MuchDank Eminem spits 50 Cent verse but everytime he says picture the picture gets worse - Starz launches

Saturday, March 9, 2019

MuchDank Eminem spits 50 Cent verse but everytime he says picture the picture gets worse

  1. Chief: What effect did he use to make the video get worse?
  2. Renne Shady Statham: oooohh fock kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  3. Jhonny Vieira: Hahahahhah
  4. Troy Mcdivitt: That verse sucks
  5. awful erik: love your channel bra
  6. Naz™: That last clap had me rolling 😂😂😂😂
  7. Seth Blizzowen: Why does Eminem look like he's not tryin to laugh?
  8. Asphalt: he's just saying happy birthday to his nigga doe
  9. Work 100%: The last one 😂😂😂😂
  10. Big Smoke: rofl
  11. JustinBust: haha nice vid bro
  12. shift evaluate: Oh thx let me grab my chromosomes thx
  13. Spider-Man The Crip: Pitcha
  14. kyle G: what is thisbsong
  15. OVREZ: Sounds like kendrick
  16. Aaqi Mo: Who's here from CashNastys stream?😂😂
  17. Sashow: my favorite part was wen he sed picture
  19. shady sick: it's so funny😂😂😂
  20. tricky: oh my god i havent laughed this hard at a video in a long time IM SO DEAD BRUH
  21. Juliette Aguirre: Dankiest
  22. WarraKaz: HA!
  23. nxthn istrash: pictah mewhen I shit
  24. Who Dat B: 'Lol' btw
  25. Tochukwu Udu: Funniest muchdank video ever 😂😁
  26. ass eater 2000: *SLAP*
  27. ìkkí: Eminem ? 💩
  28. Slim Shady: I'M DEAAAAD 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  29. Ron Perlmans Fat Dick: on god you on of the best channels on yt
  30. calvin.: I'm the man in the place. Punch you in the face. Gun in my waist. OG LOC BABY
  31. Lucky Day: "So that made me want to start clapping..." Lol
  32. Lutfi Hasani: That was amazing edit
  33. Original Account: aiden pearce puttin in work
  34. Adem Music: Yemu Ohhh kys
  35. PhsyconiK: The clapping is the best
  36. Franky Joee: *clap*
  37. Mason RobertsTV: That's eminem now? Wow
  38. Travis Jones: l started laughing really hard at the ending when he clapped his hands together really loud...for some reason that was just so funny to me...and Eminem looks cool with the beard.
  39. Daniel hall: best 50 verse ever
  40. RAISED BY WOLVES: Clap God
  41. GREATLORDWHITE: those fist clenchs the beef is still going
  42. Dumb Children 21: Lansioahskaiwjsviwbsi too many pictures
  43. Vincent Smith: Picture me saying picture for 20 seconds
  44. CrazyAnproFilm: What’s effect is this
  45. Audio Freak: The last slap was so fucking funny Hilarious
  46. Toby: I didn't want to ever see Eminem with a beard
  47. The Killa: im dead
  48. Elijah Kimani: New rap is just a vibe. Beats are dope. Flows are catchy. It’s not deep and it’s not very lyrical and it’s not trying to be. It’s a vibe. If you don’t like it don’t listen but don’t try to compare it to something it’s not because it not like the old rap at all. But things have to change. I don’t have a problem with it. Trap is cool
  49. I'm the man: how did you do the content awareness scale effect
  51. Ermac Payne: *_P I T C H A_*
  52. Lion: Youtube Account yeah yo i like to say yo and add yo to words yo and then I am buying a yoyo...yo. what the yo you say?
  53. NiklasVFX: How do you do this meme visual distortion effect?
  54. Ivan Majić: Eminem spits 50 Cent verse but every time he says picture he claps really really loud
  55. Nig Faggo: This is indeed to clarify 50
  56. Ajay Sharma: 'Hate' is a strong word. But okay.
  57. Jesse Pinkman: Eminem died years ago
  58. Gelatinous Fury: Picture me bein a cunt that thinks that people cAre about my political views
  59. luminiscent: oh shit i have a boner
  60. ELIAS MATA: who else died at the end
  61. NateNightGaming: p i c h u r a p e f e c p i c h u r p i c h u r m e i n n a p i m p a t p i c h u r m e s t a r t i n s h i t p i c h u r m e b u s s i n m u g g a t p i c h u r p o l e e s m a h h t h e y a i n g a d d a p i c h u r u d d a t p i c h u r m e b e i n b r o k e p i c h u r m e s m o k e i n a s t a c k p i c h u r m e c o m e i n u p p i c h u r m e r i c h f r o m r a h p i c h u r m e b l o w i n u p n o w p i c h u r m e g o i n b a k t o m a h m o m m a b a s s m e n t o o l i v , s h i h , p i c h u r d a t
  62. Brinden Lutz: How did this get 1.3k likes 😂
  63. Terror Squad: This Video Is Fuck
  64. LOSTATSOL: i was waiting for that last clap lmao great
  65. YXIIU: lmaooo i died every time he punched his palm
  66. A happy Bambi: Well the sound got louder aswell so the title isnt exactly true. *Click bait scum* haha joking.
  67. Cat Lady: 😂😂😂😂I'm dead😂😂😂😂
  69. pimdubi du: i laugh
  70. Ian Steward: This is still better than the dumpster fire that is Revival.
  71. 0 . 0: *PICTURE THAT*
  72. Draconis Exi1e: *THIS 50*
  73. EagleEye: T H I S I S 5 0
  74. NJASZN: Lmao i'm so happy you added the clap at the end
  76. ItsZeo: dont make fun of my white boy
  77. Bitch Fuck Meeee: Picture that.
  78. Gent Bekteshi: Im beginning to feel like a clap god
  79. NUCES: Lmaoo
  80. Michael Roy: *S M A C K K*
  81. ReZaLuTion: I knew someone would make fun of his clap thing😂
  82. CRAZYD4VE87: Dankinem
  83. Soulbrandt: This video is still my favorite video on YouTube :,)
  84. Howard: This is clearly too much
  85. o0julek0o: It's a phrase of a figure of speech which is generally entails extreme vanity and narcissism, not a direct quote. Give me any interesting lyrics from any album past Encore. Anything actually good. Same argument against you.
  86. MMA & more highlights: clap!!
  87. BIGgrampa1: PITCHER
  88. Heavens Hypebeast: THE DAMN THUMBNAIL LMAO
  89. Energ y: Last clap!! 🤣
  90. Wolfpack Q: ArnoldFTW97 *CLAP*
  91. Buer Kram: Nice one, em.
  92. nonymous: TOO MUCH DANK
  93. drumherum: This is art.
  94. Madru: whats the name of this effect? iv been searching all thru Sony vegas and i cant find It :/
  95. Clay Parker: 3 videos in...... SUBSCRIBED!!!
  96. Thegigafliga: P I C T U R E D A T
  97. Gibbypastrami: *PITCH* -a
  98. WillMac Lopez: Imagine 50 cent reacting to this video. I mean imagine it, I really want you to *pictcha dat*
  99. CPLM4TT Designs: When he slams his hands together its weak af 😂😂😂😂
  100. first name: thats not the eminem
  101. Toxin Gamer: I love Eminem tho but this was funny AF lol XD
  102. Orijuno: Pitcher
  103. *LOVESICKE*: hot ass beat CLAP
  104. manjin Esp: Why do you exist
  105. jongmagee: Holy shit... I've never seen eminem with a beard before...
  106. Crythos 么.: The picture will get worse whenever he says picture. "Picture" **Turns up audio**
  107. photostel: *WHO MADE THIS* 😂😂
  108. Aixmad: Em looks like he ate a shit sandwich and didn't wipe
  109. ginko baloba: *clap*
  110. kyle j: Nick Veneris oh my god 😂😂
  111. Zzz Ygg: Fucking idiots
  112. Shadyshadie: this is hilarious as fuck
  113. Chuck Mangione: Obviously not Eminem, Eminem can't grow facial hair
  114. 213213yoyo: Send this to 50 Cent and Eminem
  115. Abraham Cortez: Eminem with a beard? What!!!
  116. f i z z: *SMACK*
  117. TheNadroj10: True
  118. DUB visualz: Justin Gaethje why did this get 1.3k likes 😂😂😂
  119. David Samonski: I'm beginning to feel like a snac God
  120. funko reviews h: Damn millennial humor is so stupid
  121. •Limitless •: LMAO the fucking fist smack
  122. Major Suchodolski: Fakin biczes
  123. Thomas Shevlin: The claps are brilliantly​ placed bru never thought Eminem would be a meme...
  124. Vasco Perry: *clap*
  125. Lachlan7829: Is that Joey Salads?
  126. Eddiesoldspice 22: 144p for best quality
  127. Oto Kage: Picture this going Viral.
  129. Mikayla Lucas: Pitcher ? Picture? Pickle?
  130. Renux Music: *CLAP*
  131. HAh: Fuxk you
  132. Greyhound: What is that beard tho?
  133. Matt Jacobs: You don’t, know how to use, commas
  134. Gloku: PICTURE THAT! CLAPP 😂😂😂
  135. PIN_HEAD_LARRY: I was already laughing then that clap at the end just had me dead😂
  136. Name: *P I C T U R E M E B U S S I N M A G A T*
  137. Andrew Oketch: YES
  138. Granny Gamer: I've been looking for a dank meme of eminem for ages now and guess what I found This
  139. Space Cowboy: Why does he sound like Scout?
  140. the face when you gonna nut: Eminem looks weird with facial hair
  141. Hecatrice: real hardcore memers watch this in 240p
  142. Surreal Boy: Does Eminem have microcephaly?
  143. Luna: Haha the clapping 😂👏🏻
  144. Stereoraptor: what the fuck did i just watch
  145. B4shar: This is exactly what diarrhea feels like
  146. Brenden Stefanowicz: The clap at :33 had me dying
  147. Rick Tock: Never seen Eminem with a beard
  148. Vincent Smith: *picture me saying picture for 20 seconds*
  149. TheRealBeatMaster: that clap tho
  150. Gemini Thomas: Lol that is Eminem I watch This in HD the Video Was Perfectly Fine When It First Got Put Up Here if everyone know any better he or she could have Easily Downloaded this from The Internet or Anything in Edited in thats Him lol he was Recently Seen On TMZ With That Facial Hair but yeah somebody had to Download this Video In Edited in Repost on YouTube Because I watch the First Video of this in the scene was nothing like this Clear an everything till the End What People Do For Likes In Views Stop Editing Stuff In ReSharing it Dint believe Everything on Internet in Media Folks
  151. Caleb harris: +Ajay Sharma strong but fitting
  152. Armor King: Whats the name of that effect?
  153. Brandon Davis: lol
  154. Just some lemons: Picture me cuming up
  155. Cory Richard: Just content aware scale all over the place. This is how people feel ok the inside (content , you know..)
  156. I change my profile pic every time when I comment: I want some
  157. Jay Slice: The hand literally has me dying
  158. Suprax: I died at the end 😂 the last clap 😂
  159. Ghali Farouk Sekkat: I was waiting that fist sound at the end
  160. Lonely Monster: best video ever
  161. ingo gordon: T H I S 5 0
  162. kensyre: *PICTURE ME* ᵉᵃᵗᶦⁿᵍ ᵃˢˢ
  163. Meme Meme: *THIS IS 50*
  164. Justin Gaethje: LMAOOOO
  165. Patrick Santos: Clap!
  166. lil skype: THAT CLAP
  167. CountDracon: Lmfao too dank
  168. johnbazy: This video is MuchDank's "Billie Jean".
  169. LmaoRoshi: I hate you
  170. gay garfield: c l a p
  171. Waheed Shahady: At the end when he punched his palms. LMAO
  172. WiaterWiejeFest: XDDDDD
  173. ellę: i'm actually dead this is art
  174. Yahiaoui Senouci: stop hahahahahaha
  175. Emma Oof: Pitcher
  176. c̵ ̷a̴ ̷r̵ ̵l̴ ̶i̴ ̸t̵ ̷o̵: I'm fucking crying lmao
  177. dunkaccino: Picture
  178. Nxmi: *C L A P*
  179. Yvng Codeine: LedomStyle FR FR
  180. SirCornFlakes: 8k like
  181. Unknown: Bro these shits is guts lmao subscribed
  182. Ruben Ferreira: *PITCHA THA* *C L A P*
  183. Mort3 Official: 50, why?
  184. Shikukanokushi 死: ¶1¢tuR3 me no doing this correctly
  185. Scotty Pope: This my favorite channel this shit fuckin funny
  186. LA Confidential: So happy this is a meme
  187. OVREZ: Why is he singing like Kendrick?
  188. Daniel: 0:31 jesus christ
  189. Josh Management: *LMAO*
  190. SooWavvyy: *CLAP* That always get me
  191. Jesse Femenia: The end is so funny 😂😂😂
  192. DJ Haze: Dope Redman hoodie. I bet you people don't even know who Redman is.
  193. Tokyomilk: This should be added to important videos playlist
  194. Outlaw: it sure is...
  195. patato chips: they cloned the shit out of him
  196. kimmokoolwtf: Miska Mäkinen hellou suomi how are we
  197. love potion: how the oof do people make that gay little effect right there home boy?
  198. FearDa2: * Breaths in * CLAP
  199. wild: *_P I C T U R E T H A T_*
  200. Kevin H: #notmyeminem
  201. Joonatan Kuula: This is diamond right here!
  202. DarkLightning: That smack tho😂😂😂😂
  203. Dennis: THIS 50
  204. danielle: oml i can't
  205. Get Cash: picture that😂😂😂😂
  206. Damian Vazquez: The claps in the original video made me cringe lol
  207. OutOfControl: HAHAHAAAHHA
  208. Mikhail Lyons: PICHA
  209. Prashant Vashista: Be water my friend -Bruce Lee
  210. Aaron Csoka: *ME👏ME RE👏VIEW EVERYBODY*
  211. Jackson Patenaude: *C L A P*
  212. MAX DA GOAT: HypedTrackz clap god
  213. Griffen Mackey: "Love you homie. Peace." CLAAAAAAAP
  214. Sandra Henriksson: photostel WE'RE THE ONES WHO MADE YOU
  215. TyVuittoN: And that's why he's the rap god...
  216. vulkan the: Greatest Video Ever.
  217. Brice Rathburn: the clapping was so damn funny
  218. Unspherdcomb6: Just remember kids THIS
  219. Daddy chungles: *this is 50 intensifies*
  220. Marijuana Guy: What kind of wack ass shit was that?
  221. Bon3 Productions: C L A P
  223. Vincent Smith: StudioLateNight DUUDE
  224. Chirpylamb: MMLP3
  225. Neega Broke: Pizza ? Where
  226. Ruslan Mashinov: If that's Eminem, then DAT BEARD DOE.
  227. adriel delmundo: Thought that was joey salads in the thumbnail
  228. Outlaw 2: This, is literally, genius.
  229. Mina Nasralla: damm, still the GOAT he became cooler every time
  230. High School Drop Out: this challenge actually works with " "picture" lmfao
  231. Divine Zeal: haha pure genius👍!!
  232. Mozziah: Em be looking like a Martian
  233. Drone Trucker: This ain't Eminem from detroit
  234. ALLDocks Kitten: Eminem look like kyle from American sniper
  235. tajmustdie: gud meme
  236. D00M SL4Y3R: this bothered me so much!!! Especially the hand clapping!!!
  237. phat backwood: this is quality
  238. Max: I thought that was Ethan Klein
  239. Boruto Uzumaki: This dude looks like the main character of watch dogs
  240. Hexitate: The clap sound is the icon of this channel 😂
  241. Jake Payne: I knew that last clap thing was coming
  242. Sean Conner: MUCH DANK
  243. Tha Infamous: PITCH ure
  245. Belligerent Whale: Watch it in 140p right off the bat.
  246. McFlanky: Lol
  247. Stormss: *P I C T U R E*
  248. Mr Shenanigan: The claps had me dying
  249. Minion king Aleks: Well well well if it isn't mr.Nem
  250. haha nice: nice
  251. SpikyDane: "rap is art"
  252. kamshadyify: Yo u mean
  253. Nia Parris: *C L A P* 👏🏽🙏🏽
  254. ryan wilfred: quality content.
  255. Jeramy Martinez: LMFAO that clap at the end though
  256. Neon Link: *C L A P*
  257. Wolfpack Q: *LYRICS FROM THE VIDEO*
  258. Kai Hiwatari: me too
  259. Misael Ortega: The last clap in the last second made me laugh out loud
  260. SavageKult: The thumbnail is amazing
  261. 916nando: He used the voice from 50's get rich or die trying era
  262. RahBertPat: So fucking cringey
  263. MéD: These kind of videos are getting so boring ...
  264. McFlanky: Wtf just happpened
  265. GucciLyrics019: -Wow-
  266. Arno Pisspot: Eminem is low key awkward
  267. Hexa Promos: app, bglap, cap, capp, cappe, chap, chapp, chappe, **CLAP**, crap, cscap, cw qapp, dab, dapp, fap, flap, frap, frapp, frappe, g-rap, gap, gapp, giap, grappe, hap, happ, happe, jap, kapp, kappe, klapp, klappe, knapp, knappe, krapp, lap, lapp, lappe, map, mapp, mappe, nap, napp, nappe, p-trap, pap, papp, pappe, phrap, rap, rapp, rappe, sap, sapp, schapp, schappe, schlapp, schnapp, scrap, shap, shapp, shrap, slap, slapp, snap, snapp, stapp, strap, strapp, tap, tapp, tappe, tapvr, thrap, trap, trapp, trappe, wrap, yap, yapp, zap, zapp.
  268. DaffydThaBest: the clap lol
  269. ItsHLD: *P I C T C H A T H A T*
  270. Lugit36: Angry Beavers throwback lol
  271. Jar Head: This has more views than the original xD
  272. taco: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  273. Earthman87: My IQ is extremely, almost embarrassingly, high. I’ve never actually taken an IQ test, mind you, but my educated guess is that, if I did, my score would be whatever is the highest possible. No doubt your IQ is lower than mine, but please don’t feel stupid or insecure because of this, it’s not your fault. You’re probably just born that way. And you know what? Thank your lucky stars and subpar genetic makeup that you don’t bear the burden of brilliance like I have to. Being incredibly intelligent is a curse. This is not just one of the many astute observations I have every day, by the way, it is a fact recently confirmed by science.
  274. kuebrastic: LOOOOLOLOLOL
  275. Lorena Jaimes: You have won a subscriber my dude😂
  276. Ogulcan Cura: This is what happens when u dont drop a new shit in 4 years.
  277. ALL CAPS: Damn! the alliteration, and word play is nice!!!!
  278. Soulja: This is so great
  279. DawsonCruz: thank you for this
  280. no x: Can you do the distort effect in Sony Vegas?
  281. Case Closed: he tellin ja rule he gon clap back
  282. ABK PURGAVELi: The VoiCe CraCC Ew
  283. Brendan Cardinal: Yo fifth
  284. AllaTehSnackBar: *CLAPPING INTENSIFIES*
  285. G H O S T K E Y: 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
  286. Mayuresh Joshi: That thumbnail
  287. Ryse Clip: When you put a watermark over it like you made it
  288. Dryan SM: yo fish
  289. Kekkyoku Jimoto: who dis
  290. Mason Scott: Lmfao
  291. dick whip: why are you guys talking about a fish
  292. o0julek0o: Eminem has lost it so fucking much. The genius who did the Eminem Show is long gone.
  293. Tn 24: this is 50
  294. Cody Santana: That clap at the end though LMAO
  296. Omar Hussein: Hhhhhhhhh
  297. Meme Meme: *This is 50*
  298. Alireza A.: Please do "Bitch Lasagna but everytime PewDiePie says Bitch Lasagna the picture gets worse"
  299. Your Average Crusader: I was expecting the last hand clap, thanks for delivering.
  300. Kareem Kourouma: Damn that made me cry
  301. Andrew: Remake this with some sort of audio effect. It would be so much funnier
  302. NALU Dragneel: I was hoping so damn hard I could get one more clap and I did
  303. Cruzroman Banuelos: Ima simple dude. I see slim shady, I click
  304. o0julek0o: Pre-sellout Eminem. That's who.
  305. spacecake: damn they cloned his ass lol
  306. Crazi T: THis iS 5o
  308. Paul Tandy:
  309. MonsterKat: Why would Eminem think that squeaky voice would be a good idea...
  310. Wahmen respector: THE FUCKING CLAP
  311. TRDogukan61: I love how he kept getting louder XD
  312. JUSES CHIRST: someone needs to edit that clap sound over a porn
  313. ᴠɪ: tHiS iS 5O
  314. God: this video and comment section cured my cancer
  315. kastard: YXIIU l
  316. Alexandre Medeiros: *This is 50 logo slowly dominates the screen*
  317. Ronin: Those slaps are fucking deadly
  318. Mo Kamal: yo fif
  319. FlexFlinstonedTM: 🔥😂😂😂 aaw man i'm dying way too much lately
  320. Bee Smokes: Takes deep breath Slaps hands haha 😂
  321. ElMO Ramirez: Garima you ugly
  322. The Supreme Meme: The "This is 50" icon in the corner progressively getting bigger is the most hilarious part of this video for me. Way underrated in these comments.
  323. Abigail Oøf: *C L A P*
  324. xMontorix: Those fu**ng claps!!
  325. Rubber: is this where encore came from?
  326. Nathannn B: did i hear a cat dying?
  327. elijah-: "have a great day guys!" -2 likes "LMAOOOO" -1.4k likes
  328. {Nerdy Slim}: PICTUH
  329. Isaac Badell-Riviere: Why he wanna stop rapping from that tho?
  330. Javi del Val: That clap for fuck sake LMFAO
  331. Tashi Lyrics: Haaaa the clap sounds like feet slap
  332. HoWdY: Puncha
  333. JTH2: xD
  334. Nekit The Slayer: Picture gets better*
  335. Joseph Harding: *CLAPS* so yeah that made me wanna quit rapping.
  336. Brandy Henry: this shit made me laugh so hard, goddamn
  337. vittu mitä paskaa: Eminem should make song named imma clap my hands
  338. BAV 16: I can see this get 1 mil
  339. amnesia: DADDY What kind of drugs are you on?
  340. Kai Hiwatari: no shit dawg
  341. i love dishwashers: *_C l A p_*
  342. Mauro Franco: Wait since when he has a beard?
  343. kolby〜: *_T H I S I S 5 0_*
  344. Project X72: this is gold
  345. GamingPsycho: *P I C T U R E T H A T*
  346. Chris Kogos: Still my favorite video of yours ❤ *CLAP*
  347. Jacob Chanko: *voice crack* *fucked up face* PICKCHA THAT
  348. 𝘒𝘦𝘭𝘴: PICTCHA
  349. Lxrd.Filth: Bruh your vids are to funny 😂😂😂😂😂
  350. Joe Snyder: I never knew clapping could make me spit water all over the place from trying to hold back the laughter.
  351. First Name Last Name: sounds like Kendrick
  352. User User: pitshure!
  353. Kano IX: o0julek0o So the typical white approach is rapping about fucking babies and throwing your girls corpse off a bridge? I swear white people get on my nerves. And since your white ass can't understand English he was quoting an excerpt from a 50 cent song.
  354. Bat Man: God I fucking hate how Eminem tries to speak in a black accent even in his old age.
  355. HDZ: All I heard eventually was an ear rape PITCHER
  356. RTV SKRT: Fuck Trans speed up nigga
  357. Lizardouz: Noice
  358. Spoods75: 0:44
  359. Austin Facchin: whats do u use to edit the picture and sound?
  360. Omar Thabit: I died at the last clap
  361. Corey Brass: y'all are retarded he's rapping like that BC that's how fifty rapped it smh this is why I hate society BC y'all a bunch of retards
  362. Grumpy One: BARON FUCKING BLADE u know what, actually keep it lol
  363. Gabriele Garcia: THIS VIDEO MADE MY WHOLE DAY
  364. The0ddPoint: The clap 😂
  365. chungus: *PICTURE THAT*
  366. Mya Hoeft: p i c h a d a t
  367. Lil Pump: pictra
  368. chilluminati: DANK
  369. Gingerbread Man: Watch this every night before bed.
  371. yt guard: ahh good i thought i was the only one who noticed those claps
  372. Thirty 40: why do I keep watching this
  373. Im Funna Nut: Voicecrack
  374. K N S H I PRODUCTION: clap
  375. nader Ghanem: Hahahhah
  376. o0julek0o: What I mean, is that Eminem sold out; massively. He used to make original songs, and these days it's the typical black approach of "look at all of my bitches n hoes n cars n cash". It's cringy. To me he died after 'Encore', his last good album. The rest are products.
  377. Ceeri: The claps omfg😂😂😂😂
  378. InFenTeX: I wanted that clap at the end AND I GOT IT xD
  379. Gary Walrus: uploaded on my birthday kek
  380. crazy john: does Eminem ever smile
  381. BballNintendo3: BAHAHAHAHAHA the thumbail
  382. Lemi Kadriaj: PIKCHE
  383. Papa John: *S M A C K*
  384. Itsme: *THIS IS 50*
  385. Adrian JSon: "PICTURE THAT!!" 😂😂😂😂😂
  386. Lord Casper: you are legendary much dank
  387. Potato Bag: is that the sound he made in the baby-hallie-making processes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  388. ElMO Ramirez: Garima u sexy
  389. Venti: such a beard
  390. YeezysMiggz: mom's spaghetti
  391. your dad: Alternate title: Dinosaur desperately clings to fame
  392. money way: This Is dank
  393. Specific Kidd: I've never laughed so hard at a fucking video
  394. Majin n: lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo im on acid this is sooo funny
  395. Mohammed Hachami: Im literally crying rn bruh thank you for posting this omg LMAOOOOO
  396. Doggo: Picture me not sounding like a 13 year old constantly voice cracking
  397. KiiD Neptoon: This nigga said yeah but that made me wanna stop rapping for a long time
  398. Latettaja: Stt_ Gaming That was a joke
  399. IlI: *B R E A T H E D*
  400. Geno Felino: We're supposed to have flying cars by now but we get this.....ok
  401. Goĸυ вʟacĸ l̸: 0:43
  402. kayla osborne: *PITCHA*
  403. KingMoe: P I C T U R E
  404. FodaA: ~picture~
  405. Poornapragna Vadiraj: That last clap was the funniest xD
  406. Arno Pisspot: This video made me subscribe
  407. V H S Master Chef: Too bad revival was such a huge pile of shit
  408. Damager Z_X: xD😨😨😊😊😊
  409. Kya: the clap at the end always gets me
  410. The Names Sandy: Song?
  411. Juliis Productions: * C L A P *
  412. Bryce Shawgo: Damn Em is not the right guy to do a 50 song cover
  413. Kevin Becerra: *CLAP*
  414. Connor Projects: HAHAHH finallly an actual original funny meme, i thought i was the only one who notice the high pitched "Picture" hhah lmao.
  415. DUB visualz: 🤔He probably liked his own comment
  416. Uncle Bob: I'm offended😂
  417. Alex Achraf: Best eminem meme hajqvtbhju
  418. Michelin Man: Nearly half a million views *8k subs* show this man some love 😂
  419. Hermetic Dragon X: Pitcher NOUN a large jug. synonyms: jug · ewer · jar · crock · creamer · jorumbroken pottery crushed and reused. the modified leaf of a pitcher plant.
  420. Alexciting Productions: (Slams fist in hands)
  421. Litty Simmy: That last clap never gets old
  422. Odin: :DDDDDDDDDD
  423. madison binkley: how to make the quality like this it’s so funny
  424. MVPOnDemand: The video shouldn't distort at all, he's obviously saying pitcher, not picture.
  425. l'hommeauxrats: the clap is the reason I died
  426. lynn: ew
  427. Issa MikE: How did this comment get 8k likes df
  428. 〇殺人光線: *PI* cha
  429. Verča okurka: Best parody ever this is best video ever So funny 😂😂😂and he hand so funny too top video
  430. Bobby Thomas: THIS IS 50
  431. Pause!!!!!: that's not the real slim
  432. v. giovannii: Damn this the next GUCCI GANG
  433. Tina H Reeves: Will the real slim shady please stand up
  434. Marker: Tucker H "Mumble rap is good, Im also a mouth breather and like to smell my own armpits" Fixed your comment
  435. XWITHTHECHEX 7ALLDAY: I replayed this over 50 to 60 times tops! This shit is funny!!! Lol
  436. The End: These types of videos are usually not funny but this made me laugh my fucking ass off.
  437. kito: picture this video blowin up
  438. Sliiim Cridder: The fist smack 😂😂
  439. Peace: ??
  440. KLiMAX KiD: *T H I S I S 5 0*
  441. Slim Shady: First Eminem meme ever
  442. BFC Fan: ITS CALLED "Content Aware Scale"
  443. Sad Avocado: Man sometimes I get so high I don't remember to like your vids
  444. Nick Veneris: Lol the clap god
  445. pringle: oh my god I'm fucking dead, btw that's not Eminem I SWEAR
  446. Mr Beast: 1 million
  447. Ash The Geek: Who ripped out his balls
  448. Avxnt: *T H I S I S 5 0*
  449. Journey awaits: When did Enema become a neck beard ?
  450. João Ryan: PROSKPOOP deve ter.adorado esse.VÍDEO
  451. Ian Steward: You wanna keep saying he's the rap god after the pile of hot ass he just dropped, HypedTrackz?
  452. Saucede: tricky yeah same my dude. God i laughed so hard
  453. xCoreh: THIS IS 50
  454. EisenbergFlavour: what did I just watch
  455. CVSR: Why is this funny
  456. super mega memes: what the shit fuck
  457. propheticalmusic: yeur memmy gey feur riel
  458. Gshift: Clapping causes me a great deal of anxiety now.
  459. Leezy: 0:32 your welcomes 😂😂
  460. A M: *ass clapper
  461. Ethan Long: Here he is know as the king of hip hop lol I was legit dying Haha haha haha! 😂😂 No disrespect though.
  462. Ozolinsh V.: I had this kind of shit on acid.
  463. kumizora: *clap*
  464. Plamen 21 Stanislavov: Thank you Man God Bles you
  465. SirHellaDope: This shouldn't be this funny 😂😂
  466. Muhammad Bishr: Watching this in 144p; what a perfect -mixture- Picture!
  467. DK Legend: Lmfao
  468. Will Pike: I am so fucking happy this was made
  469. Nevaeh Hammond: OAMAJSNXUJAKWKW
  470. FatGuyMichael: PICture
  471. RacBac2025: This is already a meme
  472. Rocky del Prado: Fucking love this. Reminds me of CowChop.
  473. PINK SALT: pitcha me fucking ya ass
  474. If you disagree with me you're a casual: Hu5 _ lmao indeed. what a story, incredible.
  475. ash ketchum: Mumble rap specifically not all new rap.
  476. I Can't Think Of A Good Name: Brendan Mcleod nigres r to blak
  477. Brendan Mcleod: Bcuhvhu huuh yer u fuckin nigr
  478. Sean-Micheal Butler: The Greatest rapper of all time
  480. President Santana: This is so retarded.
  481. smoke side god: 👏
  482. Q.Z. Raw: Lol you can't be serious this boy is childish hahaha
  483. Yemu Ohhh: Not funny
  484. Ruby Da Cherry: that clap😂😭im dying
  485. You Forget A 1000 Things A Day: The thumbnail looks like Jim Carey.
  486. Rick Sanchez: This video is gold
  487. zack moon: yo wtf xD
  488. Striyd: :( made me sad y
  489. 10k subs no videos Challenge: The future host of ridiculousness
  491. Wolf Haley: Sergi Pinkman fuck u xxd
  493. hey john: this is just like Minecraft
  494. Cem B: Why Is this in my recommended??
  495. Cristian Siica: why this made him quit wtf?
  496. mr. grungy: that's good dude i laughed deep in my soul
  497. TIm Tran: My dog got scared
  498. drew osamu: this guy is just alive now. just existing, growing his beard, getting a bit fatter. doing other rappers verses. does he really need to still be visible.on public? he's not the same rapper he was.
  499. Gamer Guy: *PICTURE*
  500. FearDa2: The claps were hella funny but when his voice kept getting higher that's when I lost it
  501. Lamby Corn: Places to go- 50 cent, minute 2:06
  502. No Namey Boi: wow this is a meme now
  503. Fenyr: Could you do this but everytime he says picture the bass increases by a lot
  504. Sunny: THIS IS 50
  505. SWSW: Its funny there wasnt one photo taking of em with a beard until now, looks good.
  506. Marshall Mathers: That ending clapping tho 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  507. AstronomicFilth: I'm dying... literally... call 911
  508. MonsterKat: tricky yeah when he started squeaking and the video distorted I lost it
  509. BƎИ THƎ DЯAGОИ: RaP gOd
  510. CaeFur!: Wisdom
  512. Snails40: piture?
  513. Mongol Steve: *P I C T C H A*
  514. Who Dat B: They are claps niggie
  515. hd camera: *HAPPY BIRTHDAY* **CLAP**
  516. Andro K: 1997: in 20 years we will have flying cars *2017:*
  517. I'm David Hasselhoff: C L A P
  518. Louisdidnothingwrong: *slams fist*
  519. DamienGhast_ Morales: damn he old af now
  520. Dylan Donut: *THIS IS 50*
  521. Silver Shitposts: thats the power of memes
  522. Aftermath: CALP
  523. Sandra Henriksson: I'm so happy YouTube recommended this for me 😂😂
  524. B4shar: Whats this effect called and how do i make one for myself? 😂
  525. Stupid Goof: *Pitcha That*
  526. Vincent Smith: StudioLateNight get high babyy
  527. carlosloco67: Yoo fife
  528. Alex Duni: *P I 🅱 T U R E*
  529. cløut4LIFE: yes that is emienem idiots
  530. mmaXmathers Youtube: that not eminem thats white 50 cent growing a beard
  531. Dolan Dank The Cocaine Hank: *Picture my Picture Of a Picture of my Pictures Picture of moms speghetti belly full hot the Tupperware to save a nickleback aye look at this photograph*
  532. Shadowy Secrets: No
  533. ManBearPig YT: MIND FUCKED.......
  534. DariusAmir: Audio Freak | I didn't laugh until that happened 😂
  535. Lil murda: this shit gold
  536. ajet ferizi: 😂😂
  537. Power Hog: this is so fucking funny HHAHAA
  538. starving kid from africa: PICTURRREERERREEE. eminem has turned into a 9 yr old squeaker
  539. sxnx_.: THIS is 5
  540. Memphis. Methods: way too hgh for this
  541. Prayers: I cried
  542. The Mood: Eminem is shady.
  543. akram zichi: im dyyyyyyyyinnngggg
  544. Josiah Romero: The world's fastest clapper sings and shares his feelings about the time 50 cent almost made him give up over a lyrical verse
  545. Wallaby: This is the vid that made me sub
  546. Jay Spoolin: Everytime the camera zooms in on the hands I loose my shit💀💀💀💀
  547. Youtube Account: this is hilarious yo.
  548. zakan: I watch this video at least once a day
  549. Ross kemp: The original made me cringe
  550. Adam De Sousa: Eminautism
  551. Flojd_57: I was waiting for that last clap
  552. Brandoz C: Now that was jokes.
  553. DaBeatSpecialist: LMAO wtf is this
  554. El Taco Mex: Reptilian Confirmed
  555. Ahmyri Thomas: *BUSTIN MY GAG*
  556. James Morris: LMFAO
  557. Nathan Shlapobersky: eb man rip
  558. Spdrman 616: P I C T U R E
  559. Vincent Smith: Joshua Weiland ayyye nice picture of my guy earl sweatshirt
  560. Weegee-Nator: tHIS IS *50*
  561. KamboSliCe TV: *hand slaps*
  562. Xio: Picture me with my *S T A P L E G U N*
  563. - INSOMBIYAKK -: yo best thing ever. maybe I'm to high wtf...
  564. GOLD: Put this in 2x 😂😂
  565. Death Rager: eminem, 50 cent, busta rhymes, g unit and d12 couldnt even beat ja rule. eminem is overrated dude. so is 50. plus, when they couldnt beat ja rule, they called the feds on murda inc and ja rule and irv gotti went to jail. what rapper calls the fucking feds dude? oh yea, the 5-0 central station kind. lol
  566. Lobeen: content awareness i think
  567. Bruce Artero: That's not Eminem. Eminem doesn't grow beards.
  568. SY808: What program is used to make these?? Like what's this type of distortion called??
  569. Steven Cats: This video is retarded
  570. Nicholas Reiger: Pitcher
  571. Zyne Wave: Bloody amazing.
  572. Mohammed Yousef: P I C T U R E T H A T
  573. GravityZero: ejeldkoror
  574. Fatts0h: I respect em for saying that he blew down on him for tainting rap.
  575. Garfunkker 111: Now i kno' EM is the RedMan's Stan....
  576. Wolf Haley: Sergi Pinkman it's clap not hand you fucking retard
  577. Dawn Loki: Lmao Eminem is the man
  578. El Blvck Lobo: That slap tho 😂😂😂😂
  579. Darth Troller: I'm beginning to feel like a clap god clap god *[insert the lyrics]* clapping comin now in super sonic speed *starts clapping faster than I can and you should know I clap super fast*
  580. OH HELL YA ITS JAIDEN Espejo: Lol isn't he like 60 😂😂
  581. BusyBeeTV: click bait u said the picture gets worse not the audio
  582. SeanJunior TV: When all of your homies have snapple bottles and they all open them
  583. TheScopeo: Hey guys whats uFIST
  584. Hookinai: Pitch *clap*
  585. hd camera: clap
  586. Greg Coyle: "G G G G-UNIT" "G G G G G GET YO ASS IN THE CAR"
  587. Ron Yuma: more of these strange videos
  588. Nathan Shlapobersky: ayo 9inetre Umm no?
  589. Julius The Camera Man: *C L A P*
  590. Kiann Rodrick: I want the old Eminem back. Not this bullshit.
  591. Emerald: First MuchDank video I watched, I’m glad I became a fan
  592. SEVENS: I've never seen Eminem with a beard
  593. Tommy Lee Jones: I was waiting for that last clap. I’m so glad it came
  594. Matthew Torres: I'm not even subscribed but okay notification
  595. THELennyface_ SHARES: C L A P P I N G. S O U N D
  596. Bobble HatGaming: theory: eminen is a 21st century coke snorting gollum
  597. Enoch L: Happy birthday 50!
  598. Miska Mäkinen: kimmokoolwtf mämmi
  599. Chirpylamb: * claps *
  600. Sanjit Saroya: What the fuck why is this so funny. I'm watching this before a meeting lmao
  601. TRD553: Hahaa the clap always get me 😂😂
  602. tuerry: in retrospect I kinda wish he did stop rapping
  603. The Recovery: HAHAHAHAH
  604. BWFPlaysClassics: *C* *L* *A* *P*
  605. morgan freeman: *SMACK*
  606. REALAmERicANTigER: Git da strap
  607. Face: Anyone know how these memes are made? I see them around every where (the distorted thing) but don't know how to create them anyone know??
  608. Armor King: Siica because of his look. Didn't you watch the vid
  609. Dark Void: could this be god himself?
  610. SR. Cogollo: 😂😂😂😂😂
  611. Ezra Anderson: PICTURE THAT 👏
  612. Jordanian Arabian PRINCE: speggite
  613. Raven: *PICTURE DAT*
  614. Muhammad Zaky: man fuuckk yo
  615. kylie A.R.M.Y: When I first pressed on this I did not know that this one Eminem and I got scared because I thought I got trolled but then I just realized he just had a beard 😂
  616. Eric and Dylan's Legacy: P
  617. Jai Vaja: Gr8 M3m3$ :3
  618. noah thompson: make rap god but everytime he says rap god replace rap with an ear rape clap
  619. Azu Mae: pitcha me selling crack
  620. joshuafromde: The last clap had me dead bro
  621. GD Aehzo: Piture
  622. Dorian Van Dalen: Why they do Eminem like that
  623. Eye Closed: The *CLAPS* cleared my acne.
  624. Мистер Клин: thats not eminem wtf
  625. Matract Gaming: Back when muchdank was at it's prime ahhh
  626. Some Dead Meme: That fuckin' beard.
  627. gnua: crackhead
  628. T Hunter: That Clap tho 😂😂😂😂😂
  629. CaptainZarko: weri fun femili frendli viduo thenkz
  630. Morphing Void: NOOOOO Not Eminem!! Fuck you internet lol😂😂😂😂
  631. oueslati moez: I came here after le MGK em beef
  632. ArnoldFTW97: vesu fixed LMAO butt slaps haha
  633. killhaylee: Deff my favorite youtube channel. I laugh before the video even starts from the thumbnails😭😭
  634. Jacopo Spina: can you please overdrive the clap, i cant hear it!
  635. El vicho: That beard xdddddd
  636. savoy: 00:39 that loud punch I can't stop laughing
  637. Emin X: Ohhh would you picture that... (Haha get it? He says picture?) Okay I will shut up.
  638. ProGamer: Put the video on 144p THANK me later
  639. ShaversianPS4: *pictcha me blowing a stack*
  640. Emilio Curbelo: Hahah was I the only one getting into it as the picture was getting worse
  641. Grander tv: fuck you Eminem is the best 📣
  642. Michael Myers: how dare you do this to the # 1 rapper in the world since 1999.
  643. The Hawk: BOYS IM HERE BEFORE IT CAME VIRAL IM CALLING IT BOYS btw i actually shit my pants laughing at this
  644. Ragnar Lothbrock: I like the part where he says ,, picture me"
  645. Idrinkgrapesoda: If Revival doesn't have any claps on it I am NOT buying it 😡
  646. Kenan Quliyev: Pece
  647. ZeRo Foxes: Dats slim shady
  648. AliAlaa12: Kyllä!
  649. Hefty Boi: the clap at the end
  650. Samson Girma: I know em is the greatest but I swear he starting to sound really weird these days when he rap like em I think it's time to retire fr calm yo bearded as down man
  651. Aaron Alexander: I come here when I'm sad
  652. ThingsWithAli: LMFAOOOOOO
  653. Christian Velez: *T H I S*
  654. CEG GHD: Eminem with beard reminds me of Konchita
  655. Shadz AJ: *PITCHA* *LOUD ASS CLAP*
  656. Ian Hughes: lol i respect Eminem but this shit funny as hell
  657. ha. hal1: David Tennant?
  658. mark vargas: Tf happened to him
  659. LJK Designs LTD: 0:12 His head instantly shortens ROFL.
  660. Joseph Nottingham: when u smoke weed on Saints Row
  661. Adam Pearson: I like his redman hoodie
  662. IAmCPK: Best Em meme lol
  663. LedomStyle: It's too late at night for me to be laughing this loud, lmaooo
  664. Tdot: Hes getting too old. he has a beard 😭
  665. The First of Us: *CLAP*
  666. Cactus Jack-Sama: Slim shady more like Salim Shady
  667. Charles Mclennan: Clap on clap off 👏👏
  668. Hit Or Miss: My recommends never fail me
  669. Sound Wave Savage: Imagine if you Didn't hit read more
  670. Kid WowZa: after all these years of me being an Eminem fan, this is the first time iv seen him with a beard lol
  671. ツBruDey: Maan i never saw my bhoy with beard oh and ye btw PITCHA ME
  672. xXDarkFox352X x: why is this a thing 😂😂😂
  673. Sad Avocado: And then I go back
  674. 100,000 subs with no videos!: love you homie, peace. *SMACK,*
  676. Herm Axel: *R A P G O D*
  677. TehWaver: This is actually the funniest shit I've seen on the internet in a long ass time
  678. Kai Hiwatari: god bless you dude
  679. The Mr. Friday Show: Goddamit when I was this I knew it was gonna be a meme
  680. CPNetherclift: 1/10 - no M&M's
  681. yee yee: *pICTUre dat*
  682. Alchemin: Since when does eminem have a beard?
  683. Dolan DeDock: Pik-cha *chong*
  685. Tez E: MORRE!
  686. Roman Arzola II: the last clap lmao
  687. OB1G: OMFG
  689. Chew Alex: wtf is this man
  690. AhoyArthur: 😂
  692. I only know: haha brockhampton hype
  693. ym1r: *SMACK*
  694. ClevelandGOAT: whoa
  695. Lovelxss: This reminds me of boiling water
  696. Liza Koshy 4 FAN: Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! CLAP!!!
  697. tychoswebwereld: Those fuckin claps man 😂
  698. Joshua Park: And this is where the claps began..
  699. slorr55: How do you distort the image like that
  700. Aragnam Krims: you gotta love adobe premiere for something
  701. Brandon Marchetti: Lmao I love Eminem, this was funny
  702. Hujars Nerup: best thing ive seen in my fucking live
  703. lil nigga: Rip Marshall
  704. Kai Hiwatari: lol picture places to go beat replaced by eminem claps shit picture that
  705. Tobi dios: i dont see any edits..
  706. Matronly •: Eminem back on them pills.
  707. NoLimitzZ: * c l a p *
  708. Slim Shady: Best 45 seconds of my life
  709. Josh: *_THIS IS 50_*
  710. Vic Cypress: Would have been funnier if you changed the *pitch* each know
  711. AUTHENTIC XO: *slams fist into palm*
  712. Professor Wumbo: This is 50
  713. Just Shift: Im beginning to feel like a clap god clap god
  714. Random Guy: lol
  716. 4FIVE HD: lol dammmm
  717. Brandon Butterfield: I'm beginning to feel like a clap god
  718. Carlos A.: First MuchDank vid I saw <3
  719. Taylor Moring: *PIC* ture a perfect picture
  721. soft lactose: suicide
  722. Joseph Negrete: Eminem looks like the character in the pawn shop from Men In Black
  723. Stt Gaming: Smurf Mayer yes it is retard he grew a beard
  724. S'il te plaît va-t'en: Qui est la grâce à POTATOZ ?
  725. FloPlayZz: can i give 2 Likes? 😂
  726. Jr. Patrón: eminem could rap anyway he wants and he'll still be GOAT
  727. Just Jim: why does he look like a homeless veteran
  728. xUnknown Artist: "lyrical"
  729. Paul Pogba: The picture was already shit before he even said picture
  730. PixelLee: omg
  731. haste: im dead
  732. Take Flight 23: Lmao who took time out of there life to make this shit
  733. jaeyde c: Silver Shitposts cum
  734. Ace: I love eminem
  735. COLD CRUST: Comment of the year award
  736. Enver Gölgeli: what's wrong with you 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  737. Ellias Garcia: Iss lit famelam🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  738. Solo in aeternum Odium: 31:00
  739. Eli H: The s!ack got me at the end! LoL
  740. Godzillarooo: Clap
  741. kennedy Walker: Clap on Clap off Damn my lights
  742. Samama 22: Justin Gaethje :::;
  743. ReZaLuTion: Thank you😂
  744. Gavin's Friend: Seek help.
  745. Mohd Zulkanien: The thumbnail.. LOL!
  746. Sake Ramic: Why is this so funny!
  747. Blizzard Snöstorm: this is 50
  748. DUSKIE STUDIOS: This video was specifically made for this meme.
  749. WalnutHead: P I T C H E R
  750. Daniel Cardozo: I put it into 144p. I cried
  751. Ettra: (Not Clickbait)
  752. KPissOutBye: *C L A P*
  753. John F. Kennedy: spoms maghetti
  754. B I G N U T T: Pitcha tha
  755. BIGGIE CHEESE: *Picture* a perfect *picture* *picture* me in a ( pin pat?) *picture* me bussin my gat *picture* police mad dang got a picture of that *picture* me being broke *picture* me smoking a stack *picture* me coming up *picture* me rich from rags *picture* me blowin up now *picture* me going back to my momma basement to live shit *PICTCHA THAT*
  756. NightmareMusiK: so funnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  757. FEEDZ: 😂
  758. KYA: W
  759. Trainwhrek: Damn thats obviously a clone.
  760. ProGamer: why is this so funny😂😂😂
  761. Joe "Complex geometric shapes" Rogan: 😂😂😂
  762. Ricky Spanish: dawg i havent smoked weed for about two months..... i ran into this video like 60 seconds ago. and i cannot stop laughing at the fist clap. im so high.
  763. Ezra Ogden: clap god
  764. Hu5 _: a a Lol im not saying that literally happened if you think im lying, my point was that Youtube recommends some dumb shit to me lmao
  765. Joseph Lares: The best part was when he said picture
  766. مرحبا少し: *PITURE*
  767. ImKGB: He did stop rapping *FOR A LONG TIME*
  768. M!racle: lit
  769. Skrappy: Every time he says picture his voice cracks
  770. Julian Plays: 0:13 it starts at 0:13
  771. ChronicLuis: THE CLAPS LMAOO
  772. Xbox assassin48: *C L A P*
  773. holy succ: 👏💥
  775. Julian Contreras: quality
  776. Art Of Pugilism: m look crazy
  777. ninjastah: DAT CLAP
  778. Issa Draco: *CLAPPPP*
  779. Eric Golden: YTS 7 who knows
  780. chicken little: Editing software
  781. Unknown Sonuc Fan im not here: I bet he gets to 978Mil
  782. Kristopher Bobak: not my eminem
  783. luka natmeladze: you are right thats not eminem he is picturenem
  784. iTz- Moneyy-_: I see you with the fisting. Chill tho shit hella loud bro.
  785. Knicely 330: the clap at the end is the best
  786. Sprite LemonLimeSoda: words cannot fathom how hard I laughed at this. I was literally sitting in my bed looking like I'm Asian having a seizure
  787. Paulo Sousa: *my god*
  788. 88' MikeTyson: what is the point of this?
  789. Eb: Eminem should shave that beard.
  792. Thatfool Forlife: LMFAO
  793. Ty J: Idk why this was so funny everytime he smacked his had was too much lmaoo i need to watch this again
  794. cluTch0: *C L A P*
  795. Jake Lewis: vesu LMFAOOOOOOOOOO
  796. ElMO Ramirez: 10k subs no videos Challenge LMFAO
  798. KFC Crispy OG: This has more views than the original video
  799. Grabster: 0:32
  800. xOliviaMaex: tricky SAME OML
  801. clamp god: THE CLAPS HAD ME DYING 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  802. Ian Moore: This verse is lowkey fire tho
  803. zar bomb: lol so retarded but great at the same time
  804. DLegitnoob The God: my ribs
  805. Ben shakes: WTF LOL
  806. The SENATE: He is EniMeme
  807. Zeref Vallister: Eminem' face on the thumbnail got me dead😂 I thought it was that hunchback from 300 Spartans😂
  808. Esketxd: Pictchaa daa
  810. Mc Nan: Why his voice keep cracking?😂😂
  811. TheUltimate Sacrifice: Just Amazing I'm dying!!!
  812. Neltron Z: CLAAAPPPPEEEDD
  813. CC: This fucking thing has more views than the original video now.
  815. Jarred Collins: ok, this made my day better
  816. Luke Refalopei: Bruhhh *clap* This *clap* video laughing *clap*...............*clap*
  817. Evil Da Vinci: Only one lmfao over the fact his head shrunk every second 😂
  818. fezabae: I'm actually dead
  819. ElMO Ramirez: Garima I was jk dude * clap*
  820. obey the walrus: I laugh to much I'm crying while I'm typing this
  821. Tarkatan: pICture
  822. Captain Hook: CLAP!!!!!!!!!!
  823. Zoz Hamd: is that really Eminem ??
  824. if God was real he'd listen to metal: wtf
  825. Mohammed Yousef: LETS DO SOME FUCKING BLOW BABY
  826. Boone: Every time he says picture, it sounds like my smoke detector is going off.
  827. DLegitnoob The God: 0:31
  828. Caleb harris: I honestly hate this dude
  829. Q̶-̶B̶e̶k̶a̶H̶E̶H̶E̶: Eminem- ''I wanna remind you of the verse you did that made me want to quit rapping'' Wow... Eminem is never that nice
  830. s s: Pitcher THAT
  831. Leven: Them KRK's in the background tho, WE OUT HERE! 🎹
  832. BanamA: *PICTURE* 🖑✊
  833. Starmade Productions: Love these claps
  834. Vilho30: Jumalaut
  835. Ahri Bop: Please, share it everywhere so Em can see it. That shit is too funny.
  836. Shwn: Sean Boyle 1 off 1k
  837. xXEatYourDogXx: I LEGIT DIED of laughter because of them claps
  838. Joseph Alberici: Stfu. Did I ask tho? No so kys
  839. Victor C: im so weakk
  840. Roy Blunt: Him clapping
  841. Lilc Carl Jr.: Ctfu😂😂😂
  842. Roach: This gave me anxiety
  843. Hullo I have a question: free tyler1
  844. A _kid: He quit rapping!
  845. despheh heh: T H I S I S 50
  846. Lucas Ferreira: maybe. lmao u ppl are insane
  847. hlua Sailo: that clap
  848. Mateo: the clap at the end had me dead
  849. chocolatewheelchair: Picture a perfect picture WOKE
  850. iloldthough: PEEkcha
  851. James Stone: why did those claps make me laugh so much my stomach hurts now
  852. Prateexit Sagar: here after mgk diss, please do something like this when eminem releases his response
  853. Moh Baker: This is just the definition of life
  854. BioSurf: The last one got me so hard.........
  856. This guy: Pitcher
  857. Lauren Jewel: i chokes on my sprite💓✨
  858. Astragen Astro: We're snapping back to reality Oh there goes gravity Mom's spaghetti
  859. JTAwesome92: I'm beginning to feel like a clap God, clap god.
  860. Toby Hammond: tricky Tomb stone 2017 -2000 and Bruh R.I.P BRUH
  861. Gabriel Wallter: Kķkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  862. BassBoostGod: LedomStyle *C L A P*
  863. Don't lie on my account again: 😡
  864. Siphon: That beard threw me off. I thought it was Shia LaBeouf.
  865. eggs tentacion: P I C T U R E
  866. Nut Master: Whaaaa is that em w a beard
  867. Sean Boyle: im beginning to feel like a -rap god- clap god
  868. Don Teven: I'm crying
  869. kolby〜: yo fif clap first off i wanna say happy birthday clap secondly i wanna remind you of the verse you did that made me wanna quit rapping CLAP PICHA A PERFECT PICHA PICHA ME IN A PIMP HAT PICHA ME STARTIN SHIT PICHA ME BUSSIN MY GAT PICHA POLICE MAD THEY AIN'T GOT A PICHA A THAT PICHA ME BEIN BROKE PICHA ME SMOKIN A STACK PICHA ME COMIN UP PICHA ME RICH FROM RAPe PICHA ME BLOWIN UP NOW PICHA ME GOIN BACK TO MY MOMMA BASEMENT TO LIVE SHIT PICHA THAT C L A P yeah so that made me wanna stop rapping for like a long time uhh C  L  A  P anyways happy birfday love u homie~ v3v (no homo) piece C   L   A   P like if u think M&M is clap god :weary: :sweat_drops: :eggplant:
  870. Willduke: The fucking claps man
  871. Bulgaria Anti-Lithifusion Party: i like how closed captions just picked up the first 3 seconds of the rap and it was like "fuck it im out"
  872. Morphing Void: Fahmy Anuar Nah man.. I had like three or four people telling me how I ruined it for everyone, so I deleted it.. You're welcome.
  873. Im2DamViciousxD: OMG, im so toned and this is soo much
  874. J C: I don't get it. 100000000 negatives going thru my head.
  875. FaZe_Spaghetti: Petition to have Eminem host meme review with this clap
  876. Bubblefor2booty: I've never seen lol used this way
  877. A can of Whoop Ass: 0:44
  878. Journey awaits: *Eminem
  879. Debate Motherfucker: That was intense
  880. Charles: Maybe it made him want too stop rapping because he can not pronounce the word picture without sounding like a demented cock sucking elf with a degenerative speech impediment who's balls havnt dropped yet on a crystal meth rampage having an epic retardation seizure resulting in copious amounts foaming at the mouth and ass whilst at a backstreet boys concert sound checked by a deaf sound engineer with a deeply rooted hatred for us able eared individuals... maybe?
  882. CubanLaPrinxess: omg
  883. Rexxo: At the very end, the very last clap, that shit had me dying so hard lmfao
  884. Flux: haha
  885. neffets kivøh: lmfao! its funny
  886. KEEP IT REAL: Sounded like shaggy
  887. Brian Griffin: Best. Thing. Ever
  888. Mya Hoeft: THE CLAPS
  889. Dr. Wiki: The claps get me everytime LMAO!
  890. Gent Bekteshi: His voice is high pitched xD
  891. Xbox assassin48: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  892. ted hallgren: everytime he slapped his hands i died
  893. usef haslem: lmfaooooo
  894. Dont Blow It Keep It Simple Count Your Money: I hope hes seen this
  895. DankMemes: This makes my day X D
  896. Vincent Andberg: sarah peros smh
  897. ImpSlayer04: *THIS IS 50*
  898. Fabiano Ravani Junior: Mom's spaghetti
  899. Faith: Is that you in the *PITCHA*
  900. Joseph Fellis: That beard is just... Damn.
  901. Celestial Being: This
  902. GD Antrogis: THIS IS 50
  903. K Rax: 0:33 R.I.P. headphone users
  904. Lost: Bruh i love this
  905. ENFORCELA11 -: Literally lmao
  906. Masked Mason: Hes old
  908. Yb Johnathan: 👏
  909. REDWINGSFAN 4613: this was fucking hilarious
  910. Nick Smith: Don't you mean it got better
  911. Pure Naw: Picture me FUCKING DYING **clap**
  912. Weezer Fanatic: C l a p g o d w a v e
  913. bornfrompain 1993: 😂💀💀💀
  914. What The Duck: Think he likes pictures
  915. air rick: em was murdered around 1998
  916. Charlie Fazzari: Holy shit that's funny
  917. Edin Keranovic: He clapped 7 times
  918. Xplicit _: 0:43 👏💯
  919. RB26DETT: 0:44 im dead 😂😂😂😂
  920. xanantonio TTV: -rap god- *clap god*
  921. Jada Jada: stupid Em
  922. Davi Sortica Giacomini: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk mds muito engraçado kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  923. Bryce West: Em looks like Aaron Kyro with a beard
  924. tranlanga mingo: its like being hi w/o drugs
  925. dat damn kez: This is 5 0
  926. HGHRCLBR: the palm punch has me dying
  927. Kevin Cho: *Clapper
  928. Madness Plays: P I C T U R E M E
  929. Roddy Evans: I wanna know how 50 feels about this.
  930. Pooman from Target: PEITCCH
  932. Black Ferdinand: THIS IS 50
  933. ElephantGodd: "Picture this in 144p"
  934. Subscribe to this channel for literally no reason: That clap though for fuck sake I'm laughing my ass off
  935. Cunty McCuntson: Picha
  936. shki musk the slohmp g0od: When they tell u to clap but u dont wanna
  937. Lance Naff: the clap at the end got me
  938. Kev Evans: don't watch this high omg this shit will kill you lol
  939. kevinnn: now picture me in the quality ever
  940. Roman Arnaut: made my life
  941. LIKE OR COMMENT: I don't think i want to picture him anymore
  942. Bobby Tarantino: *clap*
  943. ayo 9inetre: Obviously this is a eminem hater
  944. The First of Us: Bruh I’ve literally laughed at for five minutes, I couldn’t breathe after seeing this adhshdnvdjdhh
  945. slaughterhill ‍: FYE
  946. Shadyshadie: Yeah
  947. vituo thug: This clearly speaks to why , being yourself is better than imitating someone. Picture perfect In yourself.
  948. SDPuller: Title sounds like a rap lyric
  949. Rashaun Dwyer: Only real gangster listen to it on 2x speed
  950. Daniel Ruiz: Why you gotta do em like that
  951. solid - vape 5: Picture this being an actual song
  952. Kadz: How did you get the content aware scale effect?
  953. Chachi Chachi: Verse sounds wack coming from em.
  954. Walid Elsawi: noice...
  955. Fire Pit: i watch this in 144p
  956. Jeremy Barnes: What the fuck 😂
  957. setsuk4: IM CTYING
  958. TheUnderGroundEra: C L A P
  959. Jonah Hill: Clap God
  960. clamtime: I can understand all new rappers tho :/
  961. i feel sadness and pain: still not enough *C L A P S*
  962. sofdrink: FUCKING EXACTLY
  963. TyAh BoSs: Whats so funny i dont get it
  964. elite ghost: That's not Eminem that's m&m
  965. critical over: I never knew i needed this
  966. gtaguy2: *Clap intensifies*
  967. XxxSUPERBEASTxxX: I was waiting for the last slap... And once it came i was satisfied :)
  968. Fear Fear: the clap is killing me haha
  969. Aaron Csoka: *Shlym Sad I* 😢 This made me wanna end it all. Luv ya bro! Best, Feminem
  970. Patrik Oreb: i see he grew a very nice beard
  971. hamiDBandz: I hope you get cancer
  972. Edin Keranovic: I’m fucking dying 💀
  973. JEEZUS LOUIS: them CLAPS can end humanity
  974. Lowkey JDM: 0:10 he breathed just to smack his palm 😂😂😂 I almost threw up
  975. EeshanK: PITCHA
  976. Μακης Ph69: lol guys can't you see that those claps are edited? in the real video he did clap 3 times only, check his instagram
  977. Sub Samwitch: LMAO!
  978. Hayden G3: Literally the best video ever
  979. Hujars Nerup: truly iconic
  980. Jack Hibner: this is 50
  981. Heavy Hitter: EM SUPERHERO 💪 💪✌ ✌👊 👊!!!! From Your Real life Superhero From The Xtreme Justice league
  982. joel falcon: Hu5 _ I think Youtube might be trying to tell you something
  983. Uhm Ok Fuck You And Your Respect: Lmaooo
  984. DevientStart: Picture me lookin like WALL-E headass
  985. Exant: PICture
  986. yahawa's warrior: Reasons why aliens wont kidnap us:
  987. MACK: HypedTrackz *slap god
  988. Shadow Heartless: Picture picture picture... And yea. That made me want to quit rap.. 😂😂😂
  989. Lil jimbob: picture that *CLAP*
  990. Jimmy Benyoucef: 0:44 camel clutch bitch!
  991. Joseph Alberici: Yes it is u fuck
  992. Yourz Truly Fashion Guru: *C L A P*
  993. MARSHALL CS 1.6 HACK: When the joke was a success
  994. 2minuss: Sean Boyle very great comment
  995. rDnhey: Gatman and robbin
  996. YoDeh!: This video had me dying xD
  997. intL Bloodshot: This funny as hell
  998. ic3 g00n: Bruh this Should b viral Only meme Vid that act. made me Laugh Lmao
  999. Amirul Mirul: Mannn i laughed so hard i just turned into 21 savage
  1000. EminemVEVO 0: Ear rape god
  1001. Theteebeutler: it escalated and deescalated so quickly xD
  1002. R8-TV: The freakin thumbnail alone made me lol so hard 😂😂
  1003. Dandy Lionzz: As soon as it replayed the clap I was like " this is gonna be great 😂😂 "
  1005. Mary Logan Kelley: hey
  1006. Supreme Oof: *CLA P*
  1007. TheElemental Dj: fapgod
  1008. Adil Kaleem: 0:27 oh god I feel a migraine coming on
  1009. Javier: Clap God, Clap God
  1011. Joseph Nottingham: when u get hie as fuck on saints row
  1012. Lucas Galvin: Rap god but every syllable is "Eminem spits 50 cent verse but every picture the picture gets worse" Make this a thing
  1013. cameron is trash: picture
  1014. Anthony Lopez: Pitcha
  1015. TERRELL TURNER: cringe
  1016. Gangsta Loaded Eret lool yůr face: pitcher with a high pitch
  1017. Greg rose: This is not funny
  1018. JORDANIAN: 0:44
  1019. DIRU lowks: STOP
  1020. MEGAWEST: im dead
  1021. Hu5 _: joel falcon (((:
  1022. Liam Farrell: I'm being to feel like a Clap God.
  1023. JTH2: why would a 50 verse wanna make him quite like he's sight but not done and that was funny af
  1024. James Iron: It's such a horrible verse though.
  1025. Drew Whitten: That last clap💀
  1026. treesap: More people need to see this
  1027. Che Che: Arthur this isnt weed
  1028. Jack Salonsky: Don't make this man a joke
  1029. VALMER LYNN: 50 can get them hands *P I C T U R E T H A T*
  1030. Steven The impaler: Lmaooooo 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  1031. DIYDamian: Is this really 50 though
  1032. TheBest BETS: picture the picture getting even worse
  1033. no: 0:33 **CLAP**
  1034. Saucede: Wtf are all theese comments with one word in it getting thousands of likes. Why is this a thing now.
  1035. Thom Gooding: hahhaha fucking el
  1036. aiaiai: went from eminem to **THIS IS 50**
  1037. Xander 0114: I love it...
  1038. G: How to clap like that very clear
  1039. Vault Boy: pitcha that
  1040. lewis: Eminem slowly turns into a zika baby
  1041. Get Rekt: the claps edit had me rolling on the floor LMAOOO
  1042. Explicit: best quality
  1043. A.R. Smith: CLAP GOD
  1044. Cye Monkey: That made me want to stop existing, for like a long time.
  1045. ChrispyTV: I'm beginning to feel like a clap god
  1046. Katie S.: I'm creasing, the claps ffs
  1047. LouiTheIII LORDDOGE: subbed
  1048. Cole Atwood: This is the verse that made me wanna stop rapping
  1049. ultimate kars: Picture me clap again 😂
  1050. Awesome Web1: Go to 00:31, thank me later 😂
  1051. Theteebeutler: it escalated and deescalated so quickly xD
  1052. slimshady: I'm beginning to feel like a clap god..clap god..
  1053. Slim Stan: :D :D nice
  1054. johnny_schwifty.soundcloud: god bless the internet... 😂
  1055. Kami: If this was original video people would think that, Em thinks that verse was garbage....
  1056. Mr. Hasin: Deadass
  1057. Kyle Wells: *claps*
  1058. Mazder_: Rap is Club music, that's why the beats are cool and not the lyrics, because when you are that high/drunk that's all that you can remember. also, through the shit speakers they use you can hear a voice, that's fucking it. why tell a deep story when you can't even hear it at the place you are going to find it first?
  1059. Apollo 13: Still better than the new "rap"
  1060. CHRO NIC: C L A S P
  1061. Agiestwn: This is 50
  1062. benny roose: now thats fuckin funny
  1063. Polickital: Your remixes give me l i f e
  1064. jojojorisjhjosef: The last one was to be expected.
  1065. Yamoshi 100: Much drank and yo chill gotta do a collab😂😂🌞
  1066. slim shady: Why :D
  1067. Julian Plays: 1:3
  1068. Rabbi Benyamin Kauffmann: So Eminem became a ginger. okay then lol
  1069. Jordan Playz: lol the clap
  1070. PookieChips: Lol I love dis
  1071. Kuban Lxnk 100: IM DYIN
  1072. Shaian: im pactuhing it
  1073. Vincent Smith: Rexxo same I was not expecting that lol
  1074. XIV: *THIS IS 50*
  1075. PAAJ: Cashnastygaming
  1076. killhaylee: Fire Pit auto*
  1077. Wayneda Wakeup: this video is gold
  1078. GasityTV: Picture me in a picture of a perfect picture
  1079. StealthShooter: i like his beard
  1080. Mary Benson: 😭😭😭😭
  1081. BrokenGod Ent.: top 10 Eminems Eminem was too afraid to Eminem
  1082. Lil Fishy: R/woosh here
  1083. JT: its the fucking clapss... im done
  1084. Somran domasian: Sound like that rapper from GTA:SA
  1085. Maor: hahaha thats a good meme my BOI
  1086. J R B: The way you can sill make out his arms crossing 😂
  1087. The Pitch: I love the clapping
  1088. examanemia: yep, time to go sleep
  1089. Tashi Lyrics: That clap sounds exactly like when I once slapped someone with my barefoot on his face
  1090. xXJGP04Xx: 👏🏻
  1091. Jason Prine Jason2savage: so dank jeesus
  1092. Rohit Madhan: Slap
  1093. Litty Simmy: *P I C T C H A*
  1094. Lil Towny: Nice one good job thanks great one
  1095. Son Goku: 😂😂😂
  1096. Ian Schroeder: im so fucking deadddd
  1097. Paulo Oliveira: mann I thought the same thing as I watched this exact video on 50 Instagram hahahaha very funny, long live em!
  1098. MAUR ICE: It's Hugh Jackman.
  1099. Harambe Is bae: Why does everything have to be a damn meme?
  1100. XXL Videos: Congrats for 666
  1101. MarshFN ツ: Did I actually laugh at this vid lol 😂
  1103. yo moms: rofl
  1104. A53rr420: *P i c t u r e*
  1105. baconeggcheeseandarizona: *P I C T U R E M E*
  1106. Alexander Hamilton: *C L A P*
  1107. Erica Burrell: 0:24 is when i died of laughter.
  1108. marston LAFLAME: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk mano eu morri
  1109. Tom Paupe: How could this get so many dislikes I fucking laughed my penis off
  1110. James Wyckoff: Man, i haven't laughed this hard in a while!!
  1111. Rich Hasley: Its a clone run
  1112. weezee 816: MY EYES THEY BURNNNNNN!!!
  1113. x_kullua: Why do you look like aiden fucking pierce
  1114. Jordan Playz: LOL
  1115. Grozx: What does this effect called ?
  1116. Ron Edward: WTF? Why wad this video even made?
  1117. haha: Pictcha
  1118. m1ke2001: I can see why that made him want to stop rapping. Love eminem but hearing him rap that was death to my ears
  1119. Brandon Blaylock: I somehow knew that last clap was coming lol
  1120. Michael K: My sense of humor
  1121. Jayoo Plays: Pitcha
  1122. rich whiteboii: These guys think 🤔 there only ones who knews how editing or cgi works
  1123. Chason Sykes: i laughed a lot harder than i thought i would 😂
  1124. Kevin Guan: Whats this distortion effect called?
  1125. Bobby Smegma: picture PICTURE *PICTURE* *pÏçTüRë* *404 Word Not Found*
  1126. yuvv: This is a classic
  1127. Naruto Uzumaki: P I C T U R E
  1128. Ranbir Dhillon: Why does this have dislikes? The video is exactly what the title describes.
  1129. Silver Shitposts: art
  1130. mark vargas: This guy sucks or it was just this rapping her did
  1131. john doe: this ain’t Eminem it’s skittle
  1132. God iz Gangsta: I keep coming back to see this video😅😂😂
  1133. Pro Pro: Why does it make him wanna quit rap!?
  1135. Thrxsh: "Pitcha dat" *clap intensifies*
  1137. some shitty ukulele cover: WAIT WHAT THAT'S EMINEM?!
  1138. xOliviaMaex: best one yet 10/10 can’t stop watching
  1139. WetWillyAids69: This is what love is made out of
  1140. frank the skater: *THIS IS 50*
  1141. Oliver Alvarez: his hands get me everytime
  1142. Triston Herrera: Cringe warning
  1143. Luke wahl: Miska Mäkinen if this is what people consider funny comedy has devolved lmao
  1144. Vincent Smith: StudioLateNight DUUDE
  1145. Mrmo: This is gold lol
  1146. Lord Dank: Where the claps started where it all started
  1147. iso miki: thank you for making me laugh hahahaha
  1148. Papa John: thank god I found this channel
  1149. ofira aviv: 0:43 perfect ass slap
  1150. Lolli: He looks disgusting with a beard
  1151. FroYoBros: Half the views on this shit are from me
  1152. iLove WontonSoup: *T H I S I S 5 0*
  1153. Melvino Bambino: Only real men watch this at 144p
  1154. Eb Trax: The claps literally killed me
  1155. Ed win: HOT ASS BEAT 0:33
  1156. EGGBIRD TOAST: Why isnt m&m red and round and chocolate
  1157. Kermit the frog: * P I C T U R E *
  1158. Yamaha Life: Idk why but this made me laugh so hard...even had a giggle when I read the description 😂
  1159. Tertan Larfa: S M A C K
  1160. amirhmem. 180: Everytime he clapped I lost it
  1161. jeyinem: Eminem memes are rare to find
  1162. Lucas R-W: the very last clap at the end almost made me spit my drink out
  1163. Sassy The Sasquatch: the gain increases*******
  1164. Drini Nokaj: Clap
  1165. denis stoff: That is Eminem you dumbfuck he grew a beard
  1166. Zigziggy 12: T H I S I S 5 0
  1167. OckelFrorth: LMFAOO the clap at the end
  1168. Joe Budden's Babymama: T H I S 5 0
  1169. Ondřej Machovský: GOAT CHANNEL
  1170. Adrian Sanchez: excellent shitpost
  1171. Sway Impact: Clap God, this is funny af 😂
  1172. ryan belt: I'm beginning to feel like a clap god
  1173. Thales 06: I guess they never miss huh?
  1174. WISE0'7: omg eminem have bearddd
  1175. Shadyshadie: Says the one without a picture, lol i bet you're not too better looking yourself. Pathetic troll, get a life.
  1176. Pot Paradise: "So yeah. That made me want to stop rapping for a long time" fucking eminem just roasted 50😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  1177. Amjad Ali: Best moment: P I C T U R E T H A T *CLAP*
  1178. JP: Why is he in his moms basement
  1179. BSB: picture a perfect picture picture me in a pimp hat picture me startin shit picture me bustin my gat picture me havin a voice crack
  1181. Sackings: That Redman hoodie tho
  1182. Cruise: I swear if he claps one more time
  1183. Tim Taylor: Cuz I'm beginning to feel like a clap god clap god
  1184. Cameron Tarantino: *picture me clapping*
  1185. Yung Jova: 0:24 i died lmaoo *why did it get louder lmao*
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Eminem spits 50 Cent verse but everytime he says picture the picture gets worse

36,183 Likes36,183 Dislikes
1,119,227 views views1,060,826 followers
Entertainment Upload TimePublished on 9 Jul 2017

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