim westworld want the juice wrld bootyhole lol
  105. zaps1: first
  107. Frowzi: Juice Universe Juice Planet Juice Land
  108. Masen Storm: Scrolled through every comment and didn’t see any bold text comment
  109. McLarenBMW: I've hear his shitty song.... for free. That's right bitch, I ain't giving you money lolololol
  110. Jackie McKenna: Idea, muchdank is run by Eric Andre
  111. gucci sister: *”mm, yeah, mm,”* **SLURP SLURP**
  112. eXp blaze: *T I M W E S T W O O D T V*
  113. - BeeKickS -: WoKe faMiLy
  114. lil Blake: 😂😂😂😂
  115. Vykh: This video is muchdank
  116. Dan J. Parker: Lool when he airs the spud, got me dead 😂
  117. RICH HOMIE NOAH: Me too dawg
  118. Aj Felder: How that gay it a joke
  119. Thicc Roach: *Mmmmm thslumpskdfiencksbd*
  120. Steezy 44: XD
  121. Nynx: O Oo Oof Oo O
  122. Minor: Muchdank is multiple people??
  123. ItzAxthonyTG: *infinite drinking noise*
  124. DV8: Y E A H
  125. Phoenix G.: Fake ass bloods 😂
  126. erncle ruckus: Now this is something beyond human ,IT'S *MUCHDANK*
  127. Sky Jumper 444: First dislikelol jk
  128. theROBLOXbrothers XD: The Worlds Loudest Slurp
  129. Jason Bernardi: Mmm yeah!
  130. Lil Gill: He sounds like post malone
  131. Only1legendary Goat: Watched on site and liked
  132. UltraBank999: *TIM WESTWOOD TV*
  133. Kenton Dantes: Aj Felder you obviously don't understand huh
  134. Trap_en: second
  135. thugginluv ': blackshift same here bruh
  136. Flex JG: Much dank do one on his song
  137. pinkity drinkity: *abstract art*
  138. Sima Caga: Dude your video was on a PewDiePie video
  139. Hunter Grimes: 2nd best channel on YouTube after THE Mr. Daniel Duncan
  140. Jazzman: Hello notification squaad
  141. A4 Anger: The sounds make me tingle
  142. carlosloco67: He look like rich the kid
  143. Stephen Last name: 😭😭😭
  144. TUDO: 2/10 no *boom*
  145. mook2850 mook2850: How long it’s gonna take till juice grows his dreads out to look normal bruh
  146. Toe Gap B.I.G.: You better make a video out of the sneaker shopping video with Trippie
  147. J. Snow: XXXyachty vert
  148. sleepynyma: *l i c c*
  149. James 'sphinx' Richardson: These are getting really repetitive and boring now.
  150. Kev: *hmm*
  151. Symbolic Acts: YO FAMILY
  152. Saber Jones: S l u r p
  153. Raging Camel: Blackshift you alright man?
  154. Dildo Baggins: *Thanks for that love family*
  155. predzz: Tim Westwood is a meme in itself
  156. Dylan Harkins: *Slurping intensifies*
  157. Mane on a new plane nigga: *MAKE WESTWOOD DANK AGAIN*
  158. TOOMUCHFORYOU: Make a vid on, big bank pleaseeeee.
  159. HOSWELL444: 👅👅
  160. VENDETTA VI: nah he did in the real interview lol
  161. Tony: Can I get more likes than justin Y...
  162. 3 PAC: R E L I S T I C L Y Y O U L L D I E
  163. hmm yes interesting.: *O*
  164. Souvinah Alviar: That sip tho !
  165. DP ': This man too funny
  166. DeezNutty: Yeah this one was wack sorry MuchDank.
  167. MZB Plays: Put Lil Baby’s “like Pikachu” line at the end of the rest of his lines in that verse for Yes Indeed ❤️
  168. DKiro: this channel is a fucking gold mine everytime i come here i fucking die of laughter
  169. v a l: gone sexual
  170. Alex Delaney: The weird mouth sounds bits kinda ruin it
  171. Erik Rhetoric: Lettuce pray for the beats
  172. lilblingking1491: The end had me in tears😂🤣
  173. BobbyBigBalls: Old head
  174. Max_Slugo HD: a better line to where do you get those beats couldve just been *SLURRRRRRRRRRRP*
  175. nazmo: Nvm I was high
  176. Niickeyy: *hmm, yeah*
  177. Template 1243: Yay
  178. Ğøødluck: I'm dead
  179. young Vegeta: lmfaooo
  180. Jordan Reed: Ending got me good
  181. RXL 90: *SIP*
  183. TheresNoSuchThingAsLove ButIWishThereWas: i lost it at 20 minutes ya, ight *blink blink*
  184. ragii: Westwood and 6ix9ine gonna be next.
  185. MstmanYT: Sound effects are key now in days
  186. Ba Gawk: *WHEW*
  187. AJ _: Faggot
  188. X I A O: F A M I L Y 🤓
  189. 1,000 Subcribers with no videos?: The only reason I dont *end* *it all*
  190. richard TeQo: Quality over quantity
  191. GoBoyZ: Missed MuchDank when he didn't upload
  192. AJ _: Kys
  193. Dark Diamond: Truee!
  194. fukn aye mate: you better do the 6ix9ine tim westwood interview
  195. D'Jay Hayes: heck yes
  196. Yung Bl1p: 12 💗
  197. prod. fxck: Sexy
  198. jesus mendez: who is this nigga
  199. Tursi: Yo shout out to five guys
  200. myname isname: 😂
  201. janasia nicole!: *aggressively sips drink*
  202. Starmade Productions: Weird af lololol
  203. Nick DiMaria: You know you someone when you have a muchdank *TM* made about you 999
  204. E: D R I N K I N G S A T I S F I E S
  205. No User: FUCK DADDY !!!!!😫 EARRAPE
  206. Beesh: Pretty shitty reason to live
  207. Wxlfstealth: this isnt edited
  208. WhyLyz: Who else tried to click the midget wrestling 😂😂
  209. MADDIE So Wild: Mmmm yah mmmm
  210. Juice WRLD is the goat: Finally
  211. Keenan: Did anyone try click on the tana photo?😂😂
  212. BNI BOI: We need the MuchDank merch!
  213. Ivan Wong: dead
  215. FMLY: *SLURP*
  216. TYRONESHANIQUA: Ehm, so uhm, PewDiePie laughed at a clip of yours in his recent video.
  217. r o x a n a: * sips drink intensely *
  218. My face mask is cracking tEa: Honestly.... *your being hunted by something*
  219. kholo: more likes than views :D
  220. Jonas Schmidt: Bro you're getting better every interview😂😂😂😂😭😭
  221. buttplug: Honestly *click* *you'll die...*
  222. dp jr panda: Slurps so how long did it take slurps 20 mins wink
  223. fps goat: The ear rape is way too funny
  224. Trap Boi Brizzl: *Masen Storm* *bold comment*
  225. pold: "best of midget wrestling"
  226. McSquizzy Tumluffin: MMMM YEAHHH
  228. yaboi tyrone: Jesus prepare your ears for the end!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!
  229. Fatou Diop: I think Tim Westwood is secretly Micheal Rosen .... Think about it!!
  230. Steve Nash: Juice kinda look like uzi
  231. Wutangkilla1: Lololollolol 😂
  232. Os Yekim: Best of midget wrestling got me dying
  233. david heiler: here before 300 clicks
  234. DYGI: *lean wrld*
  235. kevin: Juice world family
  236. Kurtis Stryker: Quote from video
  237. M.A. M.R.: Are these the same guys that did this with Trump vs Ted Cruz? At the debates?
  238. Ahmed Hakim: Yeah
  239. starnova: Hmmmm five guys
  240. bili lol: *Realistically You'll DIE*
  241. Lucas Lütken Larsen 7AM Havrehedskolen: *Slurp*
  242. TrippieReddLive: Can u do Ridin by Yung Bans?
  243. Shanel hernandez: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  244. TTurner: I forgot this wasn’t a real interview
  245. Avve N: Lucid dreams got famous way after it was released
  246. XxMikePlayzxXHD: 14th vieww ESSKETITTTT
  247. horrifvl: *M M M M Y E A H...*
  248. rapyartz: what if every moment you have. are always like this
  249. Arshia Takestani: Where’s Dat, he usually comments here
  250. T.O. Productions: All these faggot rappers look the same with their little nose rings and colored dreads
  251. Nathanyuelle Edwards: ReALiStICaLlY yoU wIlL DIE
  252. XxbeastboltxX: Yes!!!! Finally a vid that I've watched the original before its been memified
  253. ItsLatz: *TIMWESTWOODTV*
  254. por qué: When you're about to comment something funny from the video but someone has already done it and has like thousand likes. *Hmmm.. yeah.. yeah.. hmm.. yeah.. mmmm.. yeah..*
  255. pewdiepie.2: You were supposed to do young bans ridin not this g😂😂😭
  256. Joey Lol: I knew youd have a feild day with this one
  257. Andre Sybliss: *the fucking sound effects with the mouths, keep getting me*
  258. King Quincey: I called it man. I knew MuchDank would mess this up
  259. Dat Senior.: 😂
  260. Ville Rantanen: ONE of my favourite muchdank
  261. The Káiser: *HMM* *YEAH* *HMM* *W O W... H M M M*
  262. paige s: mm yeah *slurp*
  263. b66cen: thank u
  264. Zsauce: Just pump
  265. i will rob you: When i watched the original one i cringed
  266. Benji Nela: In his 1 hour freestyle he mentions Tim and he just there looking down not knowing what he said
  267. KnockThe Door: M U C H D A N K F A M I L Y
  268. Memo Aguayo: I love this channel so much
  269. Luiz Fuiz: Hahaha.. end ..hahah!😂😂😂
  270. prod. Obri: Omg the thumbnail
  271. The Fresh JC: Yeah yeah yeah mmm
  272. Tristan Naidoo: Mmmm yeah
  273. nut: *mmmmmm yea YEA mmmmmm YeA*
  274. huh: *mmm yeah yeah mmm yeahh yeahh*
  275. Floki Beats: put butt on cf
  276. Jon Boy: *Slurp*
  277. Quittinger -: *S I P P*
  278. Julkki: Lucid Dreams, like lfmlfm
  279. Reef Youngun: Dang
  280. Samuel Valtonen: Yeah
  281. HYPED TV: Always makes me laugh thanks 😊
  282. KKam13N k: *lick*
  283. Greg: I've never felt more violated
  284. sayso: *HMM YEAH*
  285. Linkster: MuchDank is slowly becoming better and better at editing, it’s becoming smoother and funnier
  286. Rachel Brennan: Lol 😂
  287. Oof_ItsYerboi xXBaconGodXx The III: Makes the dude look cringy af (not Juice the other dude)
  288. 666 gang: *So you’re going by “muchdank” now nerd? Haha what’s up douche bag, it’s me Brad from Highschool Remember me? Me and the guys used to give you shit in school. Sorry you were just such an easy target lol. I can see nothing has changed. Remember that Sarah chick you used to have a crush on? Yeah we’re married now. I make over 900k a year and drive a space ship . I guess some things never change huh loser? Nice catching up lol. Pathetic*
  289. Kira Linian: The thumbnail😂😂
  290. 6Frame: War Lord was here
  291. 2Bros1Wave: *WHOOO*
  292. Latonya Cato: They have five guys in the UK
  293. Pipe Pala: *slurp*
  294. much strange: *yeah*
  295. CLYDE THE TEENAGE BOY: I'm heeeeeeeeeeeeee....E.
  296. ShmokyTheBear: *YEAH*
  297. dylahn dylahn: Westwood is just the creepiest guy ever
  298. Bobby Weenies: lmao the outro
  299. Dismal: Thanks for putting his cringe ending
  300. Devant Smith: Decided I'd rather be woke than sleep.... Either way life still like a horror movie
  301. Tasha Lilac: Lmmmmmaaaooo omg
  302. ɢʀᴀʏ: Damn already
  303. Elias Mejia: I swear no one is SAFE
  304. Abram: You are in the new pewdiepie vid
  305. Silva Mole: Trippi red goes sneaker shopping
  306. GoBoyZ: The outro isnt bass boosted enough but great video though
  307. Oliver Epstein: This one was so funny lol
  309. Mathias Koonce: 156 views. 467 likes
  310. LeBeautiful: *A l l M u c h D a n k v i d e o s a r e t h e s a m e*
  311. Jordieee: Juice is wearing a REVENGE hoodie 😮 I LOVE X 🖤🖤🖤
  312. JayNHK: Muchdank is the only reason i stay alive at this point
  313. Bimmer: Editing level: G.O.A.T!...😂😆
  314. xxx_Kid Røse_xxx: *Yeah Yeah, hmm, yeah*
  315. So toxic: Muchdank the edit god
  316. niles browning: Solid
  317. Hailee Steinfeld - Topic: *_mmm_*
  318. TheDreSta11: 😭😭😭
  319. G: I just wanted to point out that on each of your Videos, the Music is far too Loud at the end of the Video. Please, when rendering your final Video, select the Volume knob for the Song and remove several Decibels of Volume. Thank You.
  320. jr.808: That tounge action got me dead 😂😂
  321. Luis Camero: Realisticly, DIE
  322. john boss: I cant get enough of these videos.
  323. shabibmahab: dude you just keep on getting better
  324. XxTrillest VibesxX: Ski mask and juice wrld are related if you didn't know
  325. 4IM: damn bro😂😂🐐
  326. Calum G: *MMMMM*
  327. HYPED TV: Please guys subscribe to my channel 😘 spread love 😍
  328. Ofarell z: Only u muchdank .. the editor god LMFAO
  329. Olpa Killwee: Lmaoooo
  330. ørbit .: realistically.. *y o u l l D I E.*
  331. nut: **slurps drink**
  332. Prod. Emile: LMAO THE OUTRO FROM TIM
  333. Can I get 500 subsribers with no videos?: Tim Westwood is genuinely *CREEPY*
  334. Trucker Dreams: TIM WESTWOOD TV
  335. Life withAlia: LMAOOOO
  336. Jonah Simpson: realistically.… you'll die (choom)
  337. Lady Riju: Only to you and 95% of this generation
  338. Give me a real answer: real talk is he using viewbots?
  339. johncoulston99: "Honestly, you're being haunted by something." "Realistically you'll DIE!" Ahahahah that shit had me dead at the very moment!
  340. Leafy is One!!: ᒪᗰᖴᗩO ᗰᑌᑕᕼᗪᗩᑎK Iᔕ ᗷEᔕT
  341. Nilo Sjöberg: How is MuchDank not at 1 mil yet wtf
  342. much strange: Juice wrld wearing a x revenge sweater
  343. NARUTO uzamaki: MMMMHHHHHHH Y. E. A. H
  344. vvjokinen: mm mm *YEAH*
  345. Ashley Parks: Gold
  346. Clip Bishop: do more tim westwood this mans a goldmine for you hahaha
  347. Cole Borges: Go commit deceased
  348. Rachel Brennan: *yas girl right I just put this in bold just so you can see this*
  349. Big Whoosh: *DIE* hehehehehehe
  350. Thumin: Thanks Muchdank, very cool.
  351. Nico: LMAO *lucid dreams*
  352. Parker Filmz: bro the sound effects always got me dead
  353. GreenFromNamek: Delete this. A man lost his life. Shit ain’t funny
  354. Can We Get 5000 Subscribers Without Any Videos ?: He look like uzi
  355. EmanBeats: MORE REVERBBB
  356. SK10 Boss: Show Bear 🅱ello
  357. may: this makes me SKRTT
  358. Laii: Yooo😭😭😭💀
  359. UNO_OFFICIAL_IG: Had a hour and a half of matrial in this long ass freestyle and interview lol
  360. Evil Gengar: He wants to be lil uzi so bad
  361. Sharp Raid: Thw world is flat
  363. Leo Meling: Pewdiepie used one of your clips in his newest video!
  364. PXPI FXNTA: Seen i comin🤣🤣
  365. Yung Kuzan: Tim westwood is 60 he's crazy lmao. He did a interview with 6ix9ine in a bathroom.
  366. Felix Mora: Respect for Juice reppin the Revenge hoodie
  367. eddit: FINALLY
  368. Lil Bleam: Wait what when was this uploaded I just got a notification...
  369. K.F.C. THXG: *Where you getting your beats from* *Looperman* :(
  370. blanka: tbh this should be tim westwood gets creeped out by juice wrld
  372. Sçarlxrd: those voice cracks 😂❤️
  373. Cn'tLuv Club: Now I do what I want
  374. it’s Jaytrip: h m m, y e a h
  375. Sex God: That straw slurping had me dying 😂 💀
  376. Mentol Nomad: Yo you be capturing the iLList moments
  377. Felix Carrick-Smith: tim westwood 😎 😎 😎
  378. Pumpkins are noice.: *slurps very loudly*
  379. kyrell frazer: *queue slurp sound*
  380. ChubbyBunny Rivera: That revenge hoodie 😍😍😍 damn... wish I could get one like that 🐱.
  381. Tiara: Mmm yeah mm yeah whaaa mm yeah mm
  382. BrayBray13 YT: *H M M M M Y E A H*
  383. Boi WhatFlavor: *This is really CrEePy*
  384. Mr. 폴: haha edits on point👌
  385. calm down jayla: What’s up
  386. Blair: edit the trippie redd goes sneaker shopping
  387. idk: Juice world look like lil uzi too me
  388. bröther of YouTube: who doesnt Tim Westwood creep out.
  389. So Fye Beats: BRUH AGAIN
  390. Andrei Avalos: the ending tho 💀💀💀
  391. SwagBoiDaVeon Productions: Brought to you by Five Guys
  392. 2047Rook: *hmmmm yeah hmmmm hmmmm yeah hmmmmmm yeah hmnmmmmm yeah hmmmm yeah yeah*
  393. Zimzala Producer: lmaooo the end killed me :D
  394. alyssa: He sees his shadow in his room now
  395. iRxmpd: *slurping intensifies*
  396. Juniper Kreek: Honestly, You’re being haunted by something *DOOOON* Realistically, You’ll die * DOOOOON*😂
  397. Salted Harambe: Much dank has the best edits
  398. U a Slat: *sLuRp*
  399. Nationsss: Underrated
  400. You Tube: ragii
  402. LYNX: Lmao
  403. Keith: Very dank
  404. Joe Foley: Creep Westwood gets creepy and creeps out juice wrld
  405. juICe419: Lmao I just watched that full interview yesterday
  406. winter: *i admit it, another pig got me finished.*
  407. christy: "honestly, 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠."
  408. Kenton Dantes: Blacky taz gay
  409. Aiman Hakim: I knew it this gonna happen... Thanks man...
  410. Nicholas: That ending 😭😂😂
  411. Lici Mane: mmmmmmmmmmhhh yea,yea yea,mhhhhhhhhhhh yea
  412. Veridian: My ears enjoyed that delicious slurping
  413. dat damn kez: [ *Sipping* *intensifies* ]
  414. Daddy Zozo: I love how they don't ever realize that they're interviews sucks
  415. pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis: Boy you best be hoppin on that Ridin song by Nahmir and Bans
  416. ndstrs: wtf he sounds a lot like X
  417. Claudia Claudia: Mucho danko woods
  418. ADayWithDLorènz: Lmfaoooooo
  419. Austin Painter: Just noticing this nigga juice WRLD got the smallest ears in the game
  420. ryan hwan: *best midget wrestling*
  421. jose gutierrez: Bring back Lil Pump's Interview with Nardwaur
  422. Jesus Magana: Lmao
  423. vibe. YT: lol
  424. TKJ: Teddie Ava Hmmm yeah
  425. Royal: hmm yes interesting. I miss you man 😢❤️ no homo
  426. Can I get 500 subsribers with no videos?: FAKE STOP TRYNA GET LIKES BY SAYING QUALITY ON EVERY VIDEO
  427. Triple7: Tim Westwood is 60 wtf
  428. star boy: Juice WRLD 👁🔮
  429. Random NiBBa: Family!
  430. Greg G: You know an artist has made it when they’re on MuchDank.
  431. Agent Nixon: Justin Y. STEP UP UR GAME I don’t see u anymore
  432. Finessei iKid: Oh yes I beat my hard ass meat to this hmmmm
  433. ramblelime: Epic..
  434. Jared Emerson-Johnson: *Now edit his hour 10 minute long freestyle*
  435. Aristides Gonzalez: Anyone else not a fan of juice wlrl?
  436. Mohammed Haroon: D I E
  437. Do Not Disturb: You gone do the 69 interview?
  438. alan bishopman: Who TF is Juice World? Great video anyway!
  439. L6tus: oh yeah oh yeah, oh yeah
  440. Dj Cobbs: MMMMMMMM
  441. Gxldboy J: *hmm yeah hmm yeah yeah hmm*
  442. Ting Tang: f A m
  443. JOHN GRIGORAKOS: *Deep mm*
  444. Kauê Gomes: How have people that loves this? Skskskkskskskskkskkkskskskks
  445. Jefferson Do: DO A LIL WOP ONE
  446. Gabriel Sanchez: Why he look like famous Dex in the thumbnail 😂
  447. Skor Skoert: slurpp slurrrp
  448. Felix Mora: Yo Juice world *family*
  449. Keith Clough: 🥤 🌎
  450. ʙᴀᴇʙᴇᴇɢᴜʀʟ ɪsʜᴀ: When he was drinking and the laugh😂😂😂 do more juice wrld
  451. Loki: Tim is kinda creepy even without editing
  452. Lil Beat: I still see ur ShaDOWS in ma room mm
  453. Justt_ Dane: I already know this about to be funny
  454. Riley Topper: The end had me dead
  455. DaftRay: I love this
  456. Floyd Bando: It was one of the most garbage filled freestyles i've ever heard. also RIP my uncle that he sprayed the choppa on 5000x
  457. chilluminati: And this mf Tim Westwood is 60 years old fam. Ain't that crazy lmao
  458. LZ girnn: TIM WESTWOOD gets creeped out by juice wrld*
  459. Human 2.0: Here before everyone else.
  460. UNXPECTED BEATS: I knew Muchdank was working on this Interview..
  461. j0t 神: *HMMM*
  462. of poop pile: Totally Fine With Me Ya Know?
  464. lil REE: Bruh stop giving me 15 sec unskippable ads
  465. Nautro Uzumaki: And this one was not edited
  466. AlBeasto 36: 69th dislike hehehe
  467. J.T. Buttar: mmmmmm..yea
  468. Toasty Butters: Your in pewdipies you laugh you die vid!!!!!!
  469. XPENSIVE: You keep getting better and better
  470. johnbazy: _2 0 m i n u t e s_
  471. Teemu死: Juice cute no homo
  472. Mike Blaid: nazmo Nuketown
  473. BNI BOI: *F A M I L Y*
  474. Cameron Robinson: u not liein
  475. Supreme Kermit: Blarg go eat ur mum
  476. Chef A.K: 😂😂😂😂
  477. KingB1414: S
  478. By Chance: Quality.
  479. TRIBAL BASS: Gannnggg
  480. Mat Babyyy: Who else thinks that muchdank is lowkey the best editor
  481. Simeon Galda: You are the master.
  482. GoatZ: Huuumm yeaaa hummm yeaaa
  483. AaronHisle: No distorted ending? :(
  484. TheShadow 0071: The Legend.
  485. Cj Colbert: He got a baby face
  486. BLADE: Lil yachts lil brotha
  487. FizikSoulja #1: WHO THE FOOK IS THAT GUY???
  488. Rachel Brennan: Ur profile pic creeps out the comment
  489. dANAX: "Yeah , crazy shit bro" "Yeah mhm yeah"
  490. Sgtk1ll3r: LMAO
  491. Dz Nhts: Mmmm yaaa mmmm yaaa mmm mmmm yaaa
  492. KB Gaming: Juice WRLD: Have you ever been laying down and you can't tell whether you're asleep or awake and like you couldn't move? Tim Westwood: *Hmmm, Yea* (in his head) WHAT THE HELL, NO I HAVE NOT!!!!
  493. Daniel Harrison: They already did a ting in a car i swear
  494. ZSTO: I'm waiting on the Much Dank x Cole Bennett collab
  495. Supreme Kermit: b2sav AYYYY
  496. Luke's Dead Trim Man: Novelist guy
  497. Amina G: family.. FAMILY
  498. Yuri: MuchDank is a good person.
  499. emir: *Shit kinda creepy bruh* Nah but forreal.. he already a certified legend for that 1 hour long straight 🔥🔥🔥 fuck you if u disagree 🤦‍♂️
  500. Kyle B: "Realistically you die"
  501. r0oster juice: I’ll eat your toes for 20$
  502. BladesWorldMusic: MuchDank's editing on this was infuckingcredible...
  503. Randy Reyes: I’m hoping this never ends
  504. Leekobaby: you suck ass bitch
  505. azzureee h: this is kinda creepy slurrpprpppp.
  506. ItG Ma: Lucid looks like a blue version of Yachty.
  508. Angry Pepe: *yes the slurping is nice*
  509. BNI BOI: **Licking of lips** I N T E N S I F I E S
  510. Matt XII: *THANKS FAMILY*
  511. Jon B: Quality content as always from our boy muchdank
  512. izbor sistok: Who is MuchDank? Sorry if this is used up qwestion, but I am new in MD comunity. So is that mistick or just I dont know, or it is well known fact/face. Mostly Sorry cuz I am leasy f, and waiting on answers unless digg my one information. Bad spelling and cringy 43 years old man. Shit.
  514. Oj: Tim Westwood is in his sixties
  515. OMG Its Darren: *Stares* *dankishly*
  516. Kapahi 746: MuchDank is ruining people’s lives
  517. CANDDY: So awkward brahh😂😭💀
  518. RXL 90: Hmmmm Yea
  519. Stephen Yoee: You’re so down with the sickness. So much ooh wah ah ahhs.
  520. Fred Ntware: W
  521. myname isname: Fox Tail Clarity. Yes Why i had to edit was because i put 'uu' and _then_ checked if i was first
  522. Jsizzle: 😂😂😂
  523. BLKKNG trapshxt: I've always wondered like... do you do Foley art, or just grab a soundfx pack??👏🏿
  524. xigarette: juice wrld look like a pitbull terrier kinda
  525. whtsthepoint o.o: Mmm CHICKEN BREASTS
  527. Kyoto: *hmm*
  528. Dj XLT: *Easier said than done -- I thought you were the one: -- Listening to my heart, instead o'MAIYEAID*
  529. David Pak: *dead*
  530. Lyric M.: Dank.
  532. Mr.Krabs: tim is so cringeworthy to the point its painful
  533. john: I now believe juice wrld is possessed by the devil
  534. • Bek•: The slurping.... *UGHHHHHHH*
  535. That Guy: OBUNGA
  536. tpoo: hmm, yeah *licks lips* hmm, yeah
  537. PANTHER PANTS: Died when he drowned the guys sound out by slurping his drink.
  538. Chief keef: hulupahaigsvdjsv
  539. KilleRaVeN51: "Crazy moment in the game for you" *slurps/Licks lips* Lmao
  540. Lil Loco: I'm dead😂😂😂
  541. Cant Mew it like me: Anyone can experience sleep paralysis. It's not something mystic.
  542. harryorio: JUIIIIIIICE
  543. Sanni: Muchdank makes these soo akward
  544. tacobelldriver: Whys he look like smoke purp
  545. MAD BUNNY: Come on man stop u make it too funny
  546. Louiiv Music Channel: Gay
  547. Hooo oos: *Abstact Art*
  548. Lmao waluigi dumb thicc: wow he have activated autotune on his own voice like, permanently
  549. jojo: *WHERE IS VENENOSO*
  550. Insane Coasters: Sponsored by Five Guys
  551. MenisTwister: Was anyone else scared when he said "Realistically... You'll die"
  552. himynameCatrina: *Tim want's his juice*
  553. Abdou Kun: i want ur picture
  554. I AM DANNY EL: *licks lips* "yeah... Mmm"
  555. Miska Mäkinen: SLURP
  556. Sean Sebelon: licking *I N T E N S I F I E S*
  557. Sir Zeeza: Best of midget wrestling
  558. Patrick Naves: *S T A P L E Y E A H*
  559. Myke P: Juice is overrated
  560. dafence: oh shit im actually early
  562. emily: *licks lips aggressively*
  563. Monte Samuels: This nigggggggg
  564. aye its kavencci: Gang gang
  565. PixelBush Bebe: Pretty sure Tim got Creeped out by Juice's loud sipping
  566. Maurice Sykes Jr.: sENSATIONAL
  567. Sky Jumper 444: 12th
  568. ViERClipz: trash
  569. Jose Guerrero: 6ix9ine shit this guy out
  570. Fallon Boyle: Internet princess uzi tf
  571. Kidd Skipp: *Dank Wrld*
  572. Dairym Muido: Copyright strike coming in hot
  573. JZSLD G-Fan: someone tell that 27'neck nigga to get rid of those pubes in his face
  574. eneseus M4: Tim Westwood keeps raising hands and Juice is getting pissed off lolz. This is real shit
  575. Mikael: The ending is the best
  576. azzureee h: what's in the cup
  577. Corin is Boring: Tim Westwood mouth sounds trigger my ASMR
  578. Loud Pack Nando: Juice *WRLD*
  579. BlooK: This was so fkn awkward
  580. * Lobotomizedd: This is the first channel where I literally laugh my ass off while watching the videos :D
  581. Omega King: Im cryyyiiinngg😭😭😭
  582. Xan: *Hmm Yeaa*
  583. YBNalpha: Yah yeet
  584. JuniorXD: *JUST CLICK HEA*
  585. get rekt: Yeah no he's still fucking creepy
  586. Chaux.S.S: Siempre que veo estos vídeos me cago de la risa
  587. Bad Blunt Seany S: *ABSTRACT ART*
  588. LyricalGenes: *Geez man! lol*
  589. Just a blip.: I sweeeaar.. I love you.
  590. Pedohan: *slurping intensifies*
  591. Lana Selina Junior: Aaaasshhhhhiiiittttt 👊🤣
  592. Haider Hasan: *_FAM_* 👊🏼
  593. Shauna H_901: Bimmer 1K like I made your dream come true
  594. Jānis: Thanks for that love family man.
  595. друг: *_*TIM WESTWOOD LICKS LIPS_**
  596. DonPablito: That fucking ending had me rolling
  597. Windows Scott: I knew juice was the new x.... Maybe he'll be like his past self then change....
  598. Gustavo2x: *CrAzY sHiT*
  599. Potato Chan: *FAM*
  600. Chroniic i: Abstract Art
  601. ghoulnut: *flickering tongue* Hmm mm
  602. om_subaru: That thumbnail is like 8> and /8 D
  603. Felix not the one who sends nudes Sause: Lmao J Wrld stay be drinking shit😂
  604. Lael Hansen Toe Sucker: *Licks lips*
  605. Thai Wilson: Intimidating licking intensifies
  606. Frederik Schmelzer: *slurp slurp*
  607. High Tech: Do " why Chris Brown assaulted Rihanna "
  608. poudii's nose: Staple gun
  609. MirroredSmoke: RIP Tim Westwood my mans got left hanging
  610. King Dededinkleberg: **SLURRP**
  611. George Tuts: Damn did juice really not fist bump him? 👀
  612. daniel.: Ucantvwaitvfor the 69 one
  613. Smell Those Vibes: It was 10/10 but that outro made it even better lmao *FANKS FOR WATCHING TIM WESTWID TEEVEE*
  614. Toodles Hoe: grabs cup *SHLLLRRRRREEEEEPP*
  615. Monte NG: *_Yeah_* *Yeah* *_mmmhm, Yeah_*
  616. UNIFIR3 _: "Don't forget to scribe"
  617. prod. LXRDSCAR: Exactly why I love this channel
  618. Blarg: Quality
  619. freak yyy: Five Guys?
  620. D A N I E L A: 😏
  621. BlxzZzy-サ: Dammit juice clear your THROAT
  622. King of The Youtubes: *lucid dreams*
  624. COSMIC: *hmmm*
  625. callmeyoni: I interviewed Juice wrld on my channel. no lie. check it out! thanks :)
  626. R Deal: Why is Tim Westwood such a creep in all of these?
  627. ċoɰ: *H O O O H*
  628. Baki Hanma: *C r e e p y m a y n e*
  629. Better Than pac: Honestly....🤨 your being HAUNTED by sOmEtHiNg..... 😐
  630. M Diaz: Tim Westwood is still around??!! Dayum lmao
  631. LUIOFFICIAL: Best of Midget Wrestling link is broken please fifx
  632. Yayi 1011: ummm hi bruh ive got 4th
  633. Shariqwa Witwicky: Tim Westwood's an illuminati Lizard
  634. crusher: THE OUTRO LOL
  635. Aj Felder: Kenton Dantes I know what it means he was joking around
  636. Leon Eric: I S T I L L S E E Y O U R S H A D O W S I N M Y R O O M
  637. Johnny P.: Veridian
  638. hmm yes interesting.: Slowly but surely 😎
  639. Flex JG: He a rapper
  640. NORMAN: Your memes aren’t funny. Same shit I see everytime I tune in.
  641. tia b: i wanted to die when he slurped that drink
  642. Jawad Kabir: I wouldn’t be surprised if Tim Westwood was found trying to flirt with celebrities and rappers
  643. violishis: *SLURPS PROFUSELY*
  644. The King Of All Things 1: But did he get Lucid dreams?
  645. jayinmonochrome: if will.iam and lil uzi vert had a child
  646. Doktor Slump: *HHHMMMM YE YE HHMMM*
  647. Kevin Edwards: Juice looks like if Uzi and Ski Mask had a baby.
  648. ipey OAOE: *yeah* *yeah* *hmmpph*
  649. Anthonie Muller: 😂
  650. Ka Ka: Mmmmmmm Yeeeea Mmmmm Yeeeeaaaa
  651. Fortnite Hub: Finally
  652. Janeesha Johnson: The little lip licking sound effects OML
  653. Ontario Calvin: Why is this shit so fucking stupid hilariously funny to me though. Why?
  654. FirePhoenixGamers: God I love this channel
  655. Vlone: why do juice like that 😭
  656. young boy apple B: U are the cure to everything
  657. Jo Bih: Juice Hell
  658. What Is Real Will Prosper: *SLURRRRRRRRRRRRRRP*
  659. Rome Jackson: 😂😂weirdo shit. Rappers are so feminine now tho. But when u laying down and cant move is called "A witch riding your back" and something bad is gonna happen my grandparents are from the islands and native american my father parents Jamaican and Santee my mom parents Bahamian and Cherokee and they all had the same superstitions
  660. YOUR DAD: Hmm yaa yaa hmm yaa hmmm yaa yaaas hm ya hmm hmm hmm yaa yaa yaa hmm ya hmm ya hm ya hm ya
  661. Ainsley Harriott: I cannot change you, so I must replace you
  662. EmanBeats: blinking noise
  663. BRUCE ANDREAS: *evil laughter*
  664. nicholas adams: Lmao those acme cartoon eye blinks str8 sleep
  665. Mischa Klijn: he saw the shadows in his room
  666. Baked Benji: Why haven’t you done Young Thug, SEX, yet?
  667. LN2233: first
  668. Cristina Coban: HMM YEAH YEAH
  669. WavyGhost: Lol was waiting for your version
  670. thugginluv ': Justin Y. Bruh just let us have one video without you commenting on it. I was happy until I saw your bandwagon comment. Have a great day
  671. BNI BOI: Sound effects got me DEAD
  672. TBW Potato: Hmm yea hmm yea
  673. Vintage Conor: U like be dead? Shit I can't do it, I dont know how you can talk like an idiot.
  674. Natoxe10: Even unedited, Tim has a way of making shit uncomfortable, the original video is probably just as uncomfortable
  675. YipYip The Flying Boi: He sound like Post
  676. Daniel Gregorski: S L U U U U U U U U U U R P!!!!!
  677. X____Xavier____ X: SLURP
  678. • Bek•: Close your eyes when he says “Hmm yeah”
  679. Matthew Davis jr: Love both of u guys I mean juice WRLD
  680. Dime: Realistically...YOULL DIE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭
  681. Destroyer Mny: Hmm yeah
  682. Bryson Patterson: Kenton Dantes fuck off
  683. D Ramos: *_LikE SL U RP SL UR P_*
  684. El DEx: Much dank vs funny dank *OMG* new EPIC GAME MODE #1 IN FORTNITE
  685. The Droid: *shlurp*
  686. Ironman306 Guy: Who else clicked at 1.51
  687. Oli O: Honestly... You are being haunted by something😭
  688. SK10 Boss: 🅱ucid 🅱ream
  689. Rami: Family
  690. Mikey Belcher: Five guys
  691. FrostedRaps: Why Tim look like white drake
  692. Jonathan Cantor: You know you've made it once MuchDank makes a video about you
  693. Veridian: *Sponsored by Five Guys*
  694. Phxntom_ _: **licks**
  695. Fahad Albadri: Juice WRLD is like a mix breed of lil uzi and ski mask 😂
  696. Chef Sweaty: *BAAAAAABBBBY*
  697. Cross: Tim Westwood looks like the 40 year old virgin in the thumbnail
  698. myname isname: Yayi 1011 *3rd
  699. Jaydenisnthere: Hmm yea interesting
  700. Gojimacurus: Realistically....... *You'll DIE*
  701. Scott Reilly: Mmmm yeah mmm yeah yeah *lick lick*
  702. Hydrostatic: Did naurdwaul sue you or something?
  703. bye: Is it me or is juicewlrd the only black person without big lips?
  704. Hunter Bailey: The editing is fucking legendary
  705. Ecacile: latently satanic ...
  706. Nibba Ninja: 186 views 525 likes, mmhhh
  707. simply melody !: *slurp slurp*
  708. Chronosii: Sub for sube comment done!
  709. Renegade: Miss me with that gay shit You could of just said they look related
  710. ComodoGames: SLURPING
  711. Mohamed Hashi: *SLURPING INTENSIFIES*
  712. Void HeX: Penis
  714. SNGaming: Lick slurp
  715. Nicky BajzaTvReact: 😂😂😂😂😂
  716. Sean Hampton: *lick*
  717. Teddie Ava: This the best Asmr I seen so far
  718. Uncle Russell: mmmmm *Y E A H .*
  719. Fry Lock: I ain’t gay But *JUICE LOOKING LIKE A SNACK*
  720. Marcel Gardner: I don't know any of these people and I think I'm better for it.
  721. agressive: *THANKS FOR WATCHING TIM WESTWOOD TV!!!!!!!!!!!!*
  722. Pulse_Flow: I fucking love juice , I fucking love muchdank. This is great
  723. Mr Noxyy: Yeah right
  724. MusicValency: Where my *STAPLEGUN* nibbas at?
  725. Nunu oaki: *hooo*
  726. superprecious andwholesum: MMMMMMMMMMMMM
  727. costa Ricardo: Honestly.. You’re being haunted by something
  728. Nicholas Uriarte: Y u did that.
  729. VALMER LYNN: *Slurppppppppppppp*
  730. Vbucc 12: Editing On Point
  731. Notgood10: THE ENDING 😂
  732. Introvert Outside: is Tim gay or something cah he seems bare awkward around guys.. especially black guys
  733. chad maxwell: Lmao I always stumble upon these on my feed. Never disappointed 😂
  734. Jorja Manuel: oh wow that’s sad
  735. 2tone 2x: 🤦🏽‍♂️😂
  736. What is this?: These thumbnails keep getting better and better each time
  737. Bobby Lee: best vids on the net
  738. diss e: Uhhhh lalsks
  739. blank: *Incomming internet trolls*
  740. satan: *drinks lucid dreams*
  741. tabz47: That interview was too deep, mhhh ahh wow
  742. Bobby Weenies: that soda must be really good
  743. Dwayne The Croc Johnson: I need some joe budden in my life rn
  744. LIL FANG: juice world the fucking demon sorcerer
  745. iGxCarnage: Lmfaoooo hahahahahhah
  746. I HAVE REACH: Honestly you're being haunted by something.... SILENCE intensifies
  747. Robert Yoshida: Hes sucking off 5 guys
  748. Brodi 22: That ending had me done! 😂😂😂
  749. Brielle Mercedes: He’s my love 🖤
  751. Dylan Jordan: I hope no one ever judges British people based on Tim Westwood, we all think he’s fucking weirdo too
  752. Gooey_ Goodra: Wheres DAT?
  753. Lxve: Feel loved and hated and the same time 🖤
  754. Stinkah Bell: the ending hahah
  756. Bon3 Productions: Bro these things take for damn ever to make
  757. Strong Beatle: *YO FAM ILY* , **LICKS LIPS**
  758. VALMER LYNN: Midgets. im not clicking that 😅
  759. Cat Blush: *realistically, you'll die*
  760. WYLIE: New Music on my channel. Go listen!
  761. Rhuda Brayner: I don't think he even edited this one
  762. Moedabro 22 AKA Moises Morales: This like ytp
  763. CreedHitEmUp: Hmmm, Y E A A A
  765. DEVANSH SHARMA: Juicwrld Family family
  766. Jay: @Phoenix Griffith-Elliott Bake Bss Bloods CUH
  767. Un gatito: Second
  768. LuEEs: I love all your interview edits they ACTUALLY make me laugh
  769. Hot Dog: Weakest one yet
  770. Alex Bellamy: Your Tim Westwood edits are always the best lmao
  771. Anto 7: This is your best video yet 😂😂
  772. Eli w: *S L U R P S*
  773. beatsbyslipz: 420th comment. smd
  774. Joseph: Is like a fake tentacion or lil pump .
  775. Maddie Mansell: Tim Westwood is the new Michael Rosen
  776. Spy Ware に: Lucid
  777. Nehji: His girl is eating her nails out
  778. Harley Davidson: Lhh
  779. FloEazii: Football's coming home
  780. Trunks: 👁👅👁 MM, YEAH
  781. Lil Monk E: That slurp sound is just 👌🏽
  782. TheCosmicLad: All jokes aside his freestyles were quite fire
  783. Xhair: hmm.
  784. MJ Applehead gang: WHERE MY MICHEAL JACKSON MEMES AT>??
  785. Naseem328: The Lip licking sounds kill me everytime.... I'm done bro! Hahahahahaha
  786. Royal: hmm yes interesting. Oh shit you’re finally back to commenting on every video ?
  787. gbln_38: Why does it seem like Westwood wants to bang everyone he interviews??? Dude is a weirdo
  788. Paulinho JC: *mega sip*
  789. Im Just A Kid With A Dream: Parker Filmz u not die r u stap say dat
  790. SpaceTrash: This should be an ASMR video
  791. Vcvcvcvcvccvcvv Vcv: The fuck was the ending! YEAH YEAH HUMM HMMM HM
  792. XxCOOKEExxMONSTARxX: lowkey we're all being haunted by something ..👀👀👀
  795. друг: *_REALISTICALLY, YOU'LL DIE_*
  796. JDM Viking: Juice wrld looks like lil uzi from a different dimension
  797. Jack Reid: His 1 hour freestyle tho
  798. hi buddy waz sup: Tim Westwood is a fucking wigger
  799. luke shen: dank wrld gets danked out by much dankwood
  800. TechNorms: *S.U.C.C INTENSIFIES*
  801. Bruce Wayne: Much Dank's edits are ahead of its time
  802. Beast Bro: second
  803. i_don_ da_kill_xX: Do y’all mind checking out my YouTube channel it would be much appreciated 🤟 And oh yeah I forgot to mention I just started so be the first to subscribe 😌
  804. nick martorana: 12 views 53 likes?
  805. American Music Artist: *SLURRRRRRP SLURRRRRPPPP*
  806. Yayi 1011: First again
  807. Kenton Dantes: winter wow dude congratulations bro did she get pregnant
  808. Left Nipple: *smacks lips*
  809. Bigsus: *hmmmmm yeeeeah*
  810. SuburbanWill: Googles how to make bold text in youtube comments
  811. Maddi Taylor: the fkn noises KILL ME LMFAOO
  812. Ary'ana Munson: Tim I’m the thumbnail thoooo 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  813. Doritos Locos Tacos from taco bell: Is this lilBored alt account?
  814. D'Jay Hayes: Whoosh!
  815. Janin: You need to have a second channel for these outro bass boost songs, I love the bass boost distortion so much
  816. Roger Wayne: Damn you must have nearly enough subscribers to quit your day time job. You grew pretty quickly man.
  817. GoBoyZ: Like Abstract art Sluuurp intensifies
  818. chilluminati: I've seen so many interviews lately that had MUCHDANK written all over it.
  819. Edward Asare: did lil uzi vert get taller?
  820. pepee15hunnid: *HMMMMM YEAHH*
  821. Jescide: *👅👄💦*
  822. Justin K: That JuiceWRLD song is actually heat though I can’t even lie
  823. Seppuku: even though it's edited, Westwood is actually less uncomfortable in this vid than he is irl
  824. BPina17: Why his ears so small
  825. HuskeGamer456: yo
  826. emery carlson: Hmmmmmmmmmyea
  827. BRUCE ANDREAS: Honestly? You bein haunted by somethin. Realistically? You'll die
  828. Sevis: S L U R P
  829. AT-V R O: Yeahhhh hmmmmm
  830. Constance Dumpson: when he was drinking and nothing was in the cup....sksksk it got louder
  831. Caesar Gamarra: the ending lmfaooo
  832. Denis Po horc: Hmmmm.... Can i get with yall?? That shit aint funny ahahah but it kindof is...
  833. Mike Ung: these girls are all the same
  834. Anya LeBron: Veridian asmr 😂
  835. bröther of YouTube: *mm, yeah.*
  836. Taino Lolino: emo ass nibba 🌈
  837. Eric Wright: Can you imagine if Much Dank did a Vsauce vide
  838. ċoɰ: JW is basically over here like: Please get away from me this was a horrible interview and you are are awkward please stop this is over Im done nope nah Boi bye no no no can I go yet I'm scared mom pls help me from this man I am startled and unsettled please- oh we're done?
  839. Darius Joseph: oh no they got my boy😭😂😂
  840. Charles Sigwalt: I fucking love Suboxone
  841. Emily Is Green: i swear to god, finding this youtube channel has DRASTICALLY improved the quality of my life 😩😂 🙌
  842. Tide Pods: Who else just stays on youtube waiting for interviews for much dank to parody and waiting for his vids
  843. Cirrus Wisples: I feel like these videos can count as both cringe and asmr
  844. m i t s u: HMMM
  845. EnBee 36: You gotta do a ybn cordae interview
  846. Flex JG: Watch flex JG
  847. nevaeh mease: 😂😂😂😂😂
  848. American Music Artist: I don’t understand the juice wrld and uzi comparisons
  849. TE 23: Juice came thru drippin
  851. Just Marvin: Yeah yeah
  852. ChooseFreshAtSubway: Mmm yeahh mmm
  853. Ali Soltani: You content getting better and better🔥
  854. kobe bryant: Lakers 2018-2019 Champs Road to 82-0
  855. 1nfinity: LLMFAO
  856. GAZÉ []: Is he slurping tf out of that drink or is he hitting a bong? GODAMN!!
  857. EggsEggsEggsLasagna: Fist pump x1000
  858. SweatyLavish: much dank face reveal
  859. 0800: tim westwood is 60 this is abuse of the elderly
  860. Devant Smith: A whole shoutout 😴
  861. SlackerTV: *Snap* Yep. This is going in my MuchDank compilation.
  862. Dakota Sykes: When Tana's icon popped up I died
  863. A.J. Morris: First 10 seconds hahaha
  864. Azan's Life: Lucid Dreams *WHOO*
  865. nazmo: Why does he sound exactly like xxxtentacion
  866. Supashya Roy Chowdhury: Yeah Hmm..
  867. Tzetzes: Westwood looks like Steve-O in the thumbnail
  868. hallucinogenic shroom?: *mouth noises*
  869. Dan Jones: I don’t even watch the original interviews, these are way more entertaining.
  870. Blacky taz: love liquid wet dreams
  871. Sabrina Neely: the ending
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Juice WRLD Gets CREEPED OUT by Tim Westwood

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Entertainment Lucid Dreams Upload TimePublished on 4 Jul 2018

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